

  • Supagurl
    Supagurl Posts: 75
    April-- I am a human water balloon-- when I press on my feet, I can move the water to the other side--

    Soooooo attractive.

    But, I'm seeing bones-- should have my ankles back by tomorrow-- :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: i shouldn't of said that....but....i could just picture like someone sticking you and poppin you and like the balloon deflates and goes 'ppppppfffftttttttt'...sorry marla...i don't mean to be gettin a chuckle at your sis-in-law holds water like that and i know it can be painful and not least your starting to see bones...that's a good thing!!!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Oh my-- April, if you didn't laugh at my expense, I'd think you didn't love me--
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Good morning all! Sorry I have been MIA. I was sick all week. Lost two pounds, due to not eating enough, so will probably gain it all back. I did meet my challenge of no ice cream, granted I got sick every time I tried to eat. I am trying to eat, but everytime I do I get real sick. Hate being sick. I didn't get to work out or anything, managed to make it to school and work everyday. Hopefully this week will be better.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    Scale was kind. I'm very thankful and appreciative. The End. Amen.
  • jcarter0525
    i gained 2lbs...possibly b/c of my cycle about to start though. hopefully...
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I stayed the same this week. Not bad I guess, but I was really hoping to get down to my monthly goal. Don't think I will get all the way there, but hope to get close enough to make next months goal! Good luck to everyone and I will try to pop in throughout the day to see how everyone else did!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    BTW, does anyone make their journal public and if so, is it helping you?? I'm thinking that may be a good thing for me, but don't want to get criticised when I slip up. ( And I know I will sometimes.) thanks for your input!:wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    The scale treated me like a piece of dog dirt! After all that hard work I did this week I managed to gain a pound. I'm not even going into it and I'm not changing my ticker back up- it's a matter of principle! :grumble:

    Heading out for retail therapy. Peace out!

    Buy me sumpin!!

    I bought myself a few sumpin's but mostly shirts for DH. Every time that man needs to get dressed for something decent he says he has no clothes. Every time we are at the store together and I say buy some stuff he says he doesn't need anything. :grumble: :grumble:

    Seriously, if somebody tells me to buy something I am NOT going to argue.

    I decided Wednesday will be my mid week non workout day, it works. I was at Lowes at 7:30 and never came home until 2:30. Tiring! Lowes, Kohls, TJ Maxx (where I somehow spent 2 hours wandering, eeekkk), AC Moore, the BX and the commissary. Whew. My credit cards are even more tired than I am. :ohwell:

    Wait til poor hubby sees the damage I did buyin' him stuff. :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    The scale treated me like a piece of dog dirt! After all that hard work I did this week I managed to gain a pound. I'm not even going into it and I'm not changing my ticker back up- it's a matter of principle! :grumble:

    Heading out for retail therapy. Peace out!

    Buy me sumpin!!

    I bought myself a few sumpin's but mostly shirts for DH. Every time that man needs to get dressed for something decent he says he has no clothes. Every time we are at the store together and I say buy some stuff he says he doesn't need anything. :grumble: :grumble:

    Seriously, if somebody tells me to buy something I am NOT going to argue.

    I decided Wednesday will be my mid week non workout day, it works. I was at Lowes at 7:30 and never came home until 2:30. Tiring! Lowes, Kohls, TJ Maxx (where I somehow spent 2 hours wandering, eeekkk), AC Moore, the BX and the commissary. Whew. My credit cards are even more tired than I am. :ohwell:

    Wait til poor hubby sees the damage I did buyin' him stuff. :laugh:

    I think you need to send me your credit cards for safekeeping--

    You can't be trusted with them.

    I'll take care of 'em for a while.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    here are the results before I get all caught up in mommy duties!

    green is start weight and yellow is total weight lost then all others not filled in are this week.

    EDIT: with percentage too.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    wow, thanks for all that work you do for us, sam! it's great to see how far we all have come.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    yeah wow sam! Thanks for putting that together. Look how much weight we all lost! Grats everyone!

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Good evening beautiful team. I joined the land of the living today and made it to work. Came home and fell into bed for a 3 hour nap. Ooops! Things are starting to feel better and tomorrow I get back into my exercise routine. Oh bicycle, how I have missed thee!

    Thanks for all the well wishes while I was down. You guys are sweet and I :heart: you all.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks Sam!! You ROCK!!! :heart:

    Lynnie I am so glad you are feeling better.:smooched:

    I didnt have time to read all....bbl

    Hello to the entire Black team I miss 'talking' to you but chose to use my time to ride my bike.

    I love you all!!:flowerforyou:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hello all! Hope you all had a great day! I worked 6 hours and went shopping with my best friend and her two kids and then came home, ate supper and went and visited my best friend again at home. Haven't done all that much this evening other than that.

    Sam-Thanks for getting all that together! You are great!

    Lynnie-Glad to hear you are feeling better! Go ride your bicycle! Woohoo!

    Jeannie-Glad to see you are enjoying your new bicycle! I am trying to enjoy mine but right now I am liking power walking sooo much better.

    Hello to everyone else and I will lurk around here the rest of the evening!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    The scale treated me like a piece of dog dirt! After all that hard work I did this week I managed to gain a pound. I'm not even going into it and I'm not changing my ticker back up- it's a matter of principle! :grumble:

    Heading out for retail therapy. Peace out!

    Buy me sumpin!!

    I bought myself a few sumpin's but mostly shirts for DH. Every time that man needs to get dressed for something decent he says he has no clothes. Every time we are at the store together and I say buy some stuff he says he doesn't need anything. :grumble: :grumble:

    Seriously, if somebody tells me to buy something I am NOT going to argue.

    I decided Wednesday will be my mid week non workout day, it works. I was at Lowes at 7:30 and never came home until 2:30. Tiring! Lowes, Kohls, TJ Maxx (where I somehow spent 2 hours wandering, eeekkk), AC Moore, the BX and the commissary. Whew. My credit cards are even more tired than I am. :ohwell:

    Wait til poor hubby sees the damage I did buyin' him stuff. :laugh:

    I think you need to send me your credit cards for safekeeping--

    You can't be trusted with them.

    I'll take care of 'em for a while.

    I actually should stop carrying them. I wouldn't spend as much money. I like to live in denial, til I get the bill and have to pay it of course, that's usually a grumpy day.

    I'm grumpy right now. I had such a good day all by myself this AM. I shopped, I did my own thing. Then I reentered 'kid zone'. The youngest had a friend here 2 nights ago than was at his house last night and he is whiny as all get out. Every time the poor guy opens his mouth I cringe. It's terrible when your kids get on your last nerve. I just sent them all to their rooms to watch TV. Good mother that I am and all.

    I am bummed for several reasons, first I did not see the results on my scale I wanted. Second, my hurting parts are affecting my ability to work out and being the caloire burn junkie that I am, it's really bugging me.

    My foot has had issues for about 3 weeks but I've been working through it. Obviously it's not that bad or I wouldn't have burned my 5K last week. Now that the knee joined the game it's a little harder. I can't decide on whether to go to the doctor or not. I have a sneaking suspicion it's old arthritis knocking at my door. I sort of don't even want to know. Denial again.

    I was thining about waiting until after our vacation and seeing how it's all feeling but then just walking around shopping today it's hurtiing tonight and my foot is swollen. It's making me grumpy already because I know it's going to affect my workout tomorrow.

    I'm sure my quest to burn all those calories last week didn't help the matter. Silly me. It didn't affect the scale anyway.

    Sorry for the whine, I think I caught it from my kid!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    leckel, I'm sorry about your pain.

    But you should be so proud of yourself. Listen to yourself.....a year ago were you that upset about not being able to work out? Or that the pain you have today will affect your work out tomorrow?

    I think youre an inspiration so dont be down and grumpy,,,give yourself some kudos, girl!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Wow...look at us! We've done such an awesome job!

    Congrats, my Black Team friends!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    The scale treated me like a piece of dog dirt! After all that hard work I did this week I managed to gain a pound. I'm not even going into it and I'm not changing my ticker back up- it's a matter of principle! :grumble:

    Heading out for retail therapy. Peace out!

    Buy me sumpin!!

    I bought myself a few sumpin's but mostly shirts for DH. Every time that man needs to get dressed for something decent he says he has no clothes. Every time we are at the store together and I say buy some stuff he says he doesn't need anything. :grumble: :grumble:

    Seriously, if somebody tells me to buy something I am NOT going to argue.

    I decided Wednesday will be my mid week non workout day, it works. I was at Lowes at 7:30 and never came home until 2:30. Tiring! Lowes, Kohls, TJ Maxx (where I somehow spent 2 hours wandering, eeekkk), AC Moore, the BX and the commissary. Whew. My credit cards are even more tired than I am. :ohwell:

    Wait til poor hubby sees the damage I did buyin' him stuff. :laugh:

    I think you need to send me your credit cards for safekeeping--

    You can't be trusted with them.

    I'll take care of 'em for a while.

