If it fits in my daily calories...



  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    Agreed. I can see the logic for an occasional indulgence- if you simply have to have it, make it fit your calories, and it isn't so bad. But to justify long-term unhealthy eating so long as you don't go over your calories is delusional, to an extent. You'll still lose weight, but you won't feel as well as you could, and simply lowering your caloric intake doesn't make you healthy.
    There's a person I'm friends with on here with that perspective and it drives me nuts. If you want to lose large amounts of weight, eating fast food and drinking sodas every day is not a good way to get there. You may be able to do it, I'm not saying it's impossible... but you're really not doing yourself any favors.

    if it drives you nuts, DELETE said person..... problem solved.

    Not so simple when you know them IRL. They know where I stand and we agree to disagree on that, but I still support her efforts. I just strongly feel she could be doing better. But as a lot of people in this thread have said, her perspective is that she can change the amounts she eats and get where she wants rather than not being able to eat the way she likes. /shrug. So we agree to disagree.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    If you're going to eat a burger....make it a REAL burger, not some skimpyassed cardboard POS. And plan for it...like me

  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    I have a friend who is trying to lose weight. He's working out with my husband and is actually doing very well. When he first signed up at our gym, most of his meals were made up of fast food and eating out. I think he only had a "home cooked" meal like once a week. Anyway, when he started working out we got him to start eating a little healthier, but told him to ween himself off of the fast food. He's eaten it for so long that I honestly think that his body would go into shock if he cut cold turkey. A lifestyle change is a process. If the people are seeing results, who cares what they are eating. It's not going into my body, so I don't care as much.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    People asked why it bothers me... after reading through this thread, I have found my answer. It bothers me because its loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol and who knows what else. If I never ate another burger in my life, I would be okay with that. Everyone is different. My topic was not "EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW WHAT I DO" It was my opinion. and I am pretty darn happy with the turn out.

    That sill doesn't explain WHY it bothers you. So what if someone else wants to eay fat, sodium and cholesterol? They aren't forcing it down your throat. I couldn't care less what someone else does with their life or their body unless it's someone I care about and even then I wouldn't bash them around the head with whatever it is.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    You're right! Losing weight is stupid! What are we thinking?!

    You were probably thinking, "I love twisting people's words because I disagree with them!"

    Mmmm nooooo ... that's not it.

    (Here's a hint: telling people that are losing weight while still eating food they enjoy, at a reasonable portion, they aren't making healthy decisions? Wrong. Because weight loss in and of itself is making them healthier. Add in the fact that they are also likely doing multiple days a week of cardio? Healthier, still.)
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Agreed. I can see the logic for an occasional indulgence- if you simply have to have it, make it fit your calories, and it isn't so bad. But to justify long-term unhealthy eating so long as you don't go over your calories is delusional, to an extent. You'll still lose weight, but you won't feel as well as you could, and simply lowering your caloric intake doesn't make you healthy.
    There's a person I'm friends with on here with that perspective and it drives me nuts. If you want to lose large amounts of weight, eating fast food and drinking sodas every day is not a good way to get there. You may be able to do it, I'm not saying it's impossible... but you're really not doing yourself any favors.

    if it drives you nuts, DELETE said person..... problem solved.

    Not so simple when you know them IRL. They know where I stand and we agree to disagree on that, but I still support her efforts. I just strongly feel she could be doing better. But as a lot of people in this thread have said, her perspective is that she can change the amounts she eats and get where she wants rather than not being able to eat the way she likes. /shrug. So we agree to disagree.

    at least you gals can agree to disagree on the matter.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    If you're going to eat a burger....make it a REAL burger, not some skimpyassed cardboard POS. And plan for it...like me


  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I lost 30lbs my first go around on MFP ... and I lost that 30lbs eating NOTHING but junk food. I'm sorry but you CAN lose weight eating junk, as long as you're in your calorie goal.

    This time around I'm trying to be healthier but that's my choice. People can lose the weight eating nothing but junk. I know. I did it.

    Burgers. Pizza. Ice Cream... cookies, cake... that was my diet... and let me tell you it is HARD to feel full on that diet but I still stuck with it and lost my first 30. :)

    Today I make an effort to choose healthier foods but I still 'budget' my calories to include a 'treat' everyday. YES. Everyday. Either a muffin, a cupcake, a cookie or a soda (I don't do diet soda so I have to budget my sodas). That one little treat keeps me going as I have a sweet tooth the size of Canada and let's face it... healthy foods aren't all that sweet.

    Those of you who are choosing to lose weight while eating junk - You can lose the weight. But I assure you, as someone who's done both methods of weight loss (healthier foods vs. junk foods), the healthier stuff WILL make you feel fuller for longer. :)
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me but it every time I read someone posting something about how that 400 calorie Double Cheeseburger or Bucket of fried food fits into my daily calories, so I'm going to eat it!!. It is one thing if it's a special occasion but if this is a daily or weekly occurrence, you are only lying to yourself and making it that much harder to get to that goal you've been reaching for. Calories aren't the enemy, it is what those calories are made up with that count.

