A poll: Thoughts on tattoos on women...



  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    I love mine :flowerforyou:
  • knitfastpurlyoung
    knitfastpurlyoung Posts: 102 Member

    Well sure, if you want to throw the net really wide! But, from my point of view, I'm lucky enough to have a career in an industry that is a creative one, and the opportunities in that industry are not going to change because of a tattoo, regardless of size or placement.

    I do understand your point though, and there is always the possibility that the industry I work in may one-day not be there, but firstly I think it is extremely unlikely that that will happen, and secondly if it did, it is very unlikely that I would seek employment in an industry so vastly different to my current one.

    Thank you for raising the point. :)

    It sounds like it won't hinder your job prospects given your creative field. What will family/friends say or think? Do you care what they will say? That would probably be my other consideration outside of career.

    I would certainly talk to them and listen to what they have to say. Someone very wise, that I cannot remember right now, said that even the dumbest guy in the room can come up with a good idea, so you should listen to everyone.

    Would I be concerned if they hated it? I suppose I would. That said, my sister has a heap and I have none and no one battered an eye lid, but her's are much smaller. A full-sleeve would perhaps get a different reaction as it is so much bigger.
  • prettytothinkso
    And just to be clear, I am talking beautifully-crafted tattoos by artists. I am interested in hearing what people think about a full-sleeve tattoo on a girl. Does the stigma still exist? What assumptions would you make about a lady with full-sleeve?
    Over to you...

    I personally like sleeves on girls.

    Stigma schmigma.

    I'd assume she likes tattoos....
  • phillbis
    phillbis Posts: 411 Member
    I like them. I work for a company that doesn't have a policy on tattoos. I see more and more interview candidates including women with tattoos. I don't see a problem with it. Tattoos for the most part such are personal expression how could you judge a person for having them without knowing their story. People are too concerned with other people's lives and should focus on their own.
  • heylatimer
    heylatimer Posts: 60 Member
    Artfully done tatoos and sleeves are nice but... it is just window dressing. The ink isnt the draw - it is the mystery behind it - I want to hear the story.
    Piercings are ok too but stretched earlobes. That is just plain nasty!!!
  • AlliecoreXX
    AlliecoreXX Posts: 78 Member
    I don't care in the least if anyone thinks of my tattoos as a "stigma", and I rarely even notice if anyone is looking at them. My tattoos are all hightly symbolic and I got them because they make me happy and they tell parts of my life story. IMO, tattoos express individuality. I admire them on anyone. :) I'll be finishing out my sleeve soon and don't care a bit what anyone else thinks about it.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I wouldn't make assumptions about anyone and each to their own, but I don't really find them attractive on girls, and not all men can carry them off and then it depends if its a good one. I do feel sadly it would effect many womens careers, although I don't agree with this... X
  • knitfastpurlyoung
    knitfastpurlyoung Posts: 102 Member
    jrboyles is speaking my mind. Tattoos are completely and utterly disgusting. What's more, I would never hire someone with visible tattoos.

    Thank you for your contribution. Honest opinions are welcome! Would you mind expanding on your point?

    I'm curious as to why a subjective opinion about someone's appearance matters to an employer to that degree, if all other prerequisites for that job are met - qualifications, personality, attitude, presentation and hygiene for example.

    Thank you in advance. :)

    I can tell you for my job, we contract to very large, very conservative countries world-wide. The whole issue is 'how will the client perceive the tat?' To keep that from being an issue when someone has to travel to foreign countries or even just within the country to some of the more conservative companies, we just are not allowed to have them. I have been with this firm for 8 years, none of my clients allowed their employees to have visible tattoos either.

    Interesting. Culturally are the perceptions of tattoos different for different countries do you know? And if so, do you know why?

    I still don't think we have got to the bottom of why someone would consider it "disgusting" as another poster wrote. I understand that someone could have that opinion, but I don't understand what is motivating that opinion.
  • All4Tris
    All4Tris Posts: 215 Member
    I love tattoos... but only get them in places where they can be covered. I am getting another one once I get to my goal weight... it'll be right under my neck.
  • BritSchuler
    I have three tattoos, one on the back of my neck, one on my lower back, and one on my foot. I only regret getting the one on my lower back because it turned out so bad!! However, I LOVE my other two tattoos and would like to get more and get my lower back fixed. I personally would never get a full sleeve tattoo, but one of my friends is working one getting one and I don't have a problem with her doing it. I think it looks great sometimes, as others have said, as long as the work looks good. No problem with anyone getting tattoos anywhere. Well.. Except for when people try to tattoo their eyes and lips, that sorta freaks me out.. Lol.
  • slipandsink
    slipandsink Posts: 43 Member
    A girl I know from home has this year got herself three tattoos - one (start of, at least) full sleeve, one going from her hips up to her boobs covering the whole left side of her body, and one across her back. The full sleeve features a laughing skull, a dagger and other macabre imagery. The one on her back is angel wings I think - I've seen a proper picture of them - and covers her entire back. The one on her body is 7 or 8 stars ranging in size from about a 50p piece to about the size of a cup/mug bottom (if you get me), they've got thick black outlines and are filled in with grey. None of them are particularly well drawn or tattoo'd.

    She's a very very slight girl, must have a BMI of about 16, no muscle tone at all, her arms are sticks. These tattoos are so big and heavy on her they look awful and they'll only look worse as she grows and her body takes weight on and they stretch out.

    However nicely done ones are ok, I prefer delicate ones on girls than the traditional style that men can carry off.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    Yes, I think that women can pull off a full sleeve tattoo.
  • FrostyBev
    FrostyBev Posts: 119 Member
    They are ugly with a strapless wedding dress.

    i think they are fu@king RAD with a strapless wedding dress.

    I agree with ^^. I recently saw some photos of a friend in her strapless wedding dress. She has half sleeves and she looked absolutely stunning.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Absoloutely love `em..
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I personally am not a fan of tattoos on women or men.
  • ajp913
    ajp913 Posts: 100 Member
    Please, please, PLEASE!!!! not on the chest... that's all i ask...
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    This is completely anecdotal, but I find people who are heavily inked (sleave, etc.) usually do so due to some kind of emotional baggage and insecurity. A drive to be non-confromist, because conformity was never really an option. Small markings that have a serious personal meaning are differnet, but seeing people with a Superman is tatto is painful.

    In terms tattoos on women, anything in bulk is gross. Women are the beautiful part of the species, shouldn't mess with their skin. Growth zones should be avoided. Nothing looks worse than a stretched, then shrunk tattoo.

    I have no emotional baggage... but I am looking to get my sleeve done after the weight loss. I like japanese art and want it on my arm, simple as that!

    This is completely anecdotal, but I find poeple who dont have display pictures on this site usually have some emotional baggage and insecurities.

    No emotional baggage or insecurities here. Just a stalker that has hounded me for almost 10 years. Therefore, I do not post a pic of myself on any public forum or site. :flowerforyou:
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    As soon as my back piece is done, I'll be doing half a sleeve. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. :)
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I think tats at beautiful. I am working on 2 sleeves myself. :) I have both shoulders capped as of now and about halfway to my elbow on both arms.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Have you seen _snw_? If you don't think sleeves are hot on women, you clearly haven't seen her.

    She's smokin'

    Too bad about her personality.

    Nothing wrong with her pesonality for me. Damn fine person in my book.