Your Worst Binge Since Starting Here?



  • saraast
    saraast Posts: 62 Member
    4th of July, had a total of 6 desserts: 2 piece of poke cake, 1 brownie, 2 cupcakes, 1 slice chocolate bread
    worst. stomach ache. ever!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    As title says, what is the worst binge you have had in terms of calories(Obviously there will be plenty here who have not binged) since joining mfp, and did it impact your weight badly, if at all ?

    WTF?? Is this post for real????????
  • miam4nia
    miam4nia Posts: 137 Member
    on thanksgiving i ate loaddssss of carbs and sugars...i gained about 10 pounds all of a sudden...NO JOKE...of course it all came off in a week but that really taught me never to go THAT overboard again....if i want to treat myself, i'll have a scoop of ice cream or a piece of chocolate...but i would never have a full cheat day where i cheat with all my meals ever again.
  • tappleton17
    tappleton17 Posts: 29 Member
    LOL I have not binged yet but i am sure my time will come.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    There's this pizza place near my university called "Gumby's". They carry these delicious things called "Pokey Stix" and have to-die-for pizza rolls.
    A month or so back, I had friends over and we ordered a great big amount of pizza, stix, and pizza rolls. I don't even know how much I ate, but it was so delicious. I logged it all, of course, and was surprised to find that my day had only amounted to ~2500 calories.

    It was wonderful, and the day after that, I got back to eating healthy. :)
  • My_Own_Hero
    Mine was last week.
    It consisted of pizza, donut holes, Doritos, sour gummy worms, Kit-Kats, and Twix with a grand total of 4,504 calories (I basically only ate junk the entire day). Although it was delicious, I probably won't do that least not all on the same day.
  • Cristofori44
    Cristofori44 Posts: 201
    Brazilian French toast, five Manhattan cocktails, two slices of combo pizza with thick crust, a chocolate-glazed doughnut and a Slurpee. Was following a plan that encouraged a cheat day....think I logged 4,500 calories that day. But this sounds tame compared to some other stories.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I can't recall a real binge day since MFP since I am extremely fresh to all this... however MFP has definitely opened up my eyes. Just recently I went to Chili's with my sis and I was debating what to order and was scrolling through the nutritional menu online and all I could do was stare at the numbers in disbelief...

    All while recalling each time I had come and ordered appetizers, full meal and sometimes deserts! Well over 3000 just in one meal! AND I had been there on days after eating breakfast and lunch. I almost fainted thinking about how deadened my mind was to it all.

    Same thing at the buffet like Golden Corral... now I prepare myself ahead of time and I am much better prepared. But I have no doubt those previous days I reached into the 6 and 7 thousands.
    I love food! :sad:

    Edit to say: And wine... before my husband and I would drink bottles of wine on the weekend... those nights I do NOT regret :love: :smooched:
  • verdehaze
    verdehaze Posts: 1
    Fudge where do I start.. Well i eat pretty healthy during the week exercise regularly 6 days a week. But I try to maintain it thought the next week and i guess since i deprive myself i go binge crazy :( my worst binge.. Well there have bin a few.. So it start the day good and then the monster takes over.. Nature Valley protein bars sweet and salty, almonds , almond butter fif bars, bowls of cereal more spoon fulls of almond butter and then store donuts 3 ben and Jerry I've cream and sweet mexican bread..So guilty didnt even log it in :( i have binge eating disorder..oh and psncakes with emerald granola and bananas on top and toast with jam ..
  • scottodle1
    scottodle1 Posts: 1
    Today is only my second day, already my worst binge. Did a crapton of walking and my Fitbit registered near 4k activity calories. Incorrectly thought I could afford Carne Asada Fries from Filibertos. Whoops! 200 over.

    Like I said, I'm a bit of a newbie (tried this a few times before but never really got motivated enough). My diary is public, check it out, tips are appreciated.
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    I think once it got up to 10000 calories over the course of two days, I didn't have the heart to log unfortunately. But on the first day I had a big breakfast, burger king for lunch, KFC for dinner, a huge frozen yogurt, an ice capp and chocolate danish from tim hortons, a bit of chocolate and a bag of candy from the candy factory at the mall. I'm sure there was more but just nibbles here and there. Then the second day it was stuff mostly heathy-ish stuff, but waaaay too much.

    Hopped on the scale a couple days later and was up 3lb but by the end of the week I had lost 2 of those 3 lbs. So not too too horrible I guess
  • vickyjane1710
    vickyjane1710 Posts: 20 Member
    can relate to all this - i used to be on a 1000 calorie per day diet and i would get weighed on Monday. Then i would go to the supermarket with £20 and spend all of it on junk. I never managed to eat all of it and was usually still snacking by time Wednesday came round. Did i lose any weight? Surprisingly, yes. It was probably down to the fact that i never used to eat over the weekend in an effort to fix the three-day binge that began with Monday!

    Right now ive just had some Easter eggs delivered. They did better than i thought they were going to - sitting in the fridge for two days. Theyre gone now, however! Do i feel sick? God yes. Am i going to log em? Um probably not! Is there any guilt? There was, but after reading this thread, its not nearly as bad as it could have been! Sounds crazy but im glad im not the only one with binge days! Thanks :-)
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    Wow, this thread was a real eye opener for me! I am a recovering bulimic so I am used to packing away massive quantities of food, but I had no idea "normal" people also go on these epic binges. My record was a 14 lb turkey with all the trimmings (including pie) eaten over the course of 2 days, but thankfully I no longer go on this kind of epic binge eating. My last binge in the last 6 months was a jar of Jiff Natural Crunchy peanut butter and half a jar of Nutella on 6 English muffins. It was so delicious and I couldn't stop stuffing my face, but I felt awful for 2 full days. I recovered from that binge and I no longer keep peanut butter or Nutella in the house.
  • wattssal000
    wattssal000 Posts: 62 Member
    That totally sounds like something I would do. I can't really do any baking at home because I will eat it :(
  • wildechild74
    wildechild74 Posts: 64 Member
    love the honesty:flowerforyou:
  • sakassab
    sakassab Posts: 34 Member
    my worst binge was yesterday.......

    I had:

    2 pop tarts for a "snack"
    also had a large peanut butter shake
    and shared an extra buttery pop corn at the midnight premier of ironman....

    ooohh... the guilt is killing me! :/
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I had a FREE DAY where I logged in over 12,000
    That's as bad as it ever got.

    Wowsers, that makes me feel slightly better about the few occasions I hit 4-5k on a bad day, lol. Not that I am proud of it, I hate it when it happens lol. I sure would love to know what you ate to hit 12000 though.
    I remember it well....a huge breakfast - 2000 calories, a huge lunch - 2000 calories - drank 20 beers all day - 2500 calories - snacked all day on junk - 1500 calories and ate a huge dinner twice [3000], then late desert and white wine [1500] added up quick!

    DUDE that is some LEGENDARY stuff right there!!!!!! Well done playa taking advantage of his FREEDAY!!
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I was feeling guilty about the 2 scones I had last night for dessert They are only 175 calories each, and i stayed under my calorie goal, but I know I didn't need the second one.

    I have been DYING to get a cheese and fruit platter and just enjoy a bottle of wine... I have not had an official "cheat day".... I was thinking about doing it this weekend :) (i will have to do a **** ton of zumba before I do that so I don't feel too guilty)
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    This awesomely tanned man rolled like this a couple of months ago.

    1/2 A pizza in the morning
    about 12 beers through out the day
    1/2 a chicken fried in the evening with rice and beans
    about 1/2 bottle of red wine
    a steak burrito with all the trimmings at like midnight!
    And a bag of doritos in between all the beers

    There might also have been a little more and maybe a protein shake in there somewhere......................:bigsmile:
  • tlab827
    tlab827 Posts: 155 Member
    The day after Easter I ate a dozen mini caramel cadbury eggs, 2 chocolate cream cadbury eggs, a bag of sweedish fish jelly beans, chocolate covered acai berries, and many many other random chocolate goodies (along with breakfast, lunch and dinner). I'm not sure of the calorie count because I was too scared, full and lazy to log it.