for anyone considering the Couch to 5K...



  • AlyssasMommy
    Loren- when are you planning on starting again?

    I will help keep you motivated if you want me to. I love this program already.
  • AlyssasMommy
    AlyssasMommy - Awww - baby is sooo cute. I have an Alyssa too, she however is now 16!!!! Miss the baby days.

    Aww thank you! I never noticed this post before. I had no name picked out for her. I named her the night I had her and I am so happy with my decision. Her name fits her perfectly.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    M2kjenn- are you training every other day or just sticking to 3 days a week?

    What schedule is everyone else on?

    If I train every other day it ends up being 4 days a week.

    Is it better to stick to 3 days?

    With teen age daughters my schedule varies a bit. I just try to make sure I get it in 3 times during the week. sometimes I have two days inbetween, try to not go any longer than that. I think the main issue is not doing it two days back to back, at least for me, my body needs that day of recovery. I will usually do something, either go for a walk, or do JM shred, just no running.
  • meeb2494
    I was inspired to start this running program due to all the posts on MFP.
    I started this morning. Wow, it was hard but I made it. :happy: I hope to stick with it.

    I have a question about entering Week 1 as exercise. Do I just put in the time I ran and then the time I walked? I don't have a heart rate monitor so I am guessing I have to enter it this way. What does everybody else do in regards to entering the exercise?

  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    I'm hoping to start back tonight! I'm just going to start over Week 2. Hopefully I can actually complete my 3 days this week and move on. It's not too hard for me. I just always seem to get too busy by the end of the week to finish my 3 days! I'd love some motivation!
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    meeb... I've been doing it on a treadmill, and I believe you are going to burn about 130 cal walking+running in week 1 and 150 cal walking+running in week 2. If you eat back your work out calories then I'd just eat back 100 to be on the safe side!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I run three days a week. My days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
  • AlyssasMommy
    Loren- let us know how tonight goes. You must be in pretty good shape already since it is not very hard for you. I am struggling in week one :blushing: Today is my rest day. I am already looking forward to my next run.

    Keep us posted!

    P.S. I love your name :happy: my daughter's middle name is Nicole.
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    Haha that's a beautiful name Lauren! I like both of your names!

    I guess I'm somewhat in shape. My problem is I've done the eliptical and some cross stairstepper/eliptical type machine (no clue what it's called) so running is a bit harder.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Running a c25k group now, actually. Its amazing... when you go through once and you get results, don't be surprised if you get a couple friends asking you to help them through it as well :laugh:

    Its awesome! 6 months ago, if you told me I'd be running a 5k I'd have laughed in your face. I've also lost about 20lbs since I started, dropped 2 pant sizes (almost 3 now), and dropped 2 shirt sizes.
  • meeb2494
    Thanks for the advice Loren
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    I'm so happy to see this thread still alive. :bigsmile:

    How we doing? Loren? Alyssa's Mommy? Anybody?? :laugh: Day 2 of week 6 for me tonight..... if I have any strength left I'll check in when I get home. Running at 7 pm with the hubby and mom!
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    I started Day 1 on Week 2 yesterday! Then this morning did my eliptical/stairstepper cross machine thing for 28 min. I'm trying to do cardio everyday so maybe it will be easier for me to run when it's my day. So tomorrow I hope to continue Week 2 so I can move on to Week 3 FINALLY! You're almost done!!! I hope to lose some inches!
  • AlyssasMommy
    Hey everyone! I am doing week 1 day 3 tonight when hubby gets home. I might do one extra day of week 1 because the first day I had to walk through one of my 60 second runs. I want to be able to complete 3 full days before I move on to the next week. i am already nervous about 90 second runs but I won't let that stop me.

    Loren- good to hear that you started back! Keep it up girl!!!

    I will let you guys know how tonight goes.

    :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • AlyssasMommy
    I had company come over and they were here until 11pm. I will be doing my workout tomorrow.
    How did everyone else do?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm so excited! I'm getting ready to go to bed but just had to log in. Amylynne26, John (S-I-L) and I did our running tonight. I started week 3 day 1. Two 90 second runs alternated with two 3 minute runs with walking in between. WHEW!!! Those 3 minute runs (especially the first one) were killers. I almost gave up and started walking but I pushed through them. Holy cow that was tough! But it's really exciting too. It wasn't that long ago when I could barely run to catch the bus and now I'm running for 3 minutes at a time! :happy: :happy: I'm telling you, Amy is my hero! I can't even fathom running week 6 which is what she ran. :noway: Two 10 minute runs! She assures me I will get there but I don't know. :laugh: :laugh:

    Good luck to everyone who is doing this. I'm saying it's addictive! :laugh:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi all,
    I just found this thread and would love to join in... is there room for more? Like a lot of you, I also thought "If only I could do that"..... and finally decided to JUST DO IT.

    Week 1 was okay, transitioning from week 1 to 2 was scary, and I started week 3, day 1 today! I do it outdoors, and quickly learned that for the first run of the week I need to plan it so much of the course is level or downhill, by the end of the week, I have the confidence to add in more uphill.

    Not sure what's the proper pace - I'm doing more of a jog than a run, really, but considering I was afraid to pick up my feet a few weeks ago - it feels like flying.

    Hoping to accomplish this goal - and would love to check in with you guys often... you're inspiring!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Running a c25k group now, actually. Its amazing... when you go through once and you get results, don't be surprised if you get a couple friends asking you to help them through it as well :laugh:

    Its awesome! 6 months ago, if you told me I'd be running a 5k I'd have laughed in your face. I've also lost about 20lbs since I started, dropped 2 pant sizes (almost 3 now), and dropped 2 shirt sizes.

    Out of curiosity - did you incorporate other exercise to your routine on the "off" days? I'm wondering what to do about my beautiful extra storage around my middle... if the running doesn't whittle it away. :)
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Did my second workout of week one tonight. It was hard, again, obviously. But I don't think quite as hard as the first one was. My body feels so much better for being pushed and active! I'm feeling quite apprehensive about moving onto week two, and maybe should do week one twice. We'll see...

  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    Lauren, I was SO nervous about starting my 90 sec run because week 1 was rough for me, but since you get to walk for 2 min to recover it's not too bad. I would do an extra day with you and definitely stick with it. You can do it!