Students forced to give passwords...



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I think they are doing it to protect all students. Not all students have parents that care. Some of them come home to terrible lifestyles where they have to take care of the parent. I work in a middle/high school and feel so sorry for the majority of the kdis because they have parents who dont care what they do. Some of them have some pretty sad situations going on. I say go ahead, it may just save the life of someone.

    “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” ~Benjamin Franklin

    The government needs to keep out of our business!!!!!!!!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Why does a 13 year old need a Facebook page? My son is 12 and asked for one and I said NO.
    Not really the issue, is it?
  • msrat1
    msrat1 Posts: 43
    My son's facebook page does not allow login from any unauthorized computer, so they couldn't do anything with the password anyway which he has been instructed to give to no one and if the school threatens him, he is instructed to keep quiet until I get there or they leave him alone no matter what they say. I monitor his page and his phone does not have internet, and I scan it periodically (in front of him) so there is nothing to see there and he doesn't get any ideas about trying to hide anything from me ( I am an IT) .....Schools need to focus on determining how kids learn and the best ways to teach them and not worry about what they do in their spare time.....that's my job.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No way, no how would I allow that. I'd be screaming in front of the school board.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think they are doing it to protect all students. Not all students have parents that care. Some of them come home to terrible lifestyles where they have to take care of the parent. I work in a middle/high school and feel so sorry for the majority of the kdis because they have parents who dont care what they do. Some of them have some pretty sad situations going on. I say go ahead, it may just save the life of someone.

    So it's OK to violate civil rights because some kids come from bad homes?

    Uh ... no.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Are they accessing facebook through school computers? If not, they can take a hike. If the school doesn't want kids going to facebook on school computers, they can restrict access to the site (and any others that are not appropriate at school).

    At my school, students and staff could only go through the district's email programs, etc., and all students/staff had a school email account which the district had access to and students knew not to do anything stupid on. They used this account to send themselves homework assignments, interact with others on school projects, etc. If you wanted to play around on non-educational sites or engage in social networking, you had to do it on your own time on your own property. Fine by me.

    If the facebook is not being accessed on school computers, it's really none of the school's business what your password is. If it IS being accessed and used on school property, the district may have liability if something bad happens on their watch.
  • yannismom
    yannismom Posts: 18
    It doesn't seem like the school should be able to even question the students without contacting the parents first. This not only protects the child, but covers the school administration as well. Even the police don't question minors without a parent present! If it were my child, I'd instruct her to sit there and make them call me before opening anything!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I pre-enrolled my son for Kindergarten yesterday, and I found lot of the questions to be intrusive. For example what dentist do we use, are we migrant workers, can the school nurse call my son's doctor directly...

    This helps him with his ABC's how?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I work in a school. I can't think of any reason why we would ever go ask a student for a password.
    If there is a issue, we go to the state police and would order FB to give the information.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I pre-enrolled my son for Kindergarten yesterday, and I found lot of the questions to be intrusive. For example what dentist do we use, are we migrant workers, can the school nurse call my son's doctor directly...

    This helps him with his ABC's how?

    I don't know about the dentist issue, but the migrant worker thing is probably tied to funding and also would allow the school to provide specific services.

    The doctor question is legitimate. What if there's an emergency and they can't reach you for some reason?
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    I pre-enrolled my son for Kindergarten yesterday, and I found lot of the questions to be intrusive. For example what dentist do we use, are we migrant workers, can the school nurse call my son's doctor directly...

    This helps him with his ABC's how?

    Dentist and talking to the doctor directly I think are for medical emergencies. The migrate workers, there is a reason for that too albeit I can't remember now.
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    My son's facebook page does not allow login from any unauthorized computer, so they couldn't do anything with the password anyway which he has been instructed to give to no one and if the school threatens him, he is instructed to keep quiet until I get there or they leave him alone no matter what they say. I monitor his page and his phone does not have internet, and I scan it periodically (in front of him) so there is nothing to see there and he doesn't get any ideas about trying to hide anything from me ( I am an IT) .....Schools need to focus on determining how kids learn and the best ways to teach them and not worry about what they do in their spare time.....that's my job.

    AMEN! It's almost like kids in k-12 are being treated like prisoners instead of students! Focus more on education, less on this petty crap. Thank God I had awesome teachers!
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    If a school thinks there is something of importance on a child's facebook page, their involvement should begin and end with voicing the concern to the parents. If the parents fail to do anything on the matter, then that is where the blame falls. Schools are responsible for educating our children. Not raising them.
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    I pre-enrolled my son for Kindergarten yesterday, and I found lot of the questions to be intrusive. For example what dentist do we use, are we migrant workers, can the school nurse call my son's doctor directly...

    This helps him with his ABC's how?

    The doctor one is the only one that makes any direct sense. If they can't get a hold of you and there is an emergency or medical question that comes up concerning your child and a decision/action must be made, can they get that info from your kids doctor?

    The dentist might be a roundabout way of asking if there any dental concerns (such as unable to eat x food because of x problem). Migrant workers...maybe there is some kind of tax credit/abatement/whatever?

    I'm sure if you just asked they'd be happy to explain it to you.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Not having had facebook when I was a kid, it made me think about how humiliated I would be if the principal had called me in and demanded to read my diary! :embarassed: I know facebook is a bit less private than a diary, but one would think there would be a clear policy in place so that kids aren't being blindsided, whisked into rooms and bullied into submission. If you are going to do this kind of crap, people need to know ahead of time that it can happen so they can protect themselves (train kids to resist the interrogation, teach kids what's appropriate for facebook and what's not) so there isn't this "gotcha" moment in the principal's office. Creepers!
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Why does a 13 year old need a Facebook page? My son is 12 and asked for one and I said NO.
    Not really the issue, is it?

    Thank you!! To each his/her own.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    No way! I'd be livid. My daughter's school actually has a Facebook page that the students can friend. Special announcements, school related conversations and links to interesting sites are available. There have also been postings from teachers clarifying assignments. For instance, a couple of parents had called a literature teacher for more specific instructions on a subject and the teacher went ahead and posted clarifications on the schools board so that other students could get the information. Sure, that gives them access to the students Facebook, but it's the student's choice to "friend" the school, not a requirement.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member

    I don't know about the dentist issue, but the migrant worker thing is probably tied to funding and also would allow the school to provide specific services.

    The doctor question is legitimate. What if there's an emergency and they can't reach you for some reason?

    For the dentist or doctor I would still be the one (or one of the other 3 people on the pick up list) to drive him to an office so I would still be involved. If it is a true emergency and me and non of my contacts are available then the ER can be involved. I fill out all the other medical conditions, allergy, and medication pages so they would know if he had a a specific condition that needed to be considered.

    As for the migrant worker questions, funding of some sort is probably behind the forms but it still made me cringe. The whole process left me feeling very exposed and I have nothing to hide!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I don't know about the dentist issue, but the migrant worker thing is probably tied to funding and also would allow the school to provide specific services.

    The doctor question is legitimate. What if there's an emergency and they can't reach you for some reason?

    For the dentist or doctor I would still be the one (or one of the other 3 people on the pick up list) to drive him to an office so I would still be involved. If it is a true emergency and me and non of my contacts are available then the ER can be involved. I fill out all the other medical conditions, allergy, and medication pages so they would know if he had a a specific condition that needed to be considered.

    As for the migrant worker questions, funding of some sort is probably behind the forms but it still made me cringe. The whole process left me feeling very exposed and I have nothing to hide!

    Wow. You really have no clue.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member

    Wow. You really have no clue.

    Maybe not. Enlighten me.