A poll: Thoughts on tattoos on women...



  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    As soon as my back piece is done, I'll be doing half a sleeve. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. :)

    Exactly. My entire chest is covered and I have 8 others. I am getting started on my sleeve as well.
    Who cares what anyone thinks of MY body art. I obviously did not tattoo myself for you anyway.
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    I have them (13 and wanting more), I love them BUT it's there forever and needs to be an informed decision remember you will be looking at when your 80+ will you still love it then?

    As far as stigma goes each to their own some love them some hate them you can never please everybody.

    And most important of all it needs to be done by a PROFESSIONAL tattooist. Go for it!
  • SwimTheButterfly
    SwimTheButterfly Posts: 265 Member
  • HarleyQuinn_12
    HarleyQuinn_12 Posts: 363 Member
    I love tats. I honestly think they are super sexy as long as they are done well. Sleeves on men or women are just crazy hot.
    I have 5 small pieces of ink and am seriously considering doing a sleeve on my leg.

    As a woman, I will say, the only way I would get a tat on my upper arm is if it were a sleeve.
    I would never ever do one on my chest. Not my thing.
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    I'm an ATTORNEY and I have a bunch of tattoos. No sleeves, but maybe someday. :) I have a skull covering the top of one foot and I don't cover it at work or in court. I get a lot of "nice tattoo" comments. :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    jrboyles is speaking my mind. Tattoos are completely and utterly disgusting. What's more, I would never hire someone with visible tattoos.

    Thank you for your contribution. Honest opinions are welcome! Would you mind expanding on your point?

    I'm curious as to why a subjective opinion about someone's appearance matters to an employer to that degree, if all other prerequisites for that job are met - qualifications, personality, attitude, presentation and hygiene for example.

    Thank you in advance. :)

    I can tell you for my job, we contract to very large, very conservative countries world-wide. The whole issue is 'how will the client perceive the tat?' To keep that from being an issue when someone has to travel to foreign countries or even just within the country to some of the more conservative companies, we just are not allowed to have them. I have been with this firm for 8 years, none of my clients allowed their employees to have visible tattoos either.

    Interesting. Culturally are the perceptions of tattoos different for different countries do you know? And if so, do you know why?

    I still don't think we have got to the bottom of why someone would consider it "disgusting" as another poster wrote. I understand that someone could have that opinion, but I don't understand what is motivating that opinion.

    I don't know what is different culturally. I do think there may be some cultures where tattoos are more a part of their cultures. I don't know why anyone would think it is disgusting to have a tattoo. I don't have one because I could never pick one that meant enough to me to do. I don't know how they are accepted in England, I don't even want to attempt to give a blanket statement about how they are accepted in the U.S. because it varies within the states and probably even in different parts of the larger cities.
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    I completely disagree. It will not ALWAYS hinder possible oppertunities. Depends where you live/what you do/ and generally WHO is wearing the art.
  • khime1208
    khime1208 Posts: 138
    The reality is, though, that having visible body modifications will affect one's employment opportunities.

    Very true. I have a buddy that is tattooed from his neck to his waist. He is very intelligent and very hard working however he can't seem to get a good job.

    Honestly I was a little taken back by his appearance when I first met him but he changed my perception pretty quickly.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I completely disagree. It will not ALWAYS hinder possible oppertunities. Depends where you live/what you do/ and generally WHO is wearing the art.

    Maybe so but there are a lot of people who hide their tattoos or get them in spots where their employer won't see them. Isn't the point of getting a tattoo to show it off? If you have to hide it then maybe you shouldn't be getting one. I worked with a girl who had gotten a tattoo on the nape of her neck. Her hair was up and I commented on it (it was pretty cool and it was the first time I had ever seen one there). She totally flipped out and immediately put her hair down because she didn't want people to see it.

    I could see if you were a tattoo artist how having a tat would make sense but other than that I can't really think of a job where it wouldn't be frowned upon. And I disagree that it depends on who is wearing it as well. Why should that make a difference?
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    I am interested in hearing what people think about a full-sleeve tattoo on a girl.

    What assumptions would you make about a lady with full-sleeve?

    Personally, I am OK with a tatt or two on a woman as long as it is not a something gory and located in certain places. However, I am not a fan of a full-sleeve on a woman. To me, it is simply unattractive.

