My first MFP rant..



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I LOL'd.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I would say anyone like that needs to leave this site. If you are going to be condescending and Rude, the MFP isn't the place for you. I think since weight loss is such a touchy and personal subject all the 'debates' that turn ugly on the forums need to stop. This is a place that needs to stay positive. Getting worked up over an 'INTERNET debate' isn't helping anyone's weight loss goal. =/
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Your cheesecake sounds amazing and is making me long for the week I spent in San Diego--where every breakfast was a piece of raw cheesecake in a different flavor from Whole Foods.
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    So this post is kind of pointless, I realize, but like the title says, it's just a rant..

    I'm pretty new on MFP and have been following the forums and somewhat participating in them, and understand that there are people whose opinions naturally differ from one another. Some topics, especially those that are controversial usually end up turning ugly and that's expected on a public internet forum. I understand that when you post something asking for opinions, you naturally get a variety of opinions. This I have no problem with...

    What I've been having a problem with is some "friends" who've recently added me have PM'd me, trying to give me advice I didn't ask for and in a very condescending way.
    First one was a message saying and I quote "What exactly are you doing on MFP? You only weigh 125, are you here for attention? Just curious."
    Do I have to be dangerously overweight to want to get healthy? To want to look better? How is my profile begging for attention? Have I posted anything asking for attention? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    Yes I deleted this person, problem solved but nevertheless it was unexpected and annoying.

    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.
    One of my friends saw that I ate "cheesecake" and had the nerve to message me and say again I quote "Well if you're going to have cheesecake for breakfast why do you choose to share your diary with people who are actually trying to be healthy?"
    1. Did I ask for your opinion?
    2. Do you even know what the ingredients were for what you thought was unhealthy? Much healthier than the white bread and breakfast sausage you had this morning. Just who exactly are you to judge me?
    3. Even if I had a 1000 calorie slice of regular cheesecake, how is what I eat your business? I'm logging for myself, and my diary is open for the times that I might need help or advice.

    This person is also deleted but I mean who does this? Is everyone on here so healthy that my 1 slice of cheesecake that isn't even a cheesecake bother someone?

    I am sorry you have had such horrible experiences with some of those MFP friends. WOW if some of them looked at my diary they would flip. I log everything and that includes my almost daily wine, liquor or beer.

    I also exercise almost daily.

    I hope you have a supportive group around you now and good for you to delete those that a defeating.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    I think some people use the internet as a front for Passive aggressive behavior and you'll find that anywhere (especially Facebook). I have had to weed out a few people like this from MFP myself. I had someone delete me because they didn't like the fact that I ate smart ones (though was where i needed to be on sodium) Just focus on your journey and goals and continue to weed out the people who are trolls--trolling for trouble as a friend of mine would say.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I have a great group of mfp friends that support me .... but it took a little 'weeding' to get it that way. I leave my diary open, and I am not ashamed and (the horrors!) I sometimes eat regular cheesecake.
    I plan on doing this for the rest of my life, so, sometimes cheesecake, or movie popcorn or steak is part of my life.
  • margaretasid
    margaretasid Posts: 44 Member
    Just ignore them. Can i have recipe for that cheesecake please?
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I have encountered this but not directed at me fortunately!
    I'm sorry that as a new member, you are subjected to this kind of behavior, I promise we are not all like this!

    My friends list is generally full of wonderful and supportive people, I did have someone who was very negative towards others and I got rid.
    This journey is hard enough and plus we are here to get HEALTHY and FIT not skinny.

    I hope that you discover a caring and motivational crowd very soon :smile:

  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    So this post is kind of pointless, I realize, but like the title says, it's just a rant..

    I'm pretty new on MFP and have been following the forums and somewhat participating in them, and understand that there are people whose opinions naturally differ from one another. Some topics, especially those that are controversial usually end up turning ugly and that's expected on a public internet forum. I understand that when you post something asking for opinions, you naturally get a variety of opinions. This I have no problem with...

    What I've been having a problem with is some "friends" who've recently added me have PM'd me, trying to give me advice I didn't ask for and in a very condescending way.
    First one was a message saying and I quote "What exactly are you doing on MFP? You only weigh 125, are you here for attention? Just curious."
    Do I have to be dangerously overweight to want to get healthy? To want to look better? How is my profile begging for attention? Have I posted anything asking for attention? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    Yes I deleted this person, problem solved but nevertheless it was unexpected and annoying.

