men suck



  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I'm not going to thank a man for doing the things human beings should do.

    I WILL thank my husband for working his tail off for 9 days away on a regular rotation, and only being able to spend time at home for 5 days. He provides for me, and gives up a lot for me, all so that I can go back to school. I love him immensely for that.

    I WILL thank my husband for putting up with my cat who I love just about as much as him, even though he has trouble breathing when he IS home.

    I WILL thank my husband for always trying, even if he fails (which he does often, lol)

    I WILL thank my husband for having the will power he has developed, and for praying every single day, and just making it through, one day at a time.

    I WILL thank my husband for cleaning up after me, even when he is pissy about it

    I WILL thank my husband for how much he loves my family, and treats them as though they are gold.
  • 1985Andy
    1985Andy Posts: 161 Member
    This post makes me happy :happy:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I'm not going to thank a man for doing the things human beings should do.

    Can I ask why not? I've heard a similar sentiment from men, but mostly from women and I don't really understand it.

    I think it is absolutely right that we should expect a certain standard of behaviour from both men and women: that they be kind, they be honest, they be loyal and so forth. However when they meet that standard, when they live up to expectations then surely they should be praised for that? Is positive behaviour only worthy of praise if it exceeds our expectations?

    In my experience men and women generally do live up to being good people and that in itself deserves to be recognised and rewarded.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I'm not going to thank a man for doing the things human beings should do.

    Can I ask why not? I've heard a similar sentiment from men, but mostly from women and I don't really understand it.

    I think it is absolutely right that we should expect a certain standard of behaviour from both men and women: that they be kind, they be honest, they be loyal and so forth. However when they meet that standard, when they live up to expectations then surely they should be praised for that? Is positive behaviour only worthy of praise if it exceeds our expectations?

    In my experience men and women generally do live up to being good people and that in itself deserves to be recognised and rewarded.

    Because that's just me.
    It would have been nice if you quoted the rest of what I wrote, because if anyone else reads this without looking at everything I wrote, they are going to think I'm a total butt face who hates men. P.S. I don't. I clearly love my husband.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm not going to thank a man for doing the things human beings should do.

    Can I ask why not? I've heard a similar sentiment from men, but mostly from women and I don't really understand it.

    I think it is absolutely right that we should expect a certain standard of behaviour from both men and women: that they be kind, they be honest, they be loyal and so forth. However when they meet that standard, when they live up to expectations then surely they should be praised for that? Is positive behaviour only worthy of praise if it exceeds our expectations?

    In my experience men and women generally do live up to being good people and that in itself deserves to be recognised and rewarded.

    You sir, get a hug... and a squeeze! :smooched:
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    Love it!!!! and men don't get recognized enough for their sacrifices....
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Because that's just me.
    It would have been nice if you quoted the rest of what I wrote, because if anyone else reads this without looking at everything I wrote, they are going to think I'm a total butt face who hates men. P.S. I don't. I clearly love my husband.

    Fair dues.

    I wasn't trying to single you out but more trying to get my head round the logic of the statement generally. As I said, I have heard it a number of times and want to understand the rationale behind it. It doesn't make sense to me is all...
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    You sir, get a hug... and a squeeze! :smooched:

    <<<<<< all hugs and squeezes gratefully received.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member

    Because that's just me.
    It would have been nice if you quoted the rest of what I wrote, because if anyone else reads this without looking at everything I wrote, they are going to think I'm a total butt face who hates men. P.S. I don't. I clearly love my husband.

    Fair dues.

    I wasn't trying to single you out but more trying to get my head round the logic of the statement generally. As I said, I have heard it a number of times and want to understand the rationale behind it. It doesn't make sense to me is all...

    Ok, let's take out the "thank", and put in "praise". I will THANK my husband for mowing the lawn, I really appreciate him doing that for me. I'm not going to praise him, and tell the whole neighbourhood about how wonderful a man he is for it.

    Maybe that is the distinction.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Ok, let's take out the "thank", and put in "praise". I will THANK my husband for mowing the lawn, I really appreciate him doing that for me. I'm not going to praise him, and tell the whole neighbourhood about how wonderful a man he is for it.

    Maybe that is the distinction.

    Yep, that makes more sense. You are using it in a different context than how I have seen it used before however.

    I guess it is easy for people to feel like they are being taken for granted if an individual only praises when expectations are exceeded rather than met.

    Thanks for the clarification.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member

    This thread makes me think of my dad and my sweet boyfriend.

    It also makes my ovaries quiver a little bit... :bigsmile:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    You know, my husband has a similar philosophy. I want to be appreciated for the things i do regardless of whether they were expected or not or whether I should do them or not. Shout it to the roof top too! I want him to SAY "thank you for..." and openly acknowledge a variety of ways I contribute. But I can't make him think that way and I see his appreciation in other ways. We just have different ways of expressing it and I have to see it in the way he expresses it.

    I do love the things my husband does.

    He cleans up the puke when the kids throw up. I can't hear once I take my hearing aid out at night so he hears them stir first and never disturbs me with the task.

    I love that he will get a towel out the night before and set it out for me to use the next morning. Okay, it's self preservation because I always forget my towel and used to call him to come rescue me, but I love how he, now for years, never forgets that task.

    I love that first and foremost, he thinks about our children everyday. He wants the best for them at all times.

    I love that he is dedicated to providing for his family and even looks for ways to increase that. He continued his education and he has that drive yet without it taking over. He manages, better than I do, a balance between career and family.

    I love that he lets me hog the bed every night and never complains. I grew up with a full size bed to myself. I slept corner to corner. It could be a potential challenge to share the bed with someone but with him, I've never even noticed because I'm sprawled out in every direction and he accepts it.

    I love that he lets me put my cold feet on his legs every night.

    I love that if I ever had a night when I just need a night off of cooking, he'll either step in or get take out. There are no complaints.

    I love when I needed him most and I was trying to balance career and schooling and family, he was taking up a lot of slack at home.

    I love that he wants us to experience living abroad so he looked for a job, asked us what we wanted and we moved to new adventures.

    I love that he pitches in when we babysit for someone else and volunteers to walk the dog when we dog sit.

    I love that I'm not the only one driving our kids everywhere they are supposed to go even though I currently don't have a paying job. When he is off, he pitches in. THAT is a great dad!
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380

    Ok, let's take out the "thank", and put in "praise". I will THANK my husband for mowing the lawn, I really appreciate him doing that for me. I'm not going to praise him, and tell the whole neighbourhood about how wonderful a man he is for it.

    Maybe that is the distinction.

    Yep, that makes more sense. You are using it in a different context than how I have seen it used before however.

    I guess it is easy for people to feel like they are being taken for granted if an individual only praises when expectations are exceeded rather than met.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    I don't think we need to be PRAISED or even THANK YOU....I think just being appreciated for who and what we are is enough and knowing that our wives/girlfriends/significant others appreciate what we do and how we do it makes us feel good and worthy and motivated to do that and achieve great things beyond that as a man I love to be appreciated but I don't need a parade or someone to shout it out...just liitle reminders or attention is enough...and loved!!
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    For all the ways the hubs sucks (and after 14 years, there are plenty), the one thing he is is a great dad.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Well, I said this before in another thread......I Love All Men who make a difference. Whilst I'm going through some awkward times with my other half, I have to say, he can be caring and go out of his way to make things better. Over the years, I've found some of the problems have been with me. But at the end of the day, regardless, he's a great dad for which he does need recognition for.

    So for all those men who do make a difference and make an effort in whatever walk of life - You Deserve a Gold Medal! Moreso for putting up with some of us women.

  • guamSUPERgirl90
    *tears!!! :cry:


    Threads like this make me happy Im not fully gay

  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I'm not going to thank a man for doing the things human beings should do.

    I WILL thank my husband for working his tail off for 9 days away on a regular rotation, and only being able to spend time at home for 5 days. He provides for me, and gives up a lot for me, all so that I can go back to school. I love him immensely for that.

    I WILL thank my husband for putting up with my cat who I love just about as much as him, even though he has trouble breathing when he IS home.

    I WILL thank my husband for always trying, even if he fails (which he does often, lol)

    I WILL thank my husband for having the will power he has developed, and for praying every single day, and just making it through, one day at a time.

    I WILL thank my husband for cleaning up after me, even when he is pissy about it

    I WILL thank my husband for how much he loves my family, and treats them as though they are gold.

    I'm curious as to why when your hubby clearly loved you enough to marry you and not ask you to get rid of your cat that he is allergic to, that you didn't love him enough to say - I'll put the cat outside when he's home or find it a new home. Just curious. I too love cats (I have several) but chose to put my hubby over them - and they stay outside (or in shed) and come in only rarely. I could never love an animal more than the man who "cleans up after me even when I'm pissy, and treats me and the family like gold". And yes, my hubby does all that and more, too. All the MORE reason to put him above the cat! :wink:
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    Yep, men can be awesome! My husband raised 5 kids that weren't his.

    lol. modern cuckoldry.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    yayyyyy men :heart:
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    another love bump!! hoping more men will see this thread and feel the happy!!