silly Americans



  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    joking aside who cares if people know your american you enjoy your holiday can you fit me in bags lol:laugh:
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    Why wouldn't you want to stand out as an American in Italy?

    It's got nothing to do with National pride or dress sense. It has everthing to do with safety. Advertising that you are probably a wealthy tourist puts you at risk. You are vulnerable in an unfamiliar country with an unfamiliar language. Italy is in the grips of a recession, the likes of which has not been felt for a very long time. There is massive unemployment amongst Nationals but also, given it's proximity to Eastern Europe and Africa, also amongst the itinerent work force. An increase in crime is inevitable and soft, sometimes drunk, wealthy tourists are easier and richer pickings generally speaking.

    You don't mention where you are going. Rural, touristy areas like the Amalfi coast will largely be safe, but cities like Naples and Rome are no different from cities like NY and LA (except perhaps considerably fewer guns)

    Italy is a fantastic and friendly country and they particularly love a person who tries to speak a little Italian. Enjoy it but employ the same street savy you maintain at home.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    They will know you are an American as soon as they see you, no matter what you are wearing. They will know for sure when you start talking.
  • TabiNS
    TabiNS Posts: 15
    Also, I wouldn't dress up for the pope...who is he? No one, just a man. I wear jeans and a t shirt to my own church home because that's what I have. What will they do, throw you out of the country because a MAN who thinks he's a god doesn't like your clothes?? I don't think so. And, if they do, I wouldn't want to go there anyway. That's just me.
    The only reason to take a a shawl or whatever to a cathedral is to have it in case it's chilly....not to cover your head or attempt to make it look like a silly skirt because you've got boobs and a vagina. Do the men have to take a shawl to wrap around their jeans like a skirt???? NO, they don't so why should we women have to. Here's a revelation ppl....GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES....HE CARES ABOUT YOUR HEART!!!

    You have to remember, many many older countries still have a very high respect for the way you present yourself in church. I'm not a religious person, but if I were visiting a cathedral, that had been around for centuries, I'd be respectful of that. I'm not saying dress up like you're going to prom or something, but at least show that you are respecting their traditions.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Have fun on your trip!!

    Anyway, I went to London when I was a teenager and everyone could tell I was American just by the way I looked. I didn't even have to speak, lol.

    But who cares, enjoy yourself. Italy's a beautiful place.
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    We had some Americans in our local pub recently, they really stood out.....because they were wearing shorts, flip flops and t-shirts on a cold, rainy day. I guess they thought as it was summer it would be warm, something you really cannot assume for the UK lol!!
    lol that would totally be me
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    We had some Americans in our local pub recently, they really stood out.....because they were wearing shorts, flip flops and t-shirts on a cold, rainy day. I guess they thought as it was summer it would be warm, something you really cannot assume for the UK lol!!

    That still could have been warm for them depending on what part of the states you come from.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Avoid fanny packs! In fact, everyone should avoid them.

    And don't say "fanny" to anyone who speaks english - it doesn't mean what you think it means!

    Really though, if you are respectful and interested, you'll be welcomed with open arms, no matter what you wear.
    At least, that's my experience in every country I've travelled to.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm going to Italy in a few weeks... and my family is freaking out saying DONT PACK ANYTHING THAT MAKES YOU LOOK AMERICAN!!! Hoping I'm not curb-stomped for being American even if I clearly appear as one, but -

    What exactly should I be avoiding?

    It's not like I wear the flag like a toga. I don't wear any sports-team shirts/hats/etc, I don't wear clothes with writing on it (aside from maybe 1 or 2 sweatshirts that I probably won't pack anyway), I don't wear I <3 George Bush tee's...


    I wouldn't worry about what you're wearing but more worry on how you act. Just be polite and have fun :) There is nothing wrong with being American.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Why be ashamed to be an American? We're not perfect, but then again who is? Wear what you feel comfortable in, don't worry about it.
    Why be ashamed.
    Be you and don´t mind other peoples opinion.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    Well when I went to england and scotland in 2002 the people were lovely to me. I rented a car and was driving, having a little difficulty with the lanes and looking the correct way before I turned. so I had my sister put a sign in the back of the car basically apologizing for driving poorly and saying I was american. I received a lot of compliments then and some aussies whooted and said they were going to do the same thing. My sister and I had so much fun on that trip.
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    Ok, the "tartan" trousers....who in their right minds wear those??? Yikes! Anyway, if I go anywhere...within or outside of the states...I will be myself COMPLETELY. I dress the same at home, on vacation (which I never go on because that takes money that I don't have lol) or wherever. Just be yourself.
    the bay city rollers did lmao and i had tartan socks as a girl with their faces on hahaha

    ohno you didn't did you? :laugh:
    yes i did i loved them i found a pic of billy in tartan trousers after being given the freedom of glasgow but i can,t add it :-(
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I googled "American Tourist" and this came up:


    Avoid looking like this.

    For the rest of your life.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    We had some Americans in our local pub recently, they really stood out.....because they were wearing shorts, flip flops and t-shirts on a cold, rainy day. I guess they thought as it was summer it would be warm, something you really cannot assume for the UK lol!!

    mind you I have just got back from camping in France (I am British) and the British stood out for wearing shorts, flip flops and t shirts on cold rainy days lol. Maybe it just applies to everyone on holiday in the summer (even when the weather is bad) The french on the same campsite were also in shorts!
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    I think that is kinda lame... You should be proud of where you are from, and not try to disguise it. Maybe if you own it and just act like a normal person you will change some minds about Americans. I think that would be the better end result.

    that ^ !
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    Also, I wouldn't dress up for the pope...who is he? No one, just a man. I wear jeans and a t shirt to my own church home because that's what I have. What will they do, throw you out of the country because a MAN who thinks he's a god doesn't like your clothes?? I don't think so. And, if they do, I wouldn't want to go there anyway. That's just me.
    The only reason to take a a shawl or whatever to a cathedral is to have it in case it's chilly....not to cover your head or attempt to make it look like a silly skirt because you've got boobs and a vagina. Do the men have to take a shawl to wrap around their jeans like a skirt???? NO, they don't so why should we women have to. Here's a revelation ppl....GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES....HE CARES ABOUT YOUR HEART!!!

    ^^ This is why they will know you are from the United States. And why they will think you are a boor. You wear what is expected out of respect for other people's culture, traditions, and beliefs.
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    how did u get that pic on
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    I googled "American Tourist" and this came up:


    Avoid looking like this.

    For the rest of your life.
    how did you put the pic on
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Also, I wouldn't dress up for the pope...who is he? No one, just a man. I wear jeans and a t shirt to my own church home because that's what I have. What will they do, throw you out of the country because a MAN who thinks he's a god doesn't like your clothes?? I don't think so. And, if they do, I wouldn't want to go there anyway. That's just me.
    The only reason to take a a shawl or whatever to a cathedral is to have it in case it's chilly....not to cover your head or attempt to make it look like a silly skirt because you've got boobs and a vagina. Do the men have to take a shawl to wrap around their jeans like a skirt???? NO, they don't so why should we women have to. Here's a revelation ppl....GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES....HE CARES ABOUT YOUR HEART!!!

    ^^ This is why they will know you are from the United States. And why they will think you are a boor. You wear what is expected out of respect for other people's culture, traditions, and beliefs.

    Exactly. When I was in Italy, we were not allowed to go into certain churches because we were in shorts. Respect people. You are a guest in another country. Show respect.
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    What's wrong with being, or should i say looking American? Do they not like us? I think we are pretty well rounded here, no no i'm not talking about my shape, lol.....