Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another day of doing what I feel like with the workouts, and I chose Bob Harpers Beginner's Weight Loss Transformation Workout 1. Totally fun! ;)

    Laurel, Another great combo of workouts! LOL about eating and workouts, it seems like that is something that I struggle with on the weekends. I eat and then have to wait, by the time I get to the point of remembering that I need to workout it is time to eat again. Great job pushing through that though. The one Tapout workout that I did do was really good, and I will do it again for sure. I liked that is was tough on the core. That set does have a lot of workouts to it, so it will take a little while to get through them.

    Tami, Hope that you had fun spinning last night. Thanks for the encouragement with the rotation funk, I couldn't believe that my hand went to the Bob Harper workout yesterday. Usually his workouts are so tough that I tend to dread them. This one was tough, but only 45 min., so I felt that wasn't so horrible. Bonus that it was fun also.

    Thelma, Good workout! That has to be a bit weird when something like that happens and you don't really know what it is when you feel something snap. I think I just have to find some workouts that will make me feel motivated. I did have fun with Bob's workouts so will try something else of his after work. Will have to be short, since I have to work late today again.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Lower Body Blast, which is always a good one for me. I followed it with RWH Plyo HiiT One and Insanity Max 30 Max Out Strength. I think that Insanity Max workout is the toughest one so far! It is 45 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds rest but it is also strength based....which means a lot of push-ups. My arms were on fire and I was drenched in sweat! I took a bit of a break and then did X2 Yoga. I was still so fatigued in the early part of the yoga workout, I really thought I would have to stop. My arms just didn't want to hold anything! But I pushed through and the yoga ended up feeling good. I am not sure how I feel about the Insanity workout, but it might be one that is just too tough for me. I will try it one more time--maybe as a first workout--and see if it feels any better. Shaun T. definitely pushed me to my max, though.

    Tami, hope the spinning was good last night! I had eaten before my first workout yesterday, so I wasn't completely empty! I definitely wouldn't have made it if I had been. But I seem to get hungry pretty quickly after these P90X workouts, and that is what happened yesterday. No doubt my muscles would have preferred food to a cardio workout but, mentally, I felt better getting the cardio workout in. I probably should have listened to my muscles though!

    Thelma, great job with the workout! I am sorry about the scare. I hope it was just a scab. I bet you are anxious to get this over with, aren't you? You really have had a good attitude about it for this past month. Cheers to you!!

    Laurie, sounds like another good workout choice! Bob always makes me smile.....even when he is yelling at me. :) I looked at that Tapout workout last night. It really does look good. I may have to give some of those a try after this P90X/X2/Insanity Max 30 rotation. I am looking forward to some Cathe for awhile but am thinking those Tapout workouts may be a good choice this summer when DH is home and I am shorter on time. They seem to focus on body weight moves and total body which would be good. We'll see. Again....too many workouts, too little time!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was a great class last night. I enjoyed it! We did what she calls "Loops of Fury" for an hour. So it is a combination of Sprints, Runs, Hills, Running on Hills, Sprinting on Hills, Climbing, Running, you get the picture .... but done in various increments which is a single loop for each increment/set of increments.
    Today's workout was Hard Strikes and no workout at the gym. If DH is working on his boat this evening outside I may get in another quick workout. We will see. It is a really nice day today. May take the kids for a short walk. ;)

    Laurie: Sounds like you chose the absolute perfect workout!! Love it when you don't know which to do and then the one you pick ends up being fun. I hate it when you grab one and the dread factor kicks in .... so I am glad yesterday's worked out as well.

    Laurel: Seriously!!????!!! :o Outstanding job! :) Your foot/ankle must be completely fine these days I would say. Way to go. Glad to hear you ate something yesterday prior to one of your marathon tri-fectas in the workout room yesterday! LOL :p I would have been starving.
    I meant to ask you about your mom, how is she doing/feeling these days?

