Are most men like this to live with??



  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    this post plus your default pic make me think you seriously want a man in your life.
    No argument there, but have you considered that I just happen to have a sense of humor?

    And I repeat... men are awesome.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I've only just recently moved in with my boyfriend as well, but from what I can tell about yours, that is not healthy or normal. He needs to help out at least SOME, and not just expect you to do everything without question. If I were you, I would drop him like it's hot.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    My wife and I have an agreement on cooking/cleaning. Whoever cooks DOESN"T do the dishes. It works out well for both. Either you're tied up prepping or washing, but not both. Same thing with cleaning. We have two bathrooms, I am responsible for one, she's responsible for one, they get roughly equal use so it's not like one has a really easy one a and the other a difficult one.

  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Sounds like my brother and dad. Do they cook? No - they expect food every single evening, ready and piping hot. Does my brother do dishes? Uh no, he would be puzzled if I placed a container of Dish Soap infront of him to name. Does my dad cook? No, he microwaves eggs or does toast if no meals there for him.

    So far, from my experience alot of guys are like that, but my vantage point is limited ATM so who knows what's out there, maybe considerate men who cook, sometimes clean and use ONE cup for a drink, not 6 littered throughout the house.

    Lol, but be to fair not everyone is like that. I know of people's BF's and husbands who do just what you do for your current BF, and vic versa. I say speak up.

    As for family.. Speaking up does nothing. We're all cut-throat. haha
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    We actually do have separate beds which I find quite weird! I never thought at the age of 26 that my bf and I would sleep in different beds. We have an arrangement happening where he has his comfy new double mattress and I have a single mattress on the floor.

    Um...speechless now.
  • Morgan103084
    you need to let him know that you are not his maid, and if he wants you to act like one, he needs to pay you for it! let him know your services don't come free!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Men are great.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    WAIT, so the OP is living rent free with no job.

    i change my vote. yeah you should be pulling your fair share by cooking and cleaning.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You do all the cooking, cleaning and even make his bed? You sleep on a mattress on the floor when he sleeps in a DOUBLE bed?

    You are not his girlfriend you are his live in maid/prostitute (assuming you have sex, do you get to use the bed for that?), except he only pays you in room and board.
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    My husband is NOTHING like that but then again my husband is NOTHING like most men I know LOL! He cooks, cleans, is a neat freak, never leaves up the toilet seat, does laundry, does yardwork, etc. Your man probably won't change so you may as well start loooking elsewhere now or learn to live with it. I've been married almost 22 years. And what's with the separate beds?! I'm baffled!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I don't pay rent at the moment because I've moved here from overseas and I'm looking for full time work (which im looking forward to to get me out of the house and meeting people).
    lol wtf

    you realise this, combined with everything youve said, makes it sound as though he bought you online right?

    either that or you dont realise that the only thing crappy here is that he doesnt sleep next to you and live-in girlfriends with no job are considered housewives. If you dont have a job and he is paying for your living expenses, you better happily clean his dishes and make his bed. The man is supporting you. Say thank you.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    So you have no job and are fully supported but don't want to do any housework? What the hell do you want to do all day? Sit on the couch and watch TV?

    Get back in the kitchen and make that man some dinner.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    making his bed??? do you have separate beds??

    stop babying him..hes a grown man...set the record straight NOW or he will expect you to do this FOREVER!!!!

    We actually do have separate beds which I find quite weird! I never thought at the age of 26 that my bf and I would sleep in different beds. We have an arrangement happening where he has his comfy new double mattress and I have a single mattress on the floor. He expects me to make his bed which I resent a bit I must say when I have to make it and then make my own small single mattress...
    The thing is we're not financially equal, I don't pay rent at the moment because I've moved here from overseas and I'm looking for full time work (which im looking forward to to get me out of the house and meeting people).

    :noway: WHAT?!?!? Absurdity to say the least! Who cares how much money you do or do not make? You are a human being! You are not a dog that needs to be sleeping in a little special bed on the floor! Demand respect! If he can't deliver, move on!

    I thought I was finish, :laugh: but did I read that correctly, you are making HIS bed. Lets be real, is this your boyfriend or just a roommate before anyone can advise. Sound like a roommate issue to me.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    I hate man bashing threads with an all-consuming passion.

    Men. Are. Awesome.

    Guess what - I suck at keeping the dishes and laundry and other chores done. I'm a girl.
    Penises don't make someone a slob. Being a slob makes someone a slob.

    Men - YOU ROCK! I love that you're logical and solution-based. I love when you make me feel safe. I love the way you smell. I love the way you look. I love when you fix things for me or show me how to fix them. I love that you put up with my emotional roller coasters.
    Men. Are. Awesome.


    this post plus your default pic make me think you seriously want a man in your life.
    As opposed to these 2 chest poppers which tells us men how sophisticated you are?


    chest poppers? after spending 6k, i dont need to pop my chest, thanks though. And that is quite a bit different than cramming a phallus shaped fruit down my throat and calling it a default.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    So you have no job and are fully supported but don't want to do any housework? What the hell do you want to do all day? Sit on the couch and watch TV?

    Get back in the kitchen and make that man some dinner.
    Preferably a sammich
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    Is this thread a joke? Has to be, no?
    "I sleep on a mattress on the floor." SERIOUSLY?!?! This can't be real.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    making his bed??? do you have separate beds??

    stop babying him..hes a grown man...set the record straight NOW or he will expect you to do this FOREVER!!!!

    We actually do have separate beds which I find quite weird! I never thought at the age of 26 that my bf and I would sleep in different beds. We have an arrangement happening where he has his comfy new double mattress and I have a single mattress on the floor. He expects me to make his bed which I resent a bit I must say when I have to make it and then make my own small single mattress...
    The thing is we're not financially equal, I don't pay rent at the moment because I've moved here from overseas and I'm looking for full time work (which im looking forward to to get me out of the house and meeting people).

    since you do not work and he is providing the residence, it does make sense that you would be taking care of the apartment and doing the cleaning since he is paying for everything. but it should not be like that once you do become financially stable, and the housework should be shared. unless you guys plan on doing something like that, where he will pay the bills and you do everything for the apartment.
    talk with him about it, and discuss what your payment is right now for the residence. if it is doing what you are doing now simply as your payment because you are unemployed then that makes sense. make sure he knows that it is not something that will be done forever if you plan on being together that long, and that you do expect to be splitting things down the middle. if he takes care of fixing things and the cars and paying the bills, then it would seem fare that you clean and cook. but definitely make sure there is an understanding, and that you are both on the same page.
  • bck80
    bck80 Posts: 81 Member
    Honey !! i have one word for you "RUN"!!! if he expects you to do all of this and you're not even married, i wouldn't be suprised when you are, he'll ask for a foot massage after you're done with those dishes. :noway:
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    making his bed??? do you have separate beds??

    stop babying him..hes a grown man...set the record straight NOW or he will expect you to do this FOREVER!!!!

    We actually do have separate beds which I find quite weird! I never thought at the age of 26 that my bf and I would sleep in different beds. We have an arrangement happening where he has his comfy new double mattress and I have a single mattress on the floor. He expects me to make his bed which I resent a bit I must say when I have to make it and then make my own small single mattress...
    The thing is we're not financially equal, I don't pay rent at the moment because I've moved here from overseas and I'm looking for full time work (which im looking forward to to get me out of the house and meeting people).

    Are you a mail order bride? ¬_¬
  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    Well, this thread has sure taken a different course. At least all of you have a sense of humor! And I have seen the video (thank you very're awesome).

    Seriously though...hehe...ask him to sit down with you and express yourself and your unhappiness with the situation and provide a solution. For example...ask him if he can either alternate doing the dishes, do them with you, or do his own.

    Meals are a separate issue since you both eat differently. He might not be aware or feel comfortable with how to make a complete meal and balanced meal for you....I'm being polite here.

    It's sounds like an immaturity issue here. Men who LOVE WOMEN do for women and same in reverse. We try and make the other person happy by doing things we know will help. If he just isn't paying attention then just let him know he would be a great help if he did this for you, with you, or for himself. Tell him it would make you happy and feel like he cared.

    If you don't get a positive response....then you have decisions to make. What you'll tolerate and for how long.

    Best of Luck. The best relationships are ones that compliment each other, give each other room to grow,and share the responsibilities and burdens. That's my opinion. Life's to short for more stress. Your significan't other should make you laugh.
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