silly Americans



  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Also, I wouldn't dress up for the pope...who is he? No one, just a man. I wear jeans and a t shirt to my own church home because that's what I have. What will they do, throw you out of the country because a MAN who thinks he's a god doesn't like your clothes?? I don't think so. And, if they do, I wouldn't want to go there anyway. That's just me.
    The only reason to take a a shawl or whatever to a cathedral is to have it in case it's chilly....not to cover your head or attempt to make it look like a silly skirt because you've got boobs and a vagina. Do the men have to take a shawl to wrap around their jeans like a skirt???? NO, they don't so why should we women have to. Here's a revelation ppl....GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES....HE CARES ABOUT YOUR HEART!!!

    ^^ This is why they will know you are from the United States. And why they will think you are a boor. You wear what is expected out of respect for other people's culture, traditions, and beliefs.

    ^This totally. When we went over there, we were instructed to not wear jeans because we would be denied entrance into a lot of the cathedrals and other historical sites. Really, it's not that hard to look up the customs and respect them. She's smart by looking into it now.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I googled "American Tourist" and this came up:


    Avoid looking like this.

    For the rest of your life.
    how did you put the pic on

    See this link:
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    When I lived overseas, I could HEAR the american's coming a mile away. On top of that they had a sense of entitlement... like EVERYONE should speak "american" (seriously, I heard it called american). Act like a good citizen of the world and you should be good.

    This is sage advice. Americans are typically very loud when traveling, especially in large grops. I travel for work all the time and make sure to watch the volume when I speak. Same thing with attempting to use some of the language. "Please" and "Thank you" are universally appreciated.

    I wear a small scarf when I travel, so I that I blend in. It sems to work. My impression is that many people in European countries tend to have more pride in how they look. (Especially the guys... Hello!!) Captain is right as far as churches and sightseeing. Bare shoulders are not allowed. Same things with short shorts. I'm not saying floor length pencil skirts and long sleeves. Just saying to keep it classy, somewhat modest if you're visiting a house of worship you should be fine. A lightweight broom skirt and a light top should fit easily in a backpack / day bag. Keep in mind that some countries also have different rules as far as flirting goes too, so be careful that you 're not over advertising what you're not willing to give for free, especially if you don't speak the language.

    OH. REALLY IMPORTANT, probably moreso than packing the right clothes... You might see gypsy children. They have really big, sad, puppy dog eyes, are usually dressed in rags, and will quiver their bottom lips as they hold out their hands for change. Don't reach for your wallet. Don't stop to feed them. Don't give them change. Don't engage them. Follow the locals and keep on walking. Sounds cruel, but it's for your own safety. Seriously...

    Have fun and be safe!

    (Edited: Fixed quotations to quote OP)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Also, I wouldn't dress up for the pope...who is he? No one, just a man. I wear jeans and a t shirt to my own church home because that's what I have. What will they do, throw you out of the country because a MAN who thinks he's a god doesn't like your clothes?? I don't think so. And, if they do, I wouldn't want to go there anyway. That's just me.
    The only reason to take a a shawl or whatever to a cathedral is to have it in case it's chilly....not to cover your head or attempt to make it look like a silly skirt because you've got boobs and a vagina. Do the men have to take a shawl to wrap around their jeans like a skirt???? NO, they don't so why should we women have to. Here's a revelation ppl....GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES....HE CARES ABOUT YOUR HEART!!!