    I actually should stop carrying them. I wouldn't spend as much money. I like to live in denial, til I get the bill and have to pay it of course, that's usually a grumpy day.

    I'm grumpy right now. I had such a good day all by myself this AM. I shopped, I did my own thing. Then I reentered 'kid zone'. The youngest had a friend here 2 nights ago than was at his house last night and he is whiny as all get out. Every time the poor guy opens his mouth I cringe. It's terrible when your kids get on your last nerve. I just sent them all to their rooms to watch TV. Good mother that I am and all.

    I am bummed for several reasons, first I did not see the results on my scale I wanted. Second, my hurting parts are affecting my ability to work out and being the caloire burn junkie that I am, it's really bugging me.

    My foot has had issues for about 3 weeks but I've been working through it. Obviously it's not that bad or I wouldn't have burned my 5K last week. Now that the knee joined the game it's a little harder. I can't decide on whether to go to the doctor or not. I have a sneaking suspicion it's old arthritis knocking at my door. I sort of don't even want to know. Denial again.

    I was thining about waiting until after our vacation and seeing how it's all feeling but then just walking around shopping today it's hurtiing tonight and my foot is swollen. It's making me grumpy already because I know it's going to affect my workout tomorrow.

    I'm sure my quest to burn all those calories last week didn't help the matter. Silly me. It didn't affect the scale anyway.

    Sorry for the whine, I think I caught it from my kid!

    You do understand, do you not, my dear Leckel, that I intended to USE said cards while they are in my safekeeping. Yes?

    I wasn't criticizing your spending....merely offering to do it FOR you.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    The scale treated me like a piece of dog dirt! After all that hard work I did this week I managed to gain a pound. I'm not even going into it and I'm not changing my ticker back up- it's a matter of principle! :grumble:

    Heading out for retail therapy. Peace out!

    Buy me sumpin!!

    I bought myself a few sumpin's but mostly shirts for DH. Every time that man needs to get dressed for something decent he says he has no clothes. Every time we are at the store together and I say buy some stuff he says he doesn't need anything. :grumble: :grumble:

    Seriously, if somebody tells me to buy something I am NOT going to argue.

    I decided Wednesday will be my mid week non workout day, it works. I was at Lowes at 7:30 and never came home until 2:30. Tiring! Lowes, Kohls, TJ Maxx (where I somehow spent 2 hours wandering, eeekkk), AC Moore, the BX and the commissary. Whew. My credit cards are even more tired than I am. :ohwell:

    Wait til poor hubby sees the damage I did buyin' him stuff. :laugh:

    I think you need to send me your credit cards for safekeeping--

    You can't be trusted with them.

    I'll take care of 'em for a while.

    I actually should stop carrying them. I wouldn't spend as much money. I like to live in denial, til I get the bill and have to pay it of course, that's usually a grumpy day.

    I'm grumpy right now. I had such a good day all by myself this AM. I shopped, I did my own thing. Then I reentered 'kid zone'. The youngest had a friend here 2 nights ago than was at his house last night and he is whiny as all get out. Every time the poor guy opens his mouth I cringe. It's terrible when your kids get on your last nerve. I just sent them all to their rooms to watch TV. Good mother that I am and all.

    I am bummed for several reasons, first I did not see the results on my scale I wanted. Second, my hurting parts are affecting my ability to work out and being the caloire burn junkie that I am, it's really bugging me.

    My foot has had issues for about 3 weeks but I've been working through it. Obviously it's not that bad or I wouldn't have burned my 5K last week. Now that the knee joined the game it's a little harder. I can't decide on whether to go to the doctor or not. I have a sneaking suspicion it's old arthritis knocking at my door. I sort of don't even want to know. Denial again.

    I was thining about waiting until after our vacation and seeing how it's all feeling but then just walking around shopping today it's hurtiing tonight and my foot is swollen. It's making me grumpy already because I know it's going to affect my workout tomorrow.

    I'm sure my quest to burn all those calories last week didn't help the matter. Silly me. It didn't affect the scale anyway.

    Sorry for the whine, I think I caught it from my kid!

    You do understand, do you not, my dear Leckel, that I intended to USE said cards while they are in my safekeeping. Yes?

    I wasn't criticizing your spending....merely offering to do it FOR you.

    Makes me laugh....It makes me thing about how my mother used to literally freeze her credit cards by placing them in a cup of water and tossig them into the freezer. She used to say that if she got an urge by something she didnt need she would usually come to her senses by the time the thing thawed. What a kook. lol

    :laugh: :laugh: