

  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    If our challenge is to try a new exercise, I guess I'll FINALLY do the yoga video I keep putting off. :laugh:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Or we could have a small daily challenge (that we plan in advance) and an larger weekly challenge like only have one non-water beverage a day for the whole week.

    i like the idea of daily challenges, but with the larger weekly challenge, just cause i can easily mess up on a daily challenge and have it be over with, but can get back on the wagon with the weekly!

    i don't have any suggestions for the daily ones but am cool with any suggestions
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Or we could have a small daily challenge (that we plan in advance) and an larger weekly challenge like only have one non-water beverage a day for the whole week.

    i like the idea of daily challenges, but with the larger weekly challenge, just cause i can easily mess up on a daily challenge and have it be over with, but can get back on the wagon with the weekly!

    i don't have any suggestions for the daily ones but am cool with any suggestions

    I vote we stick the food ones in the daily challenges 'cause they are harder to stick to (no way I could stay within my sugar limits for a week.....) and have the exercise challenges be week long since everyone doesn't exercise on the same days....
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member

    i like the idea of daily challenges, but with the larger weekly challenge, just cause i can easily mess up on a daily challenge and have it be over with, but can get back on the wagon with the weekly!

    i don't have any suggestions for the daily ones but am cool with any suggestions

    Friday- Don't weigh yourself. We all know there are probably some obsessive weighers. :wink:
    Saturday- Stay under your sodium.
    Sunday- Spend at lease 1/2 hour outside
    Monday-Stay under your sugar (I think we all failed that one last time)
    I'm running out of ideas...
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    OH! I thought of another one:

    Tuesday: Sleep at least 7hrs (sleep is key for weightloss)
    Wednesday: Try a new food.
    Thursday: Only one non-water beverage
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Down a half pound for the week... Not as good as I would have liked, but down anyways!

    SW 206
    LW 187
    CW 186.5
    GW 170 (by October 31)

    No time to chat, I think I might try to fit in a walk. Went out to the orchestra camp my oldest has been at all week to hear the chamber concert. It lasted a half hour. Took twice that long to drive out and back... lol. Then have to drive back for the final concert at 7. And then I get to bring him home... lol
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i started a new thread so it will be easy for everyone to find the challenges
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member

    Maybe do a week long exercise goal (i'm going to try out the torture device known as the 'Arc' machine....) and then do daily food goals....:tongue:

    I love the Arc Trainer at the Y! I burn gajillions of calories on it. I can burn 500 to 600 in a half hour...The key is resistance
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member