Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies, XT Bi's and Tri's for me tonight. Didn't have time for a long workout so this one fit the bill.

    Laurie, I'm so happy you're enjoying your workouts! They really sound great! Can't wait to hear how you liked the Pilates workout! What is the name of this program? Who is Autumn?
    I've been working a longer hours than I'd like to this week but a job is a job and sometimes you just have to do it.
    The kickboxing workouts do feel better with the boxing gloves. I have these bubble gum pink ones! LOL. I do want to get a pair of kickboxing gloves. I think those are the fingerless ones Cathe wears on some of her workouts. I'll definitely share the flower pictures with you. I'd love to have flowers all over the place but it is something that really takes time unless you have a lot of money to spend on landscaping. Plants are expensive. As it is every year I spend a few hundred dollars in annuals which are the flowers I use in my planters and hanging baskets so that I can have lots of flowers.

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout yesterday, after my hair appt I really didn't have enough time. Will get it in today though. No huge plans for this weekend, just going to DH's nieces graduation party. Should be a nice weekend for it.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout! I will let you know how I like the Pilates. The program is Beachbody's 21 Day Fix Extreme, and the instructor is Autumn Calabrese. She is very encouraging in the workouts, like some instructors she walks around and corrects their form. I have a neighbor that has tons of perennials flowering right now. It really looks pretty. I have annuals also, in my planters.

    Have a great weekend!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday. So for workouts, yesterday I took as a REST day since I didn't get up and then after work I had to get everything ready to leave after work today including preparing some breakfasts for myself and snacks. DH doesn't really like to eat breakfast and no matter what time we get up I will have to eat & snack at some point; my body is so used to that. Plus I did get the lawn mowed. I knew I would not feel like it on Sunday evening so I am so glad I got it done. This a.m. was STS Total Body . . . my supervisor did overhear me saying that I was fishing with DH and said, "why don't you leave early to beat the traffic" - how NICE is that!?!? So I will leave at 4, which will definitely help. I will still be in some 5:00ish traffic but just getting home from here will go way faster.

    Laurie: Love the pic, is that sweet Cami? Guess we both had a REST day yesterday ;) Awesome job with the 21D Fix workouts this week; glad they are paying off nicely for those days you just don't know what w/o to do. It does sound like a good system forsure. That PLYO workout sounds like a goodie forsure!! Hope you had a nice hair appt.

    Thelma: Great job with your workouts as well! I know what you mean on Cathe's bubblegum pink gloves; I think I have seen the exact same ones at Sports Authority and was tempted! LOL I would like to get some of the fingerless ones and have thought about looking for those. I am sure that same store would have them. Yes, the pups are definitely my little loves. I did decide to go for it and take them with me today. Wish me luck, I am planning on stopping with cold water and treats a few times so they get a little break. DH is super happy they are coming; he always misses them.

    Hope you both have a great weekend! I will talk to you on Monday. :)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. We had a pretty good one. On Friday I did RWH Low Impact I & II. I love this premix! On Saturday RWH Circuit Upper Body and today Hard Strikes. Unfortunately, the plantar fasciitis is back. I can't win!

    Laurie, I hope you had a good hair appointment! My Dahlias have buds! I'm not sure if I should cut the smaller buds on the plant so that all the energy goes to the biggest bud.

    Tami, I hope you and your boys had a good time fishing. You've been on fire with your workouts! How nice of your supervisor to let you leave early on Friday. Did you go fishing? Now that I think about it I read that you did do a Cathe workout on Saturday.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Let me see, I got in the Pilates workout done on Friday. I actually enjoyed that one, it used the band for extra resistance. Saturday was the Lower Fix Extreme, and that one is 30 sec of weighted exercise followed by 30 sec of plyo. LOVED that one, reminded me of a shorter version of Cardio Leg Blast. Still got my heart pumping though. Sunday I didn't workout, I was again working to get rid of blackberry bushes and nasty thorny bushes. Had to stop working around 3pm, because there was an angry bee buzzing around me. Got in over 15,000 steps, unearthed a bunch of large rocks, so I figured that was a really good workout. Got into the house and looked at myself, I was covered in dirt.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! I saw that you didn't get to go on the fishing trip from the news feed, sorry to hear about that. Guess the dogs didn't have to take that trip anyway. Yep that is a pic of Cami, she usually doesn't like getting her pic taken. The girls at doggie daycare took that one, and gave it to me. She was the dog of the week. Hair appt was great, and the hair is back to its shortness. I'm loving not having my hair on my neck this summer, it really is nice.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts, but oh no on the feet! Hope you are able to adjust your workouts. Very nice to hear about the budding flowers, I can't wait to see how they bloom. I'd say go for the big flowers. :D

    Laurel, Hope your vacation has been great.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am back and it feels good! DH and I had a fantastic trip to the Pacific Northwest. Totally enjoyed our time there. Even the travel went relatively smoothly, which is always a plus. I did get a workout in each day but one! I was very happy about that, especially on our flying days. Those were long flights and just a little workout in the morning helped tremendously. DH and I also set a goal of walking 15,000 steps each day.....and we met it each day, including the flying days! Believe me, we walked circles in both the Orlando and Seattle airports before taking off. But it was good and made the time pass more quickly. We also did a lot of activity while we were gone--golfing, walking, hiking, etc. And there was still time at the end of the day to enjoy a glass of wine and watch the sunset. So, like I said, it was fantastic.

    We arrived home late Thursday night (more like early Friday morning). The only workout I did on Friday was RWH Upper Body Circuit. Saturday I took off since I hadn't had a break in over a week. Because my DH still has a bit of summer vacation yet, I decided not to start the 12 week rotation until he goes back to work. So I pulled up Cathe's July rotation and started that yesterday. Yesterday was S&H Legs and Shoulders followed by Hard Strikes and Core 1. Today was S&H Chest/Back followed by HiiT 40/20, which I did twice. :p Slow and Heavy is making my muscles quiver, that's for sure.

    Tami, it looks like things have cooled off this week. I hope so. We didn't find it too bad, but we were surprised how hot it was in Victoria! People were complaining.....but also out enjoying it. We didn't see a single raindrop the entire trip.....which isn't necessarily good as things were SO dry. And, of course, we had a few days of smoke from the Washington State and Canada fires. Hoping for rain soon. Sounds like you have been enjoying some good workouts. Hope the fishing trip went well!

    Laurie, sounds like you continue to stay busy. I am happy your daughter's party went well. Love the new photo! Looks like you are enjoying some new workouts. They sound good!

    Thelma, you have been doing some great workouts. Sorry to hear about the plantar fasciitis though. It does recur which is so frustrating. I was really worried about my feet this trip doing alot of walking in sandals and such. But, so far, they feel fine. I hope you get better with some lower impact, stretches and rest. Just FYI, I read recently that one of the best things for PF is to do elevated (in other words, your heels lowering off a step) calf raises with weight. They really seemed to help me. Maybe that is an idea for you as well.....if your foot can handle it of course!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi Ladies - So the weekend did not go as planned :( I made it home, packed up the car & cooler, just having a snack and getting the dogs all set to get in the car & DH called. He was having electrical problems & could smell burning wire :s with that happening the A/C went out. So he told me to hold off leaving just yet; a friend of his who just happens to be an electrician was on his way to go fishing and arrived about an hour later, it was burned wiring which created a short, he got it all fixed but it was about 8:30. We decided leaving in the a.m. Was just a little too long of a drive to come back the next day ... So no fishing for me. Plus, it thundered & lightening there all weekend! Can you guys imagine poor Emma?!

    So a blessing in disguise I guess. So I had a very quiet weekend at home. Weather was way cooler & it even rained a little bit on Fri evening, felt good. I got in my workouts: Sat was Intensity (been a while since I've done that one) and yesterday was Lift It HiiT It Legs + Abs. I also took the dogs for a walk. It was cooler as I mentioned so not too hot for them. Emma didn't go very far and was having a hard time coming back ... :'( But we made it and then I took Bernie for another walk, our usual route. He was pooped as well.
    Today's workout was BootCamp after work. Was a good class and due to the cooler temps we did some running as well. Not crazy like.... Just enough.

    Laurie: Awesome job with your workouts!!!! Really getting in some fun combos it sounds like. Plus your continued hard work in the yard is definitely a good workout! Congrats on Miss Cami being dog of the week! Sweet girl, that's so darling. I'm sure you were proud.

    Thelma: Great ,job with the RWH workouts; that low impact combo you mentioned is a fun one forsure & I bet it felt great. Dang it on the PF showing back up .... Hopefully just a temporary thing for you.

    Laurel: Welcome Back!!! So happy to hear your trip was so much fun & the weather cooperated for you guys. You were probably hoping for some of that normal Pacific NW moisture. We are all happy it is cooling down a bit; the fires & heat have been really rough on so many. That is SO amazing you both walked every day & of course you got in your workouts but one day! That is dedication right there. Sounds like your time was wonderful, I'm so glad for you both.
    I saw that July r oration .... It also looks like a good one. I think until I figure out a longer one I will continue on with these 4 week rotations she keeps posting that are so good. I only have another week of this one (June 2015). Liking the variety and visiting some of the workouts I haven't done in a while.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening! Talk to you tomorrow
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, XT Chest, Back & Shoulders for me tonight. I've been doing the PF exercises I did last time in the mornings. Today I iced before leaving for work but that made my heel hurt. I had a pretty good day though. On my way to work the heel hurt so I was worried but it got better once I started moving around. I used KT tape last night but didn't do a good job and it was already coming off this evening. I wiped with a alcohol wipe but I guess not good enough.
    I forgot to tell you ladies that the management job thing didn't happen. THANK GOD! Well it didn't happen at least for now. It wasn't as simple as changing my title. There needs to be an open req. which has to be posted for others to be able to apply. There isn't a req and we don't think my boss will be able to get one.

    Laurie, great workouts this weekend! Gardening definitely counts! I'm you enjoyed the Pilates workout and you haircut! Cami is so cute! What a good girl too! Doggy of the week!

    Laurel, welcome back! I'm so glad you and your husband had such a great vacation! WTG on those daily workout while on vacation! That July routine sounds wonderful! Great job! I need to find a low impact rotation.
    The PF is sure a big disappointment. I'm doing the same exercises I found last time that helped a lot and taping my foot. I'll start adding calf raises because they are part of the 6 exercises I do in the morning which I skipped today! Thanks for letting me know. I hope this doesn't last too long because DH and I are going to Acadia National Park at the end of the month. I know I won't be 100! then but I hope I can go on walks and hiking.

    Tami, sorry and the fishing trip didn't happen. Everything happens for a reason though and in this case the thunder storms! AWWW! Poor Emma not being able to walk too far.
    Great workouts this weekend! Dang it on the PF is right! I also hope it's temporary!

    Have a good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Wow on the 21DFX Cardio Fix Extreme! That one is really tough. Same concept as the other workouts, 2-3 exercises done twice. These where 2 exercises done for 1 min., and these included weighted work. Then there was a cardio exercise done for 30 sec. The weighted work was cardio based also, so this was non stop cardio. At the end of the workout I was dripping. It was the one and only time I contemplated taking a selfie and sending it to an instructor. Didn't do that of course, but I was tempted. She encourages you to do this on Instagram, I'm not comfortable with that yet.

    Laurel, Sounds like a great trip, and very nice that you where able to workout during that time. WTG on getting back into those great workouts when you arrived home also. I'm surprised by these workouts, they are very good. I really have not found one that I wouldn't enjoy doing again, the cardio one probably will have a slight dread factor because it is tough. One thing I do enjoy is that the exercisers do take breaks. I don't feel to bad going to the modifier for a little while.

    Tami, Glad to hear that your weekend turned out to be a good one despite getting ready, and then not leaving. I think it all worked out for the best in the end. Glad that the electrical short was fixed. Great workouts! I think we are all doing really well with our workouts. We will be heading up north for the weekend, so I know that I will not get in a workout up there. We will not be up there for a long time, just Fri-Mon. Having a combined grad party for my nephew and dd. They both graduated from the same school this year, so we are having a party with my family up at the lake.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! Nice that you are finding exercises to relieve your PF. I have not tried that KT tape before, but have seen people wearing it. Saw a lot of it during dd's track meets. LOL on the job, they have to do that same thing here. I'm looking at getting another dog, DH didn't say no way last night when looking at the gsd's on the humane society's web page. :D

    Have a great day!
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with LIHI Legs, and I added Core 2 to that. For cardio, I did Rockout Knockout including the bonus bag section. Good stuff! Happy to be back to something of a routine, but it won't really be 'my' routine until DH goes back to work. That being said, I am really enjoying this time together and can't believe he only had a couple more weeks off! Where is the summer going?

    Tami, I am so sorry to hear about the weekend, but it does sound like you had a nice time nonetheless. I am really happy your weather has calmed down a bit. Hopefully that will put some of those fires out! While I didn't mind not getting rain while we were up there, I didn't like seeing everything so dry. Reminded me too much of our last two summers in Colorado--summers I never care to repeat because of the fires. So here's hoping to more rain for you! This July rotation seems somewhat similar to the June rotation based on what I recall of the June rotation. But I like how she alternates heavy lifting days with intense cardio days. Kind of my favorite combination actually. :)

    Thelma, I hope those PF exercises help. I find my flare ups can heal more quickly if I just take care of myself. Hopefully you are the same. Well, I guess that is good news from work on the whole promotion/new job issue. At least that is one less thing to worry about. I am jealous of you going to Acadia! I love it up there. Eat some blueberries for me!

    Laurie, sounds like these are really fantastic workouts. Though, like you, I am not sure about the whole selfie thing! Of course, I always look like a mess when I workout, so I am not so sure about sharing that with any form! :o Sounds like a nice weekend planned. Hope your weather is good.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Today’s workout: Lift It HiiT It Back/Bis/Shoulders . . . always good workout there. ;) I brought my gym bag to go to Insane X but I might just head home after work. Katy is still gone, I guess she will be back next week for her classes but won’t be participating because her race is that following weekend.

    Thelma: Great job with Chest Back & Shoulders last night! Sounds like you are tending to your PF situation right away, which is great. Hopefully you were able to get the KT Tape on there better today? It can be tricky stuff sometimes when I have used it. Works and then it doesn’t stay as well the next time. I agree on the everything happening for a reason. Those storms would have been horrible for her and we just wanted it to be fun for all. So it did all work out. DH was kind of bored but he will come home this weekend, so that is good.

    Laurie: Sounds like the 21DFX workouts are really going great! They all sound pretty awesome. I’m with you and Laurel too on the non-selfie action. Especially being a hot sweaty mess and taking one. Not a good look for anyone to see! :# LOL You know how hard you worked, don’t need to prove it. But it is good she encourages peeps to post them. That’s awesome you are enjoying those workout and they are a great cal burn it sounds like. I think you are right on the workouts ~ we all seem to be in a groove and getting things done! Your weekend sounds like it will be really nice. I know you always have a nice time at the lake. Do you think you will be able to talk DH into another dog? Cami would love a pal I am sure. My girlfriend who has the 1.5 year old recently adopted a 3-yr old dog to be a companion with her Pug. They are like instant brothers.

    Laurel: Your workout today sounds like lots of fun! Since I just did that leg workout Sunday I know the fun factor in it and great job with RK adding on. It always feels good to be back from vaca and get into the regular routine of workouts. I agree on these rotations that have the heavier lifting + cardio alternating; a nice combo throughout the week. Yes, one of the fires closest to us is 60% contained now, so that is great news. One of the ladies at work was only a few miles from this fire. She had to stay home one day and make sure she was prepared to evacuate. Super scary. Our weather is heating back up this weekend; 92 on Sunday and continued sunshine. So no rain in the future really. When DH goes back to work (can’t believe only a couple weeks away either ….. where does the time go?) are you planning on the RWH/XT/LIS rotation? Was that the one you were thinking of next?

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening! :)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies, XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact HiiT for me tonight. My foot felt better today so I'm happy about that. This workout tonight does have a log of lunges which I should not be doing with PF so I had to modify by keeping them very shallow.

    Laurie, I'm so glad you're enjoying your workout program so much. Is this the first time you do the entire program? How exciting about getting another dog! How old is Cami? I don't know if it is the same with dogs but with cats they always recommend to not pair a young cat with an older cat given how much energy a young cat has.
    I'm sure you saw plenty of athletes during your DD's track meets with KT tape! LOL. When you are able to get it on right it does help.
    What? You guys need to hire a manager? I thought someone was hired that you were training? Guess what? I cut extra buds in one of my Dahlias as an experiment. The problem is that the giant crown I planted produced 3 plants in one pot. One of the plants is a bigger than the other 2 and it is on this plant that I cut the extra buds and left just one. We'll see how it goes!

    Laurel, WTG with today's workout! Nice combo! I hear you about the summer flying by! Is it me just or does time go by really fast the older a person gets?
    We are already in mid-July!!!
    I am excited about going to Acadia Laurel. I went there years ago and I'm excited to go back. I don't remember anything about blueberries though but if I find them I will eat them! I love blueberries.
    I am taking care of my feet Laurel. You know last week when I started to feel the heel tightness I couldn't remember what it was. Talk about a senior moment! I am massaging my feet as well as my calves, doing the exercises and I'm also icing. At night I'm wearing the soft boot the ortho gave me when I had Achilles tendon problems.

    Tami, great workout today! I wonder what Katy is going to say to you when she finds out you haven't been to the class because she's not there? I guess you can tell her the class is not the same without her if she gives you a hard time for skipping it! LOL
    I hope you guys get a lot of rain soon! I am totally tending to my PF right away. I already feel improvement. I didn't take the KT tape off even though some spots are no longer sticking. I take my showers at night because my skin itches like crazy when I shower during the day. Don't ask me why. I have no idea why this is the case. So last night when I showered the parts near the calves were just hanging on the side of my ankles. I dried the tape with a blow dryer and then I wrapped an ACE bandage around my foot and ankle area to keep the tape in place overnight. It worked! Even though the tape was not place as taut as it should've been it is helping. I decided to wait a couple of days before I change it.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was 21DFX Dirty 30 Extreme. Another good workout, done in the same fashion as the previous workouts. This one was more weight related, doing to exercise for 1 min. each. Very shoulder heavy, if what I'm feeling today is an indication. :D I think that I'm going to do these for the full 21 days, really enjoying them so far. Of course my 21 days will be more like 30 with all the rest days I have taken. :D

    Laurel, Awesome workouts! Glad that you are enjoying the time with your DH. You are right the summer is going very fast. Have been enjoying it so far, it is nice during the day and the drops into the 50's at night. Perfect for sleeping, at least for me with my small heat waves. That is the very reason why I wouldn't think of a selfie, I'm such a mess after my workout. Wouldn't want the whole world to see that.

    Tami, More great workouts! Is Katy doing a marathon or something else, I can't remember what you said. She is going to be doing that during very warm weather, hope she is training in the heat also. ;) I think that I have DH convinced that we should get a pal for Cami. I think that she could use the stimulation of another dog being in the house. I know that she loves going to daycare to see all her friends, so having another dog would be good for her. I don't think that DH wants a puppy, I think a puppy would be okay. We will see what happens after next week when we are done with all the parties and the car show. If the humane society has German Shepherds, then we will be looking at them for sure. He almost relented yesterday, but that would mean that we have a new dog and going up north. Not a good option.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout, and doing modifications for help your PF. Don't need that to flare up on you. Yep I really am enjoying these workouts, and it surprised me. I think they are working really well for the amount of time I have available with getting ready to head up north. Cami is 10 yrs old, but she has been playing with other dogs at daycare. I'm going to ask them at the daycare what they think also. They probably have a good idea how she would react to having a pal. They will also let us bring Cami to the humane society to see how well she would interact with the dog we pick. We do have our manager, and he has been here about a month now. But our business does have to do the postings, and then sometimes re-postings because no one is qualified ;) or they don't receive the right candidates.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today's workout with Slow and Heavy Triceps and Biceps. I really enjoyed doing Slow and Heavy again this week. I really should do it more often......but I say that about so many workouts. Oh well. For cardio, I did Cardio Fusion, which felt really good today.

    Tami, I understand about Insane X. I bet you are ready for Katy to be back, though it is probably smart for her to ease back a bit right now. Hopefully in a few weeks, things will get back to normal. Sorry to hear about the lack of rain. It is so concerning, isn't it? We are really dry here as well....but not nearly as dry as you. Hope something's changes soon. Yes, my next rotation will be the RWH/XT/LIS rotation. DH goes back to work the first week in August (some time that week.....he isn't sure which day), so this rotation will take me to the second week in August and then I am going to jump in to it. Want to repeat it? :p

    Thelma, sounds like a perfect workout for your foot, and I am sure that even with the modifications, it was effective. I love that workout. I am a blueberry lover, so whenever somebody mentions Maine, I think 'blueberries'. We were there last time in September, so they were out of season. But I think this is the season for them right now. I want to go back just for the fresh blueberry preserves! Seems like a long trip for that though. ;) Glad to hear you are taking care of yourself and already feeling better.

    Laurie, sounds like another great workout. I am really happy you are enjoying this series. Sounds like a good one based on your descriptions. Boy, I would love 50's at night! We are getting down to about 76 at night right now. The daytime heat isn't really getting to me yet (though that story will change next month if last year is any indication) but I would love some fresh air at night. Moved the wrong place for that, that's for sure! How fun looking for a new pup! I think it is probably a good plan not to introduce one into the family until you are home from your long weekend and everything is more settled. But it should be great for Cami to have a friend.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I did go home and did my RWH Back/Shoulders/Bi's workout and did the xtreme pre-mix with 4 rounds + finishers. My biceps were on fire at the end. Bernie is hilarious, he tries to come right into my workout space and "watch" . . . he will lay right on the mat watching me or he tries to pick up the little weights. Last night he found my "Dixie cups" that I have sitting there for various workouts and wanted to parade around with those in his mouth. Just a busy boy he is. Today was a quick RWH Plyo #1, we had an early staff meeting this a.m. and tonight I think I will hit the Spin class before I head home. :) We have the "good music" instructor in place of Amy.

    Thelma: Great job getting in your LI HiiT workout, despite the foot problem. Glad it is feeling a little better though, that's awesome. Probably taking care of it right away is saving the day. ;) Yes, I know Katy will give me a horrible time if she finds out; I will just compliment her teaching and say it's not the same workout without her. She doesn't understand the "dogs are home alone", etc....

    Laurie: Not surprised to hear you are going to just complete the 21+ day Fix rotation of workouts! Sounds like a perfect plan especially if you are enjoying them so much. Katy is going to be doing a Half Iron Man Race, which in my eyes is worse (tougher) than a marathon, LOL. I think it will be warm where she is going to race in it, but I am not sure where. For some reason I think it is Colorado. But yes, she would have been training in this heat. No option not too. YIKES. She will do well I am sure. I am so excited for you guys to have another family member to keep Cami company. I bet you are right, she will love it most likely and how nice to have a "try out" before bringing one home. That's what my friend that I mentioned did with the dog she took home. Love that you guys are going to the Humane Society too.

    Laurel: Another great combo! The S&H really is one of those you say that to yourself, I agree. As many others when I re-visit them. :) Yes, the dry is very concerning. It is always a concern in Central Washington each and every year so I have been "aware" of it but not like when it is only a couple hours away with major, life changing fires happening on hillsides next to one of the deepest lakes around. You know, that might not be a bad idea for me to repeat that one with ya ;) I don't have anything planned and could easily enjoy doing it again.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ Talk to you tomorrow! :)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi Ladies, I decided to take today off. I had a really exhausting day at work and I simply didn't have the energy to workout. Yesterday's workout didn't my foot good. The PF was really stiff today.
    I'm taking Friday off so tomorrow is my Friday. I can't wait!

    Laurie, WTG with your new workouts! I'm glad you've got your husband convinced that Cami needs a playmate and that you will be adopting it from the humane society. Great idea to ask the doggy daycare people about suggestions for a new dog.

    Laurel, awesome workouts! You're right about this being blueberry season! The All out low impact Hiit was effective even though I modified. I can't believe how many calories I burned. If you'd like I could find you the blueberry preserves and ship them out to you. Just let me know.

    Tami, great workouts! I your spin class a lot of fun! Bernie sounds like a funny boy! I workout in the basement and the cats are not allowed there as there is an unfinished section where the furnace and water filter are at in addition to storage. Otherwise, they'd be all over me too! LOL
    I have to go easier on my foot. I wish my bike was fixed but we don't have the part we need yet. I'll be limited to walking and seriously low impact. No lunges even if shallow.
    I definitely think you'll be safe with Katy using the excuse of not going to the gym because you missed her style.

    Have a good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was 21DFX Yoga Fix Extreme (this one has a lot of Vinyasas), and since I was up at 4:30 am I did Plyo Fix Extreme this morning. I have a lot to get done tonight, so I'm glad that my workout is in the bank for the day. ;) My DH is now talking about another dog, so he is on board. I knew it wouldn't take to much convincing. When our previous dog passed, we should have had another one around. It took DH 5 years to want another dog, he was very close to her.

    Laurel, Great workouts! Just to many workouts and not enough time to get them all done. :) I have that same problem with all the good workouts that you want to do again, but then another one comes up to distract you. ;) 2nd week in August for that rotation, I think that I would be on board with that too! I can do another two weeks of these 21DFX workouts, or even some Kelly workouts before the rotation. So count me in on that rotation. Usually we don't have those nice temps at night during July, it usually starts happening in August. With my little heat waves, I don't know if I would be happy living in FL :D .

    Tami, Love the workouts! LOL about Bernie! He sure sounds like a sweetie. Mine just lays on her yoga mat (yes she has her own), and waits for me to finish. Sometimes she will come over and lick my face when I'm doing abs, but not to often. Cami is a HS dog, so we decided that our next one would be also. She has been one of the best dogs that I have ever owned. I'm excited to be doing a rotation with you guys again. Will have to look over the workouts next week while on vacation, just to see if there is anything like CCC to replace. :D Cool that Katy is doing the Iron Man, that has to be tough training.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you where so tired, but glad that you took the day off to recuperate. Don't want to injure something else, because you are tired. ;) I asked them this morning, and they told me that she gets along with all the dogs. That was good to hear, we will see what she things about taking one home though. ;) Enjoy your Friday today! ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi Ladies! I started today with Butts and Guts. It has always been one of my faves, and it didn't disappoint today. For cardio, I did a combo starting with HiiT Double Wve Pyramid right into RWH Low Impact HiiT Two. I really enjoyed it.

    Tami, so funny about Bernie!! How do you concentrate? I would be laughing throughout my workout. But I suppose that isn't bad as Cathe says 'laughter works the core!' Yay for possibly joining Laurie and I on this rotation!! That would be fun!

    Thelma, I am glad you took a day off. By the sounds of it, you needed it. Hope your foot relaxes a bit with the rest. Can we talk you into joining us for the 12 week RWH/XT/LIS rotation? I know you have some travel plans this fall, but it could be fun! Here is a link (I hope) to the rotation. Looks like a good one. Thank you SO much for offering to send me blueberry preserves! Actually (and ironically) one of DH's students works on a farm with her grandparents during the summer, and she has given us two jars of fresh blueberry preserves. While the blueberries aren't quite as good as those in Maine (not as sweet), they are good enough and I don't want to waste them. But thank you!! Any other time, I probably would have taken you up on the offer. I hope you enjoy your day off tomorrow.

    Laurie, great workouts, especially getting one in at 4:30am! Yay for joining in on the 12 week rotation!! You all never fail to motivate me, so I am really looking forward to this. Yep, the temps in Florida do have me a tad--overbaked--at times. I often wonder if I am having a hot flash or am just hot. I use DH as my guide, though. If he is sweating too, it isn't a hot flash!! :D At least that is what I tell myself. :p

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :) Last night' Spin class was pretty good. I was glad I went & due to a little cooler temps yesterday and today I didn't feel quite as guilty for the pups being outside. This a.m. was Lift It HiiT It Chest/Shoul/Tri's (xtreme premix), just love that extra add-on! No workout tonight. I will probably swing by the grocery store tonight and get something for tomorrow's dinner. DH will be home so I am sure he is dying to have something at home. Plus I can get my little load of laundry from the week done and put away. He will have a BUNCH. He is only home for the weekend and then back next week. Then he is done there. The Fall season is just around the corner though ..... end of September.

    Thelma: Sounds like a much needed and well deserved REST day! Way to not push it. You probably really needed it and your foot probably thanked you too. Sorry to hear your bike is still waiting on a part. I know you will figure some low impact workouts into your regime though. Yes, Bernie is a very funny little guy. He is sweet and a little mischievous with me but tends to "test" DH's patience at times. :D I think it is in how you approach him and try to tell DH that. LOL I hope you can join us for the upcoming rotation! ;)

    Laurie: Yahoo on the upcoming rotation! It is a fun one and has such a great mix of workouts with those programs. That is so wonderful your hubby is on board now. Mine was that way when we lost our other lab (Jeter), prior to Bernie. He wasn't going to get one but Emma seriously was depressed and you could just tell; so he said we needed another dog for her. LOL Even though he loves him too and I think wanted him the moment he saw that cute face. I have heard that about HS animals; they are always one of the best pets a person can own. I always love that sign I have seen "Who Rescued Who" about HS animals.

    Laurel: Awesome job and great cardio combo! Again, YAHOO on the upcoming rotation and thank you for the invite! I am looking forward to it. Yes, when Bernie does that I do start cracking up. I have often had to pause the DVD, make him go lay on his bed and tell him to STAY. Trying to be serious the whole time too.

    I hope you all enjoy your afternoon/evening! I will talk to you tomorrow . . . cannot believe it is already Friday tomorrow. Where do the week's go?!?! :o
