
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Oh my gosh, what a week-end. Family all went to a amusement park yesterday three hours from home, all but the youngest, 9 year old ended up with a head concussion, got home at 1 am, got in bed, phone rang at 2:20 am youngest has having seizures, grandma couldn't get them stopped, they are only a block from us, hopped in car and went to get her, gave her more meds, under control, brought her home at 2:35 am, she didn't want to go back to sleep, stayed up with her, she feel asleep, had to get up to wake head concussion child 10 minutes later, then youngest up, then had to wake child with head concussion, I average about 1 hour and 10 minutes of broken sleep last night.

    I am so proud of myself though because I have did good eating so far all week-end, no pop at amusement park but did hit the kernel popcorn a little hard. I also swam and climbed something like 80 stairs twice to get to the top of the water slide so it is all good. I am proud of myself for not using food today to stay awake but actually realizing I needed to sit down and take some breaks today.

    Renea, I hope you are having a wonderful birthday party!

    Lori, I understand what you mean about not being happy because you already saw those numbers once, I am there and have 6 more pounds to lose before I can't say that anymore.

    Andrew, Jeannie, Sam, Shuntae, Marla, Beth, Bobbie and everybody else I am forgetting - have a great rest of the week-end! :flowerforyou:

    Amanda sorry to hear your going through all that, hope everything gets better and fast.

    Jeannie you look fabulous!!!

    Andrew when I get off work this afternoon I am gonna look at your pictures

    Marla, you have been very very quiet this week

    Beth, How was baby first few days of kindergarten???

    Renea, I hope your having a blast of your lifetime.

    Lori, Love the picture you look great

    Well its 4:27 in the morning I just got weighing all my food for work today and I am gonna eat my oatmeal at work before I clock in since I get there 45 minutes early. I have already started on my water, I was THHHIIIRRRSSSTTTTYYYYY this morning.

    I am so excited about our bbq I think I am gonna make potato salad. YUMMY.

    Well everyone have a fabulous day!!!! I will
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh my gosh, what a week-end. Family all went to a amusement park yesterday three hours from home, all but the youngest, 9 year old ended up with a head concussion, got home at 1 am, got in bed, phone rang at 2:20 am youngest has having seizures, grandma couldn't get them stopped, they are only a block from us, hopped in car and went to get her, gave her more meds, under control, brought her home at 2:35 am, she didn't want to go back to sleep, stayed up with her, she feel asleep, had to get up to wake head concussion child 10 minutes later, then youngest up, then had to wake child with head concussion, I average about 1 hour and 10 minutes of broken sleep last night.

    I am so proud of myself though because I have did good eating so far all week-end, no pop at amusement park but did hit the kernel popcorn a little hard. I also swam and climbed something like 80 stairs twice to get to the top of the water slide so it is all good. I am proud of myself for not using food today to stay awake but actually realizing I needed to sit down and take some breaks today.

    Renea, I hope you are having a wonderful birthday party!

    Lori, I understand what you mean about not being happy because you already saw those numbers once, I am there and have 6 more pounds to lose before I can't say that anymore.

    Andrew, Jeannie, Sam, Shuntae, Marla, Beth, Bobbie and everybody else I am forgetting - have a great rest of the week-end! :flowerforyou:

    Oh Amanda, you poor thing. What a crappy day. I am very proud of you for not jumping into to a Super Big Gulp of Pop!!

    You are much stronger than I could ever hope to be. I pray all is well today and send a HUGE hug your way!!:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    bobbi- we could have a painting party at your house! I actually had a friend who invited us over for beers many years ago...........and handed us each a paint brush upon arrival:noway: . I promptly departed.:happy:

    marla-still hectic, huh? Hope things calm down a bit for you soon.:smooched:

    tamara-you amaze me with your positive attitude! Measuring at 4am would put me in a foul mood.:love:

    lori-make the decision and YOU have to live with it. I did that 10 yrs agao with the Ford F150. Oh how I loved that fancy extended color...flare sides!! DH went along with it and grumbled every freaking day. When my 16 yr old son rolled it........Dh bought a Chevy base model, even had roll down windows! IN dark gray...yuck!!
    He STILL has it!! Loves it!
    Do not ever pay sticker.....dont matter what they say. Go to or and figure out a price...then go in with it. I have pissed off many a salesman with my negotiation skills:glasses:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    Amanda- hugs to you, I sure hope you have a better day today.

    Jeannie- I'm not picking his car, I would pick something that got better gas mileage than his Quad cab Dodge Ram that he's trading. A jeep doesn't! When it comes to haggling over price, I am it, the lump just sits there. It so doesn't fit his personality! I wouldn't want the job of a salesperson for anything. They make all these promises, 'oh we're going to give you a great deal', 'since we have this one on the lot we have some wiggle room', 'oh we would love to have your truck, we need used trucks' and on and on. Then when it comes down to numbers it's a whole different ballgame and you hear, 'this is the best we can do', 'we don't make much on these things, we don't have a lot of room to play with' and on and on again.

    Frustrating! Mix that with a DH who was having trouble making up his mind and it makes for a long day. I was patient with him but after 7 hours and only 2 car dealerships I was getting a little ready for it to be over.

    I was so beat last night I crashed. Of course then I woke up at 5:30, boy how I was wishing to sleep in later. Maybe I'll take a nap tody. Just because I can!

    Have a good day all!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Amanda- hugs to you, I sure hope you have a better day today.

    Jeannie- I'm not picking his car, I would pick something that got better gas mileage than his Quad cab Dodge Ram that he's trading. A jeep doesn't! When it comes to haggling over price, I am it, the lump just sits there. It so doesn't fit his personality! I wouldn't want the job of a salesperson for anything. They make all these promises, 'oh we're going to give you a great deal', 'since we have this one on the lot we have some wiggle room', 'oh we would love to have your truck, we need used trucks' and on and on. Then when it comes down to numbers it's a whole different ballgame and you hear, 'this is the best we can do', 'we don't make much on these things, we don't have a lot of room to play with' and on and on again.

    Frustrating! Mix that with a DH who was having trouble making up his mind and it makes for a long day. I was patient with him but after 7 hours and only 2 car dealerships I was getting a little ready for it to be over.

    I was so beat last night I crashed. Of course then I woke up at 5:30, boy how I was wishing to sleep in later. Maybe I'll take a nap tody. Just because I can!

    Have a good day all!

    I lucked out on DH truck. He wanted basic, dark gray, plastic interior. We got up on Sunday morning armed with the news ads. walked into the 1st dealer with the 6 or so cut outs and I said " We want this one!" she immed said " We do not have that one in stock, let me show you...blah blah"

    I put my hand up and asked for the manager. False advertising.......the ad was placed Sunday morning, they JUST opened and WE are the first there.......we want the veh in the add for the price shown (it was a white basic truck) she gets all red........says she will check the computer and pounds off inside. I am not there to make friends.

    We spot THE truck....still in wrap....100 ft yards away........while she is inside we mosey over to this truck and DH is all excited, as much as he gets excited, it is exactly what he wants. But it is $20k and the ad truck was 15,500.

    She comes out and I tell her we want THIS truck for 15,500. No way she says...blah blah...

    Manager please.............

    Walked out with the truck, 15,500 AND 2% apr.

    She was steaming...........I didnt care. :laugh: :laugh:

    Dh still has that buy EVER!!

    (:glasses: I hate car buying with a passion)
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Morning black team!

    Amanda-Sounds like a heck of a night my dear. I hope you get some sleep and get it soon. Way to go on the food choices!

    Marla- YO, that is all.

    Lori-Wish I could come down and go car shopping with you guys. I love the negotiaton process and I am a dealer nightmare. lol When I bought my last car I didnt care what color it was but I told the dealer I wanted black because I had read that black ones were rare for the model that I wanted. So of course between the three dealers they work with they couldnt find a black one with the options I wanted. So the poor guy comes back to me after already working with me for a couple of hours and says "I found a blue one with all the options you need." So I say, "Could have sworn I said black." He says "I'm sorry I couldn't find a black one with those options, they are kind of rare." So I say well I can always find a dealer who can get me a black one." and I head for the door. "He says wait maybe we can work something out." I say "Well, if I am going to have spend years walking out of my house and staring at a color I don't like you are going to have to make it worth my while. Lets start with satellite radio a moon roof and a phone call to the bank for a better interest rate." He let out a sigh and gave me what I wanted. I actually like blue better. But he didnt need to know that.

    Well today is the only day of this lovely holiday weekend that I am not working. (Cursed retail).
    I hope you all are enjoying yours!!!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Morning black team!

    Amanda-Sounds like a heck of a night my dear. I hope you get some sleep and get it soon. Way to go on the food choices!

    Marla- YO, that is all.

    Lori-Wish I could come down and go car shopping with you guys. I love the negotiaton process and I am a dealer nightmare. lol When I bought my last car I didnt care what color it was but I told the dealer I wanted black because I had read that black ones were rare for the model that I wanted. So of course between the three dealers they work with they couldnt find a black one with the options I wanted. So the poor guy comes back to me after already working with me for a couple of hours and says "I found a blue one with all the options you need." So I say, "Could have sworn I said black." He says "I'm sorry I couldn't find a black one with those options, they are kind of rare." So I say well I can always find a dealer who can get me a black one." and I head for the door. "He says wait maybe we can work something out." I say "Well, if I am going to have spend years walking out of my house and staring at a color I don't like you are going to have to make it worth my while. Lets start with satellite radio a moon roof and a phone call to the bank for a better interest rate." He let out a sigh and gave me what I wanted. I actually like blue better. But he didnt need to know that.

    Well today is the only day of this lovely holiday weekend that I am not working. (Cursed retail).
    I hope you all are enjoying yours!!!


    Ahhhhh, pre-planned leverage.............gotta love it!! :love:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    Pre planned leverage was what I was missing. I thought we were going to casually check out jeeps and drive a few. Period. I didn't expect to be sitting on the other side of the desk going back and forth about price. I usually research and plan and read and all of it. Never again will it happen like yesterday!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Jay Kruger from the biggest loser told me I am a true inspiration. I'm feeling star struck and a bit giddy. lol. That made my week.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Jay Kruger from the biggest loser told me I am a true inspiration. I'm feeling star struck and a bit giddy. lol. That made my week.


    Where did you meet him?? That is cool Andrew:glasses:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Jay Kruger from the biggest loser told me I am a true inspiration. I'm feeling star struck and a bit giddy. lol. That made my week.


    Where did you meet him?? That is cool Andrew:glasses:


  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    Jay Kruger from the biggest loser told me I am a true inspiration. I'm feeling star struck and a bit giddy. lol. That made my week.


    Where did you meet him?? That is cool Andrew:glasses:

    That is really cool. Ok, gotta ask... how's he look now?
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Ah should have mentioned it was via facebook. lol We are both from New Bedford Mass and he is a newly added facebook friend. He invited me to run a 5k with him and Mark down in New Bedford on October 4th so I'll get to meet them then. Pretty cool stuff. He said I was a true inspiration because I did in with the struggles of every day life and he did in in a structured environment. Coming from him that was pretty neat.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ah should have mentioned it was via facebook. lol We are both from New Bedford Mass and he is a newly added facebook friend. He invited me to run a 5k with him and Mark down in New Bedford on October 4th so I'll get to meet them then. Pretty cool stuff. He said I was a true inspiration because I did in with the struggles of every day life and he did in in a structured environment. Coming from him that was pretty neat.

    That is great! I found a story on 5/09 where he is still fit and runs a childrens program while his brother has 2 spin classes on the weekend. they both look great and were featured at another RI 5k.

    I will look forward to pix in october!!:flowerforyou:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Yah the 5k is to raise money for the children's charity. I had no plans on driving all the way down to mass until the end of october, but My plans seem to have changed. lol
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    That is so awesome Andrew. I think it's great that they are still involved and into staying healthy and fit. Ibet they even look better now! Not all contestents from the show can say that.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew, that's great-- "inspiration" seems too weak of a word-- we need to find another one about 1,000 times more powerful.

    What you've done this past year is so totally, freaking amazing that words just aren't there-- you've not only lost weight, you've gotten yourself in incredible ironman shape-- done it with the stresses of full time employment, keeping a wife and sons happy, motivating whiny women on a fitness website-- good friend, good son, good husband, good father, good man-- we're all so, so proud to know you. (if I may be so bold as to speak for my friends)

    I talk about you all the time, and showed my husband your pictures the other day from your fireman race-- I just adore the stuffin' outta you, my friend--

    Oh, the party we shall have when you finally hit goal-- !!!

    (oh how fun if we were all close enough to meet for the occasion-- dream, dream, dream)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Just got home from work and we were slow today. I made alright money but still I would have to love to be busy busy busy so I can have made fabulous money. Its ok I made my van payment and thats the only reason I work on Sunday.

    Hope all ya'll are doing great I am fixin to eat dinner then gonna watch big brother.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Andrew, that's great-- "inspiration" seems too weak of a word-- we need to find another one about 1,000 times more powerful.

    What you've done this past year is so totally, freaking amazing that words just aren't there-- you've not only lost weight, you've gotten yourself in incredible ironman shape-- done it with the stresses of full time employment, keeping a wife and sons happy, motivating whiny women on a fitness website-- good friend, good son, good husband, good father, good man-- we're all so, so proud to know you. (if I may be so bold as to speak for my friends)

    I talk about you all the time, and showed my husband your pictures the other day from your fireman race-- I just adore the stuffin' outta you, my friend--

    Oh, the party we shall have when you finally hit goal-- !!!

    (oh how fun if we were all close enough to meet for the occasion-- dream, dream, dream)

    Now your gonna make me cry :sad: :sad: :sad: . I love you to bits too.

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Told Jay that I was coming down for the race and said that I hope I get the chance to get a pic with him and Mark and he said definately and that Maggie, Jen, Jenni and Amanda from their season will also be there and that Trent, Roger and Tom from season six will most likley be running as well. It's gonna be like a biggest loser fest. should be fun!

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