please take a shower before coming in da gym..ugghh!!



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    If you aren't stinking at the end of your workout you are doing it wrong. I always put deodorant on before heading to the gym, but I have some major stank before I hit the showers.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    ewww. I have trained with people who don't wash and their gi smells like *kitten* sweat. It's really gross when you get traingled by someone and their balls smell through their gi they are right under my nose as I am struggling for air.
    I've smelled plenty of farts in my day, but I've never smelled anyone's gastrointestinal tract.

    I'm not totally sure if you're being serious and honestly don't know what he meant, or if you're just trying to be funny, so I'm going to assume the former, since I know a number of people who really don't know what a gi is.

    "Gi" is the name for the uniform worn in martial arts. Some of the arts are very grappling heavy, which means you end up with your face buried in their uniform on multiple occasions.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    The gym is a place to get sweaty. We all get that. It is not, however, the place to test other people's ability to withstand every vile odor you have accumulated on your body from not showering for days on end and wearing clothes that haven't seen the inside of the washing machine for weeks.

    I can handle a fellow sweaty gym-goer on the Spinning bike next to me. I can not handle someone with a distinct lack of hygiene and several days' worth of body odor forming a toxic cloud around their body...then hopping onto the treadmill right next to me and making me gag.

    If your stink is not from today's workout, but rather from yesterday's, the day before, and the day before that, then for the love of god, yes, shower before coming to the gym. Or anywhere else.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I sweat like crazy at the gym, but I don't stink. Neither do 95% of the other people that are working out there. But sometimes there are some super stinky people. Last night one of them got on the arc trainer next to me. He had just gotten there, so it's not like he was stinking from working out. Instead, it was the smell of old, unwashed gym clothes, a terrible sour smell. I had to cut my workout short and move to the treadmills because I couldn't take the smell. I totally get where the OP is coming from. I have had lots of men working out on the arc trainer or running next to me at the treadmill that don't stink, even when the sweat if pouring off from them.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I could handle the body odor since it's a gym and we all smell when we exercise, but the bad breath gets me every time. Like if you're going to nom on a piece of garlic before spin class, brush your teeth or stay in the back of the class.
  • The gym is a place to get sweaty. We all get that. It is not, however, the place to test other people's ability to withstand every vile odor you have accumulated on your body from not showering for days on end and wearing clothes that haven't seen the inside of the washing machine for weeks.

    I can handle a fellow sweaty gym-goer on the Spinning bike next to me. I can not handle someone with a distinct lack of hygiene and several days' worth of body odor forming a toxic cloud around their body...then hopping onto the treadmill right next to me and making me gag.

    If your stink is not from today's workout, but rather from yesterday's, the day before, and the day before that, then for the love of god, yes, shower before coming to the gym. Or anywhere else.
    amen!! :smile: :happy: some people do come in there already smelling bad..that's the point I was tryin to get across but some people took the topic and ran with it..glad u understand where im coming from as well..thanx!
  • I sweat like crazy at the gym, but I don't stink. Neither do 95% of the other people that are working out there. But sometimes there are some super stinky people. Last night one of them got on the arc trainer next to me. He had just gotten there, so it's not like he was stinking from working out. Instead, it was the smell of old, unwashed gym clothes, a terrible sour smell. I had to cut my workout short and move to the treadmills because I couldn't take the smell. I totally get where the OP is coming from. I have had lots of men working out on the arc trainer or running next to me at the treadmill that don't stink, even when the sweat if pouring off from them.

    that's exactly what im talking about..coming in there already smelling bad..geesh..some of these people took this topic and made it out to be a monster..smh..talkin bout sensitive people..thanx for understanding..:smile:
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    ehh...then I have to take a shower before and after the gym, much too lazy for that haha

  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I sweat like crazy at the gym, but I don't stink. Neither do 95% of the other people that are working out there. But sometimes there are some super stinky people. Last night one of them got on the arc trainer next to me. He had just gotten there, so it's not like he was stinking from working out. Instead, it was the smell of old, unwashed gym clothes, a terrible sour smell. I had to cut my workout short and move to the treadmills because I couldn't take the smell. I totally get where the OP is coming from. I have had lots of men working out on the arc trainer or running next to me at the treadmill that don't stink, even when the sweat if pouring off from them.

    that's exactly what im talking about..coming in there already smelling bad..geesh..some of these people took this topic and made it out to be a monster..smh..talkin bout sensitive people..thanx for understanding..:smile:

    It wasn't made clear. I can totally understand the whole, you stink before you came in. I come in smelling fresh but if I smell my pits after the gym they aren't so minty fresh!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    ehh...then I have to take a shower before and after the gym, much too lazy for that haha

    seriously though. I think some people just stink. even with showers. I don't stink and I don't necessarily shower before I go to the gym. It is called deodorant. I'm pretty sure we all got the talk in elementary school.

    then again, if I'm working my butt off, getting really sweaty so that I can look hot as heck outside of the gym, who gives a flying f***
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I go there expecting to smell some pretty awful smells, that's what happens there. Don't like it don't go. I don't understand people complaining about the stink that goes on at the gym. Makes no sense to me. it's where it's suppose to be.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I think many missed the point. It's not the NORMAL sweat smell that is coming from these certain areas.
  • seanorawe
    seanorawe Posts: 137 Member
    Sweat takes a good few hours to become stinky. If you smell really bad in the gym its probably because your wearing the same gym clothes you wore on your last workout, and didnt wash them after.
  • seanorawe
    seanorawe Posts: 137 Member
    The smell of VO is rank!
  • sanaroph
    sanaroph Posts: 16
    lol..i see there are some nasty people here..smh..i work out..sweat like hell..and dont smell anything but my degree deodorant..washing up before working out really keeps down the odor unless ur jus a funky person..

    Agree. A wash up of the 'hot' spots prior to working out is an essential part of body hygiene. e.g. If someone works out in the morning but showered the night before going to bed then a wash up of the underarms and crotch area helps reduce the funk which is different than sweat smell. if someone works out after work a quick wash up b4 getting gym ready helps :)
  • sanaroph
    sanaroph Posts: 16
    Sweat takes a good few hours to become stinky. If you smell really bad in the gym its probably because your wearing the same gym clothes you wore on your last workout, and didnt wash them after.

    ewww who does that?
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    sigh..where do i start..i was on da floor doing crunches and right in front of me are stairs to the second floor of the gym..this chick was running up and down the stair case as part of her routine..i claire..everytime she went back up the stairs i smelled funk!!. =( ..its like a lil cloud would be left behind after she went back up..i politely got up and moved..went to walk on the treadmill and dis dude was jus gonna stop there..but for future references..people please take a shower or at least hit those hot spots..

    Okies. Next time I am at the gym, I will interrupt my workout so that I can wash my nether-regions so they will not hum....
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    there are the BO smelly ones then there are the ones who dose themselves in some strong perfume or cologne.... Equally painful... Learn to breath through your mouth lol.
  • HikeRunLift
    HikeRunLift Posts: 70 Member
    I bet you 9 times out of 10, its not the person whos sweating that stinks, it's their gym clothes that need to be washed or replaced.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    Showering before a workout is kind of counter-productive. I'll slap on my deodourant/anti-persperant but I'm not going to get myself fresh and clean right before I'm due to get hot and sweaty (unless it's with a hot guy :tongue: ) I also prefer showering at home and my dad doesn't like us using all the hot water - we also don't have very hot water between approx. lunch time and tea time (6pm-ish).

    I get what you mean about people with no sense of personal hygiene - that's just nasty. There were a couple of people at my high school who were like that - you'd have to stop breathing for a good while after they passed you in the corridor until the stink trail had ended...
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Gyms just smell.. we all have stank *kitten* when we work out!
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    Sorry, I have no idea what your original post was about because I couldn't read any of it due to grammatical & spelling errors.

  • I think many missed the point. It's not the NORMAL sweat smell that is coming from these certain areas.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    No, there weren't any showers during cavemen times.
    True, but the cavemen are all dead now. Rarely did they make it past 25 y.o.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I bet you 9 times out of 10, its not the person whos sweating that stinks, it's their gym clothes that need to be washed or replaced.
    Agreed. Dirty, re-used clothes are typically to blame for any odors. Not many hobos using gyms.
  • Jill_175
    Jill_175 Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe those people didin't smell up to par b/c they have been working thier *kitten* off for a while?? U do tend to stink when u workout u know! I know i don't smell the best after even 15 minutes of working out! Plues most normal people don't shower till AFTER the gym.
  • there are the BO smelly ones then there are the ones who dose themselves in some strong perfume or cologne.... Equally painful... Learn to breath through your mouth lol.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Just use pit sticks
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    HELL to the NO am I working out before and after! I have sensitive skin, and my skin can only handle one washing a day. Maybe that's why I work out at home. I wake up, and work out naked without worrying what everyone else is thinking. Damn straight! :laugh:
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