

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    oh my-- Little Miss Muffett over here, was just reaching for a cupcake--

    Along came a spider and crawled down my arm-- a huge icky thing-- totally freaked me out-- especially when I found that I hadn't knocked it totally away, it was still crawling down the front of my nightshirt!

    I finally swatted it to the floor and considered that a really good sign that the cupcake was obviously quite ill-advised-- :noway:

    Yeesh-- nite all-- :sick: :yawn:

    ew, marla, that just gave me the heebie-jeebies....spiders (and pretty much any kind of bug) freak me out :noway:

    Be careful what you pray for:laugh:

    I would never eat a cupcake again:embarassed: ...........I am terrified of spiders.

    Good job Marla. You took it as a sign. Others would have been so stressed by the experience that they would have eaten 2 or 3 cupcakes to settle their nerves. :laugh:

    Uhh, guess I need to get ready and hit the pavement for my walk. I sure am tired though!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Uhh, guess I need to get ready and hit the pavement for my walk. I sure am tired though!

    Lori is it not raining there? It's pouring here.inside exercise for me!!!:grumble: :noway:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Uhh, guess I need to get ready and hit the pavement for my walk. I sure am tired though!

    Lori is it not raining there? It's pouring here.inside exercise for me!!!:grumble: :noway:

    No, yesterday it rained all day. Today is blue sky and sunny. I never did get my walk done. The kiddos wanted breakfast, which turned into doing other stuff. Later for it I guess.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey Black Team!

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday! I got up to go do my 10 mile run this morning...made it through almost 9 before I just had to pack it in. I am in desperate need of new shoes, and my feet/knees let me know it. Outside of that, I felt good and managed to burn 1135 cals while I was at it. :bigsmile: Think I'm going to do just 1 more long run the weekend after next (so I can break in my new shoes) and taper after that. Girls, (and guy) I am so excited about this I don't know what to do with myself. Seriously, who'd have thunk it? Came home, had some chocolate milk and a snack then on to Week 3 Day 1 of the Hundred Pushups. It was hard as hell and I am still doing the girly style ones, but I did 45. That is more than I have ever done, yay me!

    Now that all that is done and 've got the place to myself as BF is watching football at the bar, it's time to relax, watch some football and enjoy a beautiful Sunday. Hope you all have a great day!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Marla...Ewww on the spider
    Lori, So sorry about your daughter's knee
    Tamara, WTG on fitting into your little black dress
    Shuntae,Amazing run woman, hope you get the new shoes soon.

    Beautiful Sunday here in Ohio, did some rebuilding work in the yard. Retaining wall ( part of it) collapsed and with hubby still not able to lift more than 10 lbs I was the woman for the job. Burned 300 calories in my little chore and got the wall back where it was supposed to be. :wink:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good afternoon everyone

    I was on here bright and early this morning had a nice little message for all ya'll and hit a button and oooppps delete is where is went it was 445 in the morning had to be at work at 5 didnt have time to retype sorry

    anyways went to red losbter yesterday with mom and stepdad and my husband and my brother and his wife boy it sure was nice to go without the kids its been about 12 years since we all went out w/o kiddos...and count them between my brother and I there is 10 kids....and ya;ll know I have do the

    I went to work this morning work from 6 to 2 on the floor serving got off at 3 went to the gym from 315 to 430, burned 606 calories now eating my dinner, Gonna get the weight off that I put on as soon as possible.

    Have a great work week everyone
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465

    Man it's been a great but busy weekend!

    Be back to get caught up!

    Miss ya'll

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Just dropping in to say HI!!!!

    pretty hair Renae!!:flowerforyou:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Just dropping in to say HI!!!!

    Love the look so pretty!
  • jeanniedreambtl
    Jeannie, I don't think I officially welcome you to MFP!! So welcome! :smile:

    Thank you oh so very much. And Marla, maybe that was a sign to not eat that cupcake lol. Other Jeannie- we rock :glasses: lol.
    So I went to the gym this morning and it felt sooooo good. I actually stayed on the treadmill a little longer than 30 minutes. Hey thats a big accomplishment for me! And they have this sweet machine that is kinda like cycling except with your arms that I absolutely love. If it wasn't for me having to go into work an hour early, I would have stayed longer than what I did. It's so tempting to step on that scale they have sitting right outside the door, but I have to make myself walk away and just wait. So from now on, every Wednesday and that's it.
    I hope you all are feeling fabulous and congrats to all the victories!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Jeannie, I don't think I officially welcome you to MFP!! So welcome! :smile:

    Thank you oh so very much. And Marla, maybe that was a sign to not eat that cupcake lol. Other Jeannie- we rock :glasses: lol.
    So I went to the gym this morning and it felt sooooo good. I actually stayed on the treadmill a little longer than 30 minutes. Hey thats a big accomplishment for me! And they have this sweet machine that is kinda like cycling except with your arms that I absolutely love. If it wasn't for me having to go into work an hour early, I would have stayed longer than what I did. It's so tempting to step on that scale they have sitting right outside the door, but I have to make myself walk away and just wait. So from now on, every Wednesday and that's it.
    I hope you all are feeling fabulous and congrats to all the victories!

    Oh God, dont weigh anywhere but at home on the same scale. I almost had a heart attack stepping on someone elses scale.

    That arm thing always looked stupid to me........then the physical therapist put me on it and DANG great arm workout. She said it also loosens up the upper body which is good!

    I had to add time on cardio 1 min at a time. When I started I did 20 min. Period........then as time went on I upped 1 min until I now do aroudn 45 but if in the mood keep going (not often for sure:laugh: )

    Great workout Jeannie!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Man it's been a great but busy weekend!

    Be back to get caught up!

    Miss ya'll

    Miss you too sweety!!:flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Renae-- beautiful hair-- :heart:

    Jeannie 1-- great job on the walk (from the other thread) 95 degrees-- oh my! :sick: :heart:

    Jeannie 2-- great job on the treadmill-- but be careful-- they're dangerous-- funny-strange-people-1.gif:heart:

    Andrew and Beth-- glad you enjoyed a busy weekend-- idle hands are the devil's tools, right?:heart:

    Lori 2-- how's your daughter's knee? :heart:

    Lori 1-- hope you're having a good weekend wherever you are.:heart:

    Tamara-- Red Lobster? *drool* Glad you had a nice night out!:heart:

    Bobbi-- our resident mason-- way to go on the retaining wall! How's the hubs healing?:heart:

    Janie? Hello, hello? Where the heck have you been? Hello? :heart:

    Amanda-- recovered from your 5k? Off cloud 9 yet? :heart:

    Shuntae-- running right through your shoes-- you go, girl-- can't wait for your 1/2 marathon-- I'd love to train for one if I had time. :heart:

    Sam-- did you get your inside exercise in? Haven't seen you in a bit-- hope all is well, my friend.:heart:

    Annaliza-- how's that plateau? Slow and steady win the race, hare-tortoise.gif worry not. Just keep doing what's right and good for your body, and you'll be rewarded in the long run.:heart:

    Kati-- come out, come out wherever you are-- hope you're enjoying a healthy weekend! :heart:

    RONI!!!!!!!!! Just an affectionate shout out to you, woman-- everything okay? :heart:

    MTGirl-- hope you had a productive week. Come check in, woman!:angry::heart:

    Lynnie-- oh delinquent one-- get your *kitten* back here!!! :angry: :heart:

    April-- you, too, young lady!! :angry: :heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good afternoon everyone

    I was on here bright and early this morning had a nice little message for all ya'll and hit a button and oooppps delete is where is went it was 445 in the morning had to be at work at 5 didnt have time to retype sorry

    anyways went to red losbter yesterday with mom and stepdad and my husband and my brother and his wife boy it sure was nice to go without the kids its been about 12 years since we all went out w/o kiddos...and count them between my brother and I there is 10 kids....and ya;ll know I have do the

    I went to work this morning work from 6 to 2 on the floor serving got off at 3 went to the gym from 315 to 430, burned 606 calories now eating my dinner, Gonna get the weight off that I put on as soon as possible.

    Have a great work week everyone

    Sounds like a nice chins to wipe, no 21 bathroom runs!!

    Glad you had fun!!:flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Hey team. Daughters knee seems to be doing ok. It's so hard with kids, especially ones whose pain tolerance is zilch. You never know if they are ouching for show or because it really hurts. I usually watch them when they don't know I'm watching, it's the best way to figure what's going on. It still hurts, but she's walking on it, putting weight on it, etc. I think we are in the clear, keeping my fingers crossed anyway. She really hasn't complained about it today and if she tore something in there, she'd be telling us!

    Is it just me or does keeping track of your food take more time and effort than the exercise part of all this? I find paying attention to what you eat, when you eat, how often you eat so time consuming! When I'm busy and don't log, don't count, don't watch the clock it goes one of two ways, I either eat too much or not enough and when I'm busy I never manage to eat as often as I should. I very rarely hit the target unless I'm making a conscious effort to do so.

    Right now I'm trying to stick to 1800 calories- I just logged all of today, I ate 1200. I didn't exercise at all, the day got away from me and then it started to rain, so I'm leaving it. I'm not about to eat 600 calories at bedtime, the scale was already up. Aunt Flo is knocking at the door, so not much I can do about it.

    Renae- love the new AV and the hair!

    Shuntae- go buy new shoes! I need new ones too and have been putting it off, I should take my own advice.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for the compliments! That was my birthday gift from hubby. That was all I wanted because I didn't need anything. I just wanted to change it up so I added the red and some more dark back into it.

    Took my daughter today with my hubby to see the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge. She had never been and he hasn't been in years so we had a nice family walk and I got to practice some photography too! You know that is my passion! Then DD got wild again. ADHD is a hard thing to deal with and we are trying so hard to get this figured out but dang, it is so nerve racking!

    Lori-I'm glad to hear your daughter is doing better. Mine fell and skinned the side of her elbow and her knee pretty good and she had a fit! She asked me if I had ever seen anything like that before. That just made me laugh!! LOL

    Hope everything is going well with everyone else! Have a great night! As soon as I figure out how to post a pic on here I will put some on here from today.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Renae, I also wanted to say I love the hair, it looks awesome!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Ok I think I figured this out. Not sure! Thanks Amanda!





    Sorry they are so big!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Your little girl is adorable! :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, I bet I win the "how my kid got hurt this weekend" contest.

    My 3 year old, Josh, fell into our campfire. Lovely stuff. He's fine. Some scrapes from the rocks that make up the fire pit, but no burns. I was holding the camera (pictures will come later) when I saw him topple off his chair (he was getting down to get another hot dog-- we'd told him to stay on his chair-- will these kids never learn that obedience=safety???) and into the fire, which was low at that point.

    ( I won't complain here about how the fire pit is not in the place where I wanted it, which was expansive with plenty of room for chairs and to walk around it safely-- that instead it's in a freakin' teeny-tiny little place by the swingset, "so we don't ruin the freaking grass," all cramped in, and ripe for such accidents-- and I won't complain how I was overruled-- aren't you glad I'm not complaining? That's 'cause I'm such a good wife who never complains publicly about such things-- ha)

    I didn't even remember what I did with the camera, but Sarah found it for me later out near the pit. I flung it and ran to get Josh. He was screaming bloody murder, so we couldn't tell what hurt. I was trying to get him to stop screaming and tell him where he hurt. He said all over. I took off his shirt, fearing that the material may still be hot on his tummy. Hubs started screaming to get him in cold water-- so we put him in a bath. But there are no burns. ( I won't complain about how much calmer, cooler and more collected I am in such emergency situations-- good wife, remember?)

    I fell up the deck stairs while running him in the house. I have a huge bruise on the back of my fist, the size of my fist-- youch. But, I protected him from the fall, which is good. The stinkin' blood is seeping all under the skin, and will no doubt take over the entire back of my hand by the morrow-- I iced it. Worry not, my fine team.

    All drama aside, all is well. Kids were obviously quite upset-- had a lot of tearful kids to calm down. (I won't complain that most of the tears came from the hysteria caused by a screaming parent-- )

    But they're all finally asleep, which is where I'm headed--
