Am I the only Virgin here?



  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Fornication is a sin.

    And like most sins, it's ****ing awesome :drinker:

    I think I love you.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I could never marry as a virgin. I mean, what if the guy sucks in bed? Nah, not my thing.

    Sucking in bed doesn't sound so bad to me...

    Besides, practice makes perfect.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I could never marry as a virgin. I mean, what if the guy sucks in bed? Nah, not my thing.

    But you could mold him into your perfect lover because he wouldn't know any different.

    That would be too much work. I like 'em when they already know what they're doing.
    Hmmm. Well, I can't compare because I've never had a virgin. :-)

    But sometimes the ones who know what they're doing don't understand why not all women like all the same things and you have to retrain them, anyway. If you can just start from scratch ... ;-)
  • saraemily5
    saraemily5 Posts: 116 Member
    I was until I got married. SO glad I made that decision too. Good for you1
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm waiting until I'm married.
    But I don't judge based on whether or not someone else has made the same decision as me.

    Live your life the way you want it regardless of how anyone else is =]
  • thekat78
    thekat78 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm still a vrigin and definitely waiting until I get married. :) Don't let other people make you feel bad. And don't listen to what they say. It'll drive you to do things you clearly don't want to. I respect you for it. The people that can respect that decision in your life are usually the ones you know you wanna stick with.
  • Candida1983
    Candida1983 Posts: 188
    You're going against normal human nature when you abstain from sex, but I really think that you're doing the right thing. This is something special that should be shared with the love of your life (wife, husband) rather than every random girl, or guy, that you can find. i completely respect the fact that you are all abstaining from sex, it is one of the hardest decisions you can make, especially in our society. It shows what strong people you all are. Plus, it's just not safe nowadays to be sexually active with a lot of people. I completely respect anyone who makes the decision to be with one person. You can sleep with your girlfriend, but who's to say that she'll still be with you 10 years from now? I applaud all of the people in this thread for staying abstinent. I am in no way saying that it's wrong to be sexually active with your partners, just that, in my opinion, it's better to save for marriage. :happy:
  • Candida1983
    Candida1983 Posts: 188
    I am a virgin; I'm not interested in romantic or sexual relationships.

    And yes, I've been told that this is "unhealthy" and "unnatural." Fear not; by not procreating, my unnaturalness will not be perpetuated. You're welcome, humanity. *sigh*

    Yay for you! :bigsmile: I don't think it's unnnatural or unhealthy, shows you are a stronger person because you're going against what society tells us, that sex is for everyone and we should all be doing it. You do what's best for you and everyone else can do what's best for them. :happy:
  • Candida1983
    Candida1983 Posts: 188
    A 27-yr. old virgin? Wow. Alright.

    Whatever floats your boat. Or...keeps it in the dock, I guess.

    What does my age have to do with anything?

    It doesn't have anything to do with anything, just people trying to make you feel bad for doing what's right for you. Don't let them get to you sweetie. I really thought that peer pressure was only a thing encountered in high schools, I'm really disappointed that this thread has turned into a fight. You are doing the right thing, it's the right thing for you and regardless of what anyone here on MFP or any of your friends/ family say, you are doing what's right for you and that's that. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for the decisions that you have made, it's your life and you are the one who has to deal with the consequences of your actions, not anyone else. Stay strong, I'm rooting for you!
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    I'm not a virgin but I'm asexual and I actually wish I still was a virgin. Sexuality has nothing to do with virginity because virginity is just a social construct.

    What does this status mean?????? Does this mean u don't have any genetalia ??? How do you pee???*** boy I thought I joined Mfp to get some tips on exercise and dieting

    Oh to The OP boy if you only knew what I knew about Vaginas you would sell your anime collection on eBay one day and be on Craigslist the next cause I just got a feeling you may have few options when it comes to The procurement of vagina ..........
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I keep my virginity in a shoe box under my bed...along with all the other morals I have ruined.
  • <~~Unintentional Reborn again Virgin! :sad: Been without for quite a looooooooong time..and I am not talking 10 months!!
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    <~~Unintentional Reborn again Virgin! :sad: Been without for quite a looooooooong time..and I am not talking 10 months!!

    In my 50 cent voice " Damn homie in high school u was the man homie what the f *?* happened to you?"
  • <~~Unintentional Reborn again Virgin! :sad: Been without for quite a looooooooong time..and I am not talking 10 months!!

    In my 50 cent voice " Damn homie in high school u was the man homie what the f *?* happened to you?"

    I ask my self that same question evryday! :sad:
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    I'm a sort-of virgin in the fact I've never had intercourse with a man
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    I keep my virginity in a shoe box under my bed...along with all the other morals I have ruined.


    And as long as ur happy then don't worry about what everyone else is saying.. u do u and they'll do them, at the end of the day, people are different so u can't apply other peoples thoughts and actions to urself :-)
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I'm not a virgin but I'm asexual and I actually wish I still was a virgin. Sexuality has nothing to do with virginity because virginity is just a social construct.

    What does this status mean?????? Does this mean u don't have any genetalia ??? How do you pee???*** boy I thought I joined Mfp to get some tips on exercise and dieting

    Oh to The OP boy if you only knew what I knew about Vaginas you would sell your anime collection on eBay one day and be on Craigslist the next cause I just got a feeling you may have few options when it comes to The procurement of vagina ..........
    What anime collection? Just because my picture is a piece of art, and not my real one... doesn't mean I watch anime.

    As for your knowledge of vaginas, please. I was/am a medical student, I can point out every part of it, and which part would make her scream. I don't need to lose my virginity just to know something so trivial. Though, then again if one just paid attention in health class.... they would also know

    And Asexural means they have no sexual attraction to anyone... male or female.

    How about learning something more than just vaginas?
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