Sunday Successes



  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Way to go Jax. I am not weighing today as I am PMS. Don't want to psych myself out...not good for me. I had a great Saturday. I have been upping the intensity of my workouts. Hmmm...maybe I should get a bike!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Fab, I'm in the same boat as you this week. I didn't even go near the scale. Judging from how my pants feel today, I know I'm bloated :laugh: I'll definitely be back next week though, hopefully reporting a number in the 160s. I'm tired of the 170s!!! :tongue:
    Good luck everyone!
    Jax, you've sparked my motivation this week!!! Great job! :drinker:
  • constancemwj
    sorry I missed you all this weekend,,, My father-in-law fell and ended up in the hospital, so Me and hubby jumped on an airplane and made a quick trip to go visit and see what we can do.... they live about 600 miles away. All turned out ok, but being so far away you can't help but worry. both have a hard time getting around anymore.... I think we have them talked into putting their home on the market and moving closer to hubby's brother where he can be there for them. Its just going to be a big job for us all.....AW I didn't weighin this weekend, at all. and I came home yesterday sick as a dog....Alls I want to do is sleep.... So tomorrow is a trip to the Dr. I just want to start feeling better, Hopefully by sunday I'll be back to normal..with something good to report...Hope you all are having a much better week. I'm going back to bed.:yawn:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    (((hugs))) Connie, sorry you are having a hard time at the mo. How worrying for you all. I hope your FIL makes a good recovery.

    Take some time for yourself Connie, you have been on the go a lot lately.

    Feel better soon x x
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    OK... broke through my plateau! Dropped 2 lbs. I know this body and I better be satisfied with that for a couple of weeks...unless a new switch is turned on! Oh well, below a five and heading towards a new "0." :bigsmile: How did everyone else do? Sky, hope you got yourself settled in your new place. You sure burned some calories the past couple of weeks moving! Connie, hope your FIL is doing well. Jax, hope the tummy bug has left your house...and hope it doesn't make a visit here! Dreary day in to see a play with my little sis. My daughter decided to spend the weekend in Nashville TN. She is floating home. She said it took forever to get out of Nashville. Sending up prayers for the flood victims. What a tragedy. Have a good week you guys! :heart:

  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    2lbs back on for me

    LW 206
    CW 208
    GW 180

    The exercise is fine but i really need to get back in control of my diet. It's not a problem, i'm ok with it - it's a journey after all not a race :happy:

    Good luck to the rest of you.

    Woohoo Fabulous!! What a result, well done, you certainly deserve it :flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    A 2 lb flux on any day is possible. You have the right attitude. Good job on the exercise Jax. Have a good week!
  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    Sharon great job on breaking through a plateau.. I hate them...but I've learned, just don't give up...
    and Jax hang in there,,,
    Being sick this week my weight has been allover the place... my Dr. put me on antibiotics, I felt to rotton to move much,, but not bad enough to stop eating :laugh: . and have been over my calories almost everyday... If i was down last weekend, then I'm back up today, actually the same that I was 2 week ago... 145 again. hopefully I'll start feeling better real soon. I need to start moveing again...Maybe if its a nice day tomorrow I'll go for a walk. but I need to concentrate on my eating too this week..

    BTW, FIL is doing good, he's back home and they have a nurse coming in everyday for awhile to help him out. until he can get around on his own again..

    have a great week everyone. lets keep moving
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm here! All moved in, but no loss to report for this week. I guess that's a good thing. I hadn't really been watching my food as carefully as I should have been. Probably lucky I didn't gain.:smile:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    I'm going to rename my part of the thread, Sunday Failures!!

    Another 2lbs on this week - i'm going backwards!

    Oh well i'm not giving up,that's one thing i can be proud of, my mindset has changed totally over the last year, i'll just keep plodding on.

    My body will do as it's told eventually lol

    Good luck to the rest of you, and thank you for the support week in week out, it is really appreciated x x
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    No change here from Mr. Scale. But I am feeling more fit! I can work out longer and harder. :happy: My clothes fit well. Yeah! :drinker: Mr. Scale will cooperate when he is good and ready. Stubborn guy! :grumble: way....look at your ticker! You are a success indeed! We are focusing on longterm results. Little ups and downs are natural occurences. Keep your eye on the goal. Happy Mothers Day! :flowerforyou:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Checking in late today. I'm up a lb from last week. Hopefully it's mostly due to lots of sodium over the weekend. Oh well. Here's to a better weigh in next week :drinker:
  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    Happy Mother's Day everyone.. Hope you all had a great one....
    Mine was very nice... the kids brought me flowers.. and we went over to friends for a BBQ. and I over did it for sure... I stopped logging in when I went over my calories and gave up :laugh: but it's Mother"s day!!!!! I"ve been very good all week. staying right at my calories or under and pushing myself when exercising and the scale rewarded me greatly this morning with my best Mother's day gift of all. I was down 3 whole pounds:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I don't think I've ever done that much in a week.. I had to step on and off several times to make sure I was seeing it right... I have been feeling alot better this week,,, maybe it has somthing to do with the meds I've been on this week?????? AW I'm not complaining.... next week will be the real test to see if i can keep it off....

    LW 145.2

    hang in there Jax,, we are not Sunday Failures we can do this, just sometimes it take a while and seems to go real slow.... I started my journey 15 months ago and have only lost 28lbs.... there are some months were the scale seem to just go backward no matter what I did and others where I just didn't try as hard as I should of... but I've told myself that I'll not give up, I'm worth this.. and so are you too.

    Fabulous,, I think how you feel is more important then what the scale says. it will eventually come down

    Skywalker,, I'm sure next week will be better for us all.:flowerforyou:

    have a good week all.... and don't give up.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533

    hang in there Jax,, we are not Sunday Failures we can do this, just sometimes it take a while and seems to go real slow.... I started my journey 15 months ago and have only lost 28lbs.... there are some months were the scale seem to just go backward no matter what I did and others where I just didn't try as hard as I should of... but I've told myself that I'll not give up, I'm worth this.. and so are you too.

    Fabulous,, I think how you feel is more important then what the scale says. it will eventually come down

    Ditto! :drinker:
    And thanks for the encouragement, Constance :flowerforyou: In the past year, I'm down 20 lbs. In the past 5 years, I'm down 45. As long as it goes down every year, I can live with that. I'm in this for the long haul. :happy:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Happy Mother's Day everyone.. Hope you all had a great one....
    Mine was very nice... the kids brought me flowers.. and we went over to friends for a BBQ. and I over did it for sure... I stopped logging in when I went over my calories and gave up :laugh: but it's Mother"s day!!!!! I"ve been very good all week. staying right at my calories or under and pushing myself when exercising and the scale rewarded me greatly this morning with my best Mother's day gift of all. I was down 3 whole pounds:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I don't think I've ever done that much in a week.. I had to step on and off several times to make sure I was seeing it right... I have been feeling alot better this week,,, maybe it has somthing to do with the meds I've been on this week?????? AW I'm not complaining.... next week will be the real test to see if i can keep it off....

    LW 145.2

    hang in there Jax,, we are not Sunday Failures we can do this, just sometimes it take a while and seems to go real slow.... I started my journey 15 months ago and have only lost 28lbs.... there are some months were the scale seem to just go backward no matter what I did and others where I just didn't try as hard as I should of... but I've told myself that I'll not give up, I'm worth this.. and so are you too.

    Fabulous,, I think how you feel is more important then what the scale says. it will eventually come down

    Skywalker,, I'm sure next week will be better for us all.:flowerforyou:

    have a good week all.... and don't give up.

    Way to go Constance! I think I would flip my wig if I ever dropped 3 lbs! I am lucky if I drop 3 in a month. Oh well, like sky says, we are in this for the long haul~anyway congrats Constance. Sky, 28lbs is so encouraging~that is just awesome! I am so proud of you. Keep it sista!

    For Mother's Day my son called from Colorado...military thankful it wasn't a call from Iraq like last year! My daughter and son-in-law made me a picnic table! They are all so precious to me. Hubby got a plant and chocolate for me and I am not even his mom~awwwwww, I am blessed! (PS. Only ate one chocolate, but man was it goooooooooooooooood! ;))
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Well, I'm back to 170 this week. :happy: So, I lost the pound I gained. Please, please, please let me see a 1-6 at the beginning of the scale next week!! :tongue: I need to break into the 160s!!! It's time!!!! :explode:

    Glad I got that out. :laugh: Good luck, ladies
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Well done Becks, moving in the right direction and you so deserve it the amount of work you put in..... fingers crossed for next week :smile:

    I managed to lose one of the pounds that had found me again, just a couple more to go and i'll be on the downward slope again.

    LW - 210
    CW - 209
    GW - 180

    Good luck ladies x x
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hi you guys! Good job sky and jax! YAY!:flowerforyou: We have enjoyed a weekend trip to a friend's daughter's wedding. We are one the way home now.. I tried to make good choices and drink my water. Don't know how it will pan out with Mr.Scale. I am going to weigh in on Tues. this summer to give my body time to wash out the weekend salt. Eating out seems to show up on my in my levels. I will still check in on you guys to encourage you. If anyone wants to switch to a Tues. weigh-in, the FAB4s weigh on this day. Check out their thread under motivation and support. Have a wonderful week all. So proud!:heart:
  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    Hi all,,,,

    Good job on the loses this week...:flowerforyou:
    I have to confess I wasn't very motavated this week,, but I did stay under my calories everyday. and so I didn't have any loss to report today,, but no gain eather,,,, so I'm still happy...this week I'm going to work alittle harder.....This summer is my 25th Anniversary and my hubby suprised me with 2 airline tickets to Hawaii the end of June to celebrate it. So I decided I'm gong to be in the 130's by then. I can do this..:bigsmile:

    Have a great week all.... and keep at it.

    LW 142.2
    CW 142.4
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Constance: Congrats on your 25th anniversary! :heart: What a sweet hubby! A good marriage is a blessing. A long marriage is rare these days. It takes very hard work to hang in there. We will celebrate our 27th anniversary this year. Also, congrats on no gain!

    I am weighing in on Tues. but I want to report that I am down 1.5. I was up 2lbs last week and began to get in a funk! (Didn't officially record that gain.) I know weight can fluctuate but it is discouraging when you see it go up! So, part of that is gone and I am happy! My mini goal this week is to workout 6/7 days. This also helps me from getting in that funk! :frown:

    :happy: Today is the first day of book club! If you want to join look in Motivation and Support for the link. We are reading "Women, Food and God," by G. Roth. It is addressing emotional eating...and I can relate! Feel free to drop in and see if you want in.

    Have a wonderful week!:flowerforyou: