A poll: Thoughts on tattoos on women...



  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    God made each one perfect & does not make junk!
    If you choose tattoos fine but you do not need to enhance your body in that way.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I look at tattoos as a cultural thing, whether on a woman or man it could be very beautiful, feminine or masculine too. I find it hard to judge people accurately based on the fact that they have a tattoo or two before chatting with them. I have met a few people with tattoos depicting death and dismemberment and they were so sweet!! while other's with artistic tattoos who were total a$$es.

    I say rock who you are to make sure you feel at the top of the world!!!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I love them and I love a full sleeve, BUT it does depend on your job. My husband has them, but they are covered at his work (he is a professor).

    And I have one (actually, it was a small one and then a year later, I added more to it). But it is on my back and hidden. I would love to have it go up my back. And I want a tiny cross on the back of my neck.

    Also, I do not think that everyone can carry off a full sleeve. I think I would look silly with a full sleeve. I have that sweet American girl look, and you got to have that Bad *kitten* look to pull off a sleeve...I am just not Bad *kitten* enough!! :sad:
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I love tattoos period. I have 13 of my own. I think sleeves are sexy, if done right. I love sleeves on both men and women. I think they make a woman look even sexier. However, for some weird reason, I just can't see one on me.... Maybe I just haven't found the right subject I want to put on my arm, I don't know, but so far, I'm not lookin into getting a sleeve, just more ink, lmao. However, they can be considered "career killers" as an artist likes to call them, depending on how far down they go, or the subject matter of the tattoo. But, to each their own, plain and simple. I haven't let it stop me.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member

    I just try to think down the road, when you're old and saggy, how will they look then? Definitely not the same as they do on a younger you.

    i'm going to die before i'm old. so yay me!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member

    Well sure, if you want to throw the net really wide! But, from my point of view, I'm lucky enough to have a career in an industry that is a creative one, and the opportunities in that industry are not going to change because of a tattoo, regardless of size or placement.

    I do understand your point though, and there is always the possibility that the industry I work in may one-day not be there, but firstly I think it is extremely unlikely that that will happen, and secondly if it did, it is very unlikely that I would seek employment in an industry so vastly different to my current one.

    Thank you for raising the point. :)

    It sounds like it won't hinder your job prospects given your creative field. What will family/friends say or think? Do you care what they will say? That would probably be my other consideration outside of career.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    And just to be clear, I am talking beautifully-crafted tattoos by artists.

    I am interested in hearing what people think about a full-sleeve tattoo on a girl.

    Does the stigma still exist?

    What assumptions would you make about a lady with full-sleeve?

    Over to you...

    Full sleeves are awesome - I love love love the rock chick thing. One holiday I went on there was this girl who wasn't even great looking but she had this tattoo of a heart across her chest, arms, back done, but all cool - not in a messy bunch of random things chucked together. I couldn't get enough of her.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    The solution for those whose employment precludes them from having one. :happy:

    I have these. (Well not these exact ones.) They actually look pretty convincing until someone is standing right beside you looking at them. I have shocked many people by suddenly having full sleeves when I didn't the day before.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member

    I just try to think down the road, when you're old and saggy, how will they look then? Definitely not the same as they do on a younger you.

    When we are old and saggy, nothing is going to look good!!!
  • knitfastpurlyoung
    knitfastpurlyoung Posts: 102 Member
    jrboyles is speaking my mind. Tattoos are completely and utterly disgusting. What's more, I would never hire someone with visible tattoos.

    Thank you for your contribution. Honest opinions are welcome! Would you mind expanding on your point?

    I'm curious as to why a subjective opinion about someone's appearance matters to an employer to that degree, if all other prerequisites for that job are met - qualifications, personality, attitude, presentation and hygiene for example.

    Thank you in advance. :)
  • dmanning0819
    dmanning0819 Posts: 93 Member
    Love a strong woman like PINK, rocking out some pretty fierce tats, but I myself would never get a full sleeve. No judgement here, but I would def. think long and hard on any tattoo you get.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    God made each one perfect & does not make junk!
    If you choose tattoos fine but you do not need to enhance your body in that way.
    Do you wear makeup or jewelry? Do you cut or style your hair? Paint your nails? Wear nice clothes?
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    I have a half sleeve and when I first talked about getting it several of my friends did the whole "it's not feminine..." thing but once I did it, they all realized that it's perfectly me.

    While I certainly do get looks sometimes, I figure if someone wants to judge me negatively based on my arm then they're really not someone I give a damn about anyway.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    The only issue with full sleeves MALE OR FEMALE is work.
    Where I work, you cannot have tattoos that show. All mine are in places that cannot be seen with pants and short sleeves. Some have to wear long sleeves all the time because of the rules.

    I love my tattoos, I like good tatts.

    But a number of employers feel they pay enough to not have to look at them.

    Ditto - I really love well done tattoos. I am a fan of the full sleeve when it's done right. :)
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    God made each one perfect & does not make junk!
    If you choose tattoos fine but you do not need to enhance your body in that way.

    A tattoo from god would be epic!
  • SlvrLyssa
    SlvrLyssa Posts: 41 Member
    I think they can be amazing looking :)

    I love 3 of the 4 I have & would have more if they were cheaper, not that I would want a cheap looking one. :)
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Just not my bag.
  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    I love tattoos on guys and girls.
    I personally wouldn't get a sleeve. It's not for me. But I have seen some women who look amazing with them and it works.

    I can appreciate the artistry.
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    just make sure they mean something to you!!! I got one when I was 19 and 20 years and 3 kids later I wish I had chosen a different picture with more meaning... I don't regret the tattoo, I regret the subject I chose...if that makes sense :)
  • loseslarge
    loseslarge Posts: 9 Member
    This is completely anecdotal, but I find people who are heavily inked (sleave, etc.) usually do so due to some kind of emotional baggage and insecurity. A drive to be non-confromist, because conformity was never really an option. Small markings that have a serious personal meaning are differnet, but seeing people with a Superman is tatto is painful.

    In terms tattoos on women, anything in bulk is gross. Women are the beautiful part of the species, shouldn't mess with their skin. Growth zones should be avoided. Nothing looks worse than a stretched, then shrunk tattoo.