My first MFP rant..



  • ladykat2330
    ladykat2330 Posts: 33
    Sorry to hear you have had that experience, they sound rather rude and silly. Love the cheesecake recipe by the way sounds brilliant
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Haha, I relate to this so much! Once someone messaged me "Have fun being fat forever, since you drink wine!" They got the instant delete.

    ETA: Thanks for the cheesecake recipe!
  • Spamee
    Spamee Posts: 148 Member
    I guess its good that I dont have many friends here.

    Thanks for the recipe - it sounds great!
  • skinEme1018
    skinEme1018 Posts: 25
    First, thank you for trying to live a healthier lifestyle...what the idiots forget is that for EVERYONE that does that is gives us better choices at restraunts because they now want to cater to us!

    The people that attacked you are the "experts" truly I don't know why they are here....they know everything about everything so not sure why they need us??? I guess to give us the idiotic advice they give.

    Let them go on to torture someone else or look at their diary and correct them on correct portions even with veggies! I don't mind them on mine because I have nothing to hide. If I want cheesecake then I eat cheesecake. This is a lifestyle change not a prison with three prepared preportioned meals!

    I am proud of you for being here! Blessings.
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member

    What I've been having a problem with is some "friends" who've recently added me have PM'd me, trying to give me advice I didn't ask for and in a very condescending way.
    First one was a message saying and I quote "What exactly are you doing on MFP? You only weigh 125, are you here for attention? Just curious."
    Do I have to be dangerously overweight to want to get healthy? To want to look better? How is my profile begging for attention? Have I posted anything asking for attention? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    Yes I deleted this person, problem solved but nevertheless it was unexpected and annoying.

    I'm sorry that you have to deal with that and those types of non-supportive friends. I'm around the same weight and would be upset if someone thought I was doing it for attention. Like you, I just want to eat healthy and look better, it doesnt mean anyone is crying out for attention. I can see why that would upset you because you were just minding your own business and it seems like others came in assuming things w.o the facts.

    Also, I had cake for breakfast too when it was someones birthday the night before and YUM YUM <3 That cheesecake sounds yummy and good for you for not thinking 'oh I cant have it for breakfast'! Its your breakfast, you should enjoy it right?! :)

    If you need any nonjudgemental friends, feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    So this post is kind of pointless, I realize, but like the title says, it's just a rant..

    I'm pretty new on MFP and have been following the forums and somewhat participating in them, and understand that there are people whose opinions naturally differ from one another. Some topics, especially those that are controversial usually end up turning ugly and that's expected on a public internet forum. I understand that when you post something asking for opinions, you naturally get a variety of opinions. This I have no problem with...

    What I've been having a problem with is some "friends" who've recently added me have PM'd me, trying to give me advice I didn't ask for and in a very condescending way.
    First one was a message saying and I quote "What exactly are you doing on MFP? You only weigh 125, are you here for attention? Just curious."
    Do I have to be dangerously overweight to want to get healthy? To want to look better? How is my profile begging for attention? Have I posted anything asking for attention? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    Yes I deleted this person, problem solved but nevertheless it was unexpected and annoying.

    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.
    One of my friends saw that I ate "cheesecake" and had the nerve to message me and say again I quote "Well if you're going to have cheesecake for breakfast why do you choose to share your diary with people who are actually trying to be healthy?"
    1. Did I ask for your opinion?
    2. Do you even know what the ingredients were for what you thought was unhealthy? Much healthier than the white bread and breakfast sausage you had this morning. Just who exactly are you to judge me?
    3. Even if I had a 1000 calorie slice of regular cheesecake, how is what I eat your business? I'm logging for myself, and my diary is open for the times that I might need help or advice.

    This person is also deleted but I mean who does this? Is everyone on here so healthy that my 1 slice of cheesecake that isn't even a cheesecake bother someone?

    It looks you are making friends with the wrong people!
  • MudDancer
    MudDancer Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for the recipe, I am very much looking forward to making it and eating it for breakfast myself.
    I hope that once you are able to clear out all of the negative people from your friends list, you will only be surrounded by truly positive people that realize no matter what our individual weights are, we all have the same get healthy.
    Feel free to add me.
    Best of luck on your journey.
  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    Some ppl have too much time on their hands.. what losers..

    Why someone would actually bother to send such a horrible message is beyond me.. yes everyone is allowed their own opinion but not when you single someone out..

    Screw them!

    If you wanna be on here to get fit then GOOD FOR YOU!! they probably jealous!

    and please share that recipe :D

  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    Haha, I relate to this so much! Once someone messaged me "Have fun being fat forever, since you drink wine!" They got the instant delete.

