What's the strangest thing that keeps you motivated?



  • dvnjustina
    dvnjustina Posts: 114 Member
    I do not want to look like my mother's side of the family. A good bit of my relatives are close to waddling.
    I want to relive my childhood. I'm 27, and I've never climbed a tree, rode a bike or play on the monkey bars.
    My high school reunion is coming up next year. I ain't going, but it motivates me to look better than I did ten years ago.
  • theblackbirdtree
    The weekends.. which end up being my days I eat the best because I FINALLY get time with my other half! :love:
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I have a paper chain (yes, like the kind you made in kindergarten to count down the days until Christmas) and there is a link for every pound down to my first major goal of 200lbs. Every 10lbs the color changes, and the last 10 are red (b/c they are the tougher ones). I only take links off on Sundays, and it is strangely fulfilling and motivating seeing the links slowly come off.

    Where were you when I first started my weightloss journey? This is a brillo idea!
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    :heart: Not having a heartattack... and dying... it scares me.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Also, my lab reports! Those alone should be my motivation!
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    I want to see my collar-bones. I want to be able to sit cross-legged on the floor. I want to wear medium sizes rather than the XXL's I wear now. I want men to see me as a curvy armful rather than a lumpy chair-ful. And I'm really tired of my daughter calling me her "mommy mattress" and "fluffy".
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    I set goals!

    "A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.
    Bruce Lee"
  • ashlafer
    ashlafer Posts: 42 Member
    Work out in a sports bra and shorts at the gym (and look good doing it!)

    Also, I really want to shock people I graduated high school with, especially the girls who constantly ate crap and yet were really thin. A year after not seeing everyone (i.e. graduating), it's really satisfying to see everyone gain their freshman fifteen from alcohol and constant crap-eating, and be the only one who actually lost weight after going to college :)
  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    There is a sentance that I can't get to leave my mind. Someone asked me if a 200 pound person can run.
    So when I jog, I am "the 207 pound person running" a little self conscious but somewhat proud that I can.
    I hope to get out of the 200's soon so that sentance will melt away

    I just started running (C25K) and I started when I was 263...
  • elekelk
    elekelk Posts: 107
    That if I fail at everything else I can still have my health :S
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    My wife and daughter not being disgusted when I take my shirt off. It's one of the things that got me going on my healthy life change. They already are no longer disgusted. I don't want them to ever be again!! :smile:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I want to be Sarah Connor for Halloween.
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    Shemar Moore from Criminal Minds...his abs are like cobble stones....

    OMG YES!! He is one sexy sexy man.

    I just realised today I'm going to be 25 in July this year; and I'm recently single (among many problems we had, one was that he had an issue with my weight; I'm not obese, I'm overweight, but he really made me feel like a worthless, horrible whale-person. I cant believe I let him make me feel that way. He wasn't exactly a prize himself, personality wise or physically ahem ahem!) anywho, I'm motivated for a lot of reasons; mostly just to do it for me, but dang it, I want to have an awesome birthday and a great time. And I wanna be hot while I party lol! ;D and of course a little devil-part of me wants him to see how well I'm doing without his loser-*kitten* and feel crappy he wasn't more supportive and helpful instead of hurtful. I knew I'd find the right eating plan+excersize routine for me eventually, but he never had any faith in me. I've realised feeling his pressure and losing confidence in myself was actually making it a lot harder. I've lost 10lbs already! A great life is the best revenge hehe ;) I've been happy ever since the day he dumped me!
  • fyoufat
    So much motivates me, the challenge, my daughter, clothes, self esteem, "you have such a pretty face", blood pressure meds, better sex...
    But I think the strangest thing to motivate me is:
    I recently gave birth a few months ago after being pregnant with my first child. I was SO BIG no one (strangers) even commented about me being pregnant (when are you due? congrats? things like that) because I was so big I just looked fat. Next time I get pregnant (if it happens) I want to be all belly!