My first MFP rant..



  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    This is one of the reasons that I don't publish my diary - it is for me to make the decisions about what I consume, and if I can't square it with myself, someone else telling me what I should or shouldn't do (especially when I haven't asked) won't make any difference at all!

    That said - I also choose my friends carefully, I picked up a lot of people initially who just didn't support me, even though I made every effort to support them - so they had to go! Now I have fewer friends, who's progress really interests me and who support my goals and successes in a really positive ways.

    You sound like a lady who knows what she wants - just pick the friends who genuinely want to help you!
  • Pinky67
    Pinky67 Posts: 108 Member
    In my opinion your breakfast contained a super amount of SUPERFOODS, and was not a big spend on calories either. Well done I say, good on you!!! Weed out the haters and you will build up a good group of supportive friends :flowerforyou:
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I hope you find more supportive people to help you on your journey. I rarely look at diaries unless a friend has asked a question about their food intake. I don't care what people eat. That's ridiculous. I loooove cheesecake. =)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    First thing you need to do is purge your friends list of people who aren't going to support you.

    Smart people should be able to look at the macros of your cheescake and see if it is a decent choice or not. I say well done, I love cheesecake (insert shameless plug for the MFP Cheesecake group here) :bigsmile:

    Many people on here aren't yet capable of appreciating that people have different goals to themselves, or are at different stages. Thie trick is to find people that are. Feel free to add me if you like - I'm pretty awesome :wink:

    PS. I'd LOVE that cheesecake recipe if you'd care to share.


    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:

    That sounds pretty tasty. :D
  • mathgirl
    mathgirl Posts: 61 Member
    Really? They've got some nerve. I guess I have been lucky. Clean up your list :)
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    cheese cake is soooo dirty!!! You all are gonna gain 20lbs and screw up your metabolism eating that! Stay off the scales for awhile!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I have one friend who is exactly like that, trying to be a "nutritionist" just because he knows some of the ethnic foods that I eat but he absolutely has no idea what kinds of food am I eating, just basing upon from either his friends or some foods that he have eaten. I then explained that I don't normally eat it regularly & that what he's doing is irritating unless someone is asking for his advice on food but otherwise, he shouldn't judge anyone's diary because in the first place we never know the history behind it. Good thing some of my foods are in Spanish & so most of my friends don't understand what I'm putting on my mouth. When I make my own receipe, I also put it in Spanish so in that way many won't know what it is hehehe...

    By the way I just had a subway sandwich earlier & yesterday I ate a kit kat & a hershey's milk chocolate candy, haha.
  • Misha41810
    Misha41810 Posts: 22
    you here for attention? J
    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.

    OMG, have I actually stumbled across another raw foodie here!! Your raw cheesecake sounds incredible and thanks for posting the recipe :) I used to be a raw food vegan many moons ago and while I no longer am still pull out some of my fave non cook books and try a few recipes a month :love:
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    I thought I was making a completely pointless post until I realized how many people asked for my recipe. :happy:
    I was typing it up for Rayman and by the time I typed it up I got 5 other requests for the recipe.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I thought I was making a completely pointless post until I realized how many people asked for my recipe. :happy:
    I was typing it up for Rayman and by the time I typed it up I got 5 other requests for the recipe.
    I'm definitely going to try it... :) How's the coconut flavor... I'm not a huge fan...
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:

    Is there a way to bookmark this receipe? I absolutely love to try it when I get home later
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    That sounds like cheesecake surprise.

    I do like how this rant post has changed into a cheesecake thread
  • bacq8
    bacq8 Posts: 1
    Thanks for the recipe and the post. Keep up the good work!
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    cheese cake is soooo dirty!!! You all are gonna gain 20lbs and screw up your metabolism eating that! Stay off the scales for awhile!

    read the thread. *edited by MFP moderator*

    (I'm off to buy agave, whatever that is... )
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Those friends sound like turds. Now see, i like to leave my profile and diary open so that people can see that you can eat cake, drink beer, eat pizza, eat Chinese food, and still lose weight. I only comment on open diaries as well. I like to see what people are eating, it is good for inspiration. And I hope by having my diary open, people can look and see what i eat if they are interested and maybe get some motivation, or some ideas. In the calorie counting game it never hurts to share your secrets for reducing those calories..........switching from light cream to fat free, or from real preserves to sugar free...............all things I have seen on other peoples diaries, and tried, and liked. People who are nasty, will be nasty no matter what.......just ignore them and move on.........
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    cheese cake is soooo dirty!!! You all are gonna gain 20lbs and screw up your metabolism eating that! Stay off the scales for awhile!

    read the thread, idiot.

    (I'm off to buy agave, whatever that is... )

    lol I think he was being sarcastic :laugh:

    agave is a cactus like plant (tequila is made from agave), it tastes like honey but is lower on the glycemic index. It's also plant based so good for vegans who don't eat honey.
    You can make the recipe with honey as well, or might be good opportunity to try out agave.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    cheese cake is soooo dirty!!! You all are gonna gain 20lbs and screw up your metabolism eating that! Stay off the scales for awhile!

    read the thread, idiot.

    (I'm off to buy agave, whatever that is... )
    recognize sarcasm "idiot"
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    I thought I was making a completely pointless post until I realized how many people asked for my recipe. :happy:
    I was typing it up for Rayman and by the time I typed it up I got 5 other requests for the recipe.
    I'm definitely going to try it... :) How's the coconut flavor... I'm not a huge fan...

    You can buy refined coconut oil and it doesn't taste like coconut at all. The cool thing about coconut oil is that you can buy it at a health food store in baking *and* in the beauty supply section. Good for your skin, hair and tummy.

    I just joined here, but I leave my diary open only because I am vegan and people always wonder what I eat. Plus, I'm a huge advocate of eating (not starving) and eating for health. If people wanna judge someone, that says everything about them and nothing about the person they judge. Here, as in life, I have no room or patience for negative people. Besides, this is called my "fitness" pal and it's about supporting fitness goals.

    In my world, I've dubbed every Tuesday as "Tantrum Tuesday." I think we all need a good rant or a private little hissy fit. So, I dedicated one day to it (it used to be my worst day in the office). So, rant on sista!

    I think the cheesecake sounds fabulous. :flowerforyou:
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    cheese cake is soooo dirty!!! You all are gonna gain 20lbs and screw up your metabolism eating that! Stay off the scales for awhile!

    read the thread, idiot.

    (I'm off to buy agave, whatever that is... )
    recognize sarcasm "idiot"

    oops.. really shouldnt post before coffee.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I thought I was making a completely pointless post until I realized how many people asked for my recipe. :happy:
    I was typing it up for Rayman and by the time I typed it up I got 5 other requests for the recipe.
    I'm definitely going to try it... :) How's the coconut flavor... I'm not a huge fan...

    You can buy refined coconut oil and it doesn't taste like coconut at all. The cool thing about coconut oil is that you can buy it at a health food store in baking *and* in the beauty supply section. Good for your skin, hair and tummy.

    I just joined here, but I leave my diary open only because I am vegan and people always wonder what I eat. Plus, I'm a huge advocate of eating (not starving) and eating for health. If people wanna judge someone, that says everything about them and nothing about the person they judge. Here, as in life, I have no room or patience for negative people. Besides, this is called my "fitness" pal and it's about supporting fitness goals.

    In my world, I've dubbed every Tuesday as "Tantrum Tuesday." I think we all need a good rant or a private little hissy fit. So, I dedicated one day to it (it used to be my worst day in the office). So, rant on sista!

    I think the cheesecake sounds fabulous. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the tip!