50+ WOMEN for the month of JUNE



  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My thoughts and prayers are with those going through trials and suffering this week.:brokenheart: :heart: :heart:

    Well we had a busy week. Our 13 year old grandson came for a visit. He is a very sweet boy. Lots of fishing, dog playing, movies and he and grandpa ate lots of food that I did not eat. Austin’s last day here we took him to the local fair. They had fair food topped off with a “funnel cake”. I never saw that before. I did great. I allowed myself one small popcorn and saw a difference in the scale the next day. (not good--Water retention) I went on the Ferris wheel (I don’t like heights so Austin teased me by rocking the seat) I screamed and laughed till my sides hurt. I also went on the Graviton. I think it was fun but I had to look around the room and remind myself that there are little children on this ride and everyone seems to be getting through it so maybe I am not going to die. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Austin and my husband went on the Zipper. This ride is so scary looking for so many reasons and my husband (the king of understatement) did say it went on forever. I am certain that I would have been carried off that one if I had tried it. Upside-down, round and round and the operator looked like a sociopath.:sick: :sick: :sick:
    I am preparing for my surgery Wednesday by getting a pedicure Monday among along with more spiritual things. I won’t be bending my knee for a while so tending to my toes seems like a good idea.
    This group helped me get through the food feast of my grandson’s visit and will help me as I recover from surgery. I continue to lose weight in part due to the inspiration I get from reading your shares.

    You all are great and lets all raise a big full glass of water to cheer us on.:drinker: :drinker:

    Lianne from sunny Fieldbrook:glasses: :glasses:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Sunday morning to all

    I am in "recovery mode"--having spent a very lo-o-o-o-ng day helping a close friend move from an apartment to a much larger townhouse, since her niece has come all the way from Arkansas to Washington to attend college here. Talk about culture shock!! The young woman has also lived in Illinois, and she is a very motivated sharp cookie--is planning to go to med school, and by the way she kept her male 14 year old cousin and his two friends in line during the move, I think she will have NO trouble achieving whatever she sets out to do!!

    Anyway, my poor doggies must have thought I abandoned them forever. Thank goodness for doggie doors--didn't get home until about midnight!!:yawn:

    We worked very hard all day, then my friend took all of us "helpers" to dinner at a buffet restaurant. Unfortunately, this regional chain does not choose to post nutritional info on its website--so I sent them a comment to wake them up!!:laugh: I "guestimated" my calories for that meal, and my activities while working on the move. My weight is up a couple of pounds this morning, but I will attribute that to water retention and move on. I have had this happen before and when I stay on course the next day, my weight re-adjusts back to its former location the next day. It was about time for a zig zag day anyway.:bigsmile:

    Thanks to a late night soak in epsom salts and a couple of Ibuprofen, I woke up this morning feeling pretty good, considering. The biggest problem I have is that when I got home last night, I found that someone helping to unload items being moved had taken the bag containing my walking shoes, shorts and a shirt--items I wore during the day before we went to dinner--out of my car, so that means it is "somewhere" in my friends new home. Guess I will be going back there today after all.

    It did give me justification for NOT going for a walk before church though, so maybe it isn't so bad after all!!!:laugh:

    I may not hit my 4th of July goal, but I expect to be pretty close, and I have come a long way since Easter. I just found another pair of pants that haven't fit in years that now does. :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great Sunday, and keep on drinking :drinker: :drinker: WATER that is!!

    BTW that "metabolism" peach tea that Crystal Light makes is pretty good. The single packs make it easy to doctor up 16-20 oz of water. A little hint, if you are not mixing it in a water bottle and shaking, as they intended: Put some of your water in your glass and a few ice cubes and stir well, or else you can have trouble with it not dissolving completely--which leaves strange green colored splotches on your glass. They may look odd, but the taste is just fine. I like that there is just a touch of caffieine in it, but not enough to effect my sleep. I haven't tried the "energy" version yet--it has a stronger caffeine "jolt" according to the package info.

    I have to skedaddle to get some doggies out side before I leave this morning.

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I guess I’ve been busy – haven’t been on in a few days. Just want to say a quick hello and that I have been to an exercise class almost every day and that felt good. My legs have had it tho – feeling a little achy today and I only mowed the lawn for about 20 minutes. My food choices haven’t been perfect (not one but two pieces of cake yesterday at my niece’s graduation party, but I did not have any bread!:laugh: ), but I have been sticking to my cut-off time of nothing caloric past 9:30 p.m.

    I did want to congratulate Heather on her daughter’s award. :flowerforyou: That’s an especially wonderful award and you are justifiably proud and moved. As a mom, it is just the best!

    Marie, I am so impressed with the bike riding.
    I am trying to muster the energy to go for a walk. Actually, forget the walk – I better get to the store. My husband mowed most of the lawn and is doing the Costco run and he went to the supermarket this morning for breakfast items. We’re missing a few things for dinner and I guess the least I can do is get off my butt and go, especially since my husband is also making dinner.

    Esther, so glad to see you on here!:flowerforyou:

    Patsigirl, great job with the weight loss!! :drinker: Keep it up.

    IKnowICan, welcome to the ladies over 50! :flowerforyou: You’ll be there soon enough. It’s not so bad (I lied, but the alternative is not desirable so we make the best of it :laugh: )

    Susan, I hope your brother is feeling better. We are all hoping and praying for a good result on the biopsy. Waiting is tough.

    My son needs me to wrap his girlfriend’s present ASAP so have to go without finishing reading this thread so sorry I didn’t get to everyone. Hope you’re all having as lovely a week-end as I am. Family is everything.
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :drinker: drinking water and having a small break is it just me or did june go by fast because i thought i was just setting my goal for june and i just relize there is only two days left.today has been a slow day and i have been thinking and maybe i should get moving instead. wow july is almost here. hum. i have been folding and putting away landry waiting for mark to come home from deep sea fishing they are off the boat he than is going to work at 8 tonight. wow. ok everyone have a nice afternoon the sun is out again so i am going out for a walk.. love debbie and family


  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    HI gang,
    Here's a picture of our newest "Island girl"
    Just checking in from very sunny Saipan! The internet is not always reliable here so haven't posted in sometime. I miss you all and it was great to do some catching up on posts.

    Life here is great, if a little hotter than I would wish, and it lovely to spend time w/ the grandaughters. The new one is 6 weeks today and growing well.

    There isn't a good way to check my weight which makes me a little nervous. but I'm trying really hard to be careful about food. It feels like my clothes are also looser, so hopefully I will not have gained any.

    My best all. I'll be back in the middle of July. Diane
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    HI gang,
    Here's a picture of our newest "Island girl"
    Just checking in from very sunny Saipan! The internet is not always reliable here so haven't posted in sometime. I miss you all and it was great to do some catching up on posts.

    Life here is great, if a little hotter than I would wish, and it lovely to spend time w/ the grandaughters. The new one is 6 weeks today and growing well.

    There isn't a good way to check my weight which makes me a little nervous. but I'm trying really hard to be careful about food. It feels like my clothes are also looser, so hopefully I will not have gained any.

    My best all. I'll be back in the middle of July. Diane

    Hi Diane

    Glad to hear from you, your newest grandbaby is gorgeous:love: Take care of yourself, it will be nice to hear about your trip on your return:bigsmile:

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Diane, she's a cutie. Congratulations!
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Yours may be more accurate than mine because of the chest strap constantly monitoring you heart rate. Mine is a watch type, sportline. I have to press and check heart rate very often so it is not as accuarte. I do not chart all of the calories that it shows on a day like yesterday because of this. I dont eat my exercise calories anyway so it really does not matter. Mine does come very close to the machines at the gym most days though. How is your heart rate. Do you get it up like it should be. I notice that my calories are much more the more my heart rate is. When I ride my bike or do yardwork or the elliptical at the gym my heart rate goes the highest. On the treadmill I have to do a lot to get my heart rate high. Yesterday I just wore my watch for those 3 hours and pressed the heart rate every now and then so those numbers are not usual. I hope this helps.

    Thanks for the info...yes I do get my heart rate up in fact sometimes it is higher than it should be so I have to be careful there. Initially I have noticed that when I compare my HRM readout to the machines I have been using (treadmill & stationary bike) the numbers on the machine always registered about twice as much. It sure was an eye opener when I got my HRM

    Thanks again for sharing your info:flowerforyou:

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :smile: I log in every day and read posts daily, but I don't get the time to post very often. I still have 5 children at home and since we homeschool, we take advantage of the summer break to get a lot of projects done. We are well under way with them and have made some good strides. I do appreciate all of you ladies and I realize I need to post more often and interact more for the support I need from you all. I have more to lose and I am going to keep going until I get to my goal. I think I need to make small daily goals and not try to look at the whole picture.
    Debbie: I notice how your ticker is going down. Good job!!
    Well, I must go for now. Until tomorrow....


  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Where is everyone today? Everyone must be out exercising and keeping busy:laugh:

    Another busy day today getting things done around the house but I hope to get in a walk/bike ride if the rain hold up:happy: If not I might have to resort to going on the treadmill. My knee is a little bit better and I am hoping that it continues to improve soon. Went for a massage this morning and that helped somewhat:happy:

    I will have to start thinking about new goals for July since it is just around the corner:laugh:

    Take care:flowerforyou:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    The new grand-baby is precious! Such a cutie patootie.

    Looks like I'll be going on a Daniel Fast this week to flush all the crud out of my system after an ENTIRE weekend of too many calories. I never ate past the full point, or large amounts, but between a family supper, a baby shower, and two church gatherings that were meals I am retaining water AGAIN! Someone told me soaking in Epsom Salts for 20 minutes a day helps, so I'm going to give it a try! My only consultation is I only went over my BMR one day.

    I'm on phase two if the BL Boot Camp and my glutes can SURE feel it! I'll be more than ready for a massage tomorrow.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444

    Sue - what is the Daniel fast??

    Diane - Precious indeed. You're not going to want to come home!!

    I'm insanely busy at work but have to keep a ridiculous pace to get ahead of the game in order to take a couple of extra days off. No one ever covers my desk while i'm away so having a couple of days off is almost not worth it - almost:laugh: the days preceding and following are crazy but hopefully those days in between will be great. I plan to just de-crapify my house and catch up on my sleep.

    Take care everyone

    Talk more later

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :happy: It always amazes me how much better I do with any meal if I slow down, plan the meal out and not just grab something (especially like leftovers from the day before). There are lots of yummy meals out there without having lots of awful calories. Horseradish is sure a boost on a sandwich! Have good day!:flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Sorry! I should have been clearer. A Daniel Fast is nothing but water and vegetables. Lots of folks call it that because of a Bible Story found in Daniel chapter 1.

    I don't do a TRUE Danile fast because I also eat fruit and nuts. But it's what I've learned to do when I've overindulged in rich foods to flush my system.
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Today has been my mental plateau day. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to and eating okay, but my heart's just not into trying today. I wonder if women have a harder time with the blahs.

    The weather here is hot and sunny, around 100 degrees. Everything needs water, including me, so I'm going to go drink some.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Today has been my mental plateau day. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to and eating okay, but my heart's just not into trying today. I wonder if women have a harder time with the blahs.

    The weather here is hot and sunny, around 100 degrees. Everything needs water, including me, so I'm going to go drink some.


    If you mix it with a little something stronger, maybe you won't care so much about the heat:drinker: :laugh:

    Seriously, if the humidity in Georgia is anything like the humidity in St. Louis, I feel your pain. I am from the Pacific Northwest (AKA "Pacific NorthWET." :smile: Our humidity isn't too bad, and for us 90 degrees is considered hot and 100 degrees is HOT!!:devil: and thankfully, rare--not more than 2 or 3 times in a summer and sometimes not at all.

    My experience w/humidity was getting stuck at the St Louis airport in August at about 6 in the morning when it was so humid, you practically dripped as you walked. Having been up all night on a "red eye" flight that was not supposed to land anywhere near St. Louis, I did the only intelligent thing I could think of-- (at the age of 25 "intelligence" is relative :laugh: ).--I found the airport bar and had a tequila sunrise for breakfast!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    It didn't make the heat and humidity go away, but I recall after 2, I didn't much care!!!:laugh:

    The story was designed to make you laugh and maybe feel a little less ""blah."

    Good luck!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sorry! I should have been clearer. A Daniel Fast is nothing but water and vegetables. Lots of folks call it that because of a Bible Story found in Daniel chapter 1.

    I don't do a TRUE Danile fast because I also eat fruit and nuts. But it's what I've learned to do when I've overindulged in rich foods to flush my system.


    The reason Daniel called it a "fast" was because that's what he had to be after all that water and the fiber from those vegetables!!:laugh:

    Seiously, good luck to you. I hope you feel more like your old self soon.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    The reason Daniel called it a "fast" was because that's what he had to be after all that water and the fiber from those vegetables!!:laugh: Barb

    Barb, you CRACK me up! :laugh: