Highest weight how you felt



  • 30poundsofbeauty
    I felt pretty happy at my highest weight of 160 ish (I am only 5'2). I have always had pretty good self-confidence and self-esteem. Also I was in denial, telling myself I just had heavy bones.

    However when I lost all the weight and got down to 130, I didn't feel any happier. I felt fatter than I was when I was 160 because I guess I finally realized that I wasn't as thin as I thought I was. I didn't love my body at 130 and wanted to be skinnier. I guess that is why whenever I made a bad eating choice I would binge a lot. This caused me to gain back 20ish pounds -__-

    So I am back here trying to get back to 130 from 150 AGAIN. ugh. But I'm learning to love my body again! It's funny how now at 145 I'm a bit more comfortable wearing short shorts again while when I was 130, I thought my legs were still too fat.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I am 5 feet 5 inches tall, female, 50 years old.
    At my heaviest, I weighed 180 pounds. I ached all over when I woke up every morning, it made me feel like I would think a much older person might feel. When I went for walks my elbows would hurt for no reason. My doctor had no offering of why I had that problem. My clothes were tight, and I felt like if I got stuck with a pin, I would pop, unfortunately that isn't how it works is it? Bending over to tie my shoes took my breath away, taking the stairs to my third floor cubicle literally left me speechless until I could breathe again. I thought I resembled Venus of willendorf, (if you are not familiar with that, please google it, she's normally spotted in Art History text books).

    I've lost 20 pounds give or take over 10 months. I am down from a tight and very uncomfortable 16 to a 12. I have much more stamina, tying shoes is no problem, I can take those stairs with ease, my elbows have stopped aching when I walk, when i get up in the morning, the only time i'm sore is if i pushed hard during my workout the day before. I've had to buy new clothes and I look much less like Venus of willendorf and more like a plump Venus de milo!

    I'm looking forward to the exciting changes I will see as I lose that next 10 to 20 pounds! Thank you MFP!
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    Highest weight - 265.
    I felt awful. Ugly, depressed, trapped in a toxic marriage because I didn't think I deserved any better.

    I thank God everyday that I woke up from that nightmare. I'm only 1/2 way to my goal, but I'm happier than I've ever been.
  • jryan83
    jryan83 Posts: 72 Member
    Highest official weight 274. It shocked and scared me. My weight had been sky-rocketing and I knew it because clothes that had been baggy stopped fitting all-together. I felt the the same, same energy levels, able to still do all the same activities, but the numbers and clothes don't lie.

    Catalyst for change was my doctor telling me that I probably wouldn't be able to get pregnant or start my family until I started loosing some weight. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism already. I want kids someday or atleast be able to be healthy enough that I could.

    It's been rough but so far I'm 40 days solid into MFP and I'm determined to stick with it.
  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    My heaviest was 330 and I'm 5'6". I felt like my knees would give at anytime. I could barely breath. And all the clothes are frickin' ugly as hell.

    Now I'm 223 on my way to 180. I feel fast, strong, and I can actually run. I don't feel more attractive yet, but I'm sure it will come.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    When I reached my highest weight (250), I said "really?" I was surprised. I went to the doctor complaining about my heavy periods, and wanting to go on the pill (and complaining about my hypothyroid symptoms.

    She said, you can go on the pill, not sure if your menstruation issues are because of your thyroid or weight gain. (I had gained around 15 pounds over 6 months or so during a period where I wasn't sleeping much.).

    I decided I might as well make one good attempt at losing weight.

    To be perfectly honest, I didn't feel "unhappy" or "unconfident." I felt mostly the same as ever, but more sleep deprived (because of my hypo symptoms). Even though I had gained a bit, my clothing fit fine because of the way I carry things, I tend to have spare room in the waist when it fits in the hips/butt/thigh. Other than being extra tired, it was business as usual.

    My first few months of this year were rough, my energy level was really low, and I had every hypothyroid symptom, even though I was losing. My energy was about 60% of the level I had in my 20s. But to most people I seemed as energetic as ever.

    Right now, I am basically the size I was in my early 20s, and a little bigger than I was in college (around 10ish pounds). My goal is a size I have never been as an adult. And I skipped past it pretty fast as a teen. I have spent from ages 12 to now hovering around size 14-16. So this is my normal, at the limbo land between "plus" and "normal" sizes.

    Since I've started, I feel stronger because I am exercising more and my sleep has improved. I have no idea how I'll feel at the end, because for me weight hasn't been an issue for my self-image and self-esteem. I will be excited to have more clothing options.
  • Meltaweigh60
    Me too!!! I don't think I have ever really developed my own style because I had little choice as to what to wear!!! The clothes in my size just seem frumpy. I would definitely dress a lot differently at my goal weight! I crave to be able to express myself that way!!!
  • Meltaweigh60
    Wow, you are really doing great! I am at about the same weight 225 but only 5ft tall. I feel like a walking fire plug to be honest.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    In high school, when I was athletic and fit, I was about 125lbs at 5'3" (I've stayed the same height). It looked like this:


    I gained some weight after a car accident, and then lost it by the time I got married at 19, at 150lbs.


    I was 194 at my heaviest with my first child:


    It all came off rather quickly, though:


    I always said 200 lbs was my "suicide weight" and yet in January I was 209. In 6 months, I've managed to get down under 180, but it was a rough fight. For all the months over 180, I cried at least once every day. It was terrible.

    Ive been there with the crying feeling lost in my body but It looks like your in a really healthy place. Keep up the great job, cheers!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I felt horrible about myself at 170.

    I still feel pretty horrible about myself now at 150. But I know I can do it, and I know it is pretty easy. Now I just know that I am too lazy to put forth the effort to lose the rest of the weight and that helps me feel awful.

    Dont you hate when we beat or selfs up, I think you have done a fantastic job at your weight loss. That darn movtivation keeps getting lost for me to but just when I think Ill never find it bam there it is.:laugh:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member

    from most of my life being no higher than 120.
    Due to my height nobody thought it was a big deal, but for me it was scary. I'd always wanted to be in front of the camera before all that weight. And when I got to that weight I NEVER wanted my pictures taken.

    Ive soooo been there and am half there I dont do body shots!
  • flutgos
    flutgos Posts: 24 Member
    I was at 170 a year ago and while I didn't see myself as "huge," I was pretty upset with myself. I have lost 25 lbs and gained a lot of muscle since then.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I actually felt pretty awesome 90% of the time when I weighed 233lbs. Other than being unhealthy, and sick a lot of the time, I felt confident and happy.
    I actually feel much less confident, and more self-conscious now at my current weight, 52lbs lighter, than I ever did then from what I can remember. :(

    I know what you mean when I weighed 326lb I didnt care what people thought but now that Im down in weight Im getting more self conscious maybe its because Im not use to people looking at me in that way you know what I mean. I still have a lot to go but Im not use to extra attention. Its hard to adjust. Im sure in time you will regain that confidence, cheers to you!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I felt absolutely disgusting at 189. I felt fat, unattractive, and I was really insecure about my boyfriend thinking I was fat and gross.

    I've always been able to get away with being a bit overweight because I'm tall and don't really carry it around my midsection. Instead, I carry most of my weight in my thighs and butt.

    But now I'm 14 lbs down and I can already see a slight difference when I look in the mirror. I'll never ever let myself get so overweight again. It may not be much, but it's a start, and it only motivates me to work harder.

    I think that you are doing fantastic! Keep up the great job. I wish I could go back and catch myself before I got to where I am. All I can do now is take it day by day lbs by lbs and Ill be back to myself soon enough :)
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    :drinker: :drinker:
    Depressed, insecure, miserable. I still feel like that now.

    My starting weight was 170, currently 138, and my goal is 105.

    I'm 5'4.

    Looks like you are doing a fabulous job, good for you!! dont worry to much about number go until you feel comfortable cheers to you
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    My highest weight was 189 pounds...I was in a state of disbelief about it. I've had 3 children and even at NINE months pregnant with my 1st 2 kids I only ever got up to 149 pounds, with my 3rd I got up to 162 and that was only because I was bedridden the last 2 months of pregnancy. I guess I never realized how lucky I was to be so fit and took myself and my health for granted.

    I was going through a lot back then and fell into the deepest darkest depression I've ever experienced, and began drinking a lot...in 1-2 months time, I gained 70 pounds!!! I never realized I was gaining so much at the time, the only mirror I had was in the bathroom and only showed my from the shoulders up and to be honest I didn't really care at the time anyways...I had basically given up on life...

    Now here we are almost 6 years later and I'm still trying to lose this weight. Though honestly I've only been really trying since about October of last year. I've come down a good deal, I'm at 159.5 as of this morning and I feel SO much better already. More confident, more determined, more ALIVE. I still have a ways to go to reach my goal of 130 but I'm confident that I will get there. And i too am SOOOOO thankful I found this site, the people here encourage and keep me going sometimes when I lose momentum. :smile:

    That is so ture I love MFP it makes all the difference to have support. You have done an amazing job putting yourself first keep it up!!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    @170 I felt LUMPY. I also felt like a failure. My mom has been 130 lbs my whole life and I wondered how, at 55 years old, she could be slim and I was fat in my 20s.

    Now @ 140 and < 20% I feel strong, athletic and way more confident.

    You look really health and fit cant wait to get there one day!!!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I felt pretty happy at my highest weight of 160 ish (I am only 5'2). I have always had pretty good self-confidence and self-esteem. Also I was in denial, telling myself I just had heavy bones.

    However when I lost all the weight and got down to 130, I didn't feel any happier. I felt fatter than I was when I was 160 because I guess I finally realized that I wasn't as thin as I thought I was. I didn't love my body at 130 and wanted to be skinnier. I guess that is why whenever I made a bad eating choice I would binge a lot. This caused me to gain back 20ish pounds -__-

    So I am back here trying to get back to 130 from 150 AGAIN. ugh. But I'm learning to love my body again! It's funny how now at 145 I'm a bit more comfortable wearing short shorts again while when I was 130, I thought my legs were still too fat.

    Isnt it amazing how over time things change and we become more confident in ourselfs. Life is a battle worth fighting for and finding where we are comfortable is very important keep up the possitive thinking :flowerforyou:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I am 5 feet 5 inches tall, female, 50 years old.
    At my heaviest, I weighed 180 pounds. I ached all over when I woke up every morning, it made me feel like I would think a much older person might feel. When I went for walks my elbows would hurt for no reason. My doctor had no offering of why I had that problem. My clothes were tight, and I felt like if I got stuck with a pin, I would pop, unfortunately that isn't how it works is it? Bending over to tie my shoes took my breath away, taking the stairs to my third floor cubicle literally left me speechless until I could breathe again. I thought I resembled Venus of willendorf, (if you are not familiar with that, please google it, she's normally spotted in Art History text books).

    I've lost 20 pounds give or take over 10 months. I am down from a tight and very uncomfortable 16 to a 12. I have much more stamina, tying shoes is no problem, I can take those stairs with ease, my elbows have stopped aching when I walk, when i get up in the morning, the only time i'm sore is if i pushed hard during my workout the day before. I've had to buy new clothes and I look much less like Venus of willendorf and more like a plump Venus de milo!

    I'm looking forward to the exciting changes I will see as I lose that next 10 to 20 pounds! Thank you MFP!

    Great job!!! altough I have a long ways to go the weight I have lost has made a huge diffence things I couldnt do before I can and I know it will only get better. Keep up the wondreful job!!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Highest weight - 265.
    I felt awful. Ugly, depressed, trapped in a toxic marriage because I didn't think I deserved any better.

    I thank God everyday that I woke up from that nightmare. I'm only 1/2 way to my goal, but I'm happier than I've ever been.

    Im not far off from your highest weight so im inspired that I to can loss more weight. You are doing a fantastic job on your weight loss you are soooo worth it cheers to you MFP peep :drinker: