If it fits in my daily calories...



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't consider pizza unhealthy, but a lot of people seem to think that while bread, tomato sauce, cheese, some vegetables and a meat might be ok, once you put them together and call it a pizza, it's demon-food. :laugh:

    But for me, pizza is my cheap and lazy meal, and is typically a frozen rising crust DiGiorno or Frechetta (can't really beat $5 for two people, without a pile of dirty dishes) ... so not really a health-conscious choice. But my typical dinners are around 700-1000 calories anyway, so half a pizza fits in that range perfectly. The sodium is the only "bad" thing about it, and since I have good blood pressure, don't wig out over a pound or two weight fluctuation, drink about 96oz a day and sweat like a fiend when I exercise, sodium doesn't scare me.

    My problem with pizza (from a restaurant/pizza place) is that I have no control. Put a small, medium or large in front of me and I WILL eat every bite. So I only have once every few months.

    But if it's something you can enjoy in moderation, you absolutely should! I don't have the same problem with my homemade pizzas, thankfully. A pita, some olive oil, goat cheese, garlic, onion and tomato broiled in the toaster oven is divine.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I have been fat a very long time. I have "dieted" many many many many times. I wouldn't let myself have those things that I like. No matter the REASON for me liking them, I like them. Since I did not allow room for them, I would get 10 lbs into it and get hangry and quit. I was still fat. This time, I am doing it differently. I am learning how to have my cake and eat it too. My labs have gone from "bad" to perfect. I am the smallest I have been since middle school. You know what I dont like? Kale. So, I dont eat it. I like burgers. I like fries. I like cupcakes. I had a cupcake last night. I made them with my daughter. She and I both really enjoyed them. Try and tell me I cant have a cupcake, I may just have to make a really really big one and proceed to bury a person in it.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    I eat pretty healthily but not necessarily "Clean" or commendably --I eat what I want, within reason, which includes SKY HIGH carbs some days..loads of saturated fat other days (String cheese addiction)...or 1000+ calories of assorted snacks (popcorn, hummus and carrots, cottage cheese, etc)...usually all "healthy" but honestly I think DEPRIVATION is likely to cause more harm than good if excessively strict.

  • Margentine
    Margentine Posts: 113 Member
    America's Blue Blood Royalty

  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    But my Dr. says I'm so healthy...I just don't understand :cry:
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I have learned that the word "cheat" does not apply to anything that I'm doing on my "getting healthy journey". I started counting calories, now I pay more attention to the macros and don't mind going over on fiber and protein (I also watch sodium because we do *gasp* eat out at times). I'm also getting more veggies in my diet and will work on fruit as well.

    But this is a lifestyle change and I know I would not be successful if I gave up my favorite foods. Yes, I've learned to remake my faves in a healthier way (turkey tostadas with avocado--2 of them--for around 500 calories, or meatball subs with turkey meatballs for under 500 calories, and Turkey Quinoa Meatloaf made in a muffin pan for under 100 calories per muffin--www.allrecipes.com). And I'm not depriving myself. My hubby even jokes that I "make" him eat this "diet" food and he loves it!!!

    If I didn't allow myself a day at McDonalds, or a breakfast at Baker's Square during the week/weekend I would be completely burnt out with working full time out of the home, doing 100% of the grocery shopping, cooking 95% of our meals (thank God it's grilling season), prepping 100% of our meals, dropping off and picking up hubby from train and kids from childcare, and trying to work out 2-4 days a week I would lose my mind!!!!! So I need sustainability, healthy and to see progress. And I'm down more than 32 lbs (I get my scale back on Easter since I gave it up for Lent).
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I think Matt Ogus, who is a professional natural bodybuilder, says it best in his youtube video regarding poptarts. Paraphrasing, "I eat whatever I want. Not as much as I want, but whatever I want."

    There is a big difference here. You can enjoy food. You have to make sure you are staying under calorie limits and getting proper macronutrients.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I think a part of becoming a healthier person is developing a healthy relationship with food. You should not be offended by food because it is simply food. If you have that strong of a reaction to any food you are not there yet and still have some work to do. Once we stop having such emotional attachments to our foods we will stop the insentient benging and uncontrollable eating frenzies, that is what I warn from.
    Although yes diet is a bigger factor than exercise in the results, every person does have different goals. Take me for instance, in order to reach my goals I chose to to fast 24 following the ESE method one day, eat clean except for a 1/2 cup milk in my morning coffee for 4 days with a caloric deficit, then eat at maintenance leisurely (what ever I feel like) and yes that does include burgers, onion rings, and fries at times for the weekend and focus on not going over my calories. I have a ridged exercise routine that we will not get in to.

    My message to the OP is to start working on severing the emotional ties you has with food whether it is extreme or offense.
    For me I do use food in socializing, I happen to cook very well and my family enjoys our weekends when they get to have me enjoy the foods they crave with them. I also do enjoy the foods (food is good and I love feeding my body), but I am happier when I enjoy these foods that are labeled here as unhealthy with the ones I love!!!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I don't know anyone who eats clean 100% of the time. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to eat WELL MOST of the time.

    The "omg dont judge otha pplz" comments are coming from people who don't/won't/can't eat healthier. Look at the post "can I eat Burger King for breakfast" - Literally everyone in that thread says "go for it!!".

    Sadly, this is not a site for people who want to eat healthier, it's dominated by people who eat 1200 calories worth of junk food who still lose weight.

