

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Good morning black team.

    Marla-so glad the little guy is ok! Hope your hand feels better

    Work is eating me alive right now. Up against a horrible deadline so I am working 7am-5pm the going to aiden's open house, grabbing dinner with dw then going back to work from 9pm-7am. God help me. Lol
    Anyway needless to say I won't be around much in the next 24 hours. See you all when I get out of the tunnel! =)

    You are one crazy man!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Andew, hang in there, I have pulled double shifts but not like that, hope you meet your deadline.

    Marla, I am so glad your son is okay, we have a bonfire pit in the backyard and I constantly worry when we have a fire.

    Renea, beautiful, beautiful little girl. I said that already but it is worth saying again.

    Sam, is your painting done yet, I bet your house looks awesome!

    Beth, what great fun to go to the Y. Sorry you missed your class but you will get there and it sounds as if you had a great work-out.

    Bobbi, glad to hear the hubby is doing better.

    Tamara and Shuntae get those shoes. I only ran the 5K and my feet were killing me at the end. I could hardly put pressure on the bottom of my feet the rest of the day, but the rest of me felt great.

    Loree, quit lurking and get back here, we miss you!

    Lori, I agree sore muscles are annoying but then it means that we have been working out great! I am sorry you understand the scale thing but it is sort of comfor to knw I have company.

    Jeannie, you know I love you!

    Jeannie2, so glad you are part of this team!

    I know I forgot somebody and I am truly sorry. Please know that each member of this team means something to me and I love to read about your day.

    Have a great Tuesday everybody. :flowerforyou:

    P.S. I decided to keep my scale afterall, it was nice to be today, very very very nice, if it only says that tomorrow I might just hug it!!! :smile:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Amanda, I'm glad the scale was nice to somebody today. If today is any indication of tomorrow's weigh in I'm gonna be PO'ed. I'm trying to stay positive and say it can still happen I guess.

    All I know is I burned 4527 caloires through exercise this week and I'd better see some sort of results!

    So dear scale, take this as your warning! :grumble:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    got on mine today-- knew I shouldn't have had shrimp with lobster sauce last night-- sodium blows me up like the Good Year balloon-- look out your windows, my good people-- that's me floating by.

    Plus coming down off TOM mania, and without my blood pressure medicine for two days before I could get to pick it up--

    Roll me to the juicing room, please--


    Couple of days, though, it'll be back to normal-- slow and steady, my good team.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I have had a great day so far

    woke up this morning played rock band with my fabulous husband went to the music store my sons got accepted to play trumpet in the school bank, went to see how much it is to rent one,

    went to target walked around spend quality time with NO baby!!! Yay yay, passed on cici's ( for you that dont know its all you can eat pizza buffet and a drink for 4.99) went to the gym while dh went to cici's

    Got home made my turkey for my turkey tacos tonight made my peanut butter french toast drinking my water, fixin to go get my princess from school. Then home make my dinner get ready for work get to work at 4 eat dinner from 4 to 5 clock in a 5 and work til 10:30.

    How did you like my play by play action, I get to work with the super super super nice boss tonight. Its gonna be a great night I feel it, and I am gonna make some money.

    Well everyone gotta get my princesses apple juice and cheez it and head out, I get to the school at 145 school dont let out til 230, thats how long the line is.

    Have a great day and if I dont see you tonight see you in the morning, get your last chance workouts in ladys and andrew ( well andrew I guess your exempt since your working so much enjy aidens open house they grow up to fast to miss it)
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Amanda-Thanks again for the compliments! If my DD would sit still more often then there would be way more photos of her! LOL! She has ADHD so I have a time getting her to stop moving for a second.

    I haven't weighed this week but over the weekend I did and it didn't look too great. My scale is fluctuating too dang much right now. I haven't done anything the right way in a month. I know it's a bad thing and I beat myself up over it every week saying I will do better. So I know I should just shut up and do it. I'm sorry for being this way to my teammates and not looking too great on the scales lately. I am going to get it back in gear I promise. I think I need Marla to come over here and smack me some. Hurry up Marla! LOL!! I know it's not a laughing matter. I told my DH that I do eventually wanna sign up for a marathon or something like that but now he says he doesn't think he can run because of his knees and the running part was all his idea because before I got on here I never wanted to run. So that means if I do run a marathon or whatever I will have to do it alone.

    I am watching The Biggest Loser tonight. It always makes me feel more motivated to watch those people work their butts off. I hope everyone has a great weigh in day! Night all!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    There you go, Renae-- as per your request--

    Now get 'er in gear, young lady-- do you want to be healthy and look/feel better or do you not?

    No one can do it for you-- we're just here to beat the junk out of you when you whine-- ha.

    Back on the horse, chick-- let's get 'er done!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    and so what if you run alone-- it will be what you make it-- pray, think, sort out your thoughts-- enjoy God's creation-- running solo, for me, is just a total, total blessing--

    you can do it, woman--
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    and so what if you run alone-- it will be what you make it-- pray, think, sort out your thoughts-- enjoy God's creation-- running solo, for me, is just a total, total blessing--

    you can do it, woman--

    Thank you Marla for all the slapping you do! LMAO!! I need it soooo much! I don't mind the running alone part but I did want him to join in a marathon with me.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Renea, I ran by myself, and at first I thought I was going to do the 5K with my friend. However I am so glad that I did it and by myself because I did it for me and nobody could hold me back.

    YOU CAN DO IT!! :flowerforyou:

    Okay with that said, I way over ate today. I am not upset with myself because I know tomorrow will come, God willing and I will do better tomorrow, however the scale will say what it says and I will deal with it tomorrow I am sure!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I remember saying not long ago I would be happy with a half pound a week. I lied. Call me greedy. I want more!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy and at least I'm not gaining, but darn I'm working hard for 4/10 of a pound.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I remember saying not long ago I would be happy with a half pound a week. I lied. Call me greedy. I want more!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy and at least I'm not gaining, but darn I'm working hard for 4/10 of a pound.

    HEY LORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll take 1/2 a pound loss.............over here...............yep me................send it over

    My body is changing but the scale remains the same. I did go down to 135.5 and am hovering there,

    I went down a pound after spending the week with my BFF who's idea of vacation was to work out 3 times a day. So I figure being more active may bump some of the fat. I started walking..............moderate exercise 2-3 x a day. We shall see if those size 6s get on and look good anytime soon.

    :heart: Jeannie
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I remember saying not long ago I would be happy with a half pound a week. I lied. Call me greedy. I want more!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy and at least I'm not gaining, but darn I'm working hard for 4/10 of a pound.

    HEY LORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll take 1/2 a pound loss.............over here...............yep me................send it over

    My body is changing but the scale remains the same. I did go down to 135.5 and am hovering there,

    I went down a pound after spending the week with my BFF who's idea of vacation was to work out 3 times a day. So I figure being more active may bump some of the fat. I started walking..............moderate exercise 2-3 x a day. We shall see if those size 6s get on and look good anytime soon.

    :heart: Jeannie

    Ahhh, I know Jeannie. I shouldn't complain. Any movement in the down direction should be celebrated. I've had a loss for the last 4 weeks, so it's all good. Thanks for reminding me!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    If and THIS IS A BIG IF I can lose 1.5 pounds this upcoming week, then I will officially be at the halfway mark again. I would like to be back down to 154.5 by the 15th of October because that is where I was when I just up and quit. So I must get busy and watch what I put in my mouth. 4.5 pounds is a good goal I think for the upcoming month. More would be great, I will not accept less!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    if not this week, Amanda, next week-- mouthful by mouthful, meal by meal, hour by hour, day by day--

    keep moving in the right direction. Doesn't matter how long it takes, just that we reach goal.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Marla, that is right the ultimate goal is the big picture of not only getting it off but keeping it off and being healthy!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good morning Team! I haven't weighed in yet. I'm scared to! I know I will here in a second. I gotta go pee and get nakid first! LOL!! You know how that goes! Then I gotta get ready for lunch with an old BFF. Catch you all in a bit! Have a great HUMP DAY!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Ok I weighed in this morning and it was NOT pretty! I am showing an extra 3 pounds this morning so I am not claiming my weight! I am starting in the morning back on my diet! So now we know that it isn't pretty!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Weight was up a bit. TOM more than likely, I'm not gonna stress it. I've had a great week back on the wagon and I will NOT get discouraged. No siree, not me. Love feeling good way too much!

    Love to all!
  • annaliza
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Ok....the scale and I have reconcilled.

    I was down 4.5 lbs this morning BUT....I've been sick the past 3 days so I'm sure the weight I lost will just creep back on lol. I wonder if I broke my plateau. I probably won't really know until next week.

    Still hate my scale....but it was nice to me this morning so I forgive it for now (but I'm suspicious, since I'm sure it's planning some evil in the future) :laugh: .

    Take care all!