Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ High Reps was accomplished last night, just as planned!! I really enjoyed it, I haven't done that workout in so long and it was great. This a.m. was RWH Low Impact HiiT #1 & #2, which is a great combo. Tonight I will head to Insanity after work. Hopefully it's inside tonight.

    Laurie: Great Job with KCM weight workout, I bet it felt great and your ankle thanked you as well. TaeBo would be another great one, no impact and yet you get that HR up! I'm sorry to hear about your MIL, I hope she gets some more care or agrees to more care to come in and help a little. I'm sure it is frustrating for all of you.

    Laurel: Another amazing combo! Way to go. Yes, I did enjoy the time with friends. A few I haven't seen for a while; they are mostly DH's buddies but they did bring their wives. :) Thanks for the thoughts on Emma, I hope so too. Poor girl, it's hard because I know exercise is good for her but when she looks miserable it makes me sad. DH says, just go around the block until she looks like that is easy and then go further. lol

    Hi Thelma

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ Talk to you tomorrow,
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hi Ladies, great job with those workouts! Just want to give you update. My town is having 3 days worth of town meeting where very important things get voted on so I've been there the last two nights and we'll go back tomorrow. They're trying to build a nature trail right behind my house so I'm very interested. Needless to say I've not had much time for a workout. On Saturday I did Squeeze and walked on the treadmill, Sunday I did gardening and food for the week so I couldn't workout. My foot was killing me. Today my Bella had a dental cleaning so I had to go pick her up and watch her once I brought her home so I couldn't workout.
    My floor right now is just a sub-floor and I've already lost 3 inches. I am walking better. My limping is less pronounced but once the foot swells up the limping comes back and today I drove 45 mins each way(same time to work) to get Bella and my foot swelled up. I felt that pain that I think are the screws pocking me and at that point I have to put the boot on. I hadn't used the boot in the last 4 days but then again I had been home.
    I go back to the office on Monday and I'm going to take an ice pack to keep in the fridge at work. I'll also take a crutch and my boot which I'll leave in the car just in case.
    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your "me Friday". Glad you may have another one this Friday! I'm sorry about your MIL! Poor thing! Your DH and his brother must be all stressed out about this.

    Laurel, welcome back! I'm so glad you had a great time with your mom! I'm sorry her cancer is spreading.

    Tami, you had a busy weekend! Sorry about Emma! I hope she gets better. Have you taken her to the vet?
    We are going to hire the new petsitter. She really was great in her approach of letting the cats get to know her.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout yesterday, it was dance class day. Only a couple more weeks of dance class left.

    DH has to get his Dad into a facility, at least until his Mom is healed. That could take some time if she doesn't have surgery. The social worker is coming to talk to Dad, so they will determine what type of facility he needs to go into.

    Laurel, Great workouts, have not done Drill Max in a long time. I plan on taking it easy for the next four weeks, so I'm hoping that will help. I want this to get better, was hoping to entering a 5K in Sept. So will need to start training soon for that. All the proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project, so I really want to do it even if I have to walk the whole thing.

    Tami, WTG on the workouts, and sure hope you had an indoor training session last night! ;) I totally understand about Emma too. Ours is getting slower and slower, and of course she has her moments with her arthritis. All she loves to do on our walks in the mornings is sniffing for the deer that have wandered through the neighborhood. I think if we could walk across everyone's yard, we would be chasing deer.

    Thelma, Sounds like you are busy, and getting in workouts when you are able. Can't believe that you are headed into work next week. That time sure did fly by, and it is probably a good idea to bring in that ice. Wow three inches, that is a lot. But then again you are going to have a great floor to workout on. Yep my DH is really stresses out. Our oldest dd was concerned about him, he is at that age where stress can cause all types of problems. And of course he is overweight. One of the things that is stressing him out is getting his father out of their condo, because he is going to be a BIG bear about this. He thinks that he can be by himself.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Lift It Hit It Chest, Shoulders and Triceps extreme premix. I am going to feel this tomorrow! My arms were shaking so badly at the end. Cathe just works the body completely differently than Tony Horton, that's for sure. For cardio, I did To The Max Extreme, which felt great.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed High Reps. I love that one because it uses so little equipment. When I want a 'simple' but tough workout, that's one I reach for. I hope Emma is okay. Poor thing looking so miserable. But I imagine I look pretty miserable too when I am working out at times! I do hope she improves over time.

    Thelma, back to work soon then? Yikes. I think taking ice is a great idea and, hopefully, you can rest for foot during the day. I hope the decision on the nature trail goes the way you would like. Sounds like they are giving it a great deal of consideration.

    Laurie, I think taking about 4 weeks to rest your ankle sounds like a great idea. Mine was really bad for about two weeks but when it started improving, it improved very quickly (again, over a week or two). Hopefully you will have the same experience. I hope you get to participate in the race for the Wounded Warrior Project. We had quite a bit of exposure to a couple of programs for the wounded warriors in DC and Colorado. What they do is fantastic. In Colorado, there was an equestrian center on the Air Force Academy, and the wounded veterans really enjoyed being able to work with the horses. It was great to see. In DC, one of the program's was golf! DH and I spent a day with a returning veteran who had pretty significant PTSD, and he really talked about how golf--of all things--really helped him channel his anger. Again, just a great program doing great things.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night's class was inside, thank goodness and it was just traditional Insanity style. This a.m. was XT Cardio Leg Blast and tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurie: I'm so glad to hear your FIL is being taken care of while your MIL heals up. Must be very stressful for your DH. Maybe they will make the decision that some extra care is just what they need? I bet you are glad that your DD has only a couple weeks left of dance, although she will probably miss it. Yes, I know Emma is just at that age that things are way tougher for her as I have seen in this last year :'( Plus she is a BIG dog which doesn't help with the aches/pains of arthritis. Big has been her problem since a puppy; not matter what I have ever done for food or exercise she stays right around 100 lbs. :o Just want her to be as comfortable & happy as possible.

    Laurel: What a fun combo you had today and when I say fun I also mean TOUGH! Nicely done . . . again!! I truly had forgot that I really enjoy that High Reps workout ~ sadly it has been that long and I think I will try and incorporate it in more on future rotations like this one. Yes, anything without a ton of equipment; especially in my early am. workouts is great. During STS I usually just leave my bench out and set up so I am not dragging every piece out each morning. lol Thanks for the encouragement with Emma and your nice wishes. I hope with some more walks (short) she will be doing better. I should make it a goal to take her swimming this summer in the early a.m. on weekends at least. She loves it and I don't think that will be painful for her.

    Thelma: Sounds like a very busy weekend and a little painful on the foot again. OUCH. I hope by Monday that the boot and ice will be helping so that you don't have troubles at work. I'm sure they will be very patient with you. Great job, as always getting in some workouts! You're a star for your persistence forsure :) I took Emma a month + ago to vet and that is why we started her on a daily regimen of Rimadyl, plus I still give her the over the counter Cosequin. Whatever is going on in her elbow (arthritis is what he is pretty sure of) is what causes her to be stiff and limp.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Lower Body Blast followed by RWH Low Impact One Doubled premix and Core 1. Good combo!

    Tami, glad to hear you were back indoors for class last night. Will you be outside this summer? I just remember you talking about the ants! Hope if you are outside you don't have a repeat of that. What a great idea to take Emma swimming! I bet that will feel good on her body. With every injury I have had, water therapy is always recommended because it is so good but gentle on the body. Can't imagine it would be any different for pups. Hope that works out for you.

    Laurie and Thelma, hope you are both well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was KCM's 30MTF Train Like a Contender Boxing workout. Ankle is feeling better and better everyday, so what I'm doing is working. I really like the fact that Kelly is tough, but has a lot of low impact workouts.

    The in-laws will be going into a facility near both us and DH's brother. It is one of the assisted living facilities, so they can be in the same place. The only problem will be his dad. DH is afraid that we might have to get burly guys to remove him from the condo. He can get pretty mean when he doesn't want to do something.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts, great job on making your arms shake from working them. All of those events for the WWP sound so great. I work with two guys right now that where are are in the service. Will be getting a new boss that has been in the service also, so I am basically surrounded by them. ;) One way or another I'm going to be in that run/walk, it just is a great cause.

    Tami, Great workouts! Once his parents are someplace that we know someone is seeing to their needs, DH will be so much happier. You can tell that he is very stressed. It will be a very sad day for DD's recital, and I know that a few tears will be shed. I know when she does her solo, I will be crying for sure. My Cami is a big dog to, but she isn't overweight. I can see why that wouldn't help an older dog though.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I didn't make it to Spin last night :( I ended up staying at work until 5:30 because one of the departments I help out in my boss is off today/tomorrow so she was going over some things for me to do/know, which went longer. So hoping tonight I can get in a little "extra" maybe. I did do the RWH Plyo One Dbl pre-mix this a.m. and it was lots of fun! We are having a gorgeous weather week as of yesterday and supposed to continue through the weekend!

    Laurel: Way to go on the workouts!!! Liking the rotation so far? Yes, I think if the days are nice Katy will always have us outside, hoping we missed the ant hatching; there were a few that night we were out there but not like last year when they were everywhere and ginormous!

    Laurie: Great work with KCM Train Like a Contender workout and I am so glad to hear that what you are doing is working for your ankle. :) I love that same thing about KCM workouts, and/or some of them have just the right amount of intensity and then adds in some low impact as well. That is so great to hear about your in-laws going into a facility; I am sure it will be so much better for everyone.
    I like to call Emma "big boned" ;)

    Hi Thelma, hope you are doing well!

    Have a great rest of your day ladies!


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hi Ladies, yesterday I did RWH Chest, Back and Shoulders and tonight I did my spinning bike and treadmill. I had a bad foot day yesterday today was a really good one until I over did it with my workout but it's not as bad as it was yesterday. Last night we went back to the town meeting and it went on until after 11pm. DH and I are exhausted and we didn't finish going through the articles on the warrant the two we care about didn't happen. We had to adjourn until Monday night! We did save a nature field from being destroyed by building baseball fields and a parking lot. The people for this article didn't even care about all the creatures that make that place their habitat. I hope those same people show up on Monday to support the government built trails. I hate the idea of the trail in my backyard. There is no way out of that decision made a while ago. I just hope most people want to do the paved trail by the government. This will buy us time.
    I spoke with my boss today and he still wants me to be the manager. I was hoping he'd forgotten about that! LOL

    My beloved hummingbirds are back! Here is a picture of a male hummingbird I took yesterday morning.


    Laurie, great workouts! I'm glad your ankle is feeling better and that your DH is working on getting his parents into a facility close to you. It will be very hard for everyone involved I'm sure but a big relief for your DH knowing his parents are being taken care of by professionals.
    About your ankle listen to Laurel and give it a break like she did with hers please.
    My floor will eventually be a great floor. DH is so busy that I don't even the top floor is in his radar. At least I have a level floor now.

    Laurel, WTG with all those great workouts! How are the temps in FL? We're finally having temps in the high 70's and tomorrow we will be in the low 80's. Back to work on Monday. I already told my boss that I didn't know if I'd be able to last there all day but that I'd do what I can to make it happen.

    Tami, great workouts! I hope you're able to get a little extra in tonight. I can understand missing a workout because of a long day at work. We have a 2 day class coming up and I saw today that the classes will be from 8:30-6. Can you believe it? That is insane. I'll have to hook myself up to a coffee IV!!!! I hate those boring classes.
    Thanks so much for the kudos on my attempts to working out during this surgery recovery period.
    Sounds like a great idea to take Emma swimming. That will gentle on her achy bones. It's good to manage her pain. That will give her the best quality of life at this stage in her life.

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Kelly's 30MTF Your Best Body workout 1. This one is total body workout, and very interesting moves. It got to some areas that I probably have not hit in a while. First time workout for me, and it is a keeper. She really does a great job of doing everything in 30 min. Good thing to, because I got home late.

    Tonight DH and I are going to a banquet to honor all the people celebrating years of service where DH works. He has 35 years. He wasn't going to go, but I told him that this doesn't happen very often. We have had two people pass away recently that we knew, one DH worked with and another that was in our car club. These things are hitting DH hard also, one was his age.

    Got my mammo letter in the mail, so good for another year. Very interesting how I was looking for that letter in the mail every day this week. ;) I know that my doctor would have called me right away if something was detected.

    Laurel, Nice workouts! We got up into the 80's yesterday, so I had a glimpse of what you have in FL. :D It is suppose to be that way today, but with some thunderstorms. We do need the rain.

    Tami, Sounds like you got in a great workout, even though you where not able to make the spinning class the night before. Our nice weather started yesterday, but I think that it is only around for a couple of days. Cami went to doggy daycare yesterday, and spent alot of time in the kiddie pool. :D I'm sure that it felt great in that warm weather. Of course she loves to be in the water also.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts. Sorry to hear that you had to spend all that time there, and they still have not gotten to what you went there for. Very nice picture of the humming bird. They are so pretty. Oh I'm listening very good, not going to take it up until it is feeling better. Probably for at least 2 weeks after that even. ;)

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Lift It Hit It Back, Shoulders and Biceps. I did the extreme premix and really enjoyed it. For cardio, I did RWH Upper Body Circuit, which is always good and fun.

    Tami, sounds like a long day at work! I am loving this rotation so far. There is no workout I dread. I knew that would be the case combining XT and RWH. I can already tell the month is going to fly by!

    Laurie, so happy to hear your ankle is feeling better. Sounds like you are doing some great workouts. Certainly sounds like your DH has a lot going on right now. I am glad they made a decision about his parents, but that move is not going to be an easy one. I just hope it happens and your MIL is in a safer environment. She has had a tough year. Enjoy the banquet tonight. Hopefully both you and your DH can relax and celebrate his achievement. 35 years is quite amazing in this day!

    Thelma, great workout. Sorry the foot is still giving you fits, but it sounds like you are pressing on. The temps here are in the mid to high-80's, and it feels very nice.....much better than the mid-90's two weeks ago. Glad to see you are finally warming up too!

    Hope you all have a great weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. On Friday I did RWH Back, BIceps, Shoulders, I took Saturday off and today I did my usual spinning. I did most of my usual Sunday food prep work sitting down so I could save my foot for my workout. My foot did swell up after spinning though. I'm going back to the office tomorrow. I'm a little scared and feel FAT! I have lost muscle tone in the last two months. I can't wait to start doing more cardio and leg work. I may not be able to post tomorrow night given that we have to go the town meeting. I hope this is the last night of this. We hit 88 degrees here today. We've not had rain in a very long time and now are under brush fire warnings! That scares me so much!

    Laurie, that KCM workout sounds like a good one! I hope you and your husband had a good time at that celebration. I'm sure it hit your husband hard knowing that 2 people he knew passed away. That is always hard.
    Congrats on the good mammo! I hope you ankle is doing better!

    Laurel, yet another amazing combo! It's definitely feeling like summer around here!
    My foot is going to clearly bug me for a long time. It is frustrating. At least I was able to put a pair of Birkenstock sandals for a few minutes today. That gave me hope that I"ll be able to wear some kind of sandal this summer.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't get in a workout after work on Friday, was getting ready to go to the banquet. That was a very nice event. On Saturday I did KCM's 30MTF Muscle Definition Workout 1 and Kickboxing Workout 1. Both where very good choices for low impact. I didn't workout on Sunday, just way to busy. Went to visit DH's Mom at the hospital, she should be getting transferred to the care facility sometime today. She has a brace, so that is really helping her with the pain. It is going to be a couple of months recovery for her, but she thinks that she is going to be good to go in a couple of weeks. After that visit we went out to eat for Mother's Day.

    Laurel, How did your upper body feel after the extreme premix and then upper body circuit? Sounds like a great combo. I am looking forward to his mom being in this facility, already she is looking so much better. I think it is because she is getting rest, and not pushing herself. Of course when I said that she looked really good, she said that her face was all puffy from the meds. Tell you the truth I didn't see that, I was just seeing the rosy cheeks.

    Thelma, Good job on the workout. Hope your first day back at work goes well for you. Hope that you do get some rain soon, we had rain all weekend. Now I hope that this soaking headed your way. Once you are recovered to do workouts, your muscles will come back quicker than the first time. Muscle memory is wonderful.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a fun weekend this weekend. On a last minute whim, DH and I decided to head up the road to Jacksonville on Saturday to attend The Players golf tournament. As with most PGA events, it was free for military, and they even had a tent set up for free drinks and food! Absolutely fantastic and so appreciated. It was a great day walking what is a stunningly beautiful golf course. And for an odd bonus, I got hit in the head by a pine cone that got sent out of a tree as a result of an errant drive by the eventual winner. :p

    Yesterday was back to the workouts. I did Lift It Hit It Legs and core 1. Then, for cardio, I did Tabatacise. DH then headed to the golf course for our own 18 holes of golf! So lots of time in the sun this weekend. Today's workout started with XT Bi's and Tri's, and I added on the 100 rep challenges for biceps and triceps which really burned. For cardio, I did Intensity. <3

    Thelma, I really hope everything goes well at work.....and the town meeting. I can't believe you got that warm this weekend! I am sorry to hear about the fire threat. That is no fun. I hope you get some rain soon. Laurie said it best about muscle memory. Just keep recovering and when you are healed, you will get back in shape very quickly. Just be proud of yourself because you have done a lot during this time to stay in shape. Most people would be doing nothing. Instead, you found chair workouts, have lifted weights, done spinning, etc. So keep focusing on what you are doing and forget about what you can't do. You truly are a rock star!

    Laurie, I am glad you enjoyed the banquet on Friday. Hopefully your DH was happy you opted to go in the end. Glad to hear your MIL is getting better...l.and is going to be taken care of. No doubt the rest is the best thing for her. My upper body was definitely tight on Saturday! I kept rolling my shoulders and such to loosen myself up and, finally, DH asked me what I was doing! I guess I must have looked a bit silly walking in those crowds and trying to loosen my arm muscles up! Oh well. But they were fine again yesterday. :) Happy Mother's Day!

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Monday! Not trying to make it a habit of missing you all on Friday's but I'm sorry it did happen again. :( Filling in for the one person in our Long Term Escrow Dept became a little more hectic on Friday than Thursday was, so not much of a lunch. I did however make it to Spinning and then Saturday I did STS Total Body, which always feels great.

    Yesterday DH and I drove down to visit his brother (who is in the hospital) so we could spend time with DH's mom who has been down there for nearly a week with him. He had a knee surgery back in mid-April and everything was going fine, well an infection came on and he developed a Staff infection, they thought it was Mersa but they don't think so now. Needless to say, due to the infection running through his body and the pain in his knee he went back to the hospital. Seems to be getting better but still in a LOT of pain.
    This was just a routine, clean up the knee type surgery and boy what a rough road he has had. Come to find out, he pushed it to hard and was doing yard work, a stitch broke open and that is how the infection came in!
    Hopefully he will be able to go home tomorrow and should start doing a lot better; we hope. Needless to say, we took my MIL out for lunch and then we turned around and came home after that. So it was a day of driving, hospital, lunch and driving. It was a beautiful day though and DH drove so I just enjoyed scenery. No workout for me though yesterday :/ So today started with RWH Upper Body Circuit in the a.m. (yes I got up!!) and tonight will be BootCamp after work.

    Laurie: Sounds like our Mother's Day were nearly the same. Good to hear your MIL is doing a little better. Great job with the workouts; I'm glad to hear you like the new one of KCM that you tried. She does pack a good workout in to 30 min forsure. I always enjoy her pre-mixes when she combines them. Congrats to your DH on 35 years! That is so amazing. Hopefully he is happy in that accomplishment. I'm sure it is strange to know that you are at that age that you start losing people; or your friends are losing their parents, it's a little bit eye opening that you are "older" and things are different. Happy to hear your ankle is doing better as well. Congrats on the good mammo report too. I know exactly how you were feeling going to the mail box each day. I knew they would call if there was anything but I was so anxious to get my hands on that letter of health and approval! Especially with the 2 ladies here at work undergoing double masectomys. One of them returned today, she is a brave woman and doing really well. The other one returns next week if she is feeling up to it; hers is a little more advanced.

    Laurel: As always, amazing job with the workouts!! I am so glad to hear you are loving the rotation. It probably goes without saying . . . due to the 2 programs combined are both so much fun but thought I would ask the other day. :) Sounds like a very fun weekend for you with the golf and some time with DH. That's so great. Your weather must be absolutely perfect right now with those temps cooling down a bit. We are at 70+ today and this weekend was in the 70's as well. Good forecast ahead and another nice weekend coming up. I am hoping to go on a nice bike ride this weekend. I did go out on Saturday and bought a new pump for my tires, works way better than the little one I had so I am all good to go now.

    Thelma: I hope your day back at work today went smoothly . . . not only for your foot but all the "catch up" that a person with lots of responsibility (like you) has to do when you return. Hopefully everyone is being helpful and maybe assisting you with things too. Nicely done with the workouts. Hang in there, the intensity level will come back in time, but you have truly been a star with what you have been able to do during this injury through all your upper body workouts. I agree with all that Laurel said above. Most people would just wait it out until they were feeling up to it or healed to continue on with working out. So give your self tons of credit for what you have done. KUDOS to you :) I think that "fat" feeling is due to the endorphin level being turned down a notch; you can't go full out so it feels different in your body. No worries, you will get it all back and be feeling better soon!