    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.
    One of my friends saw that I ate "cheesecake" and had the nerve to message me and say again I quote "Well if you're going to have cheesecake for breakfast why do you choose to share your diary with people who are actually trying to be healthy?"
    1. Did I ask for your opinion?
    2. Do you even know what the ingredients were for what you thought was unhealthy? Much healthier than the white bread and breakfast sausage you had this morning. Just who exactly are you to judge me?
    3. Even if I had a 1000 calorie slice of regular cheesecake, how is what I eat your business? I'm logging for myself, and my diary is open for the times that I might need help or advice.

    This person is also deleted but I mean who does this? Is everyone on here so healthy that my 1 slice of cheesecake that isn't even a cheesecake bother someone?
    I would've asked you why didn't you have Bacon too? Cheesecake and bacon Mmmm!
  • satxdc99
    satxdc99 Posts: 74 Member
    Don't take comments so personally. Focus your attention on the positive. Just delete and move on.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Sounds like you got some rude friends OR you are taking to heart comments that didn't come out the right way. I find that some comments come off as rude because on the internet people leave out words to make a quick comment without really thinking. I would probably have written "Cheesecake for breakfast!!?? ;)" I wouldn't have meant anything rude by it, just kind of trying to get a smile or laugh.
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    Bump for the recipe! (and thanks for sharing it!)

    Sorry that happened to you. I have nothing but wonderful and supportive friends here, even when my diary isn't the greatest. Stick with it. Eventually, you'll find the right people to motivate and support you.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    So this post is kind of pointless, I realize, but like the title says, it's just a rant..

    I'm pretty new on MFP and have been following the forums and somewhat participating in them, and understand that there are people whose opinions naturally differ from one another. Some topics, especially those that are controversial usually end up turning ugly and that's expected on a public internet forum. I understand that when you post something asking for opinions, you naturally get a variety of opinions. This I have no problem with...

    What I've been having a problem with is some "friends" who've recently added me have PM'd me, trying to give me advice I didn't ask for and in a very condescending way.
    First one was a message saying and I quote "What exactly are you doing on MFP? You only weigh 125, are you here for attention? Just curious."
    Do I have to be dangerously overweight to want to get healthy? To want to look better? How is my profile begging for attention? Have I posted anything asking for attention? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    Yes I deleted this person, problem solved but nevertheless it was unexpected and annoying.

    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.
    One of my friends saw that I ate "cheesecake" and had the nerve to message me and say again I quote "Well if you're going to have cheesecake for breakfast why do you choose to share your diary with people who are actually trying to be healthy?"
    1. Did I ask for your opinion?
    2. Do you even know what the ingredients were for what you thought was unhealthy? Much healthier than the white bread and breakfast sausage you had this morning. Just who exactly are you to judge me?
    3. Even if I had a 1000 calorie slice of regular cheesecake, how is what I eat your business? I'm logging for myself, and my diary is open for the times that I might need help or advice.

    This person is also deleted but I mean who does this? Is everyone on here so healthy that my 1 slice of cheesecake that isn't even a cheesecake bother someone?
    I would've asked you why didn't you have Bacon too? Cheesecake and bacon Mmmm!

    mmmmbacon is the root of all things.
  • lemasney
    lemasney Posts: 67 Member
    This person is also deleted but I mean who does this? Is everyone on here so healthy that my 1 slice of cheesecake that isn't even a cheesecake bother someone?

    I think that some people use this forum like they use other forums: to berate others to make themselves feel better. I think it's more useful to try to help others feel better, and thus make myself feel better. I think you probably feel that way too. There's no psych test or other threshold for common humanity and decency required for entry, but the delete button, as you have found, allows you to separate the weeds from the flowers. Cheers, and have all the cheesecake you want.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    mmm cheesecake... I'd eat cheese cake for breakfast...
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    bump because the cheesecake sounds good.

    Also, I've never had a friend offer such critical unsolicited advice! I'm sorry you had this experience. I eat completely different from most of my friends, so to me many of their diaries look bad (breads, pastas, "diet" foods), but I just don't say anything because that is their approach to their weight loss and that is their business. I support them when they need it :)
  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member

    Here is the recipe:

    Yay! :smile:
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    Damn need to share that recipe and I would eat it for breakfast as well ;) ...sounds like a lot of jealous folks commenting on your diary..
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    this is why i keep my list empty... this isn't fb.. don't worry about them, probably trying to make themselves feel better by picking on others to overcompensate for their failures..

    keep doing your thing if you're happy with it.. and thanks for the recipe