

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I don't know-- this is not meant to offend-- but here is my two cents, since it was asked for--

    I'm personally uncomfortable with the term freeloader when it comes to parents living with their children. Were we freeloading when we needed them to house and feed us? No.

    Yes, it's a little bit different, but if we're called upon to shelter and feed our parents, it should be done in the spirit of love and gratitude, paying them back, as it were, for the years they did it for us.

    I know there are tons of family issues involved in most families-- and I wouldn't offend you, Sam, for the world intentionally-- but would just ask that you perhaps give this more thought in how you're seeing this.

    :heart: :heart:

    Andrew-- I'm still here-- missing all of you, too-- life's nutty these days, but all are well.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    :grumble: Bleu cheese tastes like sweaty feet smell. :grumble:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    :grumble: Bleu cheese tastes like sweaty feet smell. :grumble:

    Um, ew.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    That's what I said. Got a buffalo chicken wrap for lunch. Had bleu cheese on it. Took one bite, almost threw up. Yuk, yuk, yuk!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Good morning my fabulous family away from family

    How is everyone this morning? I am great just got back from the gym just recently started doing weights and let me tell you last night and today my stomach has been killing me I dont know if I am working my core muscle or building muscle from with in what ever it is it hurts, but after I work them they are ok until later in the evening when I am working.

    Didnt make great money lastnight but was more then I had before I went to work so there you go. I am picking up another shift tonight and tomorrow then sat I will have the baby, and sat marks 2 weeks until my marathon I am getting nervous. It needs to quit raining here so I can run outside again its been raining for like 2 weeks on and off.

    Ate my oatmeal splenda cinnamon and banana this morning fixin to eat my peanut butter french toast I think, or my yogurt. I need to go shopping seems like when I make the kids lunch I run out of everything at once. I need banana and cauliflower and they need everything under the sun!!!

    Well gotta go, get back out in this rainy drizzle day.

    Hope everyone has a great day

    Do you always eat the same thing every day? I would get so bored but that is just me.

    You should still run outside even if it is raining cause running in the rain is different then running without rain and what happens if it is raining on race day. Most places still run those races.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I don't know-- this is not meant to offend-- but here is my two cents, since it was asked for--

    I'm personally uncomfortable with the term freeloader when it comes to parents living with their children. Were we freeloading when we needed them to house and feed us? No.

    Yes, it's a little bit different, but if we're called upon to shelter and feed our parents, it should be done in the spirit of love and gratitude, paying them back, as it were, for the years they did it for us.

    I know there are tons of family issues involved in most families-- and I wouldn't offend you, Sam, for the world intentionally-- but would just ask that you perhaps give this more thought in how you're seeing this.

    :heart: :heart:

    I am not offended in the least. I wouldn't feel this way if she was trying to find a job. But she is not. She is living here because I would never let her be homeless I just wish like last night I didn't have to spend the whole night in my room in my own house because she made it so uncomfortable for me to be in the livingroom. I think some times she forgets that I am 31 and not 13 you know what I mean. I can honestly say she was not the typical mom. From the time we could work we did and bought all our own things for school and what not. Just saying. I love her to death but sometimes I feel like she could have such a better life if she realized not all things were rainbows and butterflies.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I don't know-- this is not meant to offend-- but here is my two cents, since it was asked for--

    I'm personally uncomfortable with the term freeloader when it comes to parents living with their children. Were we freeloading when we needed them to house and feed us? No.

    Yes, it's a little bit different, but if we're called upon to shelter and feed our parents, it should be done in the spirit of love and gratitude, paying them back, as it were, for the years they did it for us.

    I know there are tons of family issues involved in most families-- and I wouldn't offend you, Sam, for the world intentionally-- but would just ask that you perhaps give this more thought in how you're seeing this.

    :heart: :heart:

    I am not offended in the least. I wouldn't feel this way if she was trying to find a job. But she is not. She is living here because I would never let her be homeless I just wish like last night I didn't have to spend the whole night in my room in my own house because she made it so uncomfortable for me to be in the livingroom. I think some times she forgets that I am 31 and not 13 you know what I mean. I can honestly say she was not the typical mom. From the time we could work we did and bought all our own things for school and what not. Just saying. I love her to death but sometimes I feel like she could have such a better life if she realized not all things were rainbows and butterflies.

    :smooched: :smooched:

    Mothers-- gotta love 'em, eh?
  • jeanniedreambtl
    I need a little kick in the rear to get in gear. I've still been doing the exercising but haven't been eating as healthy as I should. The late night cravings are what's getting me in trouble. I didnt lose or gain any weight this past week, but I sure do need to bare down on eating right. Anyone else had this problem?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I'm gonna join Sam on the rant this week.... except mine is DH! I love him to death, he takes good care of us, provides for us, usually helps out a lot but getting ready for this trip he hasn't done diddly squat!

    He came home early today to help and has spent most of the day in his recliner, laptop on his lap. He helped with a few things here and there, but it's almost 8:00 and I have yet to stop or sit down. I ate my pizza standing in the kitchen while I was doing other stuff.

    He wanted to go golfing today and I think he's been pouting that he didn't go. I NEVER told him to go or not to go! Geez. I wish he would have stayed at work. I didn't mind doing it all when I was here alone, it's really irritating to be running around while he sits and browses the internet and plays games though. ARG!

    Anyway, still have to pack my clothes and get the dog's stuff ready so I may as well stop *****ing and keep moving. Ahhhhh!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm gonna join Sam on the rant this week.... except mine is DH! I love him to death, he takes good care of us, provides for us, usually helps out a lot but getting ready for this trip he hasn't done diddly squat!

    He came home early today to help and has spent most of the day in his recliner, laptop on his lap. He helped with a few things here and there, but it's almost 8:00 and I have yet to stop or sit down. I ate my pizza standing in the kitchen while I was doing other stuff.

    He wanted to go golfing today and I think he's been pouting that he didn't go. I NEVER told him to go or not to go! Geez. I wish he would have stayed at work. I didn't mind doing it all when I was here alone, it's really irritating to be running around while he sits and browses the internet and plays games though. ARG!

    Anyway, still have to pack my clothes and get the dog's stuff ready so I may as well stop *****ing and keep moving. Ahhhhh!

    What kind of wife complains about her husband in public? :wink: :wink: :wink:

    The Good Wife :bigsmile:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good evening Team! Hope all is well. Sounds like a few of us are on a rant this week. Sorry you ladies are having some troubles. I can honestly say that right now everything is going pretty good. I actually drank 2 whole bottles of water today instead of a soft drink. Plus I didn't eat as much for supper tonight. I hate getting home at almost 8 pm and having to find something to eat. Tonight was a small bowl of homemade vegetable beef soup and it was good! I worked my 12 1/2 hours but didn't get a workout in. I don't think there is enough time in the day sometimes. I hope you all have a great Friday and I will catch you all around!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I'm gonna join Sam on the rant this week.... except mine is DH! I love him to death, he takes good care of us, provides for us, usually helps out a lot but getting ready for this trip he hasn't done diddly squat!

    He came home early today to help and has spent most of the day in his recliner, laptop on his lap. He helped with a few things here and there, but it's almost 8:00 and I have yet to stop or sit down. I ate my pizza standing in the kitchen while I was doing other stuff.

    He wanted to go golfing today and I think he's been pouting that he didn't go. I NEVER told him to go or not to go! Geez. I wish he would have stayed at work. I didn't mind doing it all when I was here alone, it's really irritating to be running around while he sits and browses the internet and plays games though. ARG!

    Anyway, still have to pack my clothes and get the dog's stuff ready so I may as well stop *****ing and keep moving. Ahhhhh!

    What kind of wife complains about her husband in public? :wink: :wink: :wink:

    The Good Wife :bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Spent 60 minutes in therapy on this subject last night:flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I don't know-- this is not meant to offend-- but here is my two cents, since it was asked for--

    I'm personally uncomfortable with the term freeloader when it comes to parents living with their children. Were we freeloading when we needed them to house and feed us? No.

    Yes, it's a little bit different, but if we're called upon to shelter and feed our parents, it should be done in the spirit of love and gratitude, paying them back, as it were, for the years they did it for us.

    I know there are tons of family issues involved in most families-- and I wouldn't offend you, Sam, for the world intentionally-- but would just ask that you perhaps give this more thought in how you're seeing this.

    :heart: :heart:

    I am not offended in the least. I wouldn't feel this way if she was trying to find a job. But she is not. She is living here because I would never let her be homeless I just wish like last night I didn't have to spend the whole night in my room in my own house because she made it so uncomfortable for me to be in the livingroom. I think some times she forgets that I am 31 and not 13 you know what I mean. I can honestly say she was not the typical mom. From the time we could work we did and bought all our own things for school and what not. Just saying. I love her to death but sometimes I feel like she could have such a better life if she realized not all things were rainbows and butterflies.

    I agree in part with Marla, but also have a 48 yr old friend who drops into her son's home because things went "sour" meaning she cussed out her latest boss and got fired.

    The family unit is fragile. We have our families and lives to balance, and when you go into someones home..............ANYones should meld in with their daily lives, not add stress to it.

    Again I pray I never have to call upon one of my kids for shelter, but I pray that if I do I will be gracious and helpful and not add to the stress of the day.

    :heart: Jeannie
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning my fabulous family away from family

    How is everyone this morning? I am great just got back from the gym just recently started doing weights and let me tell you last night and today my stomach has been killing me I dont know if I am working my core muscle or building muscle from with in what ever it is it hurts, but after I work them they are ok until later in the evening when I am working.

    Didnt make great money lastnight but was more then I had before I went to work so there you go. I am picking up another shift tonight and tomorrow then sat I will have the baby, and sat marks 2 weeks until my marathon I am getting nervous. It needs to quit raining here so I can run outside again its been raining for like 2 weeks on and off.

    Ate my oatmeal splenda cinnamon and banana this morning fixin to eat my peanut butter french toast I think, or my yogurt. I need to go shopping seems like when I make the kids lunch I run out of everything at once. I need banana and cauliflower and they need everything under the sun!!!

    Well gotta go, get back out in this rainy drizzle day.

    Hope everyone has a great day

    Do you always eat the same thing every day? I would get so bored but that is just me.

    You should still run outside even if it is raining cause running in the rain is different then running without rain and what happens if it is raining on race day. Most places still run those races.

    Yes sam I pretty much eat the same thing everyday I get to where I crave it like right now my mouth is watering for my oatmeal but I gotta run to the store for a banana I was hoping my husband would go get it for me but no suh luck, I am tired not used to working til 10:30 at night.

    Probably monday I wil run in the rain it will be a little under 2 weeks until my marathon so I will train hard then. I wanna do about 6-7 miles aday up until the thursday before the race, do you think thats enough?

    Well, off to the store and guess what my husband just showed up from the store with my banana, yay yay yay gonna go eat my oatmeal now.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Ok everyone so I just had my oatmeal but tried something different in it, not much different but here it is, I ate my oatmeal with my banana splenda and pumpkin pie spice instrad of cinnamon and let me just tell you I have a new favorite for breakfast. YUMMMMYY
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ok everyone so I just had my oatmeal but tried something different in it, not much different but here it is, I ate my oatmeal with my banana splenda and pumpkin pie spice instrad of cinnamon and let me just tell you I have a new favorite for breakfast. YUMMMMYY

    Pumpkin pie spice-- hmmmm-- sounds good.

    I had some recently with just plain ol' cinnamon-- tasted like brown plain oatmeal.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    How many of you workout even when you are starting to feel like crapola? I have a sore throat and a tickley cough but I want to workout but I don't know if I should.
  • jeanniedreambtl
    I almost hit a "give up" point a couple of days ago because I got a little discouraged. But I thought, "No Jeannie! You cannot give up!" and I picked myself back up and got back on track. The reason I've always failed in the past is because I have given up. Not this time. I'm stronger than ever now. And yes, I still always atleast go for my morning walk even if I dont feel up to par.
    I would really really like to get to know you all so well but I kinda feel like an outsider lol. I'll be checking in and trying to keep up. You all have such busy lives haha.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I almost hit a "give up" point a couple of days ago because I got a little discouraged. But I thought, "No Jeannie! You cannot give up!" and I picked myself back up and got back on track. The reason I've always failed in the past is because I have given up. Not this time. I'm stronger than ever now. And yes, I still always atleast go for my morning walk even if I dont feel up to par.
    I would really really like to get to know you all so well but I kinda feel like an outsider lol. I'll be checking in and trying to keep up. You all have such busy lives haha.

    There is NO giving up on this team.

    Thank you.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I almost hit a "give up" point a couple of days ago because I got a little discouraged. But I thought, "No Jeannie! You cannot give up!" and I picked myself back up and got back on track. The reason I've always failed in the past is because I have given up. Not this time. I'm stronger than ever now. And yes, I still always atleast go for my morning walk even if I dont feel up to par.
    I would really really like to get to know you all so well but I kinda feel like an outsider lol. I'll be checking in and trying to keep up. You all have such busy lives haha.

    me too and I blame this stupid team on keeping me going forward:angry::grumble:

    How can I give up when ppl are slapping me, telling me I am hot, telling me I encourage them...........Oh heck............I am so durn happy to be still doing this!~