    You're right! Losing weight is stupid! What are we thinking?!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    People asked why it bothers me... after reading through this thread, I have found my answer. It bothers me because its loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol and who knows what else. If I never ate another burger in my life, I would be okay with that. Everyone is different. My topic was not "EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW WHAT I DO" It was my opinion. and I am pretty darn happy with the turn out.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    If you don't want comments from people on what you eat, then why are you posting it on a public website?

    Since you ask, for the awesome features and awesome database. Because I can easily build my own recipes and not have to enter each ingredient separately every single time I make it. For the "Copy from Yesterday" feature. Because I can use it easily on my Android phone and iPad. There's easily a dozen good reasons that don't include being told what I eat doesn't meet your standards.

    My diary is private for this reason: I don't care what you think of what I eat. Judgmental I can get from my family; I don't need it from a calorie database website.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    If you reach in front of me and try to take away the cupcake I ate last night, or the wine I have most nights, or the chocolate i refuse to give up, or the ice cream that I like to indulge in, or the chicken strips that I inevitabley have once a week, or my burger and fries Fridays I will rip off your arm and beat you with the bloody stump . . . I protect these things like family.

    PS - I have been very successful.

    LOL. You made my day!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    In my opinion, it must be nice to be able to afford to eat clean 100% of the time. That's a luxury I don't have. I make minimum wage. I do the best I can, I have learned many little tips for making my dollar go further in terms of quality food, but sometimes if I have to eat 2 dollar cheese burgers or a lean cuisine to keep the lights on, then so be it. You can't judge if you dont know everyone's situations. My broke *kitten* also pirated every beachbody program that I have, so come throw stones at me for that too lol.

    ^ THIS!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    People asked why it bothers me... after reading through this thread, I have found my answer. It bothers me because its loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol and who knows what else. If I never ate another burger in my life, I would be okay with that. Everyone is different. My topic was not "EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW WHAT I DO" It was my opinion. and I am pretty darn happy with with turn out.

    and that is AWESOME that you are happy with what works for you and at the same time on the opposite side of that spectrum, it is also awesome that what I do works for me and what I do is not loaded with fat or sodium, rather if it fits in my calories and macros, it still works, because I'm still a size 2 with less body fat than last year when I was "skinny fat" and it is still my business.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    You're right! Losing weight is stupid! What are we thinking?!

    You were probably thinking, "I love twisting people's words because I disagree with them!"
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    People asked why it bothers me... after reading through this thread, I have found my answer. It bothers me because its loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol and who knows what else. If I never ate another burger in my life, I would be okay with that. Everyone is different. My topic was not "EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW WHAT I DO" It was my opinion. and I am pretty darn happy with the turn out.

    So, basically, it bothers you when people eat foods that you aren't interested in eating.

    Interesting ...
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I have been fat a very long time. I have "dieted" many many many many times. I wouldn't let myself have those things that I like. No matter the REASON for me liking them, I like them. Since I did not allow room for them, I would get 10 lbs into it and get hangry and quit. I was still fat. This time, I am doing it differently. I am learning how to have my cake and eat it too. My labs have gone from "bad" to perfect. I am the smallest I have been since middle school. You know what I dont like? Kale. So, I dont eat it. I like burgers. I like fries. I like cupcakes. I had a cupcake last night. I made them with my daughter. She and I both really enjoyed them. Try and tell me I cant have a cupcake, I may just have to make a really really big one and proceed to bury a person in it.

    Well said. Yesterday was a co-worker's birthday and there were cupcakes. I didn't have one because I had already eaten too much earlier, but if I hadn't I certainly would have had one of them. It's all about moderation and knowing what will and won't fit into your daily goals. I didn't get fat from eating M&M's and McDonald's french fries...I got fat from eating pounds of M&M's and super sized orders of McDonald's french fries.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    I agree with the OP to an extent. I can see the logic for an occasional indulgence- if you simply have to have it, make it fit your calories, and it isn't so bad. But to justify long-term unhealthy eating so long as you don't go over your calories is delusional, to an extent. You'll still lose weight, but you won't feel as well as you could, and simply lowering your caloric intake doesn't make you healthy.
    There's a person I'm friends with on here with that perspective and it drives me nuts. If you want to lose large amounts of weight, eating fast food and drinking sodas every day is not a good way to get there. You may be able to do it, I'm not saying it's impossible... but you're really not doing yourself any favors.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Agreed. I can see the logic for an occasional indulgence- if you simply have to have it, make it fit your calories, and it isn't so bad. But to justify long-term unhealthy eating so long as you don't go over your calories is delusional, to an extent. You'll still lose weight, but you won't feel as well as you could, and simply lowering your caloric intake doesn't make you healthy.
    There's a person I'm friends with on here with that perspective and it drives me nuts. If you want to lose large amounts of weight, eating fast food and drinking sodas every day is not a good way to get there. You may be able to do it, I'm not saying it's impossible... but you're really not doing yourself any favors.

    if it drives you nuts, DELETE said person..... problem solved.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Bet you wish you'd never started this! Admittedly I eat less take away than I used to and smaller quantities when I do, but have I given it up? NO! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet for me. I stay with in my macros 95 percent of the time and I deserve a treat the other 5% or else I'd be miserable. The result boom, -51lbs... I'm glad my 'friends' are not so judgemental. If they were I'd delete them. Its not to say I don't love clean eating, I do... 95% of the time... On the other 5% if I want a treat and it fits in my calories or even if it doesn't I have one! Try and grill me for it...