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Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Weider X-Factor ST Week 1 and Cardio Kicks Power Drills followed by the stretch. Really feeling all parts of the body this morning!

    Laurel, I'm sure that you will not see this, but awesome workouts! Have a great time on your vacation. Congrats on the weight loss also, you are rocking! I have to get to that point of not paying attention to the numbers, like you I think I obsess a little to much. It was fun to revisit Power Hour, it has been a long time and I had a lot of fun. It was even more fun to surpass the weights that Cathe was using in the workout!

    Tami, Great job getting in those workouts, it is a good thing that you have a/c! Last night I actually had Circuit Burn in my hands, but then I remembered the power drills in Cardio Kicks so opted for that. Very nice that you have a four day weekend also, I'm going to be super busy during that time. I'm very happy that I have that time off to prep for the party. Great story on the guy and his BIL, they had great results.

    Thelma, I really liked doing that premix, since I'm not a big fan of doing abs, so that helps me get through the abs without realizing it. That Tae Bo workout doesn't have push ups in the warm up, but it does have them while doing the workout. I had different friends when I got married also, it was kind of strange to invite people I had not seen in years either. I think only one of my friends was at my wedding, and I hadn't really seen her in years.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was really good last night. We had a sub-trainer and she was excellent! I have had her once before but she did same format as Jessica but lots of "new" moves which created a way better variety. Cardio at each station for 1-minute after each round of strength and it was good. I had a horrible night sleep last night so getting in my workout tonight after work . . . here's hoping the A/C is working properly. DH thought it may have froze up because he had it down too low and it has been running non-stop as you can imagine. He turned it off for the night and back on this a.m. So it was muggy and between him snoring (didn't wear his mask due to the heat) and Emma panting . . . ME-OH-MY-OH! :D:( So tonight I am planning on a "cardio" workout at home instead of the substitute Insane X class. Katy will be gone all week again I did find out.

    Laurie: Great job with Weider X-Factor and Cardio Kicks Power Drills! Sounds like a nice variety and pulling out those oldies ..... I had Weider X and S90 on my mind the other day. LOL When I think of adding on a short one those are always good. So many to choose from in any direction - old or new! That's so great you have the extra time to prepare for your DD's party. Yahoo!

    Thelma: Awesome job on the workout! That is a fun pre-mix, I agree! Great job listening to your lower back & getting those hammies stretched. Sounds like your foot is doing better and better all the time. Which is so nice to hear. Happy for you.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening! Talk to you tomorrow . . . Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. Had to stay at work late and was on my feet all afternoon. My feet were killing me and my knees too. I felt like an old lady when I got home!

    Laurie, great workout combo!
    HA! I love those premixes with the abs after every muscle group for the same reason you do! LOL
    I have a Tae Bo workout where he has push ups in the warm up. I think that is crazy. We had a very small wedding. We are talking about 40 people! So my family was a big % of those 40 people! LOL

    Tami, I'm glad you enjoyed your BC class so much! Clearly you guys need new blood in that class! LOL
    OMG! Sorry about the AC not working! Ours just needed a repair. We found water on the floor the entire repair and it was very expensive! At least it happened when we were having cooler temps. I hope you sleep better tonight!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Total Body and the Bonus Buns from that series. I'm really sore this morning in the glutes! :D I went has heavy as I could handle, and of course Chris was evil on all the squats and lunges in those two workouts. <3

    Tami, Nice that the sub gave you such a good workout, and having a different instructor from time to time, is probably really good. Kind of like switching up DVD instructors. What Katy can't take a vacation! :) Sorry to hear that your night wasn't a good one, with all the background noise. I have been having a lot of workouts on my mind, and those two to be exact. My eyes landed on the 10lb Slimdown workouts, and something clicked. I just wanted to try one of Chris's workouts. Probably will do the kickboxing one after work today, since it is my favorite kb workout.

    Thelma, Dang on the no workout, but when you feel that way it means your body is tired. Weddings are for being with family anyway, at least that is what I think. My family is so big it would feel like a big wedding anyway. :D Billy has a lot of workouts that he does push-ups in the warm up. He has been doing that since his first VHS release. I still love the guy, his workout is the first one that I ever tried.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ So last night I opted for X10 (X64 pre-mix) and I was dripping sweat! The A/C was ok to turn on when I got home but I had to just adjust the temp. higher than what DH had been running it at. The house was 85 degrees when I walked in and started my workout :o .... But later into the eve it cooled down to 76 and with the ceiling fan as well it was much better. Today is 4DS KickBox for my workout!

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your long tiring day. I hope today was better for you and you will be up to a workout if you feel like it. ;)

    Laurie: I saw that you did that Total Body workout and knew it was one that you love . ... great job with the Bonus Buns add-on! Yes, having different instructors is sometimes good for that very reason. Katy seems to know to change it up and understands that concept. The other girl I think just gets busy and doesn't spend the time jotting down new ideas. Not sure . Hope you enjoy your KB workout tonight!

    I will check in with you ladies tomorrow ~ OFF tomorrow and no plans so far. But a good day to be had. :)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did RWH Circuit Upper Body. Great workout! I had a hectic day at work but at least I felt much better today. Tomorrow is my Friday this week. We get the 3rd off. Do you also get it off Tami and Laurie? I hope you do!

    Laurie, I don't think I've ever heard of that workout but good job on doing the bonus session and going heavier!
    I agree that families are a big part of a wedding celebration.
    I did Tae Bo for years. That was my intro to kick boxing workouts but I don't remember the pushups in the warm up until I got one program years ago that did that and I didn't like that.

    Hi Tami, your house was HOT! I can just imagine you dripping in sweat after X10! Your house was like a sauna! LOL. Does your husband like the house hot? My DH has to wear a fleece jacket around the house even in the summer time because the AC is always running. We keep the temp at 71 or maybe 72. LOL
    I definitely had a better day today. Thanks!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Cardio Kickboxing. I decided to get my workout finished for the day, so I did the 10lb Slimdown Xtreme Lower Body and Bonus Abs. Now that the workout is done, I can get busy with what needs to be done for the party. Already have the cake ordered, so just need to do some grocery shopping.

    Tami, WTG on the workouts! 85 inside is rather warm to be working out in, unless you are doing hot yoga! :D Guess it was a kickboxing evening for the both of us. Guess that is why Katy has such great classes, she is good at her job. Maybe some of these instructors should take her classes, just to see how awesome she is. :D

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. I have off today and tomorrow, it is really nice to have a four day weekend. We usually do for the 4th unless it lands in the middle of the week. I think you might have his bootcamp style workouts, because those all have push ups in the warm up. I'm not a huge fan of those, I tend to like his "normal" workouts. He always did the half push ups in the warm up when you where in runners stretch on all the older workouts, I guess that is what I was thinking of.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 double low impact. I'd not done this workout in a very long time. Good one! I'm so happy I'm off tomorrow.

    Laurie, awesome workouts! I hope your DD's party is a lot of fun!
    Good for you for thinking ahead and taking 1/2 day today. I wish I'd taken today or Monday off. Oh well!
    It's been a long time since I've done Tae Bo. The one with the push ups early on turned me off.

    Have a wonderful 4th ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had a great one. Went to NH for a 4th of July party and it was fun to see old friends.
    On Friday I did Lower Body Blast, Saturday was Total Body Trisets Upper Body Split. What an awesome workout this one is. I don't remember doing the upper body split before. Today I just walked on the treadmill.
    My spinning bike is still out of commission. The break knob it needs is no longer made and the store sent us one that was twice as long/thick than the one we need. They are sending us a new one that looks like the one we need except it doesn't have the threads it needs so DH has to take it to a machine shop to have it done. I miss my bike!

    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't workout at all this weekend, just to much to do. I did get some more gardening done yesterday, and more and more of the tree line is starting to look so nice. I'm waiting for the garden center to start putting all the perennials on discount! ;) I'm going to have a lot of space to fill up with pretty things. The youngest's party was very nice, the day was beautiful. Not to hot, and had a breeze so the bugs stayed away also. The monster truck bouncy house was a hit. I even got in and bounced around, that is really a good workout. :D

    Thelma, WTG on the workout! Sorry to hear that your bike is still out of commission, but glad to hear that the fix is getting the thread size changed. Isn't that nice that the company no longer supplies that part, I go through that at work all the time with all of our older pieces of equipment. We had so many fireworks in our neighborhood, that we didn't need to go anywhere. One house had an amazing display, can't imagine how much they paid for all of that.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I didn't check in prior to the weekend ...... I had Thurs OFF + Friday, it was so nice. Worked out every day, except Friday. Thursday I decided on KCM Shape Up (instead of the 4DS Step workout, that always leaves me confused) for a Cardio, Rest Day on Friday - met my friend & her little girl for an early breakfast and then off to meet my other friend for a beach day. Super fun!! IT was HOT so we were in the water floating most of the time. Sat was 4DS Bootcamp + Heavy Upper Body and yesterday was Gym Style Back/Shoulders/Bis followed by a nice 40 minute Supreme 90 Cardio Challenge - it flew by and was perfect follow up. Today is going to be an at home workout ~ Gym Style Chest & Tris ;) - DH is gone fishing this week so I have the house to myself and like to get home for the "kids" vs that extra hour plus and I can get in the workout I want! :);)
    I am going fishing with him this weekend and we talked about me taking both the dogs ... we will see. It is a 3 hour drive and not the most comfortable ride for them in my Venza; they fit but it's a little tight. Once we got there it would be very fun for them though with the water and camping right there. Plus I wouldn't be worrying about them home alone. :( We will see.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a very busy weekend and productive too. So glad to hear your DD's party was so nice and the weather cooperated for you. Great job on the workouts Wed and Thursday, sounds like lots of fun. I know you enjoy those 10LB Slimdown workouts! :) I agree with what you said about Katy, she is amazing at her job and being an ex-college athlete I know she understands that variety is important, even in gym classes! I think she gets some criticism from some of the other instructors for being too hard. Hence their mentality of making it the same most every class I guess. ;)
    We were so lucky with the fireworks . . . as you all know Emma is so frightened of them and thunder so we try to be home with her and watch a movie up LOUD. This year there weren't neighborhood fireworks going on and on and on - with all the fires around us; one being very dangerous north of us I think people were a little smarter. Thank goodness. The big fireworks show they have only a few miles away on the lake she didn't hear until the end and then was nervous but not anything like before. We had all the doors, windows, shut - since the A/C was on so I think she just wasn't in tune with it at all. Yahoo! No drugs and survived another 4th of July for her.

    Thelma: Awesome job with your workouts lady! Love it that you got in your X10 Low Impact, you had been talking about it to Laurel. Nicely done and always a big thumbs up on Upper Body Tri-Sets! :) Just love that one. On our house being hot, DH had actually turned the A/C off that day, thinking he may have froze it up over that hot weekend and so when I got home it was ok and I was able to turn it back on . . . well it had some work to do to cool it down again. We now have it set @ 75 degrees. Which feels good compared to our high 90's and it isn't going to freeze at that temperature the furnace guy told us. No, he would love it to be like 60 something if he had his wish. He runs very warm as a person so this heat about drives him crazy. If he does anything outside for very long he is sweating buckets. LOL Sounds like you had a wonderful 4th of July celebration, that is so great.

    Hope you both have a great Monday ~ I will check in with you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, Total Body Trisets Lower Body Split. Good workout but not as good as the upper body split.

    Laurie, you had a very busy weekend! I'm glad your DD's party was great. You must be so excited about your garden taking shape. I have a section in front of the house where I only have perennials. I've been adding one or two plants per year and this year it finally great.
    It really stinks when companies stop making parts. I hope this guy is sending us the right part this times.

    Tami, sounds like you had a great weekend with friends and great workouts too! Good job!
    Do you think Emma will get totally stiff from sitting in the car for 3 hours? I hope you're able to take the kids fishing.
    I am glad I got to do X10 even if just the low impact. Glad your husband doesn't normally like the house at 75 during the summer. DH here is killing me with the AC. He turns it up and I keep turning the temp down. I thought I was having hot flashes but he had the temp up! :D

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I was tired. I opted for a workout that I knew would be a good one, but not tax the body. I did Met-Rx 180 Conditioning Workout 1 and the Stretch & Refresh workout also. Even though this one doesn't seem to be hard, I am feeling DOMS this morning. I love when workouts can give you that feeling.

    Tami, Great workouts you got in this weekend. Both of the step workouts in 4DS make me confused. ;) I think I did them once, and will never try them again. Your upcoming weekend sounds good, hope that you can get the dogs there without to much fuss. I think they will have a good time also. Our dog was going crazy, because our dd and her friends where shooting off stuff right where she could see it. DH put her thundershirt on her, and she calmed down enough that she wasn't panting. When I put that shirt on her it never seems to work, but when DH puts it on he must get it tight enough that her anxiety goes away. I was just happy to see that she wasn't suffering more, but she sure was tired from barking. ;)

    Thelma, Good workout, and I agree with you that it isn't as good as the upper. You do the same as me, picking out a couple of new plants every year. I try them out, some take and some don't. I even have to move some of them, because they require more sun. Do you have enough plants to see flowers all year round? One of these days my garden will get to that point. Trying to find more plants that bloom Aug-Sept. that are in our zone.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ So last night ended up being a cardio/abs workout (this a.m. was Gym Style Chest & Tri's), so I opted for Cardio Core Circuit hitting both in one workout, it was great. I haven't done that one in a while. :) I will always think of you Laurie during that last move on the abwork! LOL Tonight's workout is still up in the air, Katy is still gone so I may opt to do something at home again. :) Instead of the Insane X at gym.

    Thelma: Awesome work getting in the lower body tri-sets yesterday; it isn't as complete as the upper due to the time on it but I love it, especially all in one workout OR as an add-on to another leg workout. I really did have a nice 4-day weekend. I was at home a lot but all was good. I am a little concerned with Emma being uncomfortable for that long of a drive; Bernie too at that matter which is my only hesitation in bringing them. I can make some stops along the way but then of course it takes even longer and I will be leaving after work in the eve. So we will see. Sure would be fun to have them there with us.

    Laurie: Sounds like you picked the perfect workout last night! Glad you were feeling it this a.m. too. Always a great feeling. I'm with you on those 4DS step workouts; I tried both one time and decided to take a "no" on those vs. the frustration of trying to learn them with so many others I can do out there. We tried the special shirt on Emma a couple years ago; it was hilarious. She wasn't exactly calm . . . just looked at us like "how do you expect me to walk now?" it was really snug; sausage figure in that, let me tell you. Poor girl. So relieved we had a good year for her this time.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ until tomorrow! :)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, Kick, Punch and Crunch tonight. I was lazy about putting my boxing gloves on because my heart rate monitor watch gets in the way. I used little 1lb dumbbells instead.

    Laurie, good job on those workouts! I've never heard of them but when a workout gives you DOMS it's because it's good! LOL
    Tami is right in saying that the Lower Body split on the total body trisets is not as complete as the upper body split. In my perennial garden I have flowers from spring till fall but the spring flowers are few. I've not been worried about making the area a spring garden.
    I bought two rose plants last year and one I love but the second one grows too fast and it's pretty thorny. I have to keep cutting it back.
    I've not had to move plants out of this area but I've moved plants that need more sun there. I've had to split some plants that you can tell have multiplied from year to year. This year I bought some "tender perennial" Dahlias. They're called over the top Dahlias. We planted them in planters because we don't feel like digging them out. We'll just leave them in the planters and keep them in the basement. These supposedly are the size of dinner plates. I can't wait for them to bloom.

    Tami, awesome workouts! How much longer is Katy going to be out for? I'm sure the doggies are loving having you home!
    I hope you're able to take the kids with you next with you on your fishing weekend. I can understand how the trip could be hard on them if you're traveling after work and can't be stopping too much.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did 21 Day Fix Extreme Plyo Extreme. Let me just say that this workout surprised me with how good it was, and how much I was sweating at the end of the workout. This is a lower body plyo workout, you do 5 rounds. Each round has two exercises that you repeat once, and you do each exercise for 30 sec with 30 sec rest periods. I used 10 and 6 pound weights. Here is an example of the first round, holding two weights you do squat jumps, rest, lunge jump right side, rest, lunge jump left side, rest and repeat. Truly loved this workout, my lower body is feeling the love this morning.

    Tami, I saw that you did the CCC workout, and I just smiled when I read that you where thinking of me. ;) I don't know if I will ever be ready to try that workout again. The first time that Cami put on her shirt she did the same thing, but now she loves it. In fact we left it on her all night, because you don't know when they are going to start shooting off stuff in the middle of the night. She was calm all night, and didn't want me to take it off in the morning.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout, and I think that those weights are a great idea. You can easily put them down when you don't want to use them. I was looking at some roses that are called ground cover, but I'm very timid with roses. Hate those thorns. The reason you stated about Dahlias is why I don't have any of those. My Mom had them, and they where beautiful, but having to dig them up every year and store them was a pain. I like how you are planning on trying them, let me know how that one blooms sounds interesting.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Today's workout was Gym Style Legs and tonight I am planning on going to Spin. 50-50% right now; LOL A friend of DH's dropped off several salmon filets for me to vacuum seal when I get home so my plan is that with the extra ice I put in I should be good to Spin and head home. We will see. :) Sockeye Salmon, some of the best there is, seriously ladies.

    Laurie: That workout sounds so good! Nice work Was that your first time doing it? Only because you said you were surprised is why I ask. Do you have that whole System of workouts? I'm so glad that shirt works for your sweet Cami. Yay

    Thelma: Great job with KPC again and nice job on the hand weights! I have some weighted hand gloves that are 5 lbs that I like to use for several of the KB workouts. Adds that extra burn forsure.
    Katy wont be back until week after next. Except Friday Spin she will be there this week and next. Yes, the pups do like having me home early I think. They are so funny. The neighbor even commented the other day how happy they are to see me. I had just let them out and they both run and spin and come right up to me giving me loves and pawing at me. It's pretty cute.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ I will talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi Ladies, I got home late from work and was totally exhausted so I didn't workout.

    Laurie, that workout sounds really good! Great job!
    My boxing gloves weigh 12oz so using the 1lb weights was a little heavier than the gloves. I bought the Dahlia's from one of the QVC.com vendors and during the presentation the guy said they could be planted in planters and this way you don't have to dig them out. Just keep planters indoors in the winter. I'll take pictures when they finally bloom and will share with you. I have some giant hibiscus too that are dinner plate size. I love those flowers!

    Tami, great workouts! I've never heard of Sockeye Salmon before but I'm sure it's delicious. I love salmon!
    5lb gloves! That would be too heavy for for a full KB workout but I'm sure adds a huge burn! Mine are 12oz.
    At least you'll get to workout with Katy one day this week and next.
    AWWWW! Your pups are so sweet and adorable! We'd love to have a dog but can't imagine doing it while we both work full time.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was 21DFX Upper Extreme, and another good workout. This one is all weights, but she does each exercise for 1 min. 30 sec of the heavy weight, and 30 sec of light. Again she does the 4 exercises in rounds. I bought this system on a whim, thought it would be good to do when I wasn't feeling like working out. Well it is working like a charm, because so far I'm really enjoying them. Will see how the Pilates one is after work, have not been a huge fan of Pilates in the past.

    Tami, Great job on the leg workout, and I hope whatever you chose to do in the evening was fun. Yep I bought the system, but not the add-on workouts. There are two discs with 7 30 min. workouts, and both of them have the 10 min. Hardcore (have not tried yet). I also received a bonus workout, which is all body weight exercises. Autumn is coming out with a cookbook also, which I'm thinking of getting. I tried her turkey meatballs from the eating plan, and they where very tasty. I don't know if it will be a download, or a BB type thing. Should know in a few days.

    Thelma, Dang on working late! Nice that you where good with the extra weight, but having the gloves probably makes you fierce! ;) I will be very interested to see the size, and beauty of the flowers. I would love to have flowers all over the place, but it will take time.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, XT Bi's and Tri's for me tonight. Didn't have time for a long workout so this one fit the bill.

    Laurie, I'm so happy you're enjoying your workouts! They really sound great! Can't wait to hear how you liked the Pilates workout! What is the name of this program? Who is Autumn?
    I've been working a longer hours than I'd like to this week but a job is a job and sometimes you just have to do it.
    The kickboxing workouts do feel better with the boxing gloves. I have these bubble gum pink ones! LOL. I do want to get a pair of kickboxing gloves. I think those are the fingerless ones Cathe wears on some of her workouts. I'll definitely share the flower pictures with you. I'd love to have flowers all over the place but it is something that really takes time unless you have a lot of money to spend on landscaping. Plants are expensive. As it is every year I spend a few hundred dollars in annuals which are the flowers I use in my planters and hanging baskets so that I can have lots of flowers.

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!