What is your weakness?



  • LGoeddeJohnson
    LGoeddeJohnson Posts: 2 Member
    My weakness used to be potato chips, particularly Doritos. I just decided when I started this that I was going to be "good" and stay away from the things that tempt me. But you have to allow yourself the foods you love every once in a while. Cutting yourself off completely is a great way to fail. I allow myself one serving of baked chips with my lunch, and that helps fulfill my craving. And sometimes, rarely, I will get myself a small snack-size bag of Doritos and eat them guilt-free. :smile: Knowing how to control portions and keep track of your calories is a step in the right direction! Make sure to log your foods on here and keep yourself accountable for what you eat!
  • My weakness is not really a food. If I don't exercise first thing in the morning, when I get home from the hospital, I am too tired/lazy to drive to the gym and go exercise. But as a medical student, I have to be at the hospital @ 7 am, but it is a nice drive from my place + traffic, which means if I want to be at the gym when it opens @ 5:00 am, I have to get up at 4:00 am. Then I have to go home to shower (I don't want to use a public shower), and make to the hospital on time. But, getting up at 4:00 am has been difficult since sometimes I am up late studying...

    And I am still having difficulty with this. Sometimes, I just feel so unmotivated as the hours pass into the night...This is my weakness, any advice?
  • 61TJ
    61TJ Posts: 15
    White wine.....
  • ms_tris
    ms_tris Posts: 82 Member
    Beer!!!! Then carby, bready sweets like cake....then wine? Margaritas? I have definitely "drank" myself to where I am more than I have eaten myself here.
  • geetabean
    geetabean Posts: 76
    I don't really crave anything specific.

    My problem is that I love food.....all of it.

    And left unchecked I will eat ALL of it.

    The whole bag of Doritos, the entire container of Ben and Jerry's, 4 sushi rolls.

    I do like the above items mucho.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Chips. Mmmmmmm!
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    pretty much anything with chocolate. I have just learned to give myself a treat every now and then, or have a small treat (like sugar free chocolate pudding). Or chocolate milk with the dark chocolarte syrup...more chocolatey, and delicious! Sometimes I crave greasy BBQ potato chips. I very very rarely indulge in these, and I buy the single portions, not a huge bag! Alsol, a big bowl of mac and cheese, or creamy alfredo!! Pasta is great! So i try to make just one portion when my cal budget allows, so I don't over indulge!

    You practice moderation? Oh my god! Surely you must be sabotaging yourself. :p
  • Naely
    Naely Posts: 21 Member
    Soda pop, and almost anything containing chocolate.
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