Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did a workout yesterday, because I have a hair appt. on Thurs. I'm probably going to have to take that one as my rest day. So with limited time available I did Jillian's Extreme Shred and Shed Level 1. In this one she does a lot of balance moves, so it was a good one to add into the rotation. Even though it says extreme, it wasn't all that extreme. :D

    Laurel, Love that Super Cut workout! Yes they will be looking at getting them into assisted living facility. I think this will be about a 6mo process. They have to sell there condo, and get rid of all the "stuff" they have. They have a lot of "stuff" to go through. Now that she is home, she is going to want to stay. I'm afraid that she will think that everything is going wonderfully, and not want to move like she was stating while in the hospital.

    Tami, Another great workout! I don't blame you for wanting to get out in the nice weather. At some point it will get hot out, and the thought of walking in that heat will not be there. Yep my ankle is feeling okay, have not been experiencing any pain with my workouts. So I'm guessing I'm on the road to recovery. I'm sticking with the low impact until after Memorial Day. Can't believe that is this weekend. Now that my DH is going to have to stay home this weekend, I don't have to take my Cami to the kennel for the weekend. He has to take care of his parents, his brother and family are going out to CO for a wedding.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that you have found a shoe that is working for you. I will go and try those shoes on, just to make sure that they will work. I would like to have a shoe that is comfortable while running. LOL about tempting you with those workouts! Dasha does state in the workout that a kettlebell is much better to work with, it gives you a different feel. I'm trying another on tonight that I have not done before. From what DH said about his mother returning home, it didn't sound like she was happy. I think that his mother just makes mountains out of any little situation right now. Hopefully it will pass.

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with XT Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's, and I added on 100 reps of bicep curls and Tricep extensions to that as well as XT Core 1. For cardio, I started with X10 Low Impact then went into RWH Low Impact HiiT Two and One premix. I really liked this combo of workouts today.

    Tami, I don't blame you for opting for good weather and your pups over running camp! How are your pups doing? We are headed to the PNW on June 30, and we are both really excited for it. It is going to be here before we know it! DH asks me about every other night if there is anything we need to do for it. To say the least, it is on his mind quite a bit! :)

    Thelma, happy to hear you continue to progress. I am amazed you think you might be fine without PT! That is fantastic news. Sounds like you are doing everything right.

    Laurie, sounds like an interesting workout. I really like balance work which is probably the only reason I have managed to do P90X2 as much as I have! I hope your MIL and FIL still listen to your DH and his brother about moving. That is going to be difficult with them being settled back home for that long. Hope your BIL enjoys his trip to CO. From what I have heard from my sisters and friends, it has been raining non-stop all month! Very unusual for Colorado.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Had a great evening at home with a Tabata Cardio workout (one of Kelley Coffey-Meyer's) and then took the "kids" for a short walk. They always love it so much. "Short" was the key for both of their happiness; then through the ball for Bernie several times. This a.m. was Tri-Sets Lower Body, tonight is Spinning.

    Laurel: That sounds like a really fun workout you had this a.m. Love the variety and the cardio sounds perfect too! I envy your time frame, (in a good way of course) you are lucky you can get all that in each day. :);) The dogs are doing good. Emma is showing her age which makes me sad but I enjoy every minute with them. When DH is gone fishing and they are waiting for one of us to come home I feel so guilty not being there until later evening. DH can often run home during the day or gets home way earlier than me so it is nice; when he is gone they just WAIT. Not that either of them have a clock or know how long it has been. :( But yes, they are doing well . . . thanks for asking. So awesome about you coming to this neck of the woods this year. I hope your weather is amazing; that should be a perfect time.

    Laurie: Great workout again & had to laugh about the "extreme" comment. Funny how sometimes they describe the workouts as extreme or advanced and they truly aren't. But a good workout forsure. Nice. ;) You are exactly right, before I know it the weather will be too hot until the sun goes down to take the kids for walks after work. So this time of year really calls me to do that! lol Too bad about your DH not being able to go anywhere for the long weekend. Good for Cami though that she doesn't have to go to the kennel.

    Thelma: Your foot is sounding better and better each day! Such fantastic news. 6pm is one of my favorite online shopping sites forsure! I love the deals there on everything. I can waste so much time just browsing on their site. I may order those and just try them out. Often the combination I want in a shoe is cushion and stability. Often you find one without the other. For side-to-side motion and not feeling like my foot is going to roll out.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ Talk to you tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi ladies, I'm going to keep it short tonight because I'm feeling pretty depressed. I didn't workout because I feel that I got bad news on my foot progress. The bone shifted to the right. So where the bones have been screwed together all of a sudden there is a shift. The view from the top of my foot before showed the screw heads. Today it showed the screws tilted to the right. OMG!!! I just wanted to puke my brains out and started crying. It was so freaky to me. All I could think of was that they'll have to cut me open to fix the bones again. The doctor said they'd never seen anything like that but that clinically everything looks good. I have great flexibility, the swelling is not bad at all and the foot looks good. She pressed the area over the screws to test for pain and nothing. She said if things were bad with the bones I would've been in agony. I asked if I should put the boot back on and she said no because she wants to see what the foot does on its own. She said only flat footed exercises. This bone shift she thinks happened 6 weeks ago. This means it happened as soon as she had me start getting off the boot which was 5 weeks ago. I was told that when I walked I had to flex my toes as in a back lunge position so I could flex the toes and also to put weight on the big toe side so it gets used to the movement. I'm thinking I did too much too soon. I didn't try lunges until this past Saturday. I am going back in two weeks for a follow up. The doctor doesn't think I have anything to worry about but I am freaking out. I am even afraid to walk.
    They also thought I walk pretty good and for now no PT given what they found today.

    Good job with your workouts! Keep up the good work ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workout yesterday was Kettlebell Kickboxing Abs, really liked this one a lot. My favorite move was the wood chop halo, you can really feel that one in the abs for sure. Tonight is my hair appointment, so don't know if I will be getting in a workout.

    Laurel, WTG on the bi and tri work, and getting in those 100 reps. Love the add ons that you did also, I have not tried the double HiiT yet. Interesting info on the rain in CO, they are going there for a wedding. Hopefully it isn't outdoors. :D

    Tami, Great workouts! We only go on short walks in the morning also, it used to be that she didn't want to go into the house. She still doesn't want to go into the house, but would rather take a shorter walk. I'm kind of bummed that DH isn't able to go with us, but he wants to work on his car, so I guess he can stay. I will have to tell him that he can't have to much fun while we are gone. :)

    Thelma, Sorry to here that you are depressed about your foot. Hopefully it will be all right over time.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started with Great Glutes today which felt good. Then for cardio I did one of my favorite combos--Hard Strikes and Rockout Knockout. I always feel so energized after that workout!

    Tami, sounds like a perfect evening. I am sure your pups appreciated it. I am happy they are doing well, even if Emma can only manage a short walk. Aging isn't easy, that's for sure. I am sure whatever the weather is when we are up in the Seattle/Victoria area it will feel good to us. Cool and rainy would be a welcome change. But I am happy with hot and dry as well as we do want to get out and see some things. Definitely looking forward to it regardless.

    Thelma, I am SO sorry to hear about your foot. I know it is hard not to completely freak out about something like that. But it seems there was quite a bit of good news in that appointment as well. I would think if there was immediate concern, your doctor would have told you that. I know....easy for me to say. And I can only imagine your frustration at feeling like you finally turned a corner......only to get that news. But try to focus on the positive, do as your doctor instructed, and take care of yourself. Huge hugs!

    Laurie, sounds like a good workout. Enjoy your hair appointment!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Started out today with Rockout Knockout, which is always a fun one. :) No workouts tonight most likely, but maybe a quick walk. DH is on his way home from fishing. So probably just dinner and relaxing eve. in the nice weather. Our weather is supposed to start turning to thunder storms on and off from hereon through the weekend. Of course, beautiful all week and not so much on the weekend. Oh well, still have a 3-day weekend which will be nice. :)

    Laurel: Great job! I have yet to do the HS and RK back-to-back but would love to sometime. Sounds like it was an awesome combination of work for you. Yes, aging isn't easy . . . and a 4-legged girl with long hair doesn't help either. I really need to re-visit the groomer for her. My "at home" job is not the best.

    Laurie: Sounds like you really enjoyed that KB workout again! Fun that you are trying out some that you enjoy while your ankle heals. Tell me again where you are going for the weekend?!? I'm sure it will be lots of fun. Poor DH but working on his car is probably very enjoyable for him. DH putters in his shop and works on his boat (yes, that is new) whenever he has extra time. Loves doing that he says; relaxing.

    Thelma: I am so sorry to hear about your doctor appt. and the major anxiety you must have felt/still feeling. Always hard to hear news we don't want to when it comes to a prognosis on an injury/surgery. Fingers crossed that things will continue to be better. Chin up friend, you have been through the toughest part and like Laurel, I think she had lots of good to say as well. :):(;)

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies, I didn't workout today. I've been feeling a little pain for days in what I thought was something around the arch area. Now it feels more like a bone ache. It was really throbbing earlier but it stopped. I think it is the metatarsal bone. I hope to feel better tomorrow.
    It really is frustrating to not be able to do the workouts I had started to do.

    Great job with your workouts ladies!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't workout last night after my hair appt., I just felt awful. I have some type of crud, but this morning I'm feeling much better. Still have a runny nose, but the stuffy nose has decreased. I don't know if I will be able to get in a workout before the girls and I leave for up north. Looking forward to seeing my family again. Seems like it has been a long time since Christmas.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, getting those two kickboxing workouts together was probably very energizing. My hair appt. made my hair look great, just wish I felt better while it was all going on. I did manage to catch up on all the Hollywood gossip while waiting for the color to set though. I love that they have people magazines for you to look over. :D

    Tami, Looks like kickboxing was a popular theme yesterday! :D Hope you weather isn't to bad this weekend, at least thunderstorms move out quickly. We are going to my brothers cabin that is about a 5-1/2 hour drive north of us. We are probably about 30 miles away from Lake Superior, we will be dealing with mosquitoes and wood ticks. It is suppose to be in the 70's while we are up there, so that makes for an enjoyable time.

    Thelma, The workouts will be there when you are feeling up to it. I know that I can get frustrated not being able to workout also. In fact, even feeling horrible last night I felt like I should have done something. Probably make myself more sick wouldn't help either.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! For today's workout, I did XT Discs 1&2 for a total upper body workout. Love doing those workouts together. For cardio, I did RWH Plyo HiiT Two doubled and core 1.

    Tami, I hope your weather holds for the weekend. But, as you say, at least it is a 3 day weekend. Funny that we did the same workout....again! Great minds, right? ;)

    Thelma, I am sorry about your pain. I imagine the stress of everything is getting to you as well. Take care of yourself and try to relax and enjoy your weekend. Don't worry about workouts. They will be there when you are ready for them.

    Laurie, I am sorry you weren't feeling well yesterday. Hope you are good for the weekend and the time with your family. Nave a safe trip!

    See you all next week! Enjoy the long weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend! I didn't workout on Friday. I've been feeling a little pain for days in what I thought was something around the arch area. Now it feels more like a bone ache. It was really throbbing earlier but it stopped. I think it is the metatarsal bone. On Saturday I did RWH Chest, Shoulders and Triceps with abs. Today I did Knockout Rockout. My foot feels better but even as low impact as I kept Knockout Rockout I don't think I'll do it for a while. I may be limited to upper body, floor work and walking. I'll try the spinning bike so that may be something else I can do that won't bother my foot.
    DH and I went to see The Age of Adeline. Beautiful movie!

    Great job with your workouts ladies!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a lot of fun up north, and ate way to much. I didn't workout at all since Wed of last week. I don't think that I would have been able to anyway, that crud caught up to me and it wasn't fun. One my sisters, a young brother and I did go to my parents house to dig up all my Mom's plants that my father keeps trying to run over with the lawn mower. In order to save these plants, my Mom asked us to dig them all up. :) I am now have a lot of different perennials to plant now. I put in a hydrangea that my mother thinks is over 100 years old. I am hoping it survives. The people who owned the house before my parents planted it. And of course I have my mom's peonies to plant. I will value these plants more than anything that I have bought. So my only workouts this weekend was gardening on Sunday and Monday when I got home. Track meet tonight, but I am hoping to get in something tonight. I think weight work will be the choice.

    Laurel, Hope that you had a great weekend of workouts, and enjoyed some Memorial Day remembrances. Looks like you got in a good combo on Friday.

    Thelma, Glad to hear you have a plan for your workouts, hope that your foot starts feeling better. Nice that you where able to get in a movie, and that it was so enjoyable.

    Tami, Hope you had a good weekend!

    Have a great day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. Nothing special but nice weather, golf, and time with DH are always good. Oh...and there was my 50th birthday as well. :o

    So Saturday, in what has been an annual birthday tradition since my 41st birthday, I started the day with a good workout by doing Cathe's X77. Absolutely love that workout. Sunday's workout was the Lower Body premix from Hi Reps and Tabatacise. Yesterday's workouts were RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps and Core 2 plus Party Rockin' Step 2. <3 And today's workout was STS Disc 26/Plyo Legs (which felt so good!) and XT All Out Low Impact Extreme premix.

    Thelma, I hope you are feeling less pain now. Good job getting some workouts in this weekend. I understand why Rockout Knockout may need to wait a bit longer. Thank you for the movie recommendation. Sadly, I think I will need to watch that one alone. Not my DH's kind of movie. :|

    Laurie, I am sorry you weren't feeling well this weekend but it sounds like a good time anyhow. That is so wonderful about the plants! I hope they survive the move. We have moved plants across the country twice now, and they survived. But we never had to dig them up as they were potted individually. Enjoy the track meet. This is about it for them, isn't it? I imagine that is a bit bittersweet.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies & Happy Tuesday! Hope you all had really nice weekends. :) Ours was very relaxing just being at home with the "kids" . . . which of course they loved. Even took them for a couple short walks. Workouts were great, I loved having that extra time. Sat. a.m. I did AfterBurn "Bonus Burn" pre-mix, Sun. was XT Chest/Shoulders/Back "Double Trouble" pre-mix and then yesterday was XT Cardio Leg Blas "Xtreme Pre-mix", today was XT Bis/Tris + Abs. Headed to Insane X tonight; hopefully a normal class. It's rainy out.

    Laurel: Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!! :):) Love that you started it out with your tradition of a really good workout and X77!! Way to go and sounds like you continued throughout with great combos. Nicely done. Did you and DH get in some good golf as well?

    Laurie: Sounds like it was a nice weekend MINUS feeling the sickies . . . sorry to hear that. I love that you were able to transplant those plants and I hope they all thrive in your yard. How awesome about that Hydrangea bush; I love Hydrangea's. Hope the track meet goes well and your DD does well!

    Thelma: Hoping your foot is feeling less pain and things start showing improvement again. Dang it. I saw your workouts and thought it must be feeling good. Way to go getting them in as always and do what feels best. Continuing on with upper body and no impact will probably be best for now.

    I did talk to my sister over the weekend and she told me that she is going to be moving my mom to L.A. this year. Probably late summer, early Fall. :o In as much that I am not surprised because her and I talked about it, I was surprised about "this year" . . . We talked about "someday/eventually". So talked to mom yesterday and she is really excited about it ~ which to me is the best part. I told her it makes sense and to be healthy and vibrant, able to enjoy all that California has to offer plus her two grand boys are there, it is perfect timing vs. if it is a necessity to move. Which is harder on everyone and she is all about being in the right place when the time comes to have more assistance. She went through a horrible time with her parents when that happened and doesn't want to do that with us. She was waiting to tell me because she thought I would be upset. Selfishly it's further away but either way I get on a plane to go see her so really it is not that much different. She will also be able to live in beautiful weather year-round vs. 9+ months of rainy wet weather in Portland. My sister is going to be looking at buying a small house or maybe even a duplex so that it makes an investment property for her.

    Hope you ladies are all having a great day ~ talk to you tomorrow! ;)
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies! Glad to see that you all had a pretty good weekend. I didn't workout tonight. Have been up since 4am and got to work at 5:45am. Got home at about 6:30pm. I had to get to work early because I had to leave at 1pm to go see the ophthalmologist and to do especial eye tests. My visual field test showed some abnormalities but the results the doctor believed were not reliable as I appeared to have clicked the clicker when I wasn't supposed to. Now I have to go back next Monday to repeat the test since I'll be there to see the rheumatologist and my primary care doctor for my physical.
    My foot had some pretty good moments today but it also had some achy moments. The part that bothers me now is when it feels as if I'm walking right on the bone as if all of a sudden the bone either sticks out or if the padding left in my foot moves around. Weird! I am on my feet more and more now and the swelling is definitely less.

    Laurie, glad you had a good family weekend but too bad about the crude! LOL
    You do need to care for those peonies and hydrangea. Peonies are delicate so keep them wet. They may be in shock for a long time but don't give up on them and be sure to water them.

    Laurel, great workouts and Happy Belated Birthday!!! I am a bit disappointed about having to wait longer to do those kickboxing workouts let me tell you. I was actually surprised that DH wanted to see this movie. He liked it.

    Tami, awesome workouts this weekend! I hope you have a normal class tonight!
    I bet the kids loved having you home. My kids were happy to have us home too. Specially my baby Bella who is more attached to me. She and her sister Charmy even got to go camping out on the deck yesterday in their kitty tent. It was a test for Bella's asthma and she did great. The inhaler definitely has that asthma under control.
    It must have been a bit of a shock to find out that your mom was moving to CA sooner that you thought it would happen but like you said it is better to do it now while she's still healthy and vibrant. She will to enjoy beautiful California. Like you said you already get on a plane to go see her at least now you won't have to split your trips between L.A. and Portland right? How thoughtful of your mom to be willing to go to an assisted living place when the time comes so you girls don't have to go through what she went through with her parents.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I made a big mistake this morning, I dressed in dress pants and nice shirt. We are going to a Brewer game, so I need to get out to Target for some different clothes at some point this morning. :# Since this is a work function, I don't feel bad about getting out of here for a while. Got home at 9:30pm last night, so no workout. Youngest is going to the Sectional meet on Friday in the 4x200. I was a bit disappointed in her last night, she also has this cold, and she says she wasn't feeling well enough to run the 4x400. They ended up scratching, I was not happy with her. Tonight is the rehearsal for dance, but that should only last an hour or so.

    Laurel, Happy Belated Birthday! Great combo of workouts for the weekend! Very nice that you started off your birthday with such a bang with X77! Probably a good thing that I'm not working out with this cold, but I'm hoping that I can get something in tonight. I think some of the stuff in my head would leave with a good sweat session. :D

    Tami, Great workouts for you also! I'm glad to hear that your Mom is happy about going to CA to live. I agree the weather will do her good also. To bad that you are further away, can understand how that goes. I don't have to take a plane, but driving all that way can be tiring. This will be by third hydrangea, so I have a pink/purple, red and now white. They are just so pretty.

    Thelma, Hope everything goes well for you with your physical and eyes. At least the foot is not swelling up as much. I will totally give those plants my love. ;) I have the plants in buckets with water, and I'm hoping to plant them on Thursday. I have some really good roots that I'm going to start with pots. If they all take, I could have at least three bushes. The hydrangea has sprouts on it, so we will see how that one goes. I would feel really bad about killing it, but then again, my Dad was on the road to destroying it with the lawn mower. :(

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, and I did the extreme premix. For cardio, I did the IMAX Extreme workout from Cathe's Terminator DVD, which is always a good one.

    Tami, sounds like some great workouts this weekend. Hope you InsaneX class was 'normal'. DH and I were able to golf Sunday and Monday. It is funny how many people on the course were complaining about the heat.....and it isn't hot yet! Floridians are strange. :p I understand about having some mixed emotions about your mom moving, but I think there is little question that the weather will be better for her in LA. I also think it is good she will be close to your sister. That is one thing I wish about my mom....that she was closer to one of my sisters or to me. I also think it is good that she is making this move now when she doesn't have to......for all of the reasons Laurie's DH is experiencing with his parents right now. What part of LA are they in? I hope she finds a place to live where she feels comfortable driving, going to the store, etc. As you know, LA is such a mixed bag when it comes to neighborhoods. But I also know, given the right neighborhood and setting, I would happily go back and stay forever.

    Thelma, sounds like you are still definitely moving in the recovery direction, especially given that you are on your feet more but the swelling is less. Hopefully things will start to feel more 'normal' inside the foot as time passes. Any more thought to PT? Or are you waiting until you have your follow up appointment with the doc?

    Laurie, enjoy the game tonight! Hopefully your weather is good for it. Sorry to hear about your DD's track meet. I bet that was a bit disappointing. Hope you continue to feel better!

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well last night wasn't the norm but it was an "obstacle course" style workout in the TRX section of the gym. Each round was 1 min 30 sec, 1 min and 30 sec. then you rotated. Oh wait, before you rotated you ran 3 sets of stairs (timed) or we did it again. Luckily everyone made it in the time frame. It was a lot of strength and cardio moves. Ladder-High Knees, Box Jumps, Sliding a 35 LB plate along the floor, running behind it. You guys get the picture. Next week we are doing something similar but she said it is going to "hurt" more. :o>:)
    This a.m. was Cardio Blast and tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurel: Awesome job with your workout this a.m. Sounds like a perfect combo & TOUGH. That is funny that people are already complaining about the heat. I notice that wherever you go though . . . people want it to be warmer and then when it is they complain. LOL Thanks for your thoughts and support with my mom; you are right, it is really good she is closer to one of us and here it would be even more of a boring move, less activity and similar weather to what she has. Plus she moved from here already! .. My sister is in Westwood - Near UCLA. I am not sure what part she will be looking for my mom, but of course it will be a safe area and somewhere that won't be too terribly white knuckle experiences driving. All of the visits my mom has made there she has no fear of driving around and finding here way; especially with Siri if she gets lost. I was talking to DH and he said that would be great ~ every time I go visit either of them or both it will always be the weather I hope for! Which is true. It will be really good for everyone and I am just happy she is excited.

    Laurie: Hope you have a great time at the game tonight! Sorry about your DD scratching from her race. Hopefully you will both be feeling better soon and get rid of that crud!

    Thelma: Good luck at your eye doctor apt and here's hoping that foot continues to improve; less swelling is probably a great sign. :) I'm sure your sweet cats loved having you guys home as well. Our 4-legged family is so funny that way; they just live to have us return. My mom is a very smart and brave lady, that is forsure. She has embraced aging and does everything she can to remain as healthy body & mind during the process. Something her parents didn't do, so she is really trying. It will be great having her in an environment that she will be happy in, not just moving because it is more convenient for "later"

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT Bi's and Tri's. I can't remember when was the last time I did that workout! It is really good! My walk is definitely getting better. I'm e\still trying to master the right side still but I don't walk toward the right as much as I used to. It's a good thing the hallways at work are tiled and they serve me as a guide to practice my walk! I think I'll have DH tape masking tape lines all over the house! LOL
    I am finding that I am not keeping my foot elevated as long as I did in the beginning while at work. I am not looking at my foot during the work hours either. I guess I don't want to see the swelling because that worries me.

    Laurie, I hope you were able to find something to wear to the game at Target. Have fun! Sorry your DD wasn't feeling well last night. Too bad because it sounds like she is a really good athlete. I'm sure she felt disappointed too Laurie. I didn't realize you had the plants in buckets with water. How are they looking?
    Check this article out on how to feed hydrangeas. I've been doing it wrong! I was applying the plant food to the base not the branch drip line. I didn't even know what the branch drip line was! I had to look it up. LOL I have some pink hydrangeas and I just learned that those need lime to get the pink color so I need to buy that.

    Laurel, another amazing combo! Great job! I do think that my foot recovery is heading in the right direction. The doctor doesn't want me to do any PT just yet. Specially after the bone moved. We have to wait till next week's follow up but I don't think I need PT. The doctor doesn't normally recommend PT for this type of surgery.

    Tami, wow that class sounds tough! Did you say "thanks for the warning" after Katy told you guys next week's class was going to hurt more? LOL
    I really think less swelling is a good sign. At least I noticed that last night and tonight my toes were hardly swollen before I went to bed. Of course I've had my foot elevated for about two hours but before that wouldn't bring my swelling down. That is a sign of progress I would think. You're right about our 4-legged family living to have us return home! LOL
    Your mom sounds like a wonderful lady! It drives me crazy when some of the older people I know don't take care of themselves well. They know something is wrong and they don't go to the doctor! A co-worker had been advised to have a colonoscopy and put it off for a long time "because of work" just to be diagnosed with stage 5 colon cancer. It is the saddest thing.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was able to get in a workout last night. I got down in that basement at 9:20pm! I did RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps premix with abs subbed in place of the finishers. I went heavy and am feeling the love in those places this morning. Had a good time at the game, but the Brewers lost again. :( In that big stadium, my DH's niece ended up sitting right in front of me. Apparently the new thing for Senior skip day is to go to a Brewers game. Was she surprised when I sent a picture of her to her phone, and told her to look behind her. :D It was pretty funny. I didn't let our daughter skip school, I don't think it is right. They get off school early, so why skip? DD is done as of this Friday. We got to the dance recital rehearsal in plenty of time, so my stress level has eased quite a bit from the beginning of the week. May be because I was able to get a workout in. :)

    Laurel, WTG on those workouts! When I did my workout last night, I didn't realize that you had done the same one just at an extreme level. ;) I did see that premix, but I didn't have that much time. Wanted to get in ab work and weight work, so that premix was perfect. I really like the premixes in these RWH workouts. The weather when the game started was dreary, so they had the roof closed. About inning three, they opened up the roof. It was really nice to see the sun shining on the field.

    Tami, I'm waiting for the day that you tell us you are hefting big tires down the road! ;) Sounds like a tough, but different workout. I would love for my MIL and FIL to have the attitude that your Mom has, it would be so nice for them to be closer to us. She has of course changed her mind, and will not think of moving. I just hope that this doesn't cause my DH any physical problems with all the stress.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! You are working hard on getting the feet to move in the right direction! I did manage to get some nice capri's (which I needed another pair), so I felt comfortable during the game. So far all the plants are looking good, we will see how well after today. We are going to have temps in the 80's, but I have them on the east side of the house so they will only get the morning sun. I'm hoping to get all the plants in the ground on Sunday. I have not heard about the lime, but have heard about putting coffee grounds around the plant to change the color. I will do a search for the article.

    Have a great day!