Faking Stats? I wonder....



  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    Do any of you wonder if any MFP members fake some of their stats just to get praise and attention from others? Maybe they didn't actually lose this week or do any exercise for the day. (it was just on my mind, lol)

  • Lewisgrl23
    Lewisgrl23 Posts: 24 Member
    Hmmm... I guess that's a valid question. I dated someone that stole from me. I told them that stealing from me was like stealing from himself. At anyrate... They would only cheat themselves. This journey is all about being honest with yourself and admitting what you want to change and partnering with people who are on like journey's.
  • bellavita0125
    bellavita0125 Posts: 116 Member
    of course there are people that fake stats. Take a look at it, quietly laugh to yourself and move on. They are only hurting themselves anyway :)
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    Oh yeah I am sure plenty of people fake post on here. Not sure why but whatever.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    <--- burned 3,800 calories running from obesogens
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I'm pretty sure I was wearing clothes at my first weigh-in. Since then not so much.

    I feel better getting that off my chest actually.
  • sfjohnson16
    sfjohnson16 Posts: 33 Member
    People are way too crazy to be doing that! Be honest people!
  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    Seems stupid to do that the only person you are hurting is yourself.
    Although I have seen some fake profiles of girls with pictures that I have seen they have taken from the internet just to get guys to talk to them, but I am not hating just saying :smile:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I am sure there are people who do, but i think that most of us on here are honest because we really want to lose weight and be healthier and lying about it isnt going to make it happen
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I simply adore how you all assume that everyone that lies about their stats lies in their own favor.

    If I workout for 108 minutes, I only log 100.
    If it says I burned 398 calories, I usually type in 350.
    If i ate a bagel and it says it was 172 calories, I put in 200.

    I purposefully post my stats against myself, to keep myself pushing harder.

    And I only log half my workouts cause I dont like the backlash from the lazies telling me Im obsessed.

    lol or calling my workouts FAKE.
    I think you're just being realistic. MFP burns seem to be higher, and its better to estimate in a cautious manner. That's definitely not the kind of "faking" the OP seemed to be implying (she did say 'to get praise"...and clearly you aren't looking for that when you play down your stats)

    Ok I can go with that.

    But one of the biggest reasons lots of people on here DO have to downplay what they log is because there are way too many people who just jump on the chance to point a finger and call someone a liar, faker or exaggerator. It hurts feelings.

    Please think three times before you rush to call someone a faker. Maybe they just woke up that day and decided to run a half marathon (ive done it) or post their ACTUAL starting weight (i did it - took me a year and a half before I admitted that I started at 260 and not 220)
    I'm with you on that...I think the majority of people on here are being honest, and if they're fudging a little by overestimating on their burns or underestimating their portion sizes, its not necessarily intentional (I've NEVER called anyone out on what I think might be embellished, and never would). Just being on here is generally a step in the right direction for the majority of people, and this site has helped SO many!!
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    i'm sure there are people out there that will OR it's some immature kid playing around on the internet.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hey! I really DID burn 500 calories while *kitten* the other night! I've got great stamina, and the movie really pulled me in! :tongue:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    <--- burned 3,800 calories running from obesogens
    Nice! :laugh:
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Why stop at stats? I made a completely fictional profile just for entertainment purposes.
  • busymomto5PA
    Not this chic. Isn't that the whole point of this site to hold yourself accountable for your actions (what you put in your mouth and how much you move). If you fake stats not only are you not holding yourself accountable but the only person you are hurting is yourself.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i wouldnt be surprised. i know people have admitted to being dishonest with their food log, so why not anything else on here that's public
  • nucreeman
    nucreeman Posts: 40
    I don't pay enough attention to anyone else to care if they are faking. I'm completely self-absorbed.

  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    OMG I thought about that this morning because my ticker accidently said I lost a 111 pounds instead of 11 and I got some reactions for that. When I miscarried my baby 3 years ago I joined a support board for mothers like myself. There was actually a woman who had ultra sound images etc who was claiming to have lost her child too. Someone noticed that the name on the ultra sound actually belonged to another mom on the site. It was very sad. It crushed a lot of us. But you have to understand that there is an illness that causes people to behave like this. But I am sure it really happens here too. All you can do is pray for them.
  • mrshbrn
    mrshbrn Posts: 22
    Agreed Vernesssie. I have nothing to gain by faking stats. If they do its on them. It's their life, not mine. Like nucreeman said, Im completely self-absorbed!!! Dont have time to worry about others stats.

    Their make be people on the site who fake stats, but me personally do not fake my stats. What would I have to gain. This journey is a lifestyle change for me and for most part everyone else who is trying to lose weight.

    Just my two cents added
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    I'm sure there are people out there that do that. But the are only one they are fooling is themselves.