A poll: Thoughts on tattoos on women...



  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    They are ugly with a strapless wedding dress.

    i think they are fu@king RAD with a strapless wedding dress.
  • Psychoanalytic
    They are ugly with a strapless wedding dress.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My wedding dress matched my chest piece ;)

    Job wise, I'm an administrator for a major arena. I'm covered in tattoos and they don't care, so long as when an event comes along that I have to work, I dress professionally, whether the tattoos show or not. I'm also an EMT. Some services require me to cover my tattoos, some don't. We're finally reaching the day where employers are looking past body art and sticking to how a person carries themselves with attitude and accountability.
    I'll also be the first to tell you that grandma really doesn't care what you look like so long as you're keeping her husband's heart beating ;)
  • cassietn
    cassietn Posts: 48
    I love tattoos on anyone aslong as they're not offensive or trashy. I have a couple (not anywhere visable because of my job) and I love them :) and also boys with tattoos.... mmmmm.... :)
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    As long as they're tasteful and not excessive, they can be a beautiful work of art. My thought is think before you get tatted up. Will the tats affect your occupational goals? Do you really want "that" on your body 20, 30, 40 years later?
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Well done tattoos are beautiful whether on a man or a woman. I'm getting a chest piece done in a couple of months, if people judge me, fine, their loss. I don't make assumptions on people from appearence...

    I agree, although people being people will make a quick assumptions on anyone and any attribute.

    I'm not interested in whether the assumption itself is deserved or right, but what the assumption actually is.

    I hear a lot of... i get negative looks - but what does that mean?

    Do those people think you are dirty / aggressive / reckless / alcoholic / a fan of Slayer...???

    I don't want anyone to get grief because of their opinion - I'm honestly just interested to hear it, so speak up! :)

    Personally, where I live I never have any trouble. Most people are interested, ask questions out of curiousity. My job also allows them and I get questions from my clients, so it's a bit of an icebreaker. I've never had negative looks, I have people look but then that's usually followed with questions.

    Some people are surprised by my personality when they come and speak to me, I guess they were inwardly judging me to be a bit aggressive or reckless, like you say, but when they actually speak to you they take a step back because they instantly knew any thought they had of you was wrong.

    I'm quite a follower of fashion so when I am covered up I look 'normal' and people are then surprised to find I have so many tattoos!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I want a sleeve. And I don't care what people say!!!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I hate to comment on threads like this. I get tired of seeing threads asking how women should act and dress and think and eat to get other people's approval.

    But on the other hand... a (good) sleeve on a woman is pretty hot.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I think it really depends where you are, where you work, and where you want to work. Anyone that I work with can not have any visible tattoos. There is one girl that if she wants to wear short sleeves, she has to wear an ace bandage covering her lower arm. For those reasons, for me, getting a tattoo anyplace that would show out of my normal clothing is a no-go. I would feel ridiculous with an ace bandage on my arm. If a sleeve tattoo fits in with the types of jobs and locations that you think you would like to be, go for it. If you are questioning what your future holds or where you want to go, you might want to hold off.
  • RachelVerthein
    as long as they are not trashy looking. I have four tattoos all of which are meaningful to me. I would love to have more. I think as long as they are done classy and dont look like jail tattoos and are meaningful to the person it's awesome.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    And just to be clear, I am talking beautifully-crafted tattoos by artists.

    I am interested in hearing what people think about a full-sleeve tattoo on a girl.

    Does the stigma still exist?

    What assumptions would you make about a lady with full-sleeve?

    Over to you...

    That it hurt like hell!! Everytime I see ANY tattoos all I think is ooowwweeyyyyy!!!! (I have 2 on my collarbones..)

    This, all the way. I am currently healing a large piece on my lower stomach/hip and I am in way (!!!!!) more pain than I anticipated. If I had any available time off, I'd be home from work right now, it's that bad. So I have suddenly developed a HUGE appreciation for someone's badassery if they could handle this kind of pain on their entire arm. (armpit? elbow bend? OWWWW)
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I think they're hot. :) Then again, I could be biased.

    Sadly; however, there is still a stigma around tattoo's. I've been fortunate over the years to have found employers that are "ok" with my tattoo's. When I started with the company I work for now almost 5 years ago, tattoo's had to be covered. They have since relaxed on this policy and unless we are attending a meeting with a customer, we are allowed to show our tattoo's and have facial piercings. Woot!

    I have a tattoo in the middle of my chest and have had more "men" belittle me because of it than anyone. I either ignore them or remind them I got my tattoo's for me, not them. :/
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    It's up to the individual. As long as they can cope with the comments or stares, then more power to them!

    I actually find females with tattoos really attractive. ._.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    Don't like them
    On women OR men
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    I hate to comment on threads like this. I get tired of seeing threads asking how women should act and dress and think and eat to get other people's approval.

    But on the other hand... a (good) sleeve on a woman is pretty hot.

    I can relate to how you feel about these types of threads. I'm pretty tired of the threads on tattoos and boobs, in general. I only responded because I liked how the OP phrased the question.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    The solution for those whose employment precludes them from having one. :happy:

  • knitfastpurlyoung
    knitfastpurlyoung Posts: 102 Member
    The reality is, though, that having visible body modifications will affect one's employment opportunities.
    This depends entirely on what employment you take... ;)
    It affects the opportunities out there, regardless of which path one might pursue.
    I disagree. I work with and have met many people in my industry with visible tattoos.

    I understand though, that in most industries this is the case. Just not all.
    So, if there are industries where one cannot gain employment because of visible body modifications, we agree that one's opportunities are limited -- right?

    Well sure, if you want to throw the net really wide! But, from my point of view, I'm lucky enough to have a career in an industry that is a creative one, and the opportunities in that industry are not going to change because of a tattoo, regardless of size or placement.

    I do understand your point though, and there is always the possibility that the industry I work in may one-day not be there, but firstly I think it is extremely unlikely that that will happen, and secondly if it did, it is very unlikely that I would seek employment in an industry so vastly different to my current one.

    Thank you for raising the point. :)
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    I never thought of myself as conservative, but I don't really care for fulls sleeves on anyone.
    I have one on my foot, so far and am getting another in July. Might get one more before July.

    I just try to think down the road, when you're old and saggy, how will they look then? Definitely not the same as they do on a younger you.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • aweightymatter
    Well done tattoos are beautiful whether on a man or a woman. I'm getting a chest piece done in a couple of months, if people judge me, fine, their loss. I don't make assumptions on people from appearence...

    I agree, although people being people will make a quick assumptions on anyone and any attribute.

    I'm not interested in whether the assumption itself is deserved or right, but what the assumption actually is.

    I hear a lot of... i get negative looks - but what does that mean?

    Do those people think you are dirty / aggressive / reckless / alcoholic / a fan of Slayer...???

    I don't want anyone to get grief because of their opinion - I'm honestly just interested to hear it, so speak up! :)

    I am a female with tattoos AND a fan of Slayer!! So I'm glad I'm at least sending out part of the right message :blushing:

    But yeah, I work in a professional field, make good money, am never judged by my stuff.... I think it's really a moot point these days except perhaps among the oldest and most conservative segments of society, but I don't really come into contact with that too much. The point is to be so kickass at whatever you do that how you look doesn't matter.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Love love love. . . wish my husband loved loved loved :(
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Do it. I would never do it...
    #1...because I am a wuss and my ankle tat killed me.
    #2...I get REALLy hot and could not wear long sleeves to work every day. Visible tat's are frowned upon in the professional world.