    There's a 400 calorie double cheeseburger? This is news to me! Please direct me to this miracle food...
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    I think it may bother you because your trying to get healthy and you want others to do the same. I don't think it's horrible if someone goes out and has a crave meal or cheat day but I personally feel better when I eat healthy foods. I still have chocolate every day I just make sure it's not super junky or high in calories. And I also usually have a cheat meal or crave day once a week but I've never been a fan of a lot of fast food.

    I agree. I have a daily bag of popcorn and/or some dried fruit. I also eat frozen pizzas once or twice a week, and I eat out at a Mexican restaurant once a week and I don't hold back :p
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    Mmmm nooooo ... that's not it.

    (Here's a hint: telling people that are losing weight while still eating food they enjoy, at a reasonable portion, they aren't making healthy decisions? Wrong. Because weight loss in and of itself is making them healthier. Add in the fact that they are also likely doing multiple days a week of cardio? Healthier, still.)

    There's more to health than pounds on a scale.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    People asked why it bothers me... after reading through this thread, I have found my answer. It bothers me because its loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol and who knows what else. If I never ate another burger in my life, I would be okay with that. Everyone is different. My topic was not "EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW WHAT I DO" It was my opinion. and I am pretty darn happy with the turn out.

    Do you want a medal?

    Seriously. You're coming off as very pretentious and "holier than thou" right now. This is why people have had such a negative reaction to you sofar.

    Stop being so defensive and realize that the rest of us are all grown up now and can make our own decisions. If you never want to eat a burger again, fine. Nobody is forcing you to. I, on the other hand, am going to start eating a cheeseburger at least once per week.
  • Margentine
    Margentine Posts: 113 Member
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    In my opinion, it must be nice to be able to afford to eat clean 100% of the time. That's a luxury I don't have. I make minimum wage. I do the best I can, I have learned many little tips for making my dollar go further in terms of quality food, but sometimes if I have to eat 2 dollar cheese burgers or a lean cuisine to keep the lights on, then so be it. You can't judge if you dont know everyone's situations. My broke *kitten* also pirated every beachbody program that I have, so come throw stones at me for that too lol.

    This was going to be my point. Eating "clean" is very expensive. For some of us: those living paycheck to paycheck or struggling to put ourselves though school, have to eat what we can. If all you have is a buck for lunch, take your butt to McDonalds and eat off the dollar menu. I grew up dirt poor, I know what it is like to be starving and have nothing to eat. I'm thankful that the school I go to now (and the tuition is 54,000 a year I'm not paying) can afford to feed me fresh fruit and veggies and organic things. But after I graduate and am making less per year than my tuition is now, I'll be back to lean cuisines. Also if I freaking want the cake, I'm going to eat the damn cake. Not everyday because I feel all disgusting. My best friend is RIPPED and her diet is abominable by most standards. She's a personal trainer, it's disgusting what she eats... she works it off though (I mean HOURS in the gym) and the doctor says she's healthy. She can scarf down all the chicken nuggets she likes then. Just don't tell your clients to eat like you.

    Don't judge people for their choices. Know that they have different circumstances and lives. Encourage healthy eating, but if that's not sustainable, encourage exercise. And everyone GET REGULAR CHECKUPS!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    People asked why it bothers me... after reading through this thread, I have found my answer. It bothers me because its loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol and who knows what else. If I never ate another burger in my life, I would be okay with that. Everyone is different. My topic was not "EVERYONE MUST FOLLOW WHAT I DO" It was my opinion. and I am pretty darn happy with the turn out.

    Unfortunately, what you said bothered you was OTHER PEOPLE saying "if it fits in my calorie goal, I'll eat it." You most certainly were saying you believed everyone SHOULD "follow what you do." You DIDN'T say it bothered you to EAT those foods, but that it bothered you that OTHER PEOPLE ate them. You opinion is fine--so long as it applies ONLY to you.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    eating a burger and fries if you like it and still staying on track: normal.

    end of story.

    It depends on how many calories that person has for the day mind. If they are on something like 1200 calories, burger and chips will leave very little room for other meals: normal.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    Mmmm nooooo ... that's not it.

    (Here's a hint: telling people that are losing weight while still eating food they enjoy, at a reasonable portion, they aren't making healthy decisions? Wrong. Because weight loss in and of itself is making them healthier. Add in the fact that they are also likely doing multiple days a week of cardio? Healthier, still.)

    There's more to health than pounds on a scale.

    You do realize that most of us spend 90% of our time exercising and eating well right? Why berate someone for having an indulgence that fits perfectly fine in their calorie and macronutrient goals for the day?

    NO one is forcing you to eat a pile of nachos every day, and what we are talking about is not going to Burger King or McDonald's all day long every day and staying under our calorie goals either. Perspective goes a very long way.
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member

    Sadly, this is not a site for people who want to eat healthier, it's dominated by people who eat 1200 calories worth of junk food who still lose weight.

    well then maybe you can start your own website, and call it "My Fitness Elitism" instead?
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    People asked why it bothers me... after reading through this thread, I have found my answer. It bothers me because its loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol and who knows what else.

    Absolute sodium content doesn't matter, as long as you have an appropriate sodium/potassium balance in your body. Let me be clear, when I say it "doesn't matter" I'm not saying 10,000mg of sodium is okay, either. Just that going over the 2,500 daily recommendation is not a big deal as long as your taking in an appropriate amount of potassium...that is if you care about water retention