Am I the only Virgin here?



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    People keep saying they were a virgin "by choice." Do some of us here NOT have a choice to be a virgin?
  • silcock69
    silcock69 Posts: 50
    People keep saying they were a virgin "by choice." Do some of us here NOT have a choice to be a virgin?

    If somebody is **** ugly then yeah....
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    People keep saying they were a virgin "by choice." Do some of us here NOT have a choice to be a virgin?

    If they are raped....
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    People keep saying they were a virgin "by choice." Do some of us here NOT have a choice to be a virgin?

    If somebody is **** ugly then yeah....
    I was butt ugly and still had sex...
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    I am a virgin; I'm not interested in romantic or sexual relationships.

    And yes, I've been told that this is "unhealthy" and "unnatural." Fear not; by not procreating, my unnaturalness will not be perpetuated. You're welcome. *rolls eyes*

    Not on this thread you haven't been told you're unhealthy or unnatural. You may have been elsewhere. In fact, there's a good reason, evolutionarily, why a species has some individuals that lack an interest in sex. The only health issue I know of isn't related to sex so much as reproduction. Women who don't carry a child have a higher risk of breast cancer. This applies to any woman who doesn't carry a child, no matter why.

    I don't get the obsession with what is "natural" anyway. Eyeglasses aren't natural. Neither is indoor plumbing. Nobody is suggesting they are unhealthy or wrong.

    Oh, I know! No one has said anything of the sort on MFP -- I get that reaction from people in real life. The internet has been much more accepting.
  • I'm a my butt. =)

  • 28 and still a pretty happy virgin. It's a choice I've made, not because I'm religious (which I'm not, I'm a proud atheist also), but because I'm not ready to deal with the responsibility that comes with sex.

    If ur an atheist wouldnt u want to be knocking boots as soon as possible since in your belief system (or lackthere of) there are literally no repurcussions to anything u do in this life? Just trying to find the logic.

    sex has nothing to do with someone's religion... there are plenty of Christians that have sex, so why argue with a non-christian that doesn't have sex.... really?
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Not the only virgin be honest to be a virgin in this day and age is like being a Unicorn! It's nothing to be ashed off. Even if you had never been in a relationship, that is also nothing to be ashamed of. Most people think that they can't get laid or date because of the way they look which is so not true. This may come as a surprise but "fat" and "ugly" people have sex too.

    For some of us its a choice, for other circumstance; things will only end bad and regretted if you try to push it.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm a virgin. I'm almost 27. I sorta tell everyone as a party trick now. The reactions are hilarious.

    No one's ever been rude about it, but they do sort of look at me like I spontaneously sprouted three heads. Heh.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I was almost 21 before I wasn't a virgin anymore, and have zero regrets!
    Most people never really believed me because I was good looking and dated, but I just never felt compelled to do it with anyone I dated before then.
  • no you are not the only one :)
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I was a virgin until November 2006 at the age of 49.......Can anyone else beat that?.....Yes, it was by choice, I just didn't find the right person......

    Also, you don't need to have sex to get HPV.......

    You don't have to have sex to get HIV, AIDS, or HBV either, but why bring it up?

    Because most people think that is the only way to get HPV......They also think that a condom will protect you.......I was told it was my fault that I got HPV because the guy didn't wear a condom....This was by a female doctor......I'm 100% certain who I got mine from and it wasn't by penetration sex as he couldn't get it up.....How do I know it was him?....Because he had prostate cancer which can be connected to HPV...............
  • FitBlitz
    FitBlitz Posts: 146
    People keep saying they were a virgin "by choice." Do some of us here NOT have a choice to be a virgin?

    If they are raped....

    Someone call for me? > >
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Good for you. You're not the only one. My son is 25 and still a virgin.

    Edited to add, he also doesn't want to change his single status. Right now he's in art school and has no desire to be in a relationship at all at this point. He's too focused on finishing school and starting a career.

  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    People keep saying they were a virgin "by choice." Do some of us here NOT have a choice to be a virgin?

    If they are raped....

    Someone call for me? > >

  • Vi0l33t
    Vi0l33t Posts: 117 Member
    I say if your happy and then why does it matter?

    It doesn't, just a large curiosity thing. That was brought on by another thread, that pretty much, many of the posters was saying if a guy isn't thinking about sex at least once every 5 seconds.... something is wrong.

    Curiosity wins out with a lot of things for me. :?

    Not to mention, my family thinks I need a girlfriend/wife in order to live or something

    Vade, honestly, it's totally cool that you've chosen to keep it until you're ready. I wish I had waited and most of the girls and guys I know wish they had too.
  • laceyxlockdown
    laceyxlockdown Posts: 70 Member
    I am unsure why "no i'm not gay" has anything to do with being a virgin? You are just as likely/unlikely to be a virgin regardless of who you choose to sleep with...

    Sorry, rubbed me the wrong way.

    lol im bi and it didnt rub me wrong. lots of people associtae stuff like that because you could be the in the closet gay and are to scared to come out and you know you like the same sex but are to scared of people finding out.or you are in the closet and people dont know you are a gay and never slept with a woman because you are gay. thats another reason why people usually say that. its not saying gay people are virgins. and its actually said a lot to alot of people who are virgins mainly male virgins. i just wanted it to unrub you lol :p
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    i dont know how you do it man.

    gotta burn off those extra calories somehow
  • Virgin here. I have friends that don't believe me because my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. It's possible. :)
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    Good for you. You're not the only one. My son is 25 and still a virgin.
    That's what you think...

    thats exactly what i was thinking. my mom still believes i am, and I have been living with my boyfriend for two years haha.
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