So tired of hearing....



  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    women say that they are afraid of lifting heavy in fear of bulking up!!! Women do not have the testosterone to bulk up like men do. Further, do they have ANY freaking idea what it takes to gain even a single pound of muscle?! It is so frustrating!!! A woman would be genetically gifted to add 5 pounds of pure muscle in one year. Okay, I'm done...thank you!

    Well put. I get a chuckle out of the people, male and female, who post here who seem to be afraid that if they start lifting heavy they will wake up one morning, look in the mirror and find that they have become massively muscled over night. :happy:

    "Oh no! How did that happen?"
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member

    ETA- and since the weights of dumbbells can't be changed, you need a bigger variety of equipment for different exercises, where you could change a bar to be used at different weights- that's more if you own/are purchasing the equipment- no big deal at a well equipped gym.

    My dumbbells are bars with weights I can attach to them up to 50 pounds on each one. They're a cast iron weight set.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    girly-girls bother me too i'm the polar opposite i want to 'bulk' up until i don't even have to flex for me to see well defined muscles. I think they will look sexy. Right now i have to flex really hard to see some toning but it's a start b/c there is still a lot of flab to get rid of first.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    really I could have sworn you were telling me to learn how to read,to which I responded with maybe you need to learn to comprehend what you are saying because you obviously dont. You were jumping all over that chick for doing something you did. why are you so worked up dude...damn lol

    Again, you making things up to make yourself feel better. No one is worked up over you, I'm using you like a puppet to get a huge laugh because that's all you provide for me, humor. By the way there are several sites for women with lowered morals who want to show their breasts, go to those sites to post your pics.

    whats morals? Is that some fancy smancy lifter term?
    seriously maybe you should look into a hobby,I hear doll collecting is fun,but FYI the kind you blow up dont count:wink::flowerforyou:

    obviously i worked you up enough to go dig around my profile
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    ETA- and since the weights of dumbbells can't be changed, you need a bigger variety of equipment for different exercises, where you could change a bar to be used at different weights- that's more if you own/are purchasing the equipment- no big deal at a well equipped gym.

    My dumbbells are bars with weights I can attach to them up to 50 pounds on each one. They're a cast iron weight set.

    I thought about those after I posted that but didn't want to update it again- I knew someone would pick it up! That kind is great for a home lifter!
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    whats morals? Is that some fancy smancy lifter term?
    seriously maybe you should look into a hobby,I hear doll collecting is fun,but FYI the kind you blow up dont count:wink::flowerforyou:

    obviously i worked you up enough to go dig around my profile

    Nothing against you, I just don't think you should lower your morals like that for hopeful attention from men. You can bash me all you want but I still have my dignity, can you say that for yourself? Of course you'll say you do but I'm sure you realize how that makes you look...
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member

    ETA- and since the weights of dumbbells can't be changed, you need a bigger variety of equipment for different exercises, where you could change a bar to be used at different weights- that's more if you own/are purchasing the equipment- no big deal at a well equipped gym.

    My dumbbells are bars with weights I can attach to them up to 50 pounds on each one. They're a cast iron weight set.

    I thought about those after I posted that but didn't want to update it again- I knew someone would pick it up! That kind is great for a home lifter!

    Definitely! :) Although I do admit, that my next purchase will indeed be a barbell set. I'd love to work out at a gym if there was one in walking distance of my job or house, but there aren't. So I'll adjust and slowly set up an array of weights in my home. I love working out at home anyway.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    whats morals? Is that some fancy smancy lifter term?
    seriously maybe you should look into a hobby,I hear doll collecting is fun,but FYI the kind you blow up dont count:wink::flowerforyou:

    obviously i worked you up enough to go dig around my profile

    Nothing against you, I just don't think you should lower your morals like that for hopeful attention from men. You can bash me all you want but I still have my dignity, can you say that for yourself? Of course you'll say you do but I'm sure you realize how that makes you look...
    This statement is so amusing I almost have no idea how to respond. The sheep amount of assumptions you are making are stunning...and truly showing your prejudices.
    You are essentially indicting every female showing how far they have become and assuming it is in hopes of male attention? Or perhaps you see things from your point of assume every picture is specifically posted for you in hopes of catching your eye. Either way, it is misguided at best and ignorant at worst.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    whats morals? Is that some fancy smancy lifter term?
    seriously maybe you should look into a hobby,I hear doll collecting is fun,but FYI the kind you blow up dont count:wink::flowerforyou:

    obviously i worked you up enough to go dig around my profile

    Nothing against you, I just don't think you should lower your morals like that for hopeful attention from men. You can bash me all you want but I still have my dignity, can you say that for yourself? Of course you'll say you do but I'm sure you realize how that makes you look...

    Ah! The argumentative Troll is back on a new thread. What up Troll?
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Ah! The argumentative Troll is back on a new thread. What up Troll?
    That is an insult to trolls. We would have voted him off the island long ago.

    ...and poof. He's gone.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Ah! The argumentative Troll is back on a new thread. What up Troll?
    That is an insult to trolls. We would have voted him off the island long ago.

    ...and poof. He's gone.

    Woah. Awesome. I'm pretty sure trolls just regenerate though, like vampires.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Mmapags and binary? Thank you!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Im sooooo tired of people thinking everyone needs to lift heavy :laugh:

    Maybe even the amount of muscle you gain from heavy lifting, even if its not body builder status, is too much or unappealing to some.

    Worry about your own goals :flowerforyou:

    Just for clarity's sake, bodybuilding and strength training are two different things. Body building involve slighty higher reps and slightly lighter weights with the goal of growing muscle size, typically for competition. Stength training involved lifting the heaviest you can for 5 to 8 reps with the goal of gaining strength and muscle development. Most don't "gain muscle", as in grow new muscle cells but some do. For the most part it results in nueromuscular adaptation which is stronger better looking leaner muscles. Gaining muscle is a hard thing. It requires eating in surplus and the right hormonal profile including a good amount of testosterone. It is very hard for most men and bordering on impossible for most women without illegal steroids. So, for those inclined to lift, feel free. You will not get bulky. In addition to all the other benefits stated like bone density and other health benefit, others that I haven't seen mentioned include improved immune function and more beneficial hormonal production.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Mmapags and binary? Thank you!
    The guy was a tool. Here's the thing. He got caught up in the competition long ago. Quite frankly, he is the reason some women are intimidated by going into the weight area.

    This is my take. First and foremost, you're exercising. Bravo... whether it be circuit, free weights, cardio or whatever. I do agree with the OP that if you choose NOT to lift, have it be for the right reasons. Turning into a muscle builder for most women is extremely difficult. If you just prefer not to do them because it is a preference? Totally understandable. I don't like machines. It's a preference. Nothing more.
    But to assume that ANYONE who doesn't lift is lazy or scared is just plain ignorant. Also to assume that someone who lowers themselves by posting a picture of their progress for attention seeking? I think that just goes a long way in showing how he sees life.
    To bad he took the easy way out by deactivating.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Mmapags and binary? Thank you!
    The guy was a tool. Here's the thing. He got caught up in the competition long ago. Quite frankly, he is the reason some women are intimidated by going into the weight area.

    This is my take. First and foremost, you're exercising. Bravo... whether it be circuit, free weights, cardio or whatever. I do agree with the OP that if you choose NOT to lift, have it be for the right reasons. Turning into a muscle builder for most women is extremely difficult. If you just prefer not to do them because it is a preference? Totally understandable. I don't like machines. It's a preference. Nothing more.
    But to assume that ANYONE who doesn't lift is lazy or scared is just plain ignorant. Also to assume that someone who lowers themselves by posting a picture of their progress for attention seeking? I think that just goes a long way in showing how he sees life.
    To bad he took the easy way out by deactivating.

    Did he really deactivate? That would be great news! I participated in another thread with him a day or two ago and he took the same disrespectful, argumentative approach. Hopefully he moved on to torture some other forum.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    To bad he took the easy way out by deactivating.

    He was involved in multiple insulting threads- last night one was with me. I don't think he voluntarily deactivated.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    You most certainly can! I think people are referring to the light 5-10 pound dumbbells. Not the ones with higher weights on them.

    Even 5-10 pound dumbbells are useful. I'm going to go do shoulders in a bit and I'm sure by the time I'm done doing lateral raises I'll be using 10 pound dumbbells. I don't usually mention specific weights when I say heavy because that's relative to every individual. It's whatever is heavy for you.

    Of course don't tell me you're doing squats with 10 pound dumbbells. :tongue:
    In addition to all the other benefits stated like bone density and other health benefit, others that I haven't seen mentioned include improved immune function and more beneficial hormonal production.
    My allergies don't bother me when I'm in the gym lifting regularly. I haven't had a sneezing attack or taken Claratin for over 4 months now that I've gotten back into the swing of things this year. (Torn deltoid tendon last year. No, not from lifting.)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    To bad he took the easy way out by deactivating.

    He was involved in multiple insulting threads- last night one was with me. I don't think he voluntarily deactivated.

    If so, it took them long enough!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My allergies don't bother me when I'm in the gym lifting regularly. I haven't had a sneezing attack or taken Claratin for over 4 months now that I've gotten back into the swing of things this year. (Torn deltoid tendon last year. No, not from lifting.)

    That's amazing. :smile:

    I used to have horrible allergies when I was young and skinny. As I got older and less skinny, they subsided quite a bit... I thought it was just that I grew out of it.

    But now that you mention it, I've been doing heavy duty, major dust-stirring-up cleaning the past few days, the kind of things that always left me a snorking, snotty, oozing mess, and I've been perfectly fine.

    I've noticed I'm all-around healthier and less likely to get sick since I started exercising, but never put any thought into how it affected my allergies. This being healthy *kitten* is cool!!!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    My allergies don't bother me when I'm in the gym lifting regularly. I haven't had a sneezing attack or taken Claratin for over 4 months now that I've gotten back into the swing of things this year. (Torn deltoid tendon last year. No, not from lifting.)

    That's amazing. :smile:

    I used to have horrible allergies when I was young and skinny. As I got older and less skinny, they subsided quite a bit... I thought it was just that I grew out of it.

    But now that you mention it, I've been doing heavy duty, major dust-stirring-up cleaning the past few days, the kind of things that always left me a snorking, snotty, oozing mess, and I've been perfectly fine.

    I've noticed I'm all-around healthier and less likely to get sick since I started exercising, but never put any thought into how it affected my allergies. This being healthy *kitten* is cool!!!

    I've had bad allergies in the past and they've been minor at worst since starting lifting. Also, I haven't had a single cold in a year! Always got 2 or 3 per year.