Your views on 'CARBOHYDRATES'



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Lol Love carb wars!!! hehe

    But for me, I will continue to eat my 340 carb avg. a day (with type 2 diabetes) and keep adding my 1 pound a week weight loss to my ticker..... :-)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This entire thread makes my *kitten* itch uncontrollably...
  • Gigilly
    Gigilly Posts: 37 Member

    No. Carbohydrates are NOT essential to life. You couldn't be more wrong on this.

    Source of that info?

    To save you from reading a wall of text, I'll just post a link for your reading enjoyment.

    So... you go to the personal blog of an "expert". I am always sceptical of using one piece of info, besides that if you read the whole article you will see that Mr. MacDonald also states that for survival with no physical effort there is no need for additional carbs, but goes on to say that for physical activity your body cannot produce enough carbs.

    Not bad for someone who got his BS in Physiological Science (BTW Nutrition is not a required subject at UCLA for this degree, which requires a minimum of C average to graduate).

    I am not saying that his theories are not valid but to always question the source of information and if you wish to learn more make it your own project of research. Be aware of soft science and never base your conclusions on one study
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Too many calories, regardless of their source lead to body fat. Carbs are the only source of energy that can be utilized by the brain and by red blood cells. They are absolutely essential to life.

    No. Carbohydrates are NOT essential to life. You couldn't be more wrong on this.

    I second that you couldn't be more wrong. The BEST fuel ever... is FAT! Please read my blog on the BIG Fat Lie! I am on a high fat, protein and mineral lifestyle change. We can ALL live without Carbs - "manmade" but we cannot live healthy without FAT! I have more energy than I've ever had, and I don't take in hardly ANY Carbs.

    I don't eat ANY bread whatsoever! No pasta - at all... no more! No crackers, no processed foods of any kind, no cereals, anything to do with the grain family... it is ALL bad for you. Serves as NO benefits AT ALL!

    I don't count calories, I eat what I want as long as it's real food, and all of it is loaded with FAT! The fat that is good for you comes from, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, animal fat -(LARD)- Omega's ie; fish oils, almond oils!

    Bad fats - Vegetable oils of any kind - margarine - reduced fat, or lites... these are all man-made and in fact are killing us! Do some research, you'll be shocked at what you'll find.

    So far, since January 19th - I've lost 30lbs - eating real foods, and not cutting my healthy fats. I don't eat anything, that says, fat-free, low-fat, or reduced fat... anything that says that... is BAD BAD BAD for you! Stay away. God made fats from animals, nuts, and healthy real foods, are absolutely healthy in every way!

    Real foods: Meats, Poultry, Fish, Nuts, Greens and dark berry fruits... to lose weight, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. When I say carbs... I'm not talking about complex carbs - vegetables and fruits... all healthy if not over cooked.

    Carbs - unhealthy... is ANYTHING coming out of a box, or a freezer which has a LOOOOONG expiry date on it.

    All healthy food sources should be traced back ONCE to it's original source, if you can't trace it back ONCE - don't eat it! But fats, from real foods, are healthy and essential.

    Carbs out of a card board box... not! Also... if you can't get to fresh vegetables, as long as you eat grass fed animals, their liver, heart, etc. and meats with fat... you'll be fine - you'll be healthy!

    I'm completely confused now, you think carbs only come out of foods that ship in a box?

    They apparently also think nuts, fruits and vegetables don't have carbs. Heck, even meat has some carbs. I'm not sure it's possible to eat enough food to live on without getting any carbs at all.

    Well the almonds I ate today did ship in a box so...

    Lmbo... yes yes yes - to some of you, life is a bore and you wish a little fun, that's all cool. My main point, REAL FOOD - that's it. If it's God made, I eat it... If it's MAN MADE I avoid it.

    Complex carbs are GOD made... GOOD!

    Carbs - such as what many love and are addicted to, are man made and is responsible for making us obese in the first place, while giving us diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and a multitude of other diseases.

    Personally, when I eat real food... I feel great, don't gain weight, nor suffer with the above list - I don't count calories, I eat what I love, and not just meat and eggs. I eat loads of nuts, delicious fresh fruits, green leaf vegetables, peppers and herbs, coconut flour and almond flour makes wonderful HEALTHY breads and desserts, so... I miss nothing. PLUS I get to lose weight and stay healthy... it's a win win.

    On that I can certainly agree with you, I prefer my carbs to come from natural sources like you said veggies, fruit, nuts, meat eggs etc...I can't always do it but I try as much as I can :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So carb withdrawal is real? How does the body adapt?

    Yes it is real. The body adapts much the same way as a someone kicking a cocaine habit. Sugar (which is what it turns into) activates the same part of the brain that cocaine does as demonstrated on 60 minutes last week. Much like a drug, sugar is hard to get off of for many.

    Are you referencing this study? And how does this apply to humans?

    Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Lmbo... yes yes yes - to some of you, life is a bore and you wish a little fun, that's all cool. My main point, REAL FOOD - that's it. If it's God made, I eat it... If it's MAN MADE I avoid it.

    Complex carbs are GOD made... GOOD!

    Carbs - such as what many love and are addicted to, are man made and is responsible for making us obese in the first place, while giving us diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and a multitude of other diseases.

    Personally, when I eat real food... I feel great, don't gain weight, nor suffer with the above list - I don't count calories, I eat what I love, and not just meat and eggs. I eat loads of nuts, delicious fresh fruits, green leaf vegetables, peppers and herbs, coconut flour and almond flour makes wonderful HEALTHY breads and desserts, so... I miss nothing. PLUS I get to lose weight and stay healthy... it's a win win.

    Good to hear coconut and almond flour are found in nature, where does one find these flours?

    And are you going to substantiate your claim fats are the "best" source of fuel for humans, or continue to make things up?
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    So carb withdrawal is real? How does the body adapt?

    Yes it is real. The body adapts much the same way as a someone kicking a cocaine habit. Sugar (which is what it turns into) activates the same part of the brain that cocaine does as demonstrated on 60 minutes last week. Much like a drug, sugar is hard to get off of for many.

    so i shouldn't nix the coke and carbs all at once then. ok.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Too many calories, regardless of their source lead to body fat. Carbs are the only source of energy that can be utilized by the brain and by red blood cells. They are absolutely essential to life.

    No. Carbohydrates are NOT essential to life. You couldn't be more wrong on this.

    I second that you couldn't be more wrong. The BEST fuel ever... is FAT! Please read my blog on the BIG Fat Lie! I am on a high fat, protein and mineral lifestyle change. We can ALL live without Carbs - "manmade" but we cannot live healthy without FAT! I have more energy than I've ever had, and I don't take in hardly ANY Carbs.

    I don't eat ANY bread whatsoever! No pasta - at all... no more! No crackers, no processed foods of any kind, no cereals, anything to do with the grain family... it is ALL bad for you. Serves as NO benefits AT ALL!

    I don't count calories, I eat what I want as long as it's real food, and all of it is loaded with FAT! The fat that is good for you comes from, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, animal fat -(LARD)- Omega's ie; fish oils, almond oils!

    Bad fats - Vegetable oils of any kind - margarine - reduced fat, or lites... these are all man-made and in fact are killing us! Do some research, you'll be shocked at what you'll find.

    So far, since January 19th - I've lost 30lbs - eating real foods, and not cutting my healthy fats. I don't eat anything, that says, fat-free, low-fat, or reduced fat... anything that says that... is BAD BAD BAD for you! Stay away. God made fats from animals, nuts, and healthy real foods, are absolutely healthy in every way!

    Real foods: Meats, Poultry, Fish, Nuts, Greens and dark berry fruits... to lose weight, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. When I say carbs... I'm not talking about complex carbs - vegetables and fruits... all healthy if not over cooked.

    Carbs - unhealthy... is ANYTHING coming out of a box, or a freezer which has a LOOOOONG expiry date on it.

    All healthy food sources should be traced back ONCE to it's original source, if you can't trace it back ONCE - don't eat it! But fats, from real foods, are healthy and essential.

    Carbs out of a card board box... not! Also... if you can't get to fresh vegetables, as long as you eat grass fed animals, their liver, heart, etc. and meats with fat... you'll be fine - you'll be healthy!

    I'm completely confused now, you think carbs only come out of foods that ship in a box?

    They apparently also think nuts, fruits and vegetables don't have carbs. Heck, even meat has some carbs. I'm not sure it's possible to eat enough food to live on without getting any carbs at all.

    Well the almonds I ate today did ship in a box so...

    Lmbo... yes yes yes - to some of you, life is a bore and you wish a little fun, that's all cool. My main point, REAL FOOD - that's it. If it's God made, I eat it... If it's MAN MADE I avoid it.

    Complex carbs are GOD made... GOOD!

    Carbs - such as what many love and are addicted to, are man made and is responsible for making us obese in the first place, while giving us diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and a multitude of other diseases.

    Personally, when I eat real food... I feel great, don't gain weight, nor suffer with the above list - I don't count calories, I eat what I love, and not just meat and eggs. I eat loads of nuts, delicious fresh fruits, green leaf vegetables, peppers and herbs, coconut flour and almond flour makes wonderful HEALTHY breads and desserts, so... I miss nothing. PLUS I get to lose weight and stay healthy... it's a win win.

    I think it's wonderful that you found a diet that makes you healthy. I really do. But why post that carbs are bad when you yourself eat carbs. If you mean overly processed or man-made carbs, then just say that. You don't have to get all preachy and start calling the entire garden evil just because of a few bad seeds.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Carbs are not essential for life. Your body can get its required glucose from other sources other than dietary carbs. If they were essential, why is low carb/no carb diets so popular. (Hint, they wouldn't be if they were dangerous.. i.e. essential for life)

    Edit: I love my carbs, and I feel like they help me build more muscle. That's just my anecdotal 2 cents. :)

    I lol'd at this so hard.

    HCG diets are very popular as well but are extremely dangerous.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I used to live next door to some carbohydrates. They never took care of their lawn, and I always heard them screaming and yelling at each other. I'm also pretty sure they killed my dog. I can't prove it, but I just know they did.

    LMAO!!! classic!! <applause>
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    A big component of this disagreement lies in the definition and usage of the word "essential".
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    A big component of this disagreement lies in the definition and usage of the word "essential".

    Agreed... That being said, your abs are an essential part of my general well-being. Essential...
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Me view on Carbohydrates?

    <gollum impression> They are young, they are tender, they are nice! Eat them! EAT THEM!!!</gollum>

    Carbohydrates are nature's ready made energy source and the body knows it. That's why it'll store the extra ones as fat. Just don't eat more than you need and you won't have a problem.

    Yes, one should know the difference between complex and simple carbs and focus on consuming the former rather than the latter.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member

    Great, now I want popcorn!! I love this thread....hehehe
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    This entire thread makes my *kitten* itch uncontrollably...

    I wish I could get a gif or video clip of Gordon Ramsay saying "You're making my sh1t ITCH. And it hasnt come out yet..."
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I eat carbs, and I went from this:
    To this:

    So I have to say that I am a fan of carbs, and fat, and protein. They're all important and all serve a purpose
  • Mkeyes44
    Mkeyes44 Posts: 14
    Lmbo... yes yes yes - to some of you, life is a bore and you wish a little fun, that's all cool. My main point, REAL FOOD - that's it. If it's God made, I eat it... If it's MAN MADE I avoid it.

    Complex carbs are GOD made... GOOD!

    Carbs - such as what many love and are addicted to, are man made and is responsible for making us obese in the first place, while giving us diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and a multitude of other diseases.

    Personally, when I eat real food... I feel great, don't gain weight, nor suffer with the above list - I don't count calories, I eat what I love, and not just meat and eggs. I eat loads of nuts, delicious fresh fruits, green leaf vegetables, peppers and herbs, coconut flour and almond flour makes wonderful HEALTHY breads and desserts, so... I miss nothing. PLUS I get to lose weight and stay healthy... it's a win win.

    Good to hear coconut and almond flour are found in nature, where does one find these flours?

    And are you going to substantiate your claim fats are the "best" source of fuel for humans, or continue to make things up?

    Coconut flour comes from taking the meat of the coconut and grinding it up. Because it's ground down, which I do... from the real coconut... it is real food and I use it to make breads. The same goes for Almond flour. Take almonds, grind them up - but not too much, or you'll get almond butter... which is fine, but if you wishing to bake healthy bread, pulse the almond until it is just find enough to bake it into bread.

    As for me, "making things up concerning fats" - do your research. If you truly care so much about your body, and wish to give it the best you can, find out for yourself. I used to WASTE my TIME giving people facts... but I find, when they search for them on their own TIME for their own BENEFIT... they realize... there is a TRUTH out there.

    Find the TRUTH for yourself... for your health... or... you can continue to be sarcastic and nasty... another trait of eating man-made carbs... it can cause brain damage and nasty dispositions.

    I apologize to all if I came off preachy - I thought we were here to encourage, build up, and share truths about reaching a goal we are all striving for. Good health...

    Ciao... my time is precious... I'm not here to out - smart or out wit - I'm here to share certain truths... don't take my word for it, do your homework...
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I eat carbs, and I went from this:
    To this:

    So I have to say that I am a fan of carbs, and fat, and protein. They're all important and all serve a purpose

    If carbs will cause me to break out with tattoos, I'm not down
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    so she does eat bread