

  • Changeisgonnacome
    Good morning all.

    I mentionned quickly late last night that there are serious forest fires in my area which are approx 5miles away. I have serious seasonal allergies and they are currently aggravated by the smoke, which I am also affected by. I'm finding it difficult to breathe so I will not be doing any exercise for the forseeable future. I'm insuring I stay within my 1200 cals and/or below my maintenance of 1950. Just the way it has to be right now.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Good morning all.

    I mentionned quickly late last night that there are serious forest fires in my area which are approx 5miles away. I have serious seasonal allergies and they are currently aggravated by the smoke, which I am also affected by. I'm finding it difficult to breathe so I will not be doing any exercise for the forseeable future. I'm insure I stay within my 1200 cals and/or below my maintenance of 1950. Just the way it has to be right now.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Your health is always the most important thing. When we had the really bad forest fires here last year, I didn't exercise till the air cleared and I was much farther away then you are. Take care of yourself and I hope the air clears soon!:flowerforyou:
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Hey ladies!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!! I knew I probably wouldn't be able to do yesterday's challenge...:ohwell: I got dizzy hungry running errands so I bought a pack of beef jerky. Much better than the french fries I was smelling and wanting lol!! :laugh: But when I got home I had a snicker's ice cream bar, so I guess I ruined that :laugh:

    I like the idea of intervals today. Good plan! I don't know if I'll be making it in to the gym today (my mother in law's flight gets in in a few hours, gotta go pick her up and do last minute cleaning!) but I'm certainly gonna try!

    i personally like the mr.big ice cream bars, they need to stay away! i feel like i'm in self-defense mode. 'STOP MR. BIG, KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF MR.BIG' baha!

    HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! My favorite are the skinny cow mint ice cream sandwiches, but they were too expensive this time at the grocery store :angry: So I tore into the hubby's ice cream stash instead :laugh: Usually it's not a problem so oh well.

    Nickytoo, good luck girl!!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Do we have challenge for today?

    lets just decide on a challenge today until the rest of the weeks are posted.

    i suggest doing intervals between three of your favorite cardio/strength training activities for 15 minutes.

    me, i would do skipping for 2 minutes, lunges for 2 minutes, jumping jacks for 2 minutes....until i am done!

    whatchya think?

    I go to the gym and I think people would get pissed if I kept moving from the elliptical to the treadmill to the bike so I'll do 10 minutes of intensity intervals on each instead. That ok with you? PLEEEAASEE??:flowerforyou: :laugh:

    Same with me....the ellipticals are hard to get so once I'm on one I have to stay till I'm done or I won't get another anytime soon. :tongue: But I will do intervals on the elliptical....and do my full weights workout.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Good morning all.

    I mentionned quickly late last night that there are serious forest fires in my area which are approx 5miles away. I have serious seasonal allergies and they are currently aggravated by the smoke, which I am also affected by. I'm finding it difficult to breathe so I will not be doing any exercise for the forseeable future. I'm insuring I stay within my 1200 cals and/or below my maintenance of 1950. Just the way it has to be right now.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    :frown: Hope the air clears for you soon! Definitely take care of yourself first, remember it's mostly diet that drops the weight, exercise is what makes you look good after the weight is gone.:wink::laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member

    I go to the gym and I think people would get pissed if I kept moving from the elliptical to the treadmill to the bike so I'll do 10 minutes of intensity intervals on each instead. That ok with you? PLEEEAASEE??:flowerforyou: :laugh:

    Same with me....the ellipticals are hard to get so once I'm on one I have to stay till I'm done or I won't get another anytime soon. :tongue: But I will do intervals on the elliptical....and do my full weights workout.

    Does any one know how you log intervals in the exercise calculator? I'm just curious to compare the machine with the calculator but I haven't figured out how...

    Also, where is everyone? It's so quiet today...
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member

    I go to the gym and I think people would get pissed if I kept moving from the elliptical to the treadmill to the bike so I'll do 10 minutes of intensity intervals on each instead. That ok with you? PLEEEAASEE??:flowerforyou: :laugh:

    Same with me....the ellipticals are hard to get so once I'm on one I have to stay till I'm done or I won't get another anytime soon. :tongue: But I will do intervals on the elliptical....and do my full weights workout.

    Does any one know how you log intervals in the exercise calculator? I'm just curious to compare the machine with the calculator but I haven't figured out how...

    Also, where is everyone? It's so quiet today...

    I don't have a HRM so I just log my 'sprints' as running (whichever pace comes closest to what it says I am burning/hour on the machine) usually my normal elliptical is @ 725cals/hour and I 'sprint' at @ 815cals/hour. I am probably under guessing as well because I leave it on the random hill setting....:ohwell:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I don't have a HRM so I just log my 'sprints' as running (whichever pace comes closest to what it says I am burning/hour on the machine) usually my normal elliptical is @ 725cals/hour and I 'sprint' at @ 815cals/hour. I am probably under guessing as well because I leave it on the random hill setting....:ohwell:

    I'll have to note my averages on the machines and try putting those in the calculator. Thanks.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello hello hello....

    Got up and did my running intervals this morning. Then came home and did a yoga video. I love Tivo! Just got out of the shower, and am waiting for kids to finish their chores, then am running into town. Taking one of the kids to a sleepover at a friends house, which is why he needs to finish his chores first. I'm such a mean stepmom!

    As DH and I went on a walk yesterday, I carried my 32 oz water jug with me, and did different arm movements... Worked my shoulders, triceps, and biceps. Made DH do some too, but then he got embarrassed when we walked by peoples houses. Good thing I don't care if I look like a dork:laugh:

    Last night's challenge killed me! We ate dinner early (about 5:30) and by 9, I was starving. I have some leftover pie dough (oh how bad for me) in the fridge, and all I wanted was to eat a big chunk of it. Raw. Yum. But I resisted until midnight, when I went to bed. But then, I know where the case of chocolate bars (DH is a scout leader, and they were left from smores at the last campout) is. I hid them, because he has NO willpower. But last night, I had no willpower. So I grabbed a bar and took it to bed with me. But it stayed under my pillow. I didn't open the package, and didn't eat any. Even though it killed me! Good to know I can withstand cravings.
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    Hey Samantha,

    Yeah we're supposed to pick a goal weight my Halloween and then support one another in reaching that goal.

    BTW, I failed today's challenge BIG TIME! I've already had 2 coffees and a smoothie. Oh well.

    Sorry I havent got back sooner. Thank you for telling me, I didnt know now I have a dead line. Well a soft dead line. Thank you again.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Last night's challenge killed me! We ate dinner early (about 5:30) and by 9, I was starving. I have some leftover pie dough (oh how bad for me) in the fridge, and all I wanted was to eat a big chunk of it. Raw. Yum. But I resisted until midnight, when I went to bed. But then, I know where the case of chocolate bars (DH is a scout leader, and they were left from smores at the last campout) is. I hid them, because he has NO willpower. But last night, I had no willpower. So I grabbed a bar and took it to bed with me. But it stayed under my pillow. I didn't open the package, and didn't eat any. Even though it killed me! Good to know I can withstand cravings.

    Good job withstanding the cravings! The pie dough would have killed me. We always baked it with a little butter and cinnamon sugar when I was growing up. It's amazing. :love:
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    Last night's challenge killed me! We ate dinner early (about 5:30) and by 9, I was starving. I have some leftover pie dough (oh how bad for me) in the fridge, and all I wanted was to eat a big chunk of it. Raw. Yum. But I resisted until midnight, when I went to bed. But then, I know where the case of chocolate bars (DH is a scout leader, and they were left from smores at the last campout) is. I hid them, because he has NO willpower. But last night, I had no willpower. So I grabbed a bar and took it to bed with me. But it stayed under my pillow. I didn't open the package, and didn't eat any. Even though it killed me! Good to know I can withstand cravings.

    Good job withstanding the cravings! The pie dough would have killed me. We always baked it with a little butter and cinnamon sugar when I was growing up. It's amazing. :love:

    OH NO!!! Now I'm craving something sweet........ :grumble: Good thing I don't have anything here at my desk AND it's just about home time for me..... OH NO!!! Now I have to last the drive home!! LMAO
    NO STOPING ANYWHERE!!!! :frown:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    LOL... I just got home from work, and DH was telling the kids we're going for a bike ride, and stopping at the ice cream store on the way.... Ummmm yeah. I love turtle flurries. I also love root beer coolers (blended floats). I also love.... I don't want to stop at the ice cream store!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I did REALLY well with not stopping anywhere after work... I had the blinders on, but I even forgot to stop at Blockbuster!! My son asked me to rent a video game....:ohwell: Tomorrow is another day!

    I went for a run... did some squats and lunges... was sweating profusely... but I feel great for it! :bigsmile: My calves are a little sore now, hopefully that will subside before tommorow...wishful thinking! :grumble:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Well, we took the kids for a hike in the woods. Stopped at the ice cream store on the way home. The kids got stuff, I got the dog a cone, and DH and I had nothing. But, I still have about 400 calories left, so I'm going to have a cup of Edy's slow churned no sugar added vanilla ice cream and slice a fresh peach over it. Yummy, and only about 200- 250 calories:wink: .
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Hey girlies!! Whew, what a busy day!! The hubby's mom flew in today so we drove down to San Diego this morning to get her. Hubby had to go back to work, so she and I spent the afternoon watching tv and getting to know each other :smile: She is so sweet, and I am really excited for all the fun we'll have this week between walks, pedicures, and the beach. As well as my hubby's birthday party Friday night :laugh: She took us to Bad To The Bone BBQ for dinner (Jbuerer, is there one down your way?) and I'm sure my dinner was over 2000 calories. I'm not even going to try to log it, even though I only ate half. She and I each enjoyed a glass of Chardonnay and when we got home, Sweet Tea Vodka and Lemonade. Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty good. Since I took the dog on a nice long walk this morning, I'm not too mad at myself for missing the gym tonight. But tomorrow, it's back on!!!!!! Not sure how much I'll be on the message boards (don't want to be rude!!) but I'll check in once a day at least!!!! Any idea what the challenge is tomorrow?

    Pettmybunny, that ice cream with peaches sounds A-MAZING!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    so i did horrible last night and didnt do the challenge...i ran for onlly 5 mins and walked for only 10mins... i got hit with my aunt flow really bad this months and the cramps are HORRIBLE...not to mention i have a wisdom tooth cutting through right now as well....ahhh then this morning instead of having a nutritious breakfast i ate crackers and low fat cream cheese instead...and then i got on the scale and have fluctuated up to i am now up 2 lbs boooooo
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I did really good yesterday! Ate within my cals and went to the gym for a good workout (along with the intervals :happy: )
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I'm sure aunt flow is the reason for the fluctuation. I hope you're cramps go away soon... I know I don't feel like doing ANYTHING at that time of the month, which is next week so I have to bust my *kitten* this week... LOL
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I'm sure aunt flow is the reason for the fluctuation. I hope you're cramps go away soon... I know I don't feel like doing ANYTHING at that time of the month, which is next week so I have to bust my *kitten* this week... LOL
    lol....i wish i had done better the week before but i didnt...i think imma just suffer through this week and work my butt off and stop moaning about it,,,lol....*kicks aunt flos butt* :laugh: