

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hello everyone

    So the scale was nice this morning still maintaining, which I actually thinks its a bigger mind game then losing the weight itself.

    Well its a glummy raining day in Nashville Tn and I just pick my princess up from school they got out at 10:45 wow a 3 hour 15 min day. Hope the teacher enjoyed that they need a break every now and then.

    I am fixin to go the the gym when my son gets home from school so he can watch my daughter for a little bit, I had a not so good breakfast, but at least I stopped at breakfast and didnt blow the whole day. I am working tonight so I will be running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to burn more calories.

    Well gonna rest until son gets home...have a great day everyone!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Ok everyone just tooting my own horn, I am very proud of myself today for doing something that I have not done in a long time. When I get it into my head to have a splurge day I go all out and when I say all out I mean anything and everything I can get my hands on goes in my mouth all day long without a thought that tomorrow on the scale I am gonan cry, I do it anyways.

    Well you all know I work at cracker barrel and we have this new breakfast apple strusel french toast with apple carmel sauce over it. So for the last month since we have had it I have been craving it, I love cracker barrel regular french toast so this was that much worse, anyways, I dropped daugter off at school this morning all ready to go running well low and behold the bottom fell out of teh sky I couldnt run in that, then my son calls and says mom I cant go to the bus stop its raining to hard, can you please take me to school so I say well now I cant even go to the gym I gotta take my son to school. I wake my husband up and say hey I gotta take justin to school you wanna go to cracker barrel for breakfast which is right in front of my sons school.Of course he says yes, I get my french toast I have been wanting.

    It comes with 3 pieces of french toast 2 eggs and bacon sausage or turkey sausage. So I got the turkey sausage since its better for me my eggs are healthy and instead of eating all three pieces I only ate 2 and gave the last one away. I also ate a apple bran muffin with promise spread instead of butter. Might not seem a lot to some people but for me, its a big challange. I stopped the over indulging right there and went to the gym and burned 530 calories off entered all my food and never went over anything, I am one proud momma right now. My boss calls me obsessed, which a lot of people do.

    Well gotta get ready for work in a few gonna lay with the little one she is not feeling so hot her belly hurts. One little boy in her class went home with the stomach bug, so lets keep our fingers crossed she does not get sick I dont need that.

    TOOT TOOT TOOT finishing tooting my own horn sorry.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Just popping in for a second... whirl wind day!

    Good job Tamara!

    Wondering if it's wrong to pack the bathroom scale when going on vacation...... I'm actually considering it. If it wasn't glass I would do it for sure, I'm afraid it'll break! :tongue:

    I need to stay on track this vacation and getting on that scale every day sure does help.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    pack it amidst your clothes in a really big ziploc bag (those 2 or 3 gallon ones).....
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So I am going to take a second for a rant but I will let you all know that I only got one weigh in this am so probably no chart.

    Second, I have worked out everyday this week! Yes it is only wednesday but that is better then the last couple of weeks.

    So, my rant!! Have any of you had what we might call free loaders? Not that I don't love my mother but she has been in my house now for over a month and has done nothing to try and find herself a job. She does get food stamps so she is not eating all of our food but a lot of it. I have had to hide M's rewards for pooing because she was eating a lot of them. She thinks that going to craft fairs to sell her "stuff" is going to be her full time job. When do I finally say enough is enough? She did meet a lady this last weekend who is looking for a roommate it's 200 dollars a month and I can help her with some of it because we will have to pay her to watch the girls. I know she should just do it cause I'm going to school and hubs is working and they are her grandbabies but whatever. I some times feel like she should be paying some rent. I had to pay 1/2 the rent the week I turned 18 and every month after that until I moved out.

    I would have put some of this on Facebook instead of here but she has a FB account. I just don't know what to do anymore.:sad: :sad:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    So I am going to take a second for a rant but I will let you all know that I only got one weigh in this am so probably no chart.

    Second, I have worked out everyday this week! Yes it is only wednesday but that is better then the last couple of weeks.

    So, my rant!! Have any of you had what we might call free loaders? Not that I don't love my mother but she has been in my house now for over a month and has done nothing to try and find herself a job. She does get food stamps so she is not eating all of our food but a lot of it. I have had to hide M's rewards for pooing because she was eating a lot of them. She thinks that going to craft fairs to sell her "stuff" is going to be her full time job. When do I finally say enough is enough? She did meet a lady this last weekend who is looking for a roommate it's 200 dollars a month and I can help her with some of it because we will have to pay her to watch the girls. I know she should just do it cause I'm going to school and hubs is working and they are her grandbabies but whatever. I some times feel like she should be paying some rent. I had to pay 1/2 the rent the week I turned 18 and every month after that until I moved out.

    I would have put some of this on Facebook instead of here but she has a FB account. I just don't know what to do anymore.:sad: :sad:

    Wow, what a terrible position to be in.

    As a mother, I personally hope I never have to live with one of my kids, but would offer to pay rent if I had a means of support.

    As a kid, it would be so hard because you dont want to be disrespectful to your parent, but you have a budget and only so much money to go around.

    I paid my mom the going rate for her to babysit my kids. She made her living that way and I couldn't stick my 3 kids over there and take the place of 3 spots. So I paid her each week.........I remember her saying I was paying her rent for her.

    Just having a place to vent is a good start. Maybe you can sit down and make a plan with her. Do it with the thought process of helping her......maybe even discuss your budget with her and how she can help out.

    Good luck honey:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Just popping in for a second... whirl wind day!

    Good job Tamara!

    Wondering if it's wrong to pack the bathroom scale when going on vacation...... I'm actually considering it. If it wasn't glass I would do it for sure, I'm afraid it'll break! :tongue:

    I need to stay on track this vacation and getting on that scale every day sure does help.

    I bet a dollar you will lose weight, as long as you eat no crap. You will be walking and swimming and walking..........did I mention walking??:laugh:

    I was doing one legged exercises in line at Universal.......I dont think those girls will invite me on another weekend with them:laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok everyone just tooting my own horn, I am very proud of myself today for doing something that I have not done in a long time. When I get it into my head to have a splurge day I go all out and when I say all out I mean anything and everything I can get my hands on goes in my mouth all day long without a thought that tomorrow on the scale I am gonan cry, I do it anyways.

    Well you all know I work at cracker barrel and we have this new breakfast apple strusel french toast with apple carmel sauce over it. So for the last month since we have had it I have been craving it, I love cracker barrel regular french toast so this was that much worse, anyways, I dropped daugter off at school this morning all ready to go running well low and behold the bottom fell out of teh sky I couldnt run in that, then my son calls and says mom I cant go to the bus stop its raining to hard, can you please take me to school so I say well now I cant even go to the gym I gotta take my son to school. I wake my husband up and say hey I gotta take justin to school you wanna go to cracker barrel for breakfast which is right in front of my sons school.Of course he says yes, I get my french toast I have been wanting.

    It comes with 3 pieces of french toast 2 eggs and bacon sausage or turkey sausage. So I got the turkey sausage since its better for me my eggs are healthy and instead of eating all three pieces I only ate 2 and gave the last one away. I also ate a apple bran muffin with promise spread instead of butter. Might not seem a lot to some people but for me, its a big challange. I stopped the over indulging right there and went to the gym and burned 530 calories off entered all my food and never went over anything, I am one proud momma right now. My boss calls me obsessed, which a lot of people do.

    Well gotta get ready for work in a few gonna lay with the little one she is not feeling so hot her belly hurts. One little boy in her class went home with the stomach bug, so lets keep our fingers crossed she does not get sick I dont need that.

    TOOT TOOT TOOT finishing tooting my own horn sorry.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    TOOT TOOT!!! You are awesome Tamara!!:smokin:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Just popping in for a second... whirl wind day!

    Good job Tamara!

    Wondering if it's wrong to pack the bathroom scale when going on vacation...... I'm actually considering it. If it wasn't glass I would do it for sure, I'm afraid it'll break! :tongue:

    I need to stay on track this vacation and getting on that scale every day sure does help.

    I bet a dollar you will lose weight, as long as you eat no crap. You will be walking and swimming and walking..........did I mention walking??:laugh:

    I was doing one legged exercises in line at Universal.......I dont think those girls will invite me on another weekend with them:laugh:

    I will be doing a lot of walking, but I usually burn 3500-4500 calories a week through exercise. Plus, I don't sit a lot normally. I pop in and out on the computer, but most of my days are go, go, go until after dinner.

    I don't want to take the scale and obsess all week, but nor do I want to gain back what just took me the last month to get back off again. Actually, I'm finally ALMOST back to my beginning of July weight, which was my lowest.

    I'm waiting for TOM to start, it's being difficult. I'm sure that didn't help my scale today, but by the time vacation is over, all of that will be history and hopefully I'll like the number I see.

    I'm actually wearing my 8's today and they feel good but I feel bloated as all get out. I haven't eaten an unusual amount, but everything I eat makes me feel 10 pounds heavier. The joys of being a woman!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Sam - ((hugs)) I don't have any suggestions but I thought a hug might help. :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Just popping in for a second... whirl wind day!

    Good job Tamara!

    Wondering if it's wrong to pack the bathroom scale when going on vacation...... I'm actually considering it. If it wasn't glass I would do it for sure, I'm afraid it'll break! :tongue:

    I need to stay on track this vacation and getting on that scale every day sure does help.

    I bet a dollar you will lose weight, as long as you eat no crap. You will be walking and swimming and walking..........did I mention walking??:laugh:

    I was doing one legged exercises in line at Universal.......I dont think those girls will invite me on another weekend with them:laugh:

    I will be doing a lot of walking, but I usually burn 3500-4500 calories a week through exercise. Plus, I don't sit a lot normally. I pop in and out on the computer, but most of my days are go, go, go until after dinner.

    I don't want to take the scale and obsess all week, but nor do I want to gain back what just took me the last month to get back off again. Actually, I'm finally ALMOST back to my beginning of July weight, which was my lowest.

    I'm waiting for TOM to start, it's being difficult. I'm sure that didn't help my scale today, but by the time vacation is over, all of that will be history and hopefully I'll like the number I see.

    I'm actually wearing my 8's today and they feel good but I feel bloated as all get out. I haven't eaten an unusual amount, but everything I eat makes me feel 10 pounds heavier. The joys of being a woman!

    It is funny........every time I go on vacation I lose weight. I eat what I want (but what I want has changed this past year) but I ate everything I wanted and lost weight. I wonder if I am not eating enough on a regular basis. NEWAY...........who knows..geez is tough.

    I say bring the stupid scale and keep an eye on things. If it were me no-but last time you blew up and you dont want that happening.............the scale may be your motivation.

    HAVE FUN!!:flowerforyou:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    So I am going to take a second for a rant but I will let you all know that I only got one weigh in this am so probably no chart.

    Second, I have worked out everyday this week! Yes it is only wednesday but that is better then the last couple of weeks.

    So, my rant!! Have any of you had what we might call free loaders? Not that I don't love my mother but she has been in my house now for over a month and has done nothing to try and find herself a job. She does get food stamps so she is not eating all of our food but a lot of it. I have had to hide M's rewards for pooing because she was eating a lot of them. She thinks that going to craft fairs to sell her "stuff" is going to be her full time job. When do I finally say enough is enough? She did meet a lady this last weekend who is looking for a roommate it's 200 dollars a month and I can help her with some of it because we will have to pay her to watch the girls. I know she should just do it cause I'm going to school and hubs is working and they are her grandbabies but whatever. I some times feel like she should be paying some rent. I had to pay 1/2 the rent the week I turned 18 and every month after that until I moved out.

    I would have put some of this on Facebook instead of here but she has a FB account. I just don't know what to do anymore.:sad: :sad:

    I really don't have any suggestions, but I'm sorry you're in such a tough position. Hugs :heart: :heart:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Sam-sorry I didn't send in my weight. I wasn't too proud of it this week or last week for that matter so tomorrow I am back on the train with you guys. I can send you a weight if you want me to but the scale said up 3 pounds! Heck no! It has fluctuated all weekend long! Sorry to hear about your troubles at home. I had a sis-in-law that lived with us like that. We finally threatened to kick her out b/c I got her a job and she laid out so much in the month she had it that they were gonna fire her. She ended up leaving that very weekend and never came back. Thank God! Good luck to you honey! You are gonna need it!

    Hey to everyone else! Have a great week! Back to work tomorrow where I do better anyway!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member

    It is funny........every time I go on vacation I lose weight. I eat what I want (but what I want has changed this past year) but I ate everything I wanted and lost weight. I wonder if I am not eating enough on a regular basis. NEWAY...........who knows..geez is tough.

    Miss Jeannie, you said it... not me. I upped my calories to 1800 and while small amounts, I have lost the last 4 weeks. It's scary to try it, but you might want to consider.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    It is funny........every time I go on vacation I lose weight. I eat what I want (but what I want has changed this past year) but I ate everything I wanted and lost weight. I wonder if I am not eating enough on a regular basis. NEWAY...........who knows..geez is tough.

    Miss Jeannie, you said it... not me. I upped my calories to 1800 and while small amounts, I have lost the last 4 weeks. It's scary to try it, but you might want to consider.

    I have been slowly upping and am at approx 1500...but with that amount of clean eating I have had to eat 2 chix breasts or 6 oz of turkey to get there. Nuts and pb help, but dang....1800 would be near to impossible for me.

    I will up it incrementally and see.............the mentally part is what gets me:wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member

    It is funny........every time I go on vacation I lose weight. I eat what I want (but what I want has changed this past year) but I ate everything I wanted and lost weight. I wonder if I am not eating enough on a regular basis. NEWAY...........who knows..geez is tough.

    Miss Jeannie, you said it... not me. I upped my calories to 1800 and while small amounts, I have lost the last 4 weeks. It's scary to try it, but you might want to consider.

    I have been slowly upping and am at approx 1500...but with that amount of clean eating I have had to eat 2 chix breasts or 6 oz of turkey to get there. Nuts and pb help, but dang....1800 would be near to impossible for me.

    I will up it incrementally and see.............the mentally part is what gets me:wink:

    It's all a mental game. Some days it is hard to eat 1800 and if I don't pay close attention I fall short. Granted it depends on my meal choices for the day too.

    I'm in a cruddy mental state right now. As much as I try not to let the scale dictate my mood, it's so hard. I shouldn't have even gotten on it this morning. I was up 2 pounds from yesterday. Still awaiting TOM to show up, been crampy since Sunday, I know it's there just waiting. *kitten*.

    I ate chilli last night too. Hello sodium. I see at least a pound the next day anytime I eat anything with high sodium. Crazy how it's that obvious.

    I should go to the gym, but I don't think I am. I think my brain is already on vacation, which is a little scary. I did just get in a 2 mile walk, although I wasn't going to win any races. I have a lot to do today and when I go to the gym it cuts 2 hours out of my morning. I'm thinking a pedicure could fill an hour of that time.....:laugh:

    Ahhh, anyway, this is a mental game, I hope someday it's just there spot on all the time, but I know it's like anything else, it's hard to to be 100% 24/7.

    So today my friends, I am not 100% on it and I let the scale get to me. Guilty. This too shall pass. I am not taking the scale on vacation, even though it's tempting, I decided that's a little bit obsessive. I do plan on making good choices and a slip here or there will be ok. I know I will eat nowhere as bad as my last trip to PA. Seriously, that was BAD. :ohwell:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member

    It is funny........every time I go on vacation I lose weight. I eat what I want (but what I want has changed this past year) but I ate everything I wanted and lost weight. I wonder if I am not eating enough on a regular basis. NEWAY...........who knows..geez is tough.

    I say bring the stupid scale and keep an eye on things. If it were me no-but last time you blew up and you dont want that happening.............the scale may be your motivation.

    HAVE FUN!!:flowerforyou:

    Ever since I read this from Jeannie this morning this is all I can think of regarding the 'but last time you blew up' part.
    Poor little puffer fish! :laugh: And we think we have bad days where we feel bloated. :tongue:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Good morning black team!

    Sam- that is a tough one. (hugs).

    Lori - good luck with the vacation.
    Tamara - keep up the good work.t
    Renae-i hear ya about falling into a slump . I've been right there with ya. No excuses though you and I just need to get our butts in gear.
    Jeannie - (hugs)
    Marla - I've missed ya lady!

    Well, deadline was met and I survived. Just trying to get. Normal sleep schedule going again.
    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning my fabulous family away from family

    How is everyone this morning? I am great just got back from the gym just recently started doing weights and let me tell you last night and today my stomach has been killing me I dont know if I am working my core muscle or building muscle from with in what ever it is it hurts, but after I work them they are ok until later in the evening when I am working.

    Didnt make great money lastnight but was more then I had before I went to work so there you go. I am picking up another shift tonight and tomorrow then sat I will have the baby, and sat marks 2 weeks until my marathon I am getting nervous. It needs to quit raining here so I can run outside again its been raining for like 2 weeks on and off.

    Ate my oatmeal splenda cinnamon and banana this morning fixin to eat my peanut butter french toast I think, or my yogurt. I need to go shopping seems like when I make the kids lunch I run out of everything at once. I need banana and cauliflower and they need everything under the sun!!!

    Well gotta go, get back out in this rainy drizzle day.

    Hope everyone has a great day
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    It is funny........every time I go on vacation I lose weight. I eat what I want (but what I want has changed this past year) but I ate everything I wanted and lost weight. I wonder if I am not eating enough on a regular basis. NEWAY...........who knows..geez is tough.

    I say bring the stupid scale and keep an eye on things. If it were me no-but last time you blew up and you dont want that happening.............the scale may be your motivation.

    HAVE FUN!!:flowerforyou:

    Ever since I read this from Jeannie this morning this is all I can think of regarding the 'but last time you blew up' part.
    Poor little puffer fish! :laugh: And we think we have bad days where we feel bloated. :tongue:

    :laugh: :laugh: