My first MFP rant..



  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Oh my word hun! You've just had seriously bad luck with some idiot "friends", luckily most people are not that childish and immature. Hope you get some good ones as replacements! :)
    Thank you sooooo much for the recipe!! It sounds divine!!
  • milleric
    milleric Posts: 25
    haha, theres really people like this?
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    I thought I was making a completely pointless post until I realized how many people asked for my recipe. :happy:
    I was typing it up for Rayman and by the time I typed it up I got 5 other requests for the recipe.
    I'm definitely going to try it... :) How's the coconut flavor... I'm not a huge fan...

    It actually doesn't taste like coconut at all. Coconut oil solidifies when chilled so eliminates the need for baking by keeping the cake together (so does butter but coconut is a healthier source of fat and is good for vegans as well)
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:

    Is there a way to bookmark this receipe? I absolutely love to try it when I get home later

    What do you mean by bookmark? You can always go back to "my topics" and it'll be there.. I'm guessing you already know that though.
    You can enter it in your recipes too, so it'll always be there.

    By the way it's 8 servings and a little under 350 cals per serving, forgot to include that info with the recipe
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    you here for attention? J
    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.

    OMG, have I actually stumbled across another raw foodie here!! Your raw cheesecake sounds incredible and thanks for posting the recipe :) I used to be a raw food vegan many moons ago and while I no longer am still pull out some of my fave non cook books and try a few recipes a month :love:

    I'm not a vegan but rather mostly vegetarian with seafood once in a while..
    But I love raw recipes, I love experimenting in the kitchen and finding out how much you can actually do with minimal cooking, you can get really creative.
  • cjbennett2012
    cjbennett2012 Posts: 38 Member
    I had someone msg me repeatedly saying that my sugar was a little bit over on workout days...I had told them that i was a type 1 diabetic already and that in order to sustain good sugar levels i sometimes had to consume some lucozade in order to stay balanced.

    Every person is different and our bodies work differently, some people don't seem to understand that u can still have variety in ur diet without going overboard, if ur too strict ur destined to fail in the long-run peeps!

    It's a fitness site not a weight loss site, a good balanced diet and fitness regime encourage weight loss but that is not why people should join MFP.

    You have done the right thing by removing these people, it is best not to be around anything negative and if people can't come up with constructive criticism then best to avoid.
  • marie_1565
    marie_1565 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for posting the recipe I am ridiculously excited about making it and having cheesecake for breakfast! You are now my favorite person on MFP :)
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    The world is full of idiots. The internet makes it harder to punch them in the mouth :)

    Most ppl on here are pretty cool and v supportive. The rest can be ignored.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    This recipe's going into my personal database for future use - fab idea for a quick and easy breakfast!
  • mrsb0310
    mrsb0310 Posts: 25 Member
    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:

    this sounds AMAZING!! thanks for sharing! feel free to add me, im nice and not opinionated lol x
  • jedw31
    jedw31 Posts: 26 Member
    I ALWAYS check out other peoples food diaries, especially those not located in the UK. I've had some amazing ideas for different meals from them. it's so easy to get stuck in a rut with a diet and eat the same old things all the time. Then you get bored and the next thing you know it's Helloooo Chocolate bar !! ...
    your cheesecake sounds delicious, feel free to add me please, so that I can see what other great things you come up with . :)
  • mariumosman
    mariumosman Posts: 37
    The world is full of idiots. The internet makes it harder to punch them in the mouth :)

    Most ppl on here are pretty cool and v supportive. The rest can be ignored.

  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My diary is only open to friends. I sometimes look at friend's diaries, but don't usually make suggestions unless asked. I believe that people should still have foods that they love as part of their healthier lifestyle. Sure, I am eating a lot more lean meats and fruits and veggies than I was before, but I still keep room for foods that I enjoy. I am sorry you got that feedback. There are some people that truly believe that you can only eat 'clean' all the time or you can't be healthy and lose weight.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    So this post is kind of pointless, I realize, but like the title says, it's just a rant..

    I'm pretty new on MFP and have been following the forums and somewhat participating in them, and understand that there are people whose opinions naturally differ from one another. Some topics, especially those that are controversial usually end up turning ugly and that's expected on a public internet forum. I understand that when you post something asking for opinions, you naturally get a variety of opinions. This I have no problem with...

    What I've been having a problem with is some "friends" who've recently added me have PM'd me, trying to give me advice I didn't ask for and in a very condescending way.
    First one was a message saying and I quote "What exactly are you doing on MFP? You only weigh 125, are you here for attention? Just curious."
    Do I have to be dangerously overweight to want to get healthy? To want to look better? How is my profile begging for attention? Have I posted anything asking for attention? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    Yes I deleted this person, problem solved but nevertheless it was unexpected and annoying.

    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.
    One of my friends saw that I ate "cheesecake" and had the nerve to message me and say again I quote "Well if you're going to have cheesecake for breakfast why do you choose to share your diary with people who are actually trying to be healthy?"
    1. Did I ask for your opinion?
    2. Do you even know what the ingredients were for what you thought was unhealthy? Much healthier than the white bread and breakfast sausage you had this morning. Just who exactly are you to judge me?
    3. Even if I had a 1000 calorie slice of regular cheesecake, how is what I eat your business? I'm logging for myself, and my diary is open for the times that I might need help or advice.

    This person is also deleted but I mean who does this? Is everyone on here so healthy that my 1 slice of cheesecake that isn't even a cheesecake bother someone?

    UHHH...Yes YOU DID ask for opinions when you "Let Friends In" and Open Your Diary to them or anyone (It is Implied via Internet/Site Protocol.) Hey, DUMP the "Friends" ALL of them, Close your Diary, and Either Close or leave open your profile. Getting healthy and/ or losing weight is VERY PERSONAL. If you want to share on the Forums, then do so by Posting, now and then. Let your focus be You. If you want more, then EXPECT the FULL ARRAY of Wack Jobs on the Internet! Each One has their OWN IDEA of HEALTHY!
  • dmwiseman
    dmwiseman Posts: 34 Member
    I am making this very soon. Is it selfish of me to be glad that it took a rant to get this recipe?
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Where are you finding these "friends"?? Yuck.

    Delete their stupid *kitten* and You do YOU.. Find people who want to support you, not criticize without knowing the facts.

    P.S. Totally trying the raw cheesecake recipe. -- In yo' FACE, haters! ;)
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Bump for the great cheesecase recipe!

    As to your problem/issue - I am sorry oyu got some nasties for friends, good on you for deleting them!
  • PaulJRaymond
    PaulJRaymond Posts: 100 Member

    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Thanks. You say that is 350kcals per serving, how many does the above make. Please say 1!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    cheesecake for breakfast
    You completely and utterly rock. Cheesecake FTW.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Thanks. You say that is 350kcals per serving, how many does the above make. Please say 1!

    lol.. Don't we all wish..