    Now this is the perfect example of why tourists get a bad rap - a complete lack of interest and respect for local culture.
    It's useful to remember that just because something is OK at home, doesn't mean it's OK everywhere. That means dress standards, taking photos, talking loudly, complaining that you don't like the toilets or that there are no donuts for brekkie,
    If you want everything to be " just like home" - then you better stay home!
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    I would say dress nicely (pants and skirts, not shorts and t-shirts). We Americans stand out there, i think, because we are under-dressed and too loud.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    you need to put [ img] before the link (but delete the space between the [ and the img before you do so)

    followed by [/ img] after the link (but delete the space between the / and the img when you do so)
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member

    Go to a dentist and have them jack up your teeth. That'll help you look less American for sure. Then walk around like a pompous as/s that thinks he/she is better/smarter/more refined. Have your husband wear capris.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    We had some Americans in our local pub recently, they really stood out.....because they were wearing shorts, flip flops and t-shirts on a cold, rainy day. I guess they thought as it was summer it would be warm, something you really cannot assume for the UK lol!!
    I´m from iceland and I have often been to Uk and be wearing t-shirt when people is fully dressed and complaining of how cold it is.
    Still sometime it´s warmer in Iceland than in Uk.
    So you can´t really say that someone is from USA just because they were shorts and t-shirts while other locals are fully dressed.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    ^^ This is why they will know you are from the United States. And why they will think you are a boor. You wear what is expected out of respect for other people's culture, traditions, and beliefs.

    No offense but if this is the case...WE EXPECT YOU TO SPEAK ENGLISH IF YOU COME TO AMERICA. And before you say anything I should speak your langauge in your country...I agree if you are going to a country...learn as much about it as you can including the language but I am proud to be American and I do think it is the greatest free country out there. Sorry to be proud of my heritage. I would expect no less from any of you from other countries. As for being a boor...your post showed just how rude and insensitive you are but thank you for your opinion.
  • DerDude
    DerDude Posts: 170
    Hehehe, thats such a nice thread!

    You have to avoid the things you have to avoid in the US.
    Also you can wear, eat, say, buy whatever you want. :wink:
    You wont go into MET with Shorts and Tanktop. So you wont do that in a 700 year old cathedral :smile:
    But we wear the same things you do....even shorts and flipflops if its hot (also in office :bigsmile: ).

    And we don´t hate Americans! Sometimes you are a little funny .... but whos not???? :tongue:

    So enjoy your trip and the taste of Italy, its yummmy!

    Btw....I am German :wink:
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    That makes sense to me. When I was in Europe I tried to avoid looking like a tourist, and it worked until I opened my mouth. Immediately, I was asked, "You are from southern United States?"

    Exactly... you could look 100% Euro but once you open your mouth theres no hiding it. Your going to Italy and folks tell you no sneakers with the amount of walking you will do? GET REAL! WERE AMERICAN! WE WEAR SNEAKERS EVERYWHERE! Wear whats comfy, thats all that matters. Its your vacation and if your feet hurt then what fun will that be? Will it be hot.. wear shorts. Your only hat is a sports team wear it, you will see a ton of them there already. I have friends all over the world and you will not believe the amount of American apparel they wear.

    I tried to fit in while in England (been twice). I wore my University of Kentucky hat. All I had to say is hello and I heard, "Oh what part of America are you from?" Then is was, "Kentucky? Where is that?" lol I just let them know it was about 20-30 mins drive from New York City.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    ^^ This is why they will know you are from the United States. And why they will think you are a boor. You wear what is expected out of respect for other people's culture, traditions, and beliefs.

    No offense but if this is the case...WE EXPECT YOU TO SPEAK ENGLISH IF YOU COME TO AMERICA. And before you say anything I should speak your langauge in your country...I agree if you are going to a country...learn as much about it as you can including the language but I am proud to be American and I do think it is the greatest free country out there. Sorry to be proud of my heritage. I would expect no less from any of you from other countries. As for being a boor...your post showed just how rude and insensitive you are but thank you for your opinion.

    huh? i wouldnt expect tourists from another country to speak English while here. and i certainly wouldnt learn another country's language when i travel there.
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    I googled "American Tourist" and this came up:


    Avoid looking like this.

    For the rest of your life.
    how did you put the pic on
    i,m sorry i still have no idea there should be a attach file button this is far too complicated and none of the links on here seem to work

    See this link:
  • CourtLiv
    CourtLiv Posts: 68 Member
    don't wear white sneakers...
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    The person who mentioned shorts as something to avoid is correct - not a part of a European wardrobe unless you're at a beach resort or undertaking something very active. You might get away with very elegant city shorts, with good shoes and a nice shirt/blazer, if what you're aiming for is to fit in, but I mean very tailored ones.