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ Talk to you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was kind of a weird blend, but it felt good. I started with LIS Lower Body Trisets. Then, after a small break, I did RWH Lower Body Circuit followed by Step Blast. Was a standard length workout for me, but it sounds like a lot. In actuality, like I said, it felt good and was a good, balanced combo.

    Tami, hope your BIL is still improving. That is scary! But I can't believe he was doing lawn work after knee surgery! Staph infections are so serious, though, and I am glad he is improving. It may be a long road to full recovery, though, because that type of infection takes so much out of a person. I am glad you were able to visit him and see your MIL as well. I bet she appreciated the break from the hospital. Great workouts, as always! Are you still enjoying your rotation? I am still trying to figure out what to do next. I might revisit January's rotation because it was so good, but I also might try one of Cathe's more recent rotations. I want to keep my rotations simple and manageable in June and July since DH will be home more, and these RWH workouts are perfect for that. So.....I don't know!

    Laurie and Thelma, hope you are both well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp last night and unfortunately it was exactly the same as it has been; she did comment that she isn't being lazy on her format but has a reason to her method. :| Which made me wonder if someone asked about it or said something. At any rate, it was a bit lack luster again - we did go outside and run a sprint, felt like the old instructor. But was only one time, odd but true! LOL Today was Great Glutes and tonight is Insane X with Katy. I had a few people come up to me and ask if I was ok since I missed a couple classes last week ~ always surprises me that people notice. Instructors I get but others .... One was one of my old co-workers who I see at 2 of the classes and she said she had heard our office was working so hard and so busy. I told her yes and that the OT I put in I have volunteered for :) She looked at my like I had a 3rd eyeball. Wanted to say way more than that but we were interrupted and I just didn't.

    Laurel: That sounds like an amazing combo for legs! I always love adding on that 30 min tri-set leg workout when I have the time. Great work!! Thank you for the well wishes on my BIL. Yes, they think he is definitely out of trouble with the Staff infection but you are exactly right; it took SO much out of him. I have never seen him like that and it was pretty scary prior to what I saw I guess. WHY he was doing yard work is beyond me, but I guess he was just feeling so good, he thought it wouldn't hurt. :s Hello?!?! My MIL did mention he has a long recovery ahead of him at this point. It really sent him backwards. Poor guy. I will keep you guys posted.
    OK, I would HIGHLY recommend this rotation if you want something similar to what you are doing now. It is really great and a fun transition if you aren't quite ready to give up the RWH workouts just yet! Although you can sub them into anything. It has a great variety of XT, RWH and LIS + Total Body and High Reps. January's was a great one too! So many choices. :):) Will DH be joining you in the workout room again now that he will have more time in June/July?

    Hi Laurie & Thelma

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,622 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies, yesterday I decided to do Flex Train (love that workout!). Yes, I did the lunges but shallow on my left side. It felt soooo good! I know the doctor told me not do do side to side moves but I just had to try. Today I woke up with the side of my foot irritated. What I think is happening is that I am still walking on the outside part of my foot. I have been practicing the walking like you have no idea. No matter what I do it still feels like I'm doing it wrong and I don't know how to make it right. This is why I was starting to develop a bunion on the small toe side and the doctor shaved some of that bone off. I have a follow up so we'll see what the doctor says.
    Tonight was spinning because I was feeling very tired.
    My first day at work went well. I survived the entire day and only put the boot on at the end of the day. My work was being done by someone else all along so it wasn't too bad. I've kept my foot elevated the majority of the time but foot ends up pretty swollen at the end of the day. The good news is that I didn't need the boot today. I won't even take it to work starting tomorrow.
    We got home at about 11 last night. The town meeting went much better than I expected. The majority overwhelmingly voted against a stone/dust trail that WE the residents would have to pay this year by paying extra real estate taxes. There were two trails voted on and both failed. There eventually be a paved trail paid by the government) behind our house but not for maybe 3-5 years. That is good. It bought us more time to enjoy the privacy of our backyard. I was so happy that I couldn't go to sleep. I had no idea so many people were opposed to this "we want this now" trail proposal. It was a huge relief needless to say.
    We got a little last night and early this morning but it was not good enough to make a dent on the amount we need.

    Laurie, I'm glad you were able to do a low impact workout and that your MIL will be finally transferred to a a care facility. I hope you had fun at the banquette and that your ankle is doing better. I hope my muscles have good memory!

    Laurel, what a great combo!!! Nice job!
    Awwww! thank you so much for those kind, encouraging words about my workouts during this recovery period. Thank you for making focus on what I CAN do and not what I can't do.

    Tami, great job with those workouts! Sorry your boot camp trainer didn't deliver. It really sounds she's been spoken to.
    How scary about your BIL!!! OMG! I'm freaking out just thinking about it. I'm glad he is doing better.
    People at work have been helpful. When I pulled into the parking lot yesterday I saw a woman pulling in too which was perfect timing because I had 3 bags and the cane. The laptop bag was the heavy one so this woman help me carry my lunch bag and opened the doors for me.
    Thank you very much for those encouraging words about my workouts. I've been on a very strict diet since last week and I'm feeling better about my weight but the muscle tone is a different story. I'm not muscular it's more like still on the flabby side of the scale and these 2 months didn't help. I could've gained 10 lbs but I didn't so I should be happy about that.
    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday, it was just one crazy day. DH had to go in for a test, and I had to drop him off and pick him up. I dropped him off, went to work for a few hours, picked him up and then worked from home. I didn't get in a workout on Monday, just way to late after going to the grocery store and then making dinner. But yesterday I did get in a Kettlebell Kickboxing workout called Power. I'm pretty sore all over, it sure was a good total body workout.

    Laurel, Good workouts! Looks like you got in a really solid lower body combo. Sounds like a great weekend of fun in the sun. Very happy to hear that it was only a pine cone and not a ball! ;) My MIL still thinks that they are going home sooner than I think will be possible. She has said some things to my DH that makes him think that his Mom doesn't want to deal with the reality of her situation. Her back is in a very fragile state for the next few months.

    Tami, Good job on getting something in with all that you had going on. I can feel for you with the running around and hospital visit. Glad to hear that they have pinpointed what the problem is, staph infections can be dangerous. My brother had one, the best thing about that event was meeting his future wife while in the hospital. :D That is so good to hear that those ladies are returning to work already. That doesn't seem to be that long ago. I'm hoping to get that rotation in this summer. If you are highly recommending it then it has to be good. ;) I know when I saw it, it sure seemed like something that I could get through without any problem.

    Thelma, WTG on the workouts, and I don't blame you for wanting to do Flex Train. That one is a goodie. Glad to hear that your first day at work went so well, bet that was a relief for you. Good news on the trail also! I know that I wouldn't enjoy having people in my back yard, it probably would disturb the wildlife that you already enjoy seeing. You did an awesome job while in recovery, you should feel good about what you where able to do. MIL is in the senior facility, and appears to be doing well there. DH has not had the constant phone calls that he was getting while she was in the hospital. One major problem DH has been dealing with is her hearing also. She doesn't understand everything people tell her, so she misunderstands things.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! I really enjoyed my workout today! I love days like this. I started with XT Chest, Shoulders and Back, and did the Double Trouble premix. For cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits workout. Both felt great today.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the Bootcamp class. Maybe she should explain her method? If she is getting some complaints, she might be better off doing that. I think I would have been frustrated by her explanation as much as I would have been by the return of running camp! I really hope you don't end up with another summer of that. :/ Thanks for the recommendation on your rotation. I don't think DH will be joining me much for my workouts. He seems to not be interested in working out right now at all. :| That disappoints me, but at the end of the day, it is his choice. At least he is cleaning up his eating as he still has to maintain weight standards for his job. But he will come up with any excuse not to workout. Just one of those things I suppose. Hope your BIL continues to improve.

    Thelma, great workout! I bet it felt great to work your lower body a bit. Sounds like you are definitely improving. I am really happy the Town Hall meetings ended as you hoped for. I am also happy to hear being back at work is going all right. As far as re-learning how to walk......don't get frustrated! I know.....easier said than done. But keep working at it and one day it will all 'click' into place.

    Laurie, sounds like a typical crazy week for you! But it sounds like a good workout yesterday. I haven't done anything with my kettlebell in ages. I should probably try it again as it really does make for a good workout. I understand your MIL being in denial. My mother is about her own situation to a point. I think the kind of reality they are trying to come to terms with is just plain difficult. Hopefully she will come to terms with everything over time.

    Until tomorrow.
