

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hugs Marla Hugs and Breathe!! :flowerforyou:
  • jeanniedreambtl
    WoW Renae, what a beautiful little girl you have. And a nice treat your husband gave you for your birthday. Which reminds me I need to go get my hair re-highlighted as well. Signing off for the night everyone!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Here's the link to the campfire pictures, if you're interested--

  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Marla you have a very happy beautiful family! You guys always seem to have sooo much fun together! Awesome pics!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning team, not feeling very well today, dont know what it is, maybe I am just hungry and my stomach is upset. Dont know but hopefully it goes away.

    Gonna clean my house for a little bit them my mom is driving down from manchester which is like an hour away to have a 30 minute lunch with my daughter at school for grandparents day..awww how sweet, then drive a hour home.

    I hope all is well,

    Marla glad you and your son are ok

    Renea love the pictures they are cute
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Okay here is the deal, I am going to shoot the scale with my gun. It is teasing me and I am about to blow it to smitereens. I so badly want to see something in the 150s, it could be 159.9 for all I care. The last two weeks it shows 160.0, then 161.5, then 164, then 160.0, then 163, and so forth. Today is says 160.0 and I would be so excited except I know tomorrow it will be playing with me. :grumble:

    Okay that was my rant for the day, at least I feel better, look better and even my 14 ds said mom you are losing weight. :smile:

    I am going to work today, it does happen once is awhile, have a great Monday BlackTeam!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Editted to add: I probably wouldn't shoot it myself but give it to one of the local deer hunters to site in their deer rifle with. :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok I think I figured this out. Not sure! Thanks Amanda!




    Sorry they are so big!

    I could print those last 2 out and frame them........someone would think I got them at an art show. how lovely and great shots too.

    Oh and BTW....your daughter got her beauty from moms!!:flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey team. Daughters knee seems to be doing ok.

    i pray it is better..........and she stops driving mom crazy with complaints!! Kelly is 22 now and has admitted to me how many times she over acted the pain so she could get more attn (baby of 3...oyvey!)

    It is so hard because you love them and hate when they are in pain, not to mention the worry.

    Give her a hug and kiss from me! :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well, I bet I win the "how my kid got hurt this weekend" contest.

    My 3 year old, Josh, fell into our campfire. Lovely stuff. He's fine. Some scrapes from the rocks that make up the fire pit, but no burns. I was holding the camera (pictures will come later) when I saw him topple off his chair (he was getting down to get another hot dog-- we'd told him to stay on his chair-- will these kids never learn that obedience=safety???) and into the fire, which was low at that point.

    ( I won't complain here about how the fire pit is not in the place where I wanted it, which was expansive with plenty of room for chairs and to walk around it safely-- that instead it's in a freakin' teeny-tiny little place by the swingset, "so we don't ruin the freaking grass," all cramped in, and ripe for such accidents-- and I won't complain how I was overruled-- aren't you glad I'm not complaining? That's 'cause I'm such a good wife who never complains publicly about such things-- ha)

    I didn't even remember what I did with the camera, but Sarah found it for me later out near the pit. I flung it and ran to get Josh. He was screaming bloody murder, so we couldn't tell what hurt. I was trying to get him to stop screaming and tell him where he hurt. He said all over. I took off his shirt, fearing that the material may still be hot on his tummy. Hubs started screaming to get him in cold water-- so we put him in a bath. But there are no burns. ( I won't complain about how much calmer, cooler and more collected I am in such emergency situations-- good wife, remember?)

    I fell up the deck stairs while running him in the house. I have a huge bruise on the back of my fist, the size of my fist-- youch. But, I protected him from the fall, which is good. The stinkin' blood is seeping all under the skin, and will no doubt take over the entire back of my hand by the morrow-- I iced it. Worry not, my fine team.

    All drama aside, all is well. Kids were obviously quite upset-- had a lot of tearful kids to calm down. (I won't complain that most of the tears came from the hysteria caused by a screaming parent-- )

    But they're all finally asleep, which is where I'm headed--


    How is Josh and mommy this morning? All is well I hope.

    OMG.....those are the times I choose to forget............ERs till morning:frown:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Renae- your daughter is precious. Great pics.

    Amanda- I get it sister, just keep at it. It wil happen. It doesn't change the frustration, but it will happen.

    Marla- when we camped and the kids were little I always had that exact fear! Kids are so carefree around fires! I'm glad it ended as well as it did for your poor little guy.

    Got my workout in. Enjoying my sugar filled Kashi while it lasts, I'm not throwing it away, but probably won't be buying it again.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning!!

    so this morning i planned on going to my first aerobics class at the Y. it started at 8:30, so i figured i could get aiden on the bus and get there just in time. i would've, too, if there hadn't been a cop with someone pulled over in the middle of the road that slowed traffic down to a crawl. by the time i got there i peeked in and they were already going and i didn't want to just barge on in, so i decided to head next door to the fitness room. i ended up finishing week 1 day 2 of c25k! then i walked on the track for a few minutes to burn a few extra calories...i even jogged around a few times. then, deciding i'd had enough solitary excercise, i picked up riley from the babysitting room and took him to the gym for a little basketball. he had fun and i kept my heart rate up. all in all, it was a pretty good morning. i'm really loving the Y so far. riley starts swimming lessons tomorrow, so hopefully he'll like it and behave for the teacher. Have a good day all my black team friends!! :heart:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Well, I bet I win the "how my kid got hurt this weekend" contest.

    My 3 year old, Josh, fell into our campfire. Lovely stuff. He's fine. Some scrapes from the rocks that make up the fire pit, but no burns. I was holding the camera (pictures will come later) when I saw him topple off his chair (he was getting down to get another hot dog-- we'd told him to stay on his chair-- will these kids never learn that obedience=safety???) and into the fire, which was low at that point.

    ( I won't complain here about how the fire pit is not in the place where I wanted it, which was expansive with plenty of room for chairs and to walk around it safely-- that instead it's in a freakin' teeny-tiny little place by the swingset, "so we don't ruin the freaking grass," all cramped in, and ripe for such accidents-- and I won't complain how I was overruled-- aren't you glad I'm not complaining? That's 'cause I'm such a good wife who never complains publicly about such things-- ha)

    I didn't even remember what I did with the camera, but Sarah found it for me later out near the pit. I flung it and ran to get Josh. He was screaming bloody murder, so we couldn't tell what hurt. I was trying to get him to stop screaming and tell him where he hurt. He said all over. I took off his shirt, fearing that the material may still be hot on his tummy. Hubs started screaming to get him in cold water-- so we put him in a bath. But there are no burns. ( I won't complain about how much calmer, cooler and more collected I am in such emergency situations-- good wife, remember?)

    I fell up the deck stairs while running him in the house. I have a huge bruise on the back of my fist, the size of my fist-- youch. But, I protected him from the fall, which is good. The stinkin' blood is seeping all under the skin, and will no doubt take over the entire back of my hand by the morrow-- I iced it. Worry not, my fine team.

    All drama aside, all is well. Kids were obviously quite upset-- had a lot of tearful kids to calm down. (I won't complain that most of the tears came from the hysteria caused by a screaming parent-- )

    But they're all finally asleep, which is where I'm headed--


    OMG, that's so scary! I'm glad to hear that you and Josh are both OK. :heart: :heart:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Renae...Love the hair too. What a beautiful daughter you have.
    Marla...You win the weekend child injury drama. Glad you both are doing okay.

    Hubby is doing good. He has full range of motion in the shoulder, he says more than before the surgery. Still going to PT, and driving me crazy. ( Between you and me that is still a short drive):laugh: :bigsmile:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Happy Monday team!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I've been lurking but not posting lately. I think that might be part of the slacking. Without the black team support (and Marla's "snap-out-of-it" 's) I don't feel as guilty so I just keep doing it.

    Now to catch up:

    Shuntae – Sorry about your car. That stinks.
    You rock for 9 miles! I will now bow to you.
    P.S. Go Steelers!

    Beth – You look fabulous in your dress! You look very happy too. Good job on the Y!

    Andrew – That’s awesome about the bike. Congrats!

    Tamara – Great new av! I do the same thing about clothes. When I try something on that never fit and now does, I usually do a little happy dance.
    We don’t go to Red Lobster very often but I really like their biscuits. Mmm.

    Other Lori – I hate that too. You try to eat healthy and the stuff that most people would think is healthy has sugar or some form of it as the first 8 ingredients. I’ll look at something and think it looks good and then read the ingredients: sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, sugar, sugar, more sugar.
    Sorry about your daughter. Glad she seems to be doing better.

    Amanda – Yea on the 5K!
    I’ve learned something: The scale in evil. The end.
    P.S. You guys look really cute in your av.

    Renae – Love the hair! Your daughter is adorable! You’re going to have tons of boys knocking on your door in a few years!

    Marla – Yikes about the fire injury! Glad he (and you) are okay. But good job not complaining. :wink: Looked at your pics on facebook. Cute family! I like that they always look like they actually enjoy spending time with their siblings.

    Since Dave and I got our bikes in June, we haven't used them a whole lot. We have the baby seat on the back of his so I can't go with Harley when he's not here. So today I tried putting her in her baby back pack and going for a ride. I didn't wear my HRM because I didn't think of it until I already had the pack on but I know my legs were burning. I guess wearing a 20-pound kid on your back will do that to you. :laugh:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful compliments! I do all my photography myself. I love it and am still practicing so my friends that want professional looking shots for free call me. I won't charge them and it's all fun to me! And they love the photos too! It's a win win situation and it is practice in case I ever do make something of it.

    Jeannie-You brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much!

    I spent my day on the go so again no exercise. I get wore out from just being on the go. I told mom that tomorrow I am staying home to get stuff done here and gotta get some exercise in too! It's gotta be done. I can't take anymore of me being so dang lazy. My birthday has passed so it's time for me to get it back in gear. You all are doing great! And the next pictures I want to take of myself I want me to look a lot smaller!!! So let's keep this going. You are all doing so great!!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good evbening fabulous team!!!

    First of all did youhear about Patrick swayze dying today???? At least he is not suffereing anymore.

    I got my workout done this afternoon instead of this morning and I felt guilty for not doing it this morning, but burned 540 calories in little over an hour, no baby for me tomorrow gonna drop jade off at school go running come home rest I am picking up a shift tomorrow at the ole barrel 5 to close. Then wednesday no baby also probably go to the gym wednesday morning to work with weights.

    Well everyone its oast my bedtime heading off ssee yall tomorrow hope you all have a great night.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Morning team. I am sore. I have been sore every day since I started this new workout 3 weeks ago. Not so sore I can't move, but can tell I did something. I guess it's good because it means I'm working my muscles beyond their comfort level..... trying to tell myself that anyway.

    Since I'm alternating body groups and working them each twice a week, I'm alternating what hurts. :laugh:

    I ran outside yesterday and let me tell you, it puts a whole different stress on the old bod. Running on the treadmill is much easier on the joints, there is a little bit of shock absorbtion there. Plus, I'm with Shuntae, need new sneaks and the pavement let me know it.

    Well, gotta get ready to start this day. Have a good one!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    AMEN Lori I need a new pair before my marathon which is like 17 days away...Guess I better be getting them or I will be running in my old shoes, will not be running in new shoes that are not broke in the day of the marathon, I am guliten for punishment anyways running the marathon, but thats double trouble there.

    Gonna go running around noon when my husband goes off to work. Gonna spend some quailty time with him today. yay yay yay

    Already took lovely daughter to school she likes to get there early. If I let her ride the bus she would get on the bus at 6:22 ( thats a little too early)

    Gonna pick up a shift tonight at the ole cracker barrel, hopefully I will make good money so I can get those new

    Hope everyone has a great and awesome day,,
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Good morning black team.

    Marla-so glad the little guy is ok! Hope your hand feels better

    Work is eating me alive right now. Up against a horrible deadline so I am working 7am-5pm the going to aiden's open house, grabbing dinner with dw then going back to work from 9pm-7am. God help me. Lol
    Anyway needless to say I won't be around much in the next 24 hours. See you all when I get out of the tunnel! =)