    Thelma: Made me wince a little to hear about tearing a stitch or scab coming off?!? Yikes, I am sure it is all going well under those bandages though. Again, great job with your persistence in getting your workouts in regardless. Nicely done.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ I will talk to you tomorrow,

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, seems that I have finally hit a good foot week. Today my foot was acting up a little but not too bad. I did RWH Chest, Triceps, Shoulders. I forgot to tell you ladies that DH got a promotion at work the other day. It was long overdue. I'm so proud of him.

    Laurie, good job picking a workout you enjoyed! BH is awesome. It's funny that you picked him because last night as I was typing my post I thought of suggesting Bob but didn't.

    Laurel, another killer workout! WOW! I think you should definitely try that Insanity Max as your first workout of the day. Knowing ST I know it will still be hard but at least your energy tank will be full if you do it first. Great job!
    I really am anxious to get my foot back to normal. I'll have to learn to walk on regular shoes again, go for physical therapy. I wonder when I'll be able to jump again and lunges! I think lunges will be the hardest thing to do and that will be something to work on during PT. People at work can't wait for me to get back.

    Tami, sounds like a fun spinning class! Hard Strikes is so much fun! That one is next on my stack of workouts to do. May do it over the weekend.
    It was really creepy to feel that scab come off. I think things are going well under that tape. One thing that has happened is that my entire foot is peeling. I don't know if it's a result of the trauma or the fact that it was wrapped in so many bandages for almost 3 weeks. Thanks for the kudos on my workouts. I'm finally at a turning point and that feels good.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! Today's workout started with P90X Back and Biceps. During the early part of the workout, I was still feeling the effects of yesterday's Insanity Max workout. But the arms loosened up as I went along.....thankfully! Then I took a deep breath :) and did Insanity Max 30 Friday Fight Round 2. After yesterday's experience, I was a bit leery of this one, especially since Shaun T. described it as the toughest workout he has ever created. And it was tough. But at the end, I felt completely energized! That is how I like to feel at the end of those workouts, so that was good. I followed it with RWH core work, which felt great.

    Tami, sounds like a great spinning class. Is the gym still full? With the weather turning nicer, I am wondering if more people are opting for outdoor activities. My leg/ankle is all better. I really don't feel it on anything anymore, which is good. Thanks for asking about my mom. She is doing well. I will be visiting her at the end of the month, and I am really looking forward to that. She sounds excited about it as well. Can't wait to see her.

    Thelma, great workout!! I am so happy to hear you are feeling better. Will you be starting PT soon? I bet you recover quickly because you were so fit when you went into surgery. That muscle memory will kick in and you will be back to walking in shoes in no time! The jumping and lunges may take longer, but you will get there. Congratulations to your DH! That is good news!!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. On Friday I did RWH Low Impact One + Bonus Abs Two and that was the last time I worked out.
    On Saturday I went out with DH twice! That was the most I've been out on a day since March 6th! We just went down the road to the hardware store so I could see the plants. There were hardly any plants given how cold it's been so everything is behind schedule. It takes about 12 minutes to get to the hardware store. We then drove down the road for some ceramic planters. No big deal. Went back home to rest my foot because I wanted to go out to dinner locally (8 minutes from home) to celebrate DH's promotion. Today my foot wasn't very happy. What didn't seem much to me yesterday was really too much given where I've been. I've kept my foot elevated a good part of the day. On top of things in the afternoon I had a headache. Not a good day for me today but I hope to be back in business tomorrow. I was really trying to test out my foot to see if I can survive going to the office next week. It sure doesn't feel that way so I'm hoping my doctor recommends that I work from home.

    Laurel, you are doing an amazing rotation! You must looking AMAZING! Great job. I can't wait to have my foot back!
    Thanks so much for congratulating DH. I will be going to physical therapy. I believe the ortho will write me a prescription for PT on Wednesday. I still have the tape on my incisions they put when the stitches were removed. I don't know if that means anything about the right time to start PT though. The incision where the neuroma was removed is small and that tape fell off the other day. The incision looks great. Now the other two incisions still have the tape and scabs. You'd think that taking a shower every day would've made that tape fall off by now but noooo. I'd like to think that is a good thing though cause maybe the scar won't look too bad.