    Do make sure you have a shawl to cover your shoulders with if going into a church, and especially for the Vatican, you need to be covered up or you won't be allowed in ie. shoulders, cleavage and knees all clothed. I think jeans are not permitted at the Vatican either, but you should check on that - it's a while since I was last there. Other churches are less specific, but the general gist is the same.

    The critical thing is to be polite, discreet and respectful, as in any culture, but as you asked specifically about clothing... Europeans dress, in general, much more formally than Americans. Skirts and dresses are still the norm for Italian women, on a day-to-day basis (much cooler than trousers anyway!). Nice shoes are a must - flats are fine, but leather sandals or ballet flats/loafers rather than trainers or 'outdoor' footwear. At a stretch, for comfort, a Keds-style ie. very simple sandshoe. Bear in mind you'll be walking a lot. Nice tops, accessories (scarves are the best for travelling - light and don't take up much room), NOT a backpack, if you possibly can(for security as much as style), but definitely a bag that zips, and can be held under your arm or worn across the body. Natural fibers will be most comfortable as it gets very hot. Take a hat if you burn easily! If you're planning to go out somewhere formal in the evening, a cocktail dress (or similar outfit) and heels are pretty much de rigeur. For less formal places, a nice sundress or skirt and top is your best best. The Italians are some of the best-dressed people in the world, and their national credo might as well be 'fare una bella figura' - to make a good show. This applies without doubt to their clothing. Have a wonderful time - Italy's one of my favourite places on earth.
  • AllisonMart
    AllisonMart Posts: 156 Member
    I lived in Italy for a year with an Italian family (exchange student), and learned to view American tourists as an Italian does. You can spot Americans from a mile away. I've also travelled a lot in Europe since then.

    Don't wear bright colors or lots of patterns. Go for neutrals. Don't wear anything really revelaing (i.e. skimpy tank tops and short shorts). That's a huge giveaway and some churches won't let you in if you're not properly dressed. Wear sensible shoes, flip flops are only for indoors, are disrespectful, and are a sign too. Don't look a mess each day, Italians are very concious of appearance and if you look sloppy they will notice. Carrying around big tourist books isn't good either! Remember you want to blend as much as possible so you are not a target. Sporting a lot of brand name logos isn't good either, that indicates you have money and makes you a target.

    Don't carry around huge bags. For one thing they will get heavy and you'll get tired of carrying them. Pack light. If you can't carry your suitcase around the entire block without stopping to rest, go home and take some things out. Bring just a small wallet-type purse, preferably cross body. Don't carry a lot of cash, leave some of it in the hotel safe. Also put your passport in the hotel safe, treat that thing like it's solid gold.

    Most important is how you act. American tourists are incredibly loud, demanding, disrespectful, and annoying. It's really no wonder the rest of the world hates us. Be respectful, pay attention to the local rules and laws. Follow the signs. Tourist areas are well marked and you should have no trouble finding your way around. Be quiet, use an indoor voice at all times. Learn basic polite phrases like "excuse me", "thank you", "you're welcome", "ma'am" and "sir" and use them liberally. If you make an attempt to speak in their language, you will earn major brownie points and they will be more likely to help you. Smile a lot and be generally friendly, but also reserved and appreciative.

    Have fun! Italy is wonderful.
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298

    you need to put [ img] before the link (but delete the space between the [ and the img before you do so)

    followed by [/ img] after the link (but delete the space between the / and the img when you do so)
    yes billy in tartan trews lolx
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    When I went 15 years ago, I was told that they could tell I was Amercian because I wore bright colors and chewed gum.
  • wwoelbel
    wwoelbel Posts: 23
    Don't put a red maple leaf on your backpack - You will be immediately spotted as "American in Disguise"