Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a good one. On Friday I did XT Bi's & Tri's, Saturday Kick, Punch and Crunch and today Spinning. I'm taking my CPR/First Aid yearly training on Tuesday. I hope we don't get out too late so I can get my workout in.

    Laurie, great workouts!!! I'm glad your DD didn't need the heavy duty pain meds! lucky girl! I hope she is doing better and hopefully eating normal foods!

    Tami, amazing workouts! Funny about Katy giving you a hard time for skipping one of her classes! LOL
    I'm glad you had a stress test before! I had to run! They kept cranking the speed up! I had two ladies in there with me. Each one of them was controlling different things. I think one did the treadmill and the other lady was checking my heart.

    Have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Not a good weekend for workouts, but I did manage to get in the RWH LIHI Chest and Tricep premix on Sunday. I then got outside between the rain to get some weeds pulled, and some plants in the ground. We have been getting soaked around here, but the graduation we went to on Saturday got in before any rain came. DH's niece was happy about that.

    Tami, Love that total body workout, and great job on the encouragement to your friend. I'm sure that it gives her motivation when she knows that someone is there to support her. The FastFix is not with the BR set, it is one that you can purchase alone. It has three different workouts, that are each around 20 min. The workouts are upper, lower and abs. She is a little different on the kickboxing part, in that she only does one side. The way she does it, you do work out both sides evenly. Just doing different types of kicks and punches. Yep that is how I put my bands on my opposite arms. The calculations can take a little getting used to, but MFP will subtract the FitBit reading from your HM reading to make your calculations more accurate. Yesterday I had a positive FitBit reading, because I was so active. I think that you will have fun with it once you get it.

    Thelma, Good workouts! I see that you to in KPC again. :) Yep DD is on normal foods, and her stitches have dissolved. It was really funny to see her enjoying pizza. ;)

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Back to a more normal schedule, at least for a little while. DH and I really enjoyed his week off last week. We golfed 7 of the 9 days, took a long drive by the ocean, saw the shuttle Atlantis at Kennedy Space Center......and got lots of work done around the house. In fact, Saturday (my day off from workouts) was spent in the garden changing all the mulch, bricking in around the trees, etc. Of course, we would choose the hottest day of the year to do it. But it looks so much better than the way the builder had done it, so it was worth it.

    But after a late dinner on Saturday night, necessary follow-up work in the garden, sore muscles, and the hope for a round of golf in the afternoon, my workout on Sunday was cut in half. I did Cathe's Bootcamp which was actually perfect for loosening me up and making me feel like I worked my total body in an hour. But back to normal today! I started with XT Burn Sets Upper Body premix and then did Core 2. For cardio, I did RWH Plyo HiiT One Doubled premix. <3

    Tami, how fantastic to be encouraging your friend in being more active! Sounds like you have been doing some good workouts, even if Katy gave you a bad time last week. About my Fitbit, I don't use it to its full effect (because of my number obsession), but it is a motivator that's for sure. I wear it on my non-dominant hand. I question the accuracy at times, but I think it is a good guideline to showing how active I am being. And it does seem to count my steps when I am not using my arms (for instance, when we golf I push a cart with my clubs, so my hands are pretty still but those steps get counted). But it has really helped illustrate to me how inactive I can be at times! Kinda shocking to be honest.

    Thelma, great workouts! Sounds like you are really enjoying KPC. Hope your floor turns out the way you like. I would absolutely love a proper workout floor.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about all of the rain. Send some here!! We could use it right now. Good workout yesterday! Glad to hear your DD is all healed from her wisdom teeth extraction. Bet the pizza tasted good to her!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday!! Good weekend of workouts and even a short dog walk yesterday. Emma realizes we are turning around way earlier than her "norm" and looks at me plus puts on the breaks. It's for her own good, poor girl. But once we were home and she forgot about the short walk I think she was satisfied. So Sat. a.m. was KCM Plateau Buster and yesterday started week #12 of my rotations with High Reps. Again, this one feels great to me and it is one that has grown on me over time. Not sure why it wasn't up there on the list before, but really enjoyed it these last couple of times. Today will be BootCamp after work. I hope there is a little more variety, but since I missed this a.m. and don't have the house to myself tonight, I will opt for the BC class. ;) Get a workout in anyway.

    Laurel: Sounds like you enjoyed time with your DH and a bunch of golf! That is so awesome. Great job getting in some quality yard work as well. Yowsa on the HOT weather and hottest day to do it, but I bet it feels great to get it done. Thanks for the additional info on the FitBit. I did order one on Sat. so I will be excited to start using it. I am borderline "number obsessive" as you know, so I hope to not get too involved in those numbers and just use it for what it is meant for. LOL :(

    Laurie: Sounds like you also had some quality time in the yard . . . in between rain storms. Good on you guys for getting it done! Great job getting in the RWH workout yesterday, I am sure it felt great. Thank You again for your info on the FitBit, as I mentioned to Laurel I went ahead and ordered one, so I will be excited to use it. Just another tool for me to gauge and compete with myself. LOL :)

    Thelma: Awesome workouts over the weekend! Your foot must be really doing well these days and not bothering you nearly as much, which is outstanding. Hope your class doesn't go too long for you too. ;)

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ Talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did Cathe's Body Blast Series Legs & Glutes is the other workout in the KPC DVD. I did a shorter version as I had to stay late at work. Good stuff!

    Laurie, that is a good RWH premix! I'm glad your DD is back to normal. I bet pizza never tasted so goood! LOL
    I hope next weekend is a better one for gardening for you. We had a great weekend here but it's been raining since last night. I really enjoy the KPC. I needed a big burn on Saturday since we were having company and I knew I was going to eat too much!

    Laurel, welcome back! I'm so glad you two had such a wonderful week! Of course you had to pick the hottest day of the year for garden work! LOL
    I hope my floor turns out to be what I expect. DH hasn't ordered the floor yet but he knows what he has to get. The KPC is a lot of fun. I've not tried the Kick Max yet but will have to try it soon.

    Tami, great workouts! I'm so glad Emma is still enjoying her walks even shorter ones. Have fun tonight at the gym. My foot is doing better. I was able to stand on the spinning bike on Sunday but of course I kept it short. I found out today the class tomorrow won't be a long one so I'll be able to get out at a normal time.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did RWH LIHI Back & Biceps Premix yesterday. The youngest and her bf are digging out the foundation for our patio, and they got about half way done! I was really impressed. They broke a shovel, our dirt has a lot of clay in it, so not surprised that it broke. I think that they are having an easier time with the really moist soil, it would be hard to dig in when dry.

    Laurel, Great workouts, and so glad that you were able to get in all that golfing. Sounds like a really nice week. I can understand the soreness from gardening. My legs where feeling all the squats that I did, sure surprises you the next day as to what has doms. I sure wish that I could send that rain your way, today seems to be better since the sun is our and no dark clouds.

    Tami, Guess that I have to do that High Reps workout again, because I found that one not fun the first time I did it. Maybe it will grow on me also. Good workouts you got in. Emma and Cami sound like the same dog, she does the same thing for me when I cut her walks short. It just takes so much longer to get places, now that she has slowed down. I'm sure that you will have fun with the fitbit. I need to get some different colored bands, just to shake things up. :D

    Thelma, Nice job on the workout. Now how did you know that I needed to do more gardening. With the new patio, I will be adding in a couple of flower beds. I probably will be transplanting some plants that I was saving just for this. Think I will be going with a raised bed for one of them though.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Lower Body Blast which I always enjoy. For cardio, it was Kick Max which I again enjoyed, especially for the extra hit on the legs.

    Tami, hope the Bootcamp class was all right. Great weekend workouts! I completely agree about High Reps. It didn't leave much of an impression when I first got it (I think it suffered a little in comparison to the other workouts it was released with--Intensity, LBB, and STS Total Body), but now it ranks as one of my favorite total body workouts. Glad you are enjoying it as well! Hope you enjoy your Fitbit when you get it.

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed your Legs and Glutes workout. Are you feeling it today? That one always makes me a bit sore. I was thinking about you today when I was doing Kick Max. It really is a good workout. It is just very different from KPC.....but that is okay too! Hope you enjoy it!

    Laurie, great workout. I hear you on the post-gardening DOMS. I really felt it in my shoulders! I expected my legs to be sore, but it was my upper body. Weird. Hope you dry out soon. I looked at a weather map yesterday and both coasts are warm (in some cases, hot) and dry, and you in the middle are cool and wet! I bet you are anxious for some summer weather right about now.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies and Happy Tuesday!!! Last night's BC class was nearly the same as usual but it was all a single body part at each station; working the muscle in a different way each round (total of 3). We also had one station of sprints and one of burpees; along with a cardio session in the middle of class which was mtn climbers for about 4 min. 20 sec on, 10 sec off. So it was a different mix, just the same exercises for body parts. I was glad I went. Partnered up with a couple girls I didn't know. they both told me thank you for challenging them, which was a nice compliment I felt. They looked at me wide-eyed a couple times when I picked up heavy weights.
    This a.m. was Low Impact HiiT #1 & #2 combo, really like that pre-mix. Tonight will be Insane-X after work. Fingers crossed we are inside, it is hot again today. B)

    Thelma: Great job with the Legs & Glutes workout; that is one of my favorites for a leg workout. Glad to hear your foot is doing better. I am glad Emma is handling the shorter walks too, she just loves going and so does Bernie. I hate to not take him because of her "limits" but I would feel so guilty if she saw us go down the road without her. :'(

    Laurie: Another awesome workout with Bi's/Tri's pre-mix yesterday. That is so great they are digging out that area for your new patio. I am sure having clay dirt does help a lot with all the moisture you are having. We are NOT having moisture still, cooled down a bit but today is 86, so not overly cool. The A/C in our office is down right now too so it's getting a bit toasty in here. Yes, give High Reps a try again . . . you might change your mind on it like I did. That is funny about Cami and Emma being twins on the smart factor, not wanting to turn around. How do they know?!?! I will probably ask you & Laurel some questions when my FitBit arrives. ;)

    Laurel: Great work and sounds like a perfect combo! It's funny how different workouts can grow on you in time. I think you are exactly right and I was thinking that the other day; it was the level of intensity it had arriving with those others. I'm glad to report the BC class was pretty good, even if it was kind of the same. (if that makes sense).

    I hope you ladies have great evenings! I will talk to you tomorrow . . . Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, my CPR/First Aid class went well and we finished early because only 6 out of the 9 trainees showed up so I had more time for my workout. Ladies I did Low Max and XT Chest, Back and Shoulders. It felt so good to be able to do the step workout. I kept the step at 6 inches. My foot felt fine while I was working out but now I'm feeling a little sore.

    Laurie, awesome workout! How wonderful to have your DD and her bf help with dig out the patio foundation. I'm sure the moist soil is helping. I hope they finishing digging out the entire patio area for you! You are doing a lot of gardening! WOW! How are those peonies and hydrangeas doing? Did they survive? My peonies were beautiful this year.

    Laurel, today's combo sounds like a really awesome one! Good job! I may just try Kick Max this weekend!
    I'm feeling the leg workout today but it's not too bad. I think it's because I spent a good amount of time massaging my thighs with my pvc pipe and this massage ball I have. If I don't massage well my knees suffer and I can tell going down stairs that my hams and quads are a little tight.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I'm glad you liked your BC class! I didn't realize you weren't taking Bernie on walks with Emma! Poor thing getting sad if she saw you walking away from the house with Bernie! That really must be so hard and sad.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was RWH LIHI Legs Strength Premix! :D The thing that I love about these workouts, is that you feel the DOMS two days after the workout. ;)

    Laurel, When I read that you did LBB, the first thing I thought was she did her favorite lower body workout. ;) Yes we would love some summer weather around here, it just seems that we are mowing and gardening in-between the cold and rain. Shouldn't complain, but it just seems that by the time summer comes, it ends and we have snow.

    Tami, I love that you where able to motivate the other ladies in the class! Of course you will have them lifting those heavy weights in the not to distant future I'm sure. That is not fun to have the a/c not working in that hot weather. You have to dress accordingly so that you don't sweat to much. ;) I might have to change my mind on Cami being a smart dog, she was looking for a cat this morning and couldn't see the thing sitting on a pile of wood. It was looking at her, and she was trying to find it. Too funny! :o

    Thelma, WTG on the workouts, guess that it will take a few tries for the foot to be okay with the step. That of course is the step workout that I enjoy the most. The kids got everything done, but now my DH is looking at the pitch. Might have to haul some of the dirt back over. :D He was doing the calculating in his head when I left for work this morning. So far the plants look good, I'm hoping that they will survive. I'm going to cover them over the winter, just to make sure.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Did a great combo of workouts today. To start, I did XT Discs 1&2 (Chest, Back and Shoulders and Bi's and Tri's). I love this combo! It isn't much longer than doing the Upper Body premix of Burn Sets, but I enjoy it so much more. For cardio, my rotation called for Low Max, but I opted for Hardcore Extreme Workout 2, which is a combo of Low Max and IMAX3. Felt great today.

    Tami, I am happy to hear the BC class was pretty good.....and you were able to inspire others! I hope you were able to stay inside last night for your InsaneX class. I can't imagine it would be any fun leaving a hot office to go and workout in the heat. Sounds like you might be in for a long summer. I think we are in for the same. Could be worse, of course. But it is toasty!

    Thelma, great workout!! It is so funny because, once again, I was thinking about you during my workout. I remember you enjoyed Low Max and was wondering when you might feel up to it. And I was so happy to come here and find out you already feel up to it!! I bet it felt fantastic! And what a great choice for easing yourself back into step. And then to combine it with XT. Sounds like we did the same workout actually!! :)

    Laurie, I love that premix! You are right about LBB being my favorite. But it is slowly being replaced by LIHI Legs. Love that workout. I definitely remember having summers like you are experiencing and it is no fun come October. So I will try not to complain about our heat.....too much. ;)

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well another Katy scorcher for “Insanity”, we did circuits similar to what we have done before, in the gym but she included a lot of sprints and burpees. So all felt normal tough until the end and we would do 2 sets of “suicide drills” and then 5 burpees, 2 sets & 4 burpees, etc…. until down to 0 burpees and hold plank until everyone was done. I was feeling my a.m. workout and heavy weights that I pushed through the circuit when it came to all those sprints. My hamstrings were feelin it this a.m. but they have loosened up. XT Bi’s/Tri’s this a.m. and tonight will be Spinning.

    Thelma: I can see why you thought I said I leave Bernie at home. :o I definitely don’t leave him behind, they both go on the shorter route now. I was trying to say if I left one of them behind to accommodate the “needs” of either it would be so sad to leave him (or her) standing at the gate. So I definitely take them both; DH would need to be home and distract one of them if I only took one pup at a time. Fantastic news on getting in a step workout with your foot! I bet it did feel amazing! Great work.

    Laurie: Another great one with RWH! They are a great workout forsure. ;) A lot packed into each one, that’s forsure. Thanks for that on the other ladies in the class . . . it was a surprise to me when they thanked me. LOL I am sorry you are not getting good weather right now, I know exactly how that goes, just like Laurel . . . we have often had our summers start in late July or even August and it seems so short and then you are into short days and Fall again. Hopefully that won’t be the case for you guys!

    Laurel: Way to go on your workouts today! Sounds perfect :) That’s exactly what I was thinking yesterday was after being so hot at work all day to go outside for our workout was going to feel terrible. So thank goodness we were in the gym and the A/C was working there. IT is all good at work today as well.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ I will talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, I was feeling tired tonight so I did spinning. My foot was a little sore today but felt better in the afternoon. The foot is sore again after spinning.

    Laurie, great workout. Funny you're talking about DOMS because Laurel asked me if I was feeling the leg workout from the other day and I felt a little but I feel it more today! LOL
    OMG! I can't believe your husband may have to haul dirt back over! I'm glad your plants are doing good. I'm sure they will survive and good idea to protect them in the winter. DH makes these A frame covers for our plants so they don't get crushed by the weight of the snow.

    Laurel, what an awesome combo! We definitely did the same workouts! I really like Low Max. It is easy to follow! It felt really good to do this type of workout again. It feels good to be drenched in sweat! LOL

    Tami, sounds like another killer Katy workout! I don't know about the scorcher part. Sorry I misunderstood what you wrote about taking Emma and Bernie for a walk.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited June 2015
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did the the shoulder work from both RWH LIHI workouts and Bonus Abs #1. I sure wish that Cathe had put a premix of just the shoulder work, but I can handle putting in a different disc. :D I was able to go heavier than doing the workout in the normal fashion.

    Laurel, Another great combo. Way to get that muscle endurance going with that combo! I would probably agree with you on the LIHI Leg workout moving up to the favorite spot. I really enjoy that one also. My DH was down in Jacksonville yesterday, he is flying home today. I hope that he isn't to disappointed in our weather when he gets back.

    Tami, Wow on the bc workout, she really made you all work. WTG on working through the planks, even though you where feeling the worked muscles. Looks like everyone is getting in some great combos. I'm hoping for some improvement, it usually get better around the end of June and beg of July. I just have to get out to pull all the weeds from the garden. One thing all this rain brings out are the weeds. :)

    Thelma, WTG on the workout! I love those workouts that sneak up on you like that. LOL, I was laughing at him about that also, but it looks like they just have to move some of the dirt at one end over to the other end. I'm sure that he was happier about that. That plant fortress sounds interesting, I have been using plastic planters and putting a brick on top. Seems to be working.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started my workout day with a workout I haven't done in years.....the lower body premix from Muscle Endurance. I used to love this premix and don't quite know why I stopped doing it. Lots of leg presses, but it gives the legs and core a fantastic workout in a short amount of time (under 40 minutes). Then I took a bit of a break before jumping in to RWH Lower Body Circuit followed by Plyo HiiT Two. My legs are done for the day! :p

    Tami, sounds like an insane class, that's for sure! But I am happy she left you inside. That suicide/burpee drill sounds killer. I am surprised you could move this morning!

    Thelma, sounds like Legs and Glutes caught up with you. Like Laurie, I often get my worst DOMS two days after a workout. Good job with the spinning. Probably a perfect way to vary your workouts while you are still recovering/building endurance.

    Laurie, I, too, wish Cathe had put all of the LIHI shoulder work in one premix. It really makes for a thorough shoulder workout. Hope your DH didn't melt in Jacksonville! I don't know what the temps are in Jacksonville right now, but Central Florida has been near record breaking temps all week. At least we get a nice breeze in the evening (despite no rain) so DH and I were actually able to eat dinner outside last night, despite the heat. That breeze is a really nice and pleasant surprise in our new home, for sure.

    I may be MIA tomorrow as DH is off again. So if I am, I hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night was a fun Spinning class. Katy was gone so an instructor I have had before filled in; what makes her class "fun" is her music. She always has great music so the time seems to go really fast. She is in love with HILLS however so my hamstrings were talking to me again, but I think all in all it helped loosen them up. This a.m. was RWH Lower Body Circuit + Abs, <3 this one! Tonight is my night away from the gym I may make a Costco run and a short walk, it's cooler today. We will see.

    Thelma: No worries on the dog walk story! Just didn't want you to think I was neglecting poor little Bernie. ;) Sorry to hear your foot was bothering you a little yesterday; I am sure it is completely normal. Great job getting in a Spin yesterday.

    Laurie: Way to work yesterday with the RWH Shoulders & Core workout. Don't you feel like those workouts just fly right along?!? Wearing my Fitbit today! I put it on yesterday and wore it to Spinning. I can see why my friend puts the bigger band around her ankle, I don't think it registered nearly as much as it should on a 60-min Spin class. I may try that next week. Going for a bike ride with my friend tomorrow so I will probably just have it on and gauge that as well. Didn't know how to do the "sleep" function but read about it today. Tapping it until it buzzes. Just have to remember to tap again in the a.m.

    Laurel: What a great combo! It's been a little while but we did do one of the same workouts today, don't you just love that RWH Lower Body Circuit. :) I was definitely surprised at the soreness yesterday in the a.m. Have to think it was from all those sprints and we would run forward and backward on a lot of them. :o Sounds like that Muscle Endurance lower body would be a good compliment to any shorter leg workout! Tri-Sets lower comes to mind. :) Have fun with DH tomorrow and a great weekend.

    Hope you all have a great afternoon/evening ~ I will talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, XT Bi's & Tri's tonight. I was able to go a little heavier than I've done before. I am a little upset about work and I didn't feel like working out but forced myself to do it. My boss wants to make me the a manager of the team I lead today. This is a lateral move meaning no raise just more work. I've tried to get out of doing this but it's not working. If I don't do it I may end up reporting to someone I would not like because it will be someone internal. My boss says I already do the work and this will give me authority I don't have now. Why me?
    I am off tomorrow so today is my Friday! YAAY!

    Laurie, awesome workout and congrats for going heavier. I wish you had a multi-disk DVD player like Laurel and I have. It is so much easier to load the different disks you'll use in one shot.
    I'm sure your husband was happy that he only needs to haul back part of the dirt. Good idea to use a bucket! Our plants are too big for a bucket though. A co-worker told me about the A frames and DH built them. Soon after that a few of our neighbors also had A frames for their plants! LOL

    Laurel, sounds like quite a leg workout! I'm sure you stopped doing that workout because you have too many others to do! LOL Great job!
    The second day DOMS surprised me! I felt it on my legs and my glutes. My foot is a little achy so I have to give it a break and do easier things.

    Tami, I'm glad you loved the spinning class. It's always refreshing when you have a different instructor. There is only so much variety one instructor can come up with and Katy is very creative! That RWH lower body circuit is awesome.
    The thought of you neglecting Barnie never crossed my mind.

    Good night ladies and have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I really needed to get in my garden and weed, so I took yesterday as recreational cardio. :D Not that there was a ton of cardio, but I was busy. Nothing going on this weekend, so I should be able to finish up the rest of the weeding. I'm also hoping to get some idea of what I would like to do with the new patio. We are going to be putting up a privacy screen (back yard is open to the road), so need to convince Dh that my idea is the best idea. :D So quiet here at work today, and even the people here are coming into the office to record a half day! I think I will have an opportunity to leave extra early today. <3

    Laurel, Good workouts! If I remember correctly there is another hidden gem on that DVD, it is the combo of ME and BC. I think you might have been the only person I know that has actually tried that one. I don't even think that they list it as a premix on the web page. I also think that the shoulder work in those two hit everything in just the right way. Glad I'm not the only one that thinks so. DH did say it was a bit warm. ;) When he got home we where getting the cool weather for the day, so I think he was happy to go outside and enjoy it.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and your BC class sounds like a rocking good time. ;) Always nice to workout to good music. Yep, just tap five times, and it will go into sleep mode, and then when you wake up do the five times again. It is cool to see how well you sleep. Take extra precautions with the Fitbit on your ankle, like tape the latch part just in case. I have had my FB fall off my wrist just brushing up against something. We are getting a Cosco about a 10 min. drive away from us, kind of excited about that.

    Thelma, Dang on the extra workload! WTG on getting in the workout even if you didn't want to at first. LOL I will have to start an A frame trend around here! ;) I don't think that I have ever seen an a-frame in our neighborhood. Enjoy your day off today, hope it is a beautiful day for you. I sometimes wish I had a multi disc player, but the single was free so I will use it until it dies. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,557 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. DH and I were busy but we had a good one. On Friday I did RWH Low Impact I & II, Saturday XTRAIN Super Cuts and today spinning. My bike started acting up 15 minutes into my workout. I was not able to increase the tension because the tension knob was not doing its job. Turns out the long screw the knob is attached needs replacing because the thread part is worn out.
    DH ordered my floor and it arrived on Friday. It is not at all what I had envisioned :( Our subfloor is made out plywood but when he put this thin material that looks like linoleum it felt super hard but now as hard as jumping on concrete. I was crushed! :'( . According to the floor chart on the stagestep site which is the one Cathe recommends the Super Timestep floor is the best multi purpose floor. Well I don't know. I wish I had an expert telling me that this is true and that jumping on it will be safe.

    I had DH put the carpet pad between the subfloor and the super timestep floor so that I fill protected when I jump. I just don't don't if this is going to work. I'm so disappointed and I am torn because I don't want to hurt DH's feelings. He was so sweet about surprising me with the floor!

    Laurie, I hope you got to leave work early on Friday and that you got all your gardening done this weekend. Did you convince your husband that your idea is the best one?

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My lower back hurts this morning! ;) I did Supersets on Friday, and Saturday was shoveling and raking traffic bond and sand. Sunday was lifting all the pavers for our new patio, which turn out amazing. So that is why my lower back is talking to me this morning. I'm going to do Stretch X from P90X when I get home from work. I don't think that my body needs to do a total body workout after all of that, but getting in a good stretch will help a ton.

    Thelma, Awesome workouts! So sorry to hear that the floor is not what you expected. I would have a hard time telling my DH something wasn't great after all the time, and of course it being a surprise. We where so busy with the patio that I didn't have a chance to talk to him about the screen, but now I have a little more time to see what he likes and doesn't like. Still have some gardening to do, but now that the patio is finished, I can proceed with the rest of my vision.

    Here is a pic of the patio. I was the one who lifted all these pavers to the patio, DH placed them.