    I don't make assumptions about a lady and tatts, even full-sleeve tatts.

    Just for the record, I do not have any tatts, but I plan to get one, possibly 2 after I achieve one of my milestones losing weight. My wife has a very small one on one of her toes.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Isn't the point of getting a tattoo to show it off? If you have to hide it then maybe you shouldn't be getting one.
    Is the point of buying sexy lingerie to show it off in public?
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Tattoo's are wonderful. I will stop strangers on the street to talk about their art. But it has to be good. I love color and have 6 of my own. I had always said I would only get 5 (Ooops :laugh: ) So one of mine is my entire right leg from ankle to top of my thigh, because that only counts as one, lol.

    But I can hide all of mine if I have to look professional. That and they are for me, I love them and can't wait until I get to have more.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Isn't the point of getting a tattoo to show it off? If you have to hide it then maybe you shouldn't be getting one.
    Is the point of buying sexy lingerie to show it off in public?

    I hardly see how that correlates to hiding a tattoo unless you're getting tattoos to show off to your SO?
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    Have you seen _snw_? If you don't think sleeves are hot on women, you clearly haven't seen her.

    She's smokin'

    Too bad about her personality.

    Nothing wrong with her pesonality for me. Damn fine person in my book.
    Funny how it's all the guys saying this...
    You'd think I was fine too if I showcased my 34-DDs!!
    I can outhot _snw_ any day of the week, sans sleeve-tattoos.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Isn't the point of getting a tattoo to show it off? If you have to hide it then maybe you shouldn't be getting one.
    Is the point of buying sexy lingerie to show it off in public?
    I hardly see how that correlates to hiding a tattoo unless you're getting tattoos to show off to your SO?
    Forgive me. I wasn't aware that you had the ability to know the reasoning for everyone's getting tattoos, and that the reason was to show them off. Shame on me.

    Were you born with this ability to read tattooed people's minds, or did you gain it through some kind of accident -- like Spider-man getting bitten by a radioactive spider?
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Isn't the point of getting a tattoo to show it off? If you have to hide it then maybe you shouldn't be getting one.

    I have 11 tattoos, including a quarter sleeve. Most of the time my tattoos are not visible, but it's certainly not because I'm "hiding" them. I think it would be weird to dress to either hide or show off my tattoos. I didn't get inked because I wanted to have it impact my clothing choices.
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    I have a beautiful tattoo on my back and when I reach my goal weight I will be getting another. I don't personally want a full sleeve because there is nothing important enough to me that I would want to cover my whole arm with it. I want all my tattoos to mean something to me.With that being said, just because I don't want a full sleeve doesn't mean I haven't seen some women who look stunning with it.
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    to each their own. i have seen some that look really cool and some that look hideous. i would never get one because, i once heard my father say that: "it was not for ladies" - he died when i was a teenager. it always stuck in my head.
  • rataliek
    rataliek Posts: 32 Member
    I have ben a Paralegal for over 12 years. Man or Woman.....no Judge likes to see this. It still has a negative response right or wrong, why take the chance to looe a great job because of a tattoo, or seen as being reble!!

    I'm a paralegal as well here in New York City and have visible tattoos with the intention of being fully covered (besides my neck hands and face). One of the partners at my firm is a heavily tattooed female and an extremely successful attorney. I was hired with all partners fully aware of my tattoos. I have not been asked to cover them but out basic respect when I go to court I wear cardigans or blazers and slacks/tights. At our annual Christmas party we had a multitude of clients and New York County, Queens County and Kings County Judges attend and my tattoos were constantly complimented by them. Of course a Judge wouldn't appreciate me walking into his courtroom or chambers in a tank top but none of them had anything negative to say about my tattoos and I wouldn't do that anyways even if I was tattoo-less. I actually have quite a few heavily tattooed female friends in the legal field as well and it hasn't hindered their careers whatsoever. In fact, I'm much more professional than most of the people I work with who have zero tattoos, but of course you know that tattoos have NOTHING to do with how professional a person can be.
  • glitterpiss
    glitterpiss Posts: 113
    There are very few things less attractive to me than poorly done tattoos, and poorly placed piercings or piercings with improper jewelry on men or women. I think having well thought out, skillfully done mods that fit your anatomy well is very attractive.