    ETA: Thanks for the cheesecake recipe!

    omg thats so horrible, sorry you encountered that as well!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Wow I've never experienced that on here. Every one of my friends is very supportive. I am not losing weight either, and I've been on here for 2+ years now. I use it to keep myself accountable, and you can bet there is plenty of "non-clean" food in my diary too.

    I guess you gotta figure this is the Internet, and there are a bunch of wackos out there. :laugh:
  • roberta65
    roberta65 Posts: 31
    Thanks for the recipe. I also have had problems with others so I deleted everyone. I now weigh 122 but 10 years ago I weighed 225 and it is a struggle still ...I watch everything I eat and this site helps me but some people only see the weigh that I am now and don't think I belong here Oh well not going to stop me. Thanks for the recipe if you have others i would love those also !!
  • JenR1008
    JenR1008 Posts: 36 Member
    That is why I don't share my diary either.

    People are here to learn to be healthier and get support in this endeavor. I myself am trying to lose weight but you are here for another reason. It is call MyFitnessPal that title alone means it will be different things to different people.

    If people are so angry they lash out at you.....then you are doing something right and they are doing something wrong.

    And I would eat a piece of cheesecake for breakfast. It would give me more time to burn off the calories.

    Good luck!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    people that are nosy and miserable with their own lives try to make others miserable...they are so mean. I bet you zero of the meanies on here would actually say that to someones face, and if they did it to me, id smack them right in their mouth. They suck the fun and positivity this is supposed to give right out if it.

    ...I have literally 1 MFP friend and he added me. And now i'm thankful for my one friend.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    That recipe sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing! If you want another friend feel free to add me.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Also, i had to post today because it was a weigh in day and my ticker moved 11 pounds and i needed to see that! :-)

    ...... terrific job on the 11 lost ..... ticker looks good at this end .........
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    Well this might not be helpful to you in your issue with rude 'frends' but... I would LOVE it if you could share the cheesecake recipe with me, sounds amazing!!

    Me too please!
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    First thing you need to do is purge your friends list of people who aren't going to support you.

    Smart people should be able to look at the macros of your cheescake and see if it is a decent choice or not. I say well done, I love cheesecake (insert shameless plug for the MFP Cheesecake group here) :bigsmile:

    Many people on here aren't yet capable of appreciating that people have different goals to themselves, or are at different stages. Thie trick is to find people that are. Feel free to add me if you like - I'm pretty awesome :wink:

    PS. I'd LOVE that cheesecake recipe if you'd care to share.


    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:

    Ooooooooooooooo that recipe sounds delicious!!! I want some now lol. The way I see it is pretty much what your original post said you're here for yourself and have specific motiviations etc everyone is different and if you want a cheesecake for breaky go for it. As long as you eat a balanced diet which i'm sure you do there's nothing bad about it :) what's life with out a bit of variety? :laugh:
    i.e. (probably a bad example lol) but on saturday I was working on my kitchen with my hubby for about 6-7 hours and burned about 2000+cals so for quickness to keep going we had a mcdonalds. I didn't mind it because it's a rare treat and I knew we were burning it all off that day anyways so don't bother about those people MFP is for support not mindless critisim. :happy:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Internet bullies ...... can't live with them, can't shoot them ...... so we delete them ......

    "Friend" everyone on this thread though ...... much nicer people !
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:

    Is there a way to bookmark this receipe? I absolutely love to try it when I get home later

    What do you mean by bookmark? You can always go back to "my topics" and it'll be there.. I'm guessing you already know that though.
    You can enter it in your recipes too, so it'll always be there.

    By the way it's 8 servings and a little under 350 cals per serving, forgot to include that info with the recipe

    Oh yum! Gonna try this!
    Sorry, you had some crappy 'friends'. Sounds like you're going to get some more supportive ones now that you've shared this yummy recipe. :wink:
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    First thing you need to do is purge your friends list of people who aren't going to support you.

    Smart people should be able to look at the macros of your cheescake and see if it is a decent choice or not. I say well done, I love cheesecake (insert shameless plug for the MFP Cheesecake group here) :bigsmile:

    Many people on here aren't yet capable of appreciating that people have different goals to themselves, or are at different stages. Thie trick is to find people that are. Feel free to add me if you like - I'm pretty awesome :wink:

    PS. I'd LOVE that cheesecake recipe if you'd care to share.


    +1 Well said!

    Oh and MFP has a cheesecake group???? WHERE!