

  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    yea MFP told me i can only had 24grams of sugar :sad: lol i guess i have to only have one fruit today... and max out my veggies *sighs* i never realized how many sugars are in everything lol

    Your max according to is at least 30g unless your goal is less than 1200 cals, in which case you are in for a lecture.:tongue::laugh:
    lol well my goal is actually 1200 but i tend not to even come close because of exercise cals...but the thing is by the end of the day (Btw I munch throughout the entire day) I am usually stuffed and have only consumed anywhere from 800-1100 cals a day...i wonder if height matters as far as cals are concerned? :laugh:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Your max according to is at least 30g unless your goal is less than 1200 cals, in which case you are in for a lecture.:tongue::laugh:
    lol well my goal is actually 1200 but i tend not to even come close because of exercise cals...but the thing is by the end of the day (Btw I munch throughout the entire day) I am usually stuffed and have only consumed anywhere from 800-1100 cals a day...i wonder if height matters as far as cals are concerned? :laugh:

    Is that 800-1100 calories before or after exercies? If it's after, I wouldn't stress. I'm not a proponant of eating all your exercise calories any way. If it's before, eat more calorie dense foods. And d@mn, I wish I could fill up that easily.... Of course, I'm 5'10" and 164 (yay down 1/2lb from last week) so my nutritional need are slightly higher than yours probably.:laugh:
  • sarahkatie28
    Hey gals! Sorry to lose touch, I've been out of town. Hope everyone is doing well! Weigh in is tomorrow right?
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Your max according to is at least 30g unless your goal is less than 1200 cals, in which case you are in for a lecture.:tongue::laugh:
    lol well my goal is actually 1200 but i tend not to even come close because of exercise cals...but the thing is by the end of the day (Btw I munch throughout the entire day) I am usually stuffed and have only consumed anywhere from 800-1100 cals a day...i wonder if height matters as far as cals are concerned? :laugh:

    Is that 800-1100 calories before or after exercies? If it's after, I wouldn't stress. I'm not a proponant of eating all your exercise calories any way. If it's before, eat more calorie dense foods. And d@mn, I wish I could fill up that easily.... Of course, I'm 5'10" and 164 (yay down 1/2lb from last week) so my nutritional need are slightly higher than yours probably.:laugh:
    before :ohwell: lol but i figure if im not hungry and eating every 2 hours whats it matter right? lol...although last week i reached my calories and went over...but noticed every day of the week i felt sick and i wish i could be 5'10 lol *Is stuck at a whole foot shorter than u* lol...4'10 :sad:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Is that 800-1100 calories before or after exercies? If it's after, I wouldn't stress. I'm not a proponant of eating all your exercise calories any way. If it's before, eat more calorie dense foods. And d@mn, I wish I could fill up that easily.... Of course, I'm 5'10" and 164 (yay down 1/2lb from last week) so my nutritional need are slightly higher than yours probably.:laugh:
    before :ohwell: lol but i figure if im not hungry and eating every 2 hours whats it matter right? lol...although last week i reached my calories and went over...but noticed every day of the week i felt sick and i wish i could be 5'10 lol *Is stuck at a whole foot shorter than u* lol...4'10 :sad:

    lol. Everyone wants what they can't have. I always wanted to be shorter. Most the guys I know are my height or a little shorter so I always felt HUGE in heels. Now, I'm just happy because I can eat more because I'm so bloody tall. :laugh:

    You should try changing one of your snacks to nuts (unsalted, you prolly felt icky from too much salt). They are really good for you and are pretty high in calories. Although, if you really want to know what you should be eating you can have you BMR tested. I think is is about $50 but the 1200 cal minimum is a generalization so it my not apply to you, shorty pants. :tongue:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Is that 800-1100 calories before or after exercies? If it's after, I wouldn't stress. I'm not a proponant of eating all your exercise calories any way. If it's before, eat more calorie dense foods. And d@mn, I wish I could fill up that easily.... Of course, I'm 5'10" and 164 (yay down 1/2lb from last week) so my nutritional need are slightly higher than yours probably.:laugh:
    before :ohwell: lol but i figure if im not hungry and eating every 2 hours whats it matter right? lol...although last week i reached my calories and went over...but noticed every day of the week i felt sick and i wish i could be 5'10 lol *Is stuck at a whole foot shorter than u* lol...4'10 :sad:

    lol. Everyone wants what they can't have. I always wanted to be shorter. Most the guys I know are my height or a little shorter so I always felt HUGE in heels. Now, I'm just happy because I can eat more because I'm so bloody tall. :laugh:

    You should try changing one of your snacks to nuts (unsalted, you prolly felt icky from too much salt). They are really good for you and are pretty high in calories. Although, if you really want to know what you should be eating you can have you BMR tested. I think is is about $50 but the 1200 cal minimum is a generalization so it my not apply to you, shorty pants. :tongue:
    lol yea i always strut around in 5 inch heels :laugh: so i can kinda have although its somewhat artificial :laugh: :laugh: ... but i do eat seasalted nuts...but i eat 1/3 of a serving if i have them every hour until lunch it goes something like this, breakfast at about 7:30am ... 1/3 of snack at 8:30 am 1/3 at 9:30am and 1/3 at 10:30am...lunch god now that just seems silly looking at it haha
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member

    lol. Everyone wants what they can't have. I always wanted to be shorter. Most the guys I know are my height or a little shorter so I always felt HUGE in heels. Now, I'm just happy because I can eat more because I'm so bloody tall. :laugh:

    You should try changing one of your snacks to nuts (unsalted, you prolly felt icky from too much salt). They are really good for you and are pretty high in calories. Although, if you really want to know what you should be eating you can have you BMR tested. I think is is about $50 but the 1200 cal minimum is a generalization so it my not apply to you, shorty pants. :tongue:
    lol yea i always strut around in 5 inch heels :laugh: so i can kinda have although its somewhat artificial :laugh: :laugh: ... but i do eat seasalted nuts...but i eat 1/3 of a serving if i have them every hour until lunch it goes something like this, breakfast at about 7:30am ... 1/3 of snack at 8:30 am 1/3 at 9:30am and 1/3 at 10:30am...lunch god now that just seems silly looking at it haha

    It's not silly. I do some thing similar in the afternoon. I have 1/2 a serving of walnuts around 130p, a serving of Almonds around 3p, and 1/2 a serving of brazil nuts after my workout on the way home. It comes to about 300 calories.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Hey gals! Sorry to lose touch, I've been out of town. Hope everyone is doing well! Weigh in is tomorrow right?

    I was going to reply 'no, it's on Thursday' but then I realized it was Wednesday. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I've already planned out my meals and snacks for the day so I can track my sugar. :wink: I hate that you get more calories for exercising but your totals do not change, so 400 extra cals but no sugar left...:frown: :ohwell:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Hey gals! Sorry to lose touch, I've been out of town. Hope everyone is doing well! Weigh in is tomorrow right?

    I was going to reply 'no, it's on Thursday' but then I realized it was Wednesday. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I've already planned out my meals and snacks for the day so I can track my sugar. :wink: I hate that you get more calories for exercising but your totals do not change, so 400 extra cals but no sugar left...:frown: :ohwell:

    Use the 10% of calories method. Then you get more sugar. :bigsmile:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Hey gals! Sorry to lose touch, I've been out of town. Hope everyone is doing well! Weigh in is tomorrow right?

    I was going to reply 'no, it's on Thursday' but then I realized it was Wednesday. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I've already planned out my meals and snacks for the day so I can track my sugar. :wink: I hate that you get more calories for exercising but your totals do not change, so 400 extra cals but no sugar left...:frown: :ohwell:

    Use the 10% of calories method. Then you get more sugar. :bigsmile:

    I don't think I could eat that much sugar in one day if I tried :sick: not to mention staying under my calories at the same time.....that would be a lot of blueberries....
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member

    Use the 10% of calories method. Then you get more sugar. :bigsmile:

    I don't think I could eat that much sugar in one day if I tried :sick: not to mention staying under my calories at the same time.....that would be a lot of blueberries....

    I wish I had that problem. My favorite fruits are bananas, mangos, apples, grapes, etc. All of them have really high sugar content. I used to eat about 100g/day mostly from fruit. Now, I've cut it down to about 60g/day by significantly reducing my fruit. Today, I'm at 43g exactly (my caloric max) and I'm thrilled.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member

    Use the 10% of calories method. Then you get more sugar. :bigsmile:

    I don't think I could eat that much sugar in one day if I tried :sick: not to mention staying under my calories at the same time.....that would be a lot of blueberries....

    I wish I had that problem. My favorite fruits are bananas, mangos, apples, grapes, etc. All of them have really high sugar content. I used to eat about 100g/day mostly from fruit. Now, I've cut it down to about 60g/day by significantly reducing my fruit. Today, I'm at 43g exactly (my caloric max) and I'm thrilled.

    It's funny, now that I look back at my logs for the past couple weeks, I am generally right around 40-50g a day....(sometimes over, but that's only when I have a frappacino, an apple AND a giant orange sorbet bar in the same day....:wink: ) but I still can't imagine 130g of sugar and staying under my cals.:indifferent:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    well i;ve eaten 11 sugars..and have 13 sugars left =/...i dont think i can have fruit today...ugh :sick:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Kityngirl- That's the horrible part. I would eat about 90-100g/day at be under my calories but the sugar was all from things with a low calorie content. A banana only has 90 calories but 12g/sugar or an apple only has 80 calories but 17g of sugar. My moring snack of three peices of fruit generally only had 200 calories but 36g of sugar that's almost my entire allotment for the day.

    hasiangirl- I cut out my fruit today too. :sad: :sad: :sad: (I like that it is syncronized crying :bigsmile: )
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Kityngirl- That's the horrible part. I would eat about 90-100g/day at be under my calories but the sugar was all from things with a low calorie content. A banana only has 90 calories but 12g/sugar or an apple only has 80 calories but 17g of sugar. My moring snack of three peices of fruit generally only had 200 calories but 36g of sugar that's almost my entire allotment for the day.

    hasiangirl- I cut out my fruit today too. :sad: :sad: :sad: (I like that it is syncronized crying :bigsmile: )
    :sad: :sad: fruits are just so we shouldve said no man made sugars then we could have been little fruit:devil: 's lol :laugh:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Good morning all,

    OOOhh I think I'm failing today. I have had a yogurt and granola bar with my standard 2 coffees for breakie and for lunch... get ready... I have a pepporoni stick, 2 Light Laughing cow cheeses, 3 cups of watermelon, 2 cups of honeydew melon, a red plum and a granny smith apple... giggles. I don't even want to look at the sugar levels....:noway:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Ok so I looked I'm at 29g after lunch. How does one calculate if that is within or wayyyyyyy out?
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Ok so I looked I'm at 29g after lunch. How does one calculate if that is within or wayyyyyyy out?

    How on earth are you that low? An apple alone has 17g.

    You can change your goals display so it shows your sugars as well.
  • Changeisgonnacome

    I just checked and the watermelon listed on this site does not factor in sugar, nor does the honeydew... so it's NOT 29g which I found LOW. :tongue:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    I take it the quote feature is not working. It quoted nothing... but then again the message I quoted is also gone.:ohwell: