Highest weight how you felt



  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Highest official weight 274. It shocked and scared me. My weight had been sky-rocketing and I knew it because clothes that had been baggy stopped fitting all-together. I felt the the same, same energy levels, able to still do all the same activities, but the numbers and clothes don't lie.

    Catalyst for change was my doctor telling me that I probably wouldn't be able to get pregnant or start my family until I started loosing some weight. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism already. I want kids someday or atleast be able to be healthy enough that I could.

    It's been rough but so far I'm 40 days solid into MFP and I'm determined to stick with it.

    40 days is Awesome!!!!! keep up the great work!!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    My heaviest was 330 and I'm 5'6". I felt like my knees would give at anytime. I could barely breath. And all the clothes are frickin' ugly as hell.

    Now I'm 223 on my way to 180. I feel fast, strong, and I can actually run. I don't feel more attractive yet, but I'm sure it will come.

    I agree they need to come out with some better clothes for big girls as of now its shaped like a big square. just awful. You on the other hand are doing so fantastic!!!! keep up the great job.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    When I reached my highest weight (250), I said "really?" I was surprised. I went to the doctor complaining about my heavy periods, and wanting to go on the pill (and complaining about my hypothyroid symptoms.

    She said, you can go on the pill, not sure if your menstruation issues are because of your thyroid or weight gain. (I had gained around 15 pounds over 6 months or so during a period where I wasn't sleeping much.).

    I decided I might as well make one good attempt at losing weight.

    To be perfectly honest, I didn't feel "unhappy" or "unconfident." I felt mostly the same as ever, but more sleep deprived (because of my hypo symptoms). Even though I had gained a bit, my clothing fit fine because of the way I carry things, I tend to have spare room in the waist when it fits in the hips/butt/thigh. Other than being extra tired, it was business as usual.

    My first few months of this year were rough, my energy level was really low, and I had every hypothyroid symptom, even though I was losing. My energy was about 60% of the level I had in my 20s. But to most people I seemed as energetic as ever.

    Right now, I am basically the size I was in my early 20s, and a little bigger than I was in college (around 10ish pounds). My goal is a size I have never been as an adult. And I skipped past it pretty fast as a teen. I have spent from ages 12 to now hovering around size 14-16. So this is my normal, at the limbo land between "plus" and "normal" sizes.

    Since I've started, I feel stronger because I am exercising more and my sleep has improved. I have no idea how I'll feel at the end, because for me weight hasn't been an issue for my self-image and self-esteem. I will be excited to have more clothing options.

    you are a very confident woman and that is inspiring to me I would love to be where you are. I want to also have more clothing options as the ones that are out there are less than attractive. cheers
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Me too!!! I don't think I have ever really developed my own style because I had little choice as to what to wear!!! The clothes in my size just seem frumpy. I would definitely dress a lot differently at my goal weight! I crave to be able to express myself that way!!!

    Me tooo so much!!! would love to wear a cute dress and feel sexy. love the 1940's pin up style that is so my goal:wink:
  • marzinator13
    marzinator13 Posts: 149 Member
    My highest weight was 202. I felt worthless. I would pass on doing things because I did not want to be seen by anybody. I felt embarassed for my fiance to have to be seen with me and I just felt like crying all the time. Now im down 20lbs to 182 and what scares me even more is I still feel exactly the same :(
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    You know I never felt like I was as fat as I was. Also I never really had poor self esteem. I am actually more critical of myself now then I was at my highest weight.
  • Lyanasonni
    Lyanasonni Posts: 11
    In high school I was at my highest weight of 135. That's when my own parents pointed out I was "a bit chubby". Being only 4'11, every spare lb shows. Every calorie counts. I was ashamed of my weight (still am), and always wore this huge sweater to cover as much of my body as possible. I've managed to drop the sweater, started dressing a bit nicer, but...I'm still extremely insecure. My arms carry that extra weight, you know; the upper halves look disproportionately larger than the lower. So I wear sleeves, even in summer. Hoping I can get past this at some point, move on, not feel burdened by the extra weight.
  • sleche
    sleche Posts: 46
    My highest weight was 186. I felt horrible, and I almost cried when I saw that number. And the fact that I was smaller even during 3 pregnancies didn't make it any better. So I finally decided I needed to get my tail in gear and lose some weight. I'm currently down 21 lbs. I kind of hit a lull at 12 lbs and started using this app/website and lost another 9 lbs. And I absolutely love it. I think I can hit my goal by the fall. And with the weight coming off I'm starting to feel a lot better about myself. I have confidence in my looks now, and more importantly I have energy to keep up with my kids
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    My highest weight was 202. I felt worthless. I would pass on doing things because I did not want to be seen by anybody. I felt embarassed for my fiance to have to be seen with me and I just felt like crying all the time. Now im down 20lbs to 182 and what scares me even more is I still feel exactly the same :(

    Its hard you lose this weight and you feel the same I think it takes time for our minds to catch up to our body. You will find the confidence it takes time to change the way we think of ourselfs. Im 269lbs and need to lose alot more but a defining moment for me was when my kids wanted to go swimming at the public pool i was so embarrassed that I missed out on swimming with them. Thats when I said to myself I will not miss out on any more memories. Get it together Christy these people are not waiting for you to come out in your swim suit to judge you as soon as you walk out that door they are here with there families and beside what does there opinion matter anyways. I tell you after the first time in a very long time I went an bought a swim suit and went swimming with my kids. The only thing I thought of after wards was all those times I missed out on making a memory with my kids not once did I think wow I wonder what that person thought of me. I felt free from my own insecurites. Some times we have to jump in and let go and see where we end up.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    270...Like *kitten*.
  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    215. Leg and foot pain. Not too good. Didn't like the way the body looked, either.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    In high school I was at my highest weight of 135. That's when my own parents pointed out I was "a bit chubby". Being only 4'11, every spare lb shows. Every calorie counts. I was ashamed of my weight (still am), and always wore this huge sweater to cover as much of my body as possible. I've managed to drop the sweater, started dressing a bit nicer, but...I'm still extremely insecure. My arms carry that extra weight, you know; the upper halves look disproportionately larger than the lower. So I wear sleeves, even in summer. Hoping I can get past this at some point, move on, not feel burdened by the extra weight.

    It all take time and some times that just sucks! But all we can do is keep moving forward and trying our best. Keep up the great work!
  • gotchakatja
    gotchakatja Posts: 44 Member
    159 was my highest and that's when I knew I needed to do something.

    But apparently that never really showed on my body. I don't /look/ fat. Just chubby. Or something. I don't know, honestly. haha. I've told friends how much I weigh and they're always surprised. So. I guess I'm lucky in that respect. But I've always had awful self-esteem, so. I felt miserable at that weight.
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    280 was my absolute highest... i was 41 weeks prego at the time so nothing was comfortable

    265 was my long term highest weight and it sucked looking back at it... i just didnt do things cause i felt like people were always watching me... totally vain and self induced but always there... i also felt ashamed of being heavyer the really big guys
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    My highest weight was 186. I felt horrible, and I almost cried when I saw that number. And the fact that I was smaller even during 3 pregnancies didn't make it any better. So I finally decided I needed to get my tail in gear and lose some weight. I'm currently down 21 lbs. I kind of hit a lull at 12 lbs and started using this app/website and lost another 9 lbs. And I absolutely love it. I think I can hit my goal by the fall. And with the weight coming off I'm starting to feel a lot better about myself. I have confidence in my looks now, and more importantly I have energy to keep up with my kids

    Good for you you are doing fantastic! I have the same goal as you to have energy for my 3 boys ( 10, 7, 5) nothing wose than saying sorry mommy doesnt feel well maybe later :brokenheart: heart breaking
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    My highest weight was 350. I sat down on the toilet and bawled like a baby. Then, two hrs later, I joined MFP. I have lost 8 lbs in 25 days, and have 145 more to go. I will never feel like that again.
  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member
    283, when i had my child, now i'm 231, but i felt so ashamed and disappointed at myself for getting that way. Right now i still alittle bit the same, but idk when the feeling will change :(
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    270...Like *kitten*.

    Dont you know it ....there right now!! but moving forward and trying my best how do you feel now ?
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    215. Leg and foot pain. Not too good. Didn't like the way the body looked, either.

    Its amazing how everything is connected how are things now that you have lost some weight? looks like your pretty fit now
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    159 was my highest and that's when I knew I needed to do something.

    But apparently that never really showed on my body. I don't /look/ fat. Just chubby. Or something. I don't know, honestly. haha. I've told friends how much I weigh and they're always surprised. So. I guess I'm lucky in that respect. But I've always had awful self-esteem, so. I felt miserable at that weight.

    When I was your weight I carried it well to I was more soild I was in gymnastics to so I was fit as well.Wow things have changed. How are you feeling now?