Hot girl ugly man



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    In every relationship there is a "Reacher" and a "Settler." You've just noticed the females are the settlers in this discussion.

    I think a lot of women actually care about personality and shared values and place those on par with or above looks. I don't see that as settling, personally.
  • Perhaps women go more for brains than looks? And men do the opposite. Having a "hot woman" shouldn't be as much of a priority as having a compatible individual as your significant other. After all, their looks wont be around forever - their personalities will.
    Yes but you still have to sleep with that every night. Don't know how they do it.

    My opinion is that even though looks is the first attraction that personality is what determines if we stay or go. When I first met my husband we were friends; he was dating someone and I was kind of talking to someone. Anyway, I was not physically attracted to him (even though he says I was lol)... but his personality won me over. I look at him now and I tell myself, "Wow, he is attractive!" It's funny because I initially didn't think he was. I think the way you are in the inside changes the way people look at you in the outside. Besides, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think beauty comes in all shapes and forms, there isn't a standard definition for beauty.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    In a nutshell it goes like this: The majority of men have good taste in women, while the vast majority of attractive women have bad taste in men. This is why for approx. 50 couples you see out in public, where the woman is above average looking and the guy is somewhere between butFugly/old and average you might see only one couple where the woman looks rather unattractive and the guy looks like he belongs in hollywood. I am thinking that most peeps have heard the saying: ProsTITution is the oldest known profession? I have been single and dateless for a bad many years as I am quite attractive BUT do not hail from even a middle of the road income family. I just wont lower my standards and go for the 200lbs + women and or the super old women that I seem to be a magnet for. So for the hoards of FEEmales that use your looks as leverage to land the richest guy you can find, just remember that you are nothing special and you will blow away like dust in the wind. At m0st the women out on the corners are direct about their escorting ways...

    It's clear why you're single, dude. :drinker:
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