    Have a good night and a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I took the day off on Friday and took the youngest to her consult for her wisdom teeth extraction. She will have them removed after her graduation. On Thursday I did Bob Harper's Beginner's Weight Loss Transformation Workout 2 and Ultimate Cardio Body Workout 2, Friday I didn't workout, Saturday was Beginner's Weight Loss Transformation Workouts 1 & 2, and Sunday was Bob's Total Body Transformation Workout 1. So I had a Bob Harper weekend, and I think I will continue with that for a while. Tonight we have to go to dance class, since the youngest has her first outdoor track meet Tuesday.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts as usual. I had that same experience with the Total Body Transformation workout of Bobs. He had us in plank moves so long during that workout that I felt I was going to collapse. There was one guy on the DVD named Angel, that was really having a difficult time, and Bob kept yelling at him. :D Glad to hear that the tough workout didn't fry your arms more. I am impressed at the workout that you are able to get through.

    Tami, Sounds like a nice spinning class, and of course getting in your Hardstrikes also. I surprised myself pulling out Bob's workouts, he is one tough guy. Even though that workout says Beginner, it really isn't for a beginner. :D I had so much fun, I'm going to continue on with his workouts. I have some that I have not even tried, so will get through those and work on some for virgin workouts. I think that will be my goal for a while.

    Thelma, Nice workouts! I also went with DH to the hardware store. I bought a couple of plants that I knew would be gone before I would be able to plant them in my pots. They didn't have a lot, but just enough to tease. :) I bought a perennial and two annuals, so the will have to get in pretty soon. Guess I will just have to cover them if it gets to cold out. It was warm last night. Interesting that you though of Bob for me also, it must be those great minds thinking alike again.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a quiet weekend here, which was nice. I took Saturday off from workouts, as usual. Yesterday I started off with X2 P.A.P. Lower, which felt good. Then I took a really deep breath and did Insanity Max 30 Max Out Strength. This is the workout that nearly killed me last Thursday, and I wanted to try it early in the week after a break when my arms were still fresh. And it was MUCH better! In fact, I felt so good when it was over that I popped in RWH Lower Body Circuit just to get in a little more cardio and work on the lower body. Glad I tried that Insanity workout again. I don't think I will ever enjoy it, but at least I don't feel as defeated by it.

    Today's workout started with X2 P.A.P. Upper followed by CTX Upper Body premix. That latter workout really emphasized that I have lost some endurance doing all these heavier P90X workouts. By the 16th rep on some moves, I was burning! For cardio, I did Insanity Max Out Cardio, which, like yesterday's workout, felt much better this week.

    Thelma, good job on the RWH workout. I bet getting out of the house felt good, but I am sorry you paid for it yesterday. Hopefully you are feeling better today. I hope the doctor gives you a good update this week and you have a better idea of what is next....and when. Is there a limit on how long you can be off from work? I hope not because I would hate to see you rush back and not be able to heal completely.

    Laurie, sounds like a nice weekend with Bob Harper! I am happy you have found some good workouts while you are in between rotations. I had my wisdom teeth extracted when I was a couple years older than your daughter. Everybody had me scared to bits about it, but I had no issues at all. In fact, I quite enjoyed the pain medication and the ice cream shakes I got to drink with those medicines! I was in college.....and mastering in bad eating the time. Sad, but true.

    Tami, hope you had a great weekend.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Monday!!! :) Friday was a crazy day for me here at work; with people out and busy, busy times I worked right through my lunch break to help assist people. One of the ladies was so appreciative she gave me a really sweet Thank You card, which was very nice because I was just "doing my job". At any rate, right after that I ran home, changed and headed to a fundraiser with DH so no workout that evening . . . It's that time of year for fund raiser's because DH has his Special Olympics/Special Needs & Recreation fundraiser this Thurs. I am making all the donation flyers again so started working on those on Saturday, found out people were coming to the house for a BBQ and diverted to cleaning the house, groceries, etc..... So NO workout that day and yesterday I had a hair appt. in the a.m. and then home to change in time for a long afternoon at Volleyball. Needless to say, that was my only workout :(:/:s Which to me is more like fun and a little exercise, but not a workout. LOL

    Today will be BootCamp after work. Then I am sure every night up until Thurs. I will be helping out with "last minute" flyers and the program is still not updated. YIKES. Waiting on the organizer to get me all the details, (that would be DH) . ;)

    Laurie: Great job with your workouts and continuing on with Bob! Sounds like you are enjoying them, which is fantastic. Hope your daughter is feeling as good as to be expected for her upcoming surgery. I still have all of my wisdom teeth but I have heard that nowadays, it is a much easier process when they remove them. Hoping that for her too.

    Laurel: I have to say that I am very jealous (in a good way) of all your amazing workouts, day after day - week after week! NICELY DONE :) I am glad your mom is doing good and that you get to see her soon. Yay.

    Thelma: Great job continuing on with your workouts and hopefully all is better today with your foot. I bet it did feel good to be out and about the other day.

    Hope you all have a great afternoon/evening ~ I will talk to you tomorrow!
    (Hopefully with a couple good workouts done when I check in tomorrow between tonight and in the a.m.) :)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, today I did Hard Strikes. This was so much fun! My foot was better today thankfully.

    Laurie, I'm glad you're sticking with Bob's workouts. They are good and I know you always enjoy them.
    The hardware store had lots of pansies and I don't want pansies. I need to be ready for the hummingbirds and they will be here any time and I don't have their favorite flowers! I ended up getting vegetables and herbs.

    Laurel, awesome combo today! I knew you'd like that tough workout if you did it early on your combo. Good job!
    My short term disability ends this Thursday and what that really means is that for the first 6 weeks I get 99% of my salary. After that I get something like 68%. I know I'll start working next week. The only question at this point is if the doctor will recommend that I work from home or not.

    Tami, Happy Monday to you too! I am so happy you took that job Tami. It such a great place for you and the people are so appreciative of your work! So nice!
    You and your husband do such wonderful work the special Olympics fundraiser! I hope you guys do better than last year!
    It did feel good to get out the other day!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I had a very crazy day yesterday evening. I had to take my car into the shop, seems the brake line let go on the caliper. My brake light when on half way home. Made it to the shop safe, had my youngest pick me up from there. My oldest took me to the airport to get DH's car from the out lot, since he is in Vegas this week. Got home and didn't want to do anything after all of that. Today I'm hoping to get in a workout after youngest dd's track meet, we shall see how that goes.

    Laurel, Great workouts, it sure sounds like you needed t change things up with doing the high rep workout. Isn't it funny how those workouts, even though you use lighter weights, can be really tough. I know that I had to lay my 4lb weights down in Bob's workout, I just couldn't do another rep. He even told that poor Angel to drop his weights, because his form was horrible. Kind of nice to see an instructor do that. DD has been getting the horror stories about getting her teeth removed. I still have mine on the bottoms, the top ones came out no problem. I think that she will be fine, just hope that she doesn't experience to much pain from now until June.

    Tami, Sounds like one of my weekends. :o Glad you where able to get in the volleyball, even if it was just recreational. ;) Hope that your week goes well, and that your organizer is getting you the information that you need. :D Very nice of your co-worker to give you that Thank You, those can be something that just makes your day that much better.

    Thelma, Great workout, and every nicer that your foot is doing better. You are right we had pansies also. Our tulips are not even up yet, and I have friends in Indiana that are showing off their spring flowers on line. :D The crocuses came up and bloomed, and I'm seeing the tulips coming up so with this warm weather I'm hoping that we will be seeing them very soon. They did have a lot of feeders for the humming birds at the store though.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with P90X Legs and Back. Then I did X2 Plyocide followed by Insanity Max 30 Max Out Power. That was a really nice combo actually.

    Tami, sounds like a busy weekend for you....and a busy week! Again, I love what you and your DH do for the Special Olympics. No doubt it is a great deal of work, but for such wonderful programs. And don't you have a birthday next week?? I was thinking about that just now as I was baking my DH's birthday cake (today is his 50th). If I am not mistaken, your birthday falls on our anniversary (21st) next week. Any plans?

    Thelma, great workout! So glad your foot didn't give you too many issues for too long after your trip out on Saturday. I am glad you have some flexibility with work if you need it. Working from home sounds like a good least for the immediate future!

    Laurie, yikes on the brakes! Glad you made it to the shop safely. I don't blame you for not wanting to do a workout after that. It was funny on the endurance workout because I kept thinking that the weight felt so light when I first picked it up! And then it was like 'oh my'. Endurance has never been my best thing....and that showed yesterday! :p Regarding wisdom teeth, my problem was one was growing into my cheek (it was the only one not completely impacted) and that pain and irritation was much worse than having the teeth removed. If your daughter has pain right now, hopefully her experience will be the same.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was a pretty good class last night; she had us do 3 rounds and go longer than normal on each plus she added a few more stations. Nothing was really "new" as far as the exercises but it felt pretty good after missing a couple days of workouts. Today was RWH Upper Body and tonight will be Insane X with Katy.

    Thelma: Yahoo on your foot being better! Awesome job with HardStrikes too. I bet both felt great to you. Thank you for that on my job . . . I am SO glad too. Not a day goes by that I don’t feel like they “saved” me and to be put in such an amazing environment is a true blessing. So far he is on track to raise even more money than last year; which will be amazing for their organization. He is working so hard and as fundraiser's, go, it is very time consuming and a lot of work.

    Laurie: I am so glad you made it to the shop safely with your brake situation. Yikes! Yes, my weekend was probably a typical day in the life for you ….. LOL I felt like I was chasing squirrels a bit! LOL

    Laurel: Another amazing job in the workout room ~ way to go!!!!!! You are exactly right, my Birthday is next week on the 21st! No plans so far but with my wonderful current employer I get an extra day off (paid) whenever I want to use it. How nice is that? We are so busy and short staffed with the two women fighting cancer being out that I will wait to use it. I think DH will either make dinner or we will go out. I told him he spoiled me for our anniversary so no gifts required. Happy Birthday to your DH, my mom’s Birthday was yesterday. April is a good month for both of us & celebrations. :)

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ Talk to you tomorrow . . . . Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, RWH Chest, Triceps, Shoulders. It was raining this morning and kind of raw and my foot wasn't happy today so I waited till the late afternoon to workout. I have to remember to take a picture of my x-ray tomorrow so I can show people the screws! LOL

    Laurie, thank God you made it safely to the mechanic's shop!
    I saw a couple of crocuses on our yard on Saturday and I bet the tulips are just starting to come up. I asked DH to put our hummingbirds feeders out today because according to the hummingbird migration map they have arrived in MA. I can't wait to see them!

    Laurel, another winning combo! Great job!
    I am really glad to have the flexibility to work from home. I can just imagine how swollen my toes would be just from driving to work in the morning.

    Tami, great workouts!
    You are truly blessed with that job of yours. I am so happy to hear your husband is on target to raise more money than he did last year. Awesome!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, but had some great bonding time with my youngest. The track meet was well attended, since it was some great track weather. The 4x400 didn't run, two of the girls that where scheduled to run came up with ailments. So the my dd and the other girl came up by me for the rest of the meet. It was a nice discussion. Got home, made some dinner for the two of us, and then crashed. ;) We had breakfast for dinner.

    Laurel, Sounds like a pretty tame workout series for you yesterday! :o A very belated happy birthday to your DH, mine is turning 55 in little over a month. LOL on the endurance, it does make you feel like you haven't lifted weights before. Oh you tooth situation is worse than dd's, hers are pushing her teeth forward, so that is why they need to come out.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts. I was very happy to make it to the shop safe and sound. It was just a good thing that it was only on one side, so I still had brakes. I just had my foot all the way to the floorboard to stop the car. Surprisingly I wasn't worried. It is nice that I don't have a ton of traffic on good days. I'm glad to hear that your DH is on track to raise so much money for such a great cause.

    Thelma, So your foot is predicting the weather again. ;) WTG on the workout! It is awesome that you are able to do them even with your foot. I hope that you are able to see the humming birds, I have been trying to plant some bushes and flowers that they tend to enjoy. I love seeing them buzz around. There was a daffodil sighting in my tree line this morning. :D Made me smile.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with P90X Shoulders and Arms. Since this was my last time to do it this rotation, I really pushed the weight. No doubt I have gained some strength this rotation. It felt great. For cardio, I did Max Out Sweat which is my favorite of the month 2 Insanity Max 30 workouts. I followed it with the cardio from XT All Out Low Impact HiiT and core 1. Fantastic combo!

    Tami, happy to hear your Bootcamp class was good. I wonder why she can't come up with some moves, though. Well, at least she is trying some variety, so that is something. Yes, April is celebration month for you and I. And it sounds like you and your DH will have something to celebrate with this fundraiser. That is fantastic news about the contributions!

    Thelma, great workout. Sorry to hear your foot was sore, but weather changes/cold will probably do that for awhile. Keep us posted on how your appointment goes. I hope it is all good news!

    Laurie, I am happy you were able to spend some good time with your daughter. Isn't breakfast for dinner the best? The only time I do that is when I visit my mom. She makes Swedish pancakes for dinner! Of course, I am usually starving the next morning since there is no nutrition in them, but, boy, are they good! Thank you for the birthday wishes for my DH. He handled turning 50 relatively well. We'll see how I do in a month! :#;)

    Until tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, Hard Strikes for me today.
    My return to work date is Wednesday 4/22. I am authorized to work from home for about 2 1/2 weeks. Return to the office date is 5/11.

    I thought the doctor would tell me to stop wearing the boot but no such thing. In the next 3 weeks I have to wean myself off the boot and crutches.
    I have to learn to walk using proper mechanics. The bunion had made me walk on the outside part of my foot. Now I have to learn to walk on the inside as in leading with the big toe. After 15 minutes of walking barefoot my toe started to hurt badly so I have to slowly increase walking time to 1hour. The doctor doesn't want me doing side to side moves and the low impact moves Cathe would do. She said walk and the stationary bike. WHAT? Maybe I shouldn't have been doing what I've been doing. At least I had the boot on. I can understand the doctor not wanting me to do side to side moves since I have to learn to walk.
    I knew my foot was swollen but I had no idea how much until I tried to put my foot into my sneaker. My New Balance wide shoe wasn't wide enough! The doctor said to expect swelling into the 5th-6th months post surgery. Yikes!
    I've attached a picture of the foot x-ray taken from the side so you can see the screws. When I expand the picture I can see the screw threads.


    Laurie, bonding time with dd: Priceless!!!! I'm sure you enjoyed that. Breakfast food is my favorite food. There was a time years ago when I would make myself French toast for dinner all the time! LOL
    I haven't seen any hummingbirds this year yet. I live for those birds. There is something so magical about them that just make me melt. I have a feeder on a window which is right next to my desk at home and I sit there not moving so I can see the little guys inches away from me. I hope they'll be here by next week.

    Laurel, another killer combo! You must be looking pretty amazing lady!
    The doctor said the pain will eventually go away. It's just the bones healing and they get cold with the raining, raw weather.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I decided that the CTX series has not been done by me in about a decade, so I'm going to do them this week. Yesterday I did Power Circuit, yes it was I on that step! :D I stayed on the six inch step, it worked perfectly. I was surprised at how much of the step moves I remembered. :o I'm thinking that I might even venture into the Timesaver workouts next week. Now that would be something, since I'm not a big fan of the SJP workout. Maybe in little stretches it won't be that bad. ;)

    Laurel, Great workouts! Nice that you are headed into the home stretch for this rotation. Do you know what you are attempting next? I feel like I'm winging it, but waiting for June 7th, that is when the youngest graduates. I'm hoping that things get back to a more normal pace after that. I'm sure that you will handle turning 50 without to much of a problem. I went out with some friends of mine, and it was really fun. Those pancakes sound really good, now I want some of those for dinner.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout! Things are starting to move a lot faster with your foot now. Sounds like the most trying part is going to be walking with the proper form. After years of walking differently because of the bunion, I'm sure it will be a little difficult. Those pins seem huge when they stand out in that xray like that. ;) I love french toast also, and have not had it in a very long time.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started my workout today with Insanity Max 30 Friday Fight Round 2....and then went right into XT Cardio Leg Blast. That was tough! But afterwards, I got to reward myself with YogaX, which felt fantastic today.

    Thelma, that x-Ray! Oh my. I am happy the news from the doctor was okay. After my latest injury, I actually really understand why your doctor doesn't want you to do side-to-side moves, especially if you are used to walking on your outer foot. My injury was to the outer part of my ankle and calf, and it is amazing how much you rely on those muscles to go side-to-side. I am sure your doctor doesn't want you to do anything that would build strength there when you need to be re-building strength on the inside of your foot (and everything attached to it). Just be patient with it for awhile because I think you will so much happier in the long run if you retrain your body properly. I am glad you have a few more weeks at home, though.

    Laurie, great job with the CTX workout! Those are not easy step workouts, that's for sure. But it is such a good series, especially if you are short on time. It hits everything. I never did the Timesavers as a rotation. I think those workouts are even shorter, though, so you may be able to endure the SJP a step! I am going to do the RWH/XT rotation next. I think I will be doing a series of 30 day rotations for the next few months to get through the summer, especially since I will have DH home in July. Then I think I will start on the rotation Tami is doing. We'll see. I am always changing my mind when it comes to workout rotations. :p

    Tami, hope everything goes well with the fundraiser!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I'm here, I'm here!! Yikes . . . the fundraiser is tonight and it was last minute helps even this a.m. I spent the last two evenings when I got home helping with more flyers and "the list". He reviews it every night to make sure he hasn't missed anything. A part of the event he feels "stressed about" So at any rate, between very busy at work, late nights and working into the night I did not workout yesterday a.m. - Only spinning in the p.m., which felt great. Katy was very sick but told us what to do from her bike, not riding. She's a little crazy coming in while sick; but I know she needs the money and missed out on her full time job for 2 days. So I know tonight will be one more late night, not sure if I will make the 4:15 wake up so I may start this week over in my rotation next week. :( I may go into work for a little while on Saturday for some more OT so wouldn't be able to make up too many workouts. Definitely workout before I go though. :)

    Laurel: Great job with the workouts!!! I cannot even say enough about your long, LOOOONG workouts and commitment to them, so great! On the BootCamp instructor, I am not sure either why she doesn't have "new" moves. I know the regulars have chatted with me and say the same thing, so it's not just me feeling that way.

    Laurie: Awesome work with CTX series!!! It has been a very long time for me on that one as well; not a decade, but a long time. ;) Now the SJP workout, might be a decade. LOL I describe my last few evenings and thought of you, this is probably a normal routine with all the running around, dinner, etc you do for your family.

    Thelma: That x-ray is amazing. WOW, I am glad to hear you get to start getting away from the boot, but I am sure it will be a little intimidating and at the same time a good feeling. I think Laurel has given you great advice and I am sure you are already thinking it about retraining your foot/walking correctly so no problems in the future. Will be strange for a while but so worth it in the end.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon and evening! I will check in tomorrow and let you know how the fundraiser went!
