Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. I've been having more swelling since I started doing the chair dancing workouts and started going down/up stairs twice a day for a little while. So I've had to stay in bed more than I want to keeping this foot elevated. When the foot swells up it's very uncomfortable because I have to have the boot on and it feels so tight that it hurts. This is a bummer.
    I go for x-rays on Wed followed by a checkup with the ortho who I think will remove the stitches. Today we made our Thanksgiving turkey dinner for my aunt who loves that dish so much. It came out great.

    Laurie, good job on the workouts! So happy for your oldest getting the job she wanted and congrats to your youngest for turning the big 18. I remember crying when I turned 18 because I felt old! LOL

    Laurel, awesome workouts. So happy you're back to normal! I hope you have a great week with your in-laws!

    Hi Tami, great workouts! The swelling is normal but this is a little worrisome. How am I going to survive going to work if my foot swells up. I can't see going to the office before week 6.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did JM's Body Rev Workout #3 on Sunday. I didn't workout on Saturday, DH and I went to the home improvement show. Got in a lot of walking there. ;) Had a very enjoyable weekend. Last night the boyfriend's came to dinner, so that is the first time I have had both of them at our house for a meal. It was very enjoyable. Kind of strange in a way to be entertaining the young men like that though. :D

    Laurel, Great job on finishing this phase of your rotation, and that you only have 4 weeks to go. That X2 Base workout sounds interesting. Yes she was worried about the boss, but apparently the lady that interviewed her said that she really wanted her in their department. Have a great week with the family, and of course your time away.

    Tami, Good job on the workouts! I'm of course cheering for the WI Badgers, so we have been watching those games. My bracket was trashed by the East bracket though. None of the teams that I had up their won. :p This is really the only time that I watch college bb, seems to be a lot more exciting during March Madness. As I was doing that yoga workout I was asking myself why I hadn't done it in a while. It is really good, probably because she has you hold those poses for a long time.

    Thelma, It has to be very difficult to not be active when you are always on the go. Hope that the swelling starts to subside for you. I love turkey dinner, we are going to have turkey for Easter (which we are celebrating this weekend). My oldest doesn't like ham, and I'm not a huge fan of it either. LOL on crying when you turned 18. I thought people in their 50's where super old when I was that age, now I don't think that anymore. :D

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice quiet weekend. DH had gone to Seattle to pick up his new fishing boat and also a friend invited him to the NCAA Bball game - our local Spokane, Gonzaga was playing. So that was super fun for him. At any rate, I met a girlfriend for coffee, errands and time with the pups on Sat, no workouts. I hadn't planned on none it just ended up that way. Yesterday I did Cathe's Tri-Sets upper Body followed by Insanity Max 30 Tabata Power (which I keep mentioning I was going to try) and finally did! It was great, I loved it and no dread factor there. The warm-up was perfect too. I do have to say my upper body was burning after the combo of the two and then I had a couple hours and went and played my Sunday Six games of Volleyball. Good stuff, I guess I made up for Sat. Did my usual Monday "sleep in" but since DH is stuck in Seattle (boat still isn't done) I will work out at home tonight instead of the BootCamp class. Today is our 19th Wedding Anniversary, so he is feeling really bad about that. Nothing he can do, I understand and we will celebrate another night. So my celebration will be a good workout, TV with the "kids" and all is good. ;):)

    Laurie: Sounds like a nice time with the boy friend(s), and I am sure it is kind of strange, since you have always had the girls and now they have boyfriends. All the growing up they do and how things change must be just "surreal" in a way. Nice that it was a good time though. My bracket is doing well . . . but I have Duke winning it all. So if they win, I am the only one who picked them in this group of peeps. We will see, they looked good but Kentucky is tough. I mostly watch this time of year due to DH, otherwise I would probably not. LOL Nice job with your JM Body Revolution workout, are you liking those right now?

    Thelma: I am so sorry to hear you are still having some problems with the swelling. I hope at your doctor visit they can help you out there. I'm sure the answer is elevating but maybe they can offer another solution. I'm sure it isn't comfortable at all. How long is your aunt there? Fun you did the Thanksgiving dinner for her, always special no matter what time of year. That is so funny how you thought you were old when you turned 18. It is funny how your frame of mind changes drastically on "age" as you age. I remember thinking my mom was "way to old to relate" when I was a teenager, now I am her age at that time and just laugh at myself ..... as if she lived under a rock or something. LOL

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ evening!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't get in my workout yesterday, worked late and then had to get dd to her dance class. This should be the last Monday that she will be attending. Miss Sharon and dd where able to get through her whole solo last night, and I must say it was very beautiful. I know the day of the recital that I will be crying, since this will be the last time that she will be dancing. :'(

    Tami, Wow what a weekend of workouts! I think I would have had a sleep in also after all that. :D Sounds like you had a good one. So sorry that the boat isn't done, but you are right, you can celebrate on another day. I think you made a great choice on picking Duke, but I'm still hoping that WI goes all the way myself. :D It should be an interesting tournament. I'm really enjoying the JM workouts, when I have a chance to do them. I want to get this rotation done in the 90 days, so I will be doubling up a couple of days this week. With these being around 30 min. it is very easy to get them in on the days that I have more time.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ Well a quiet anniversary night for me and the pups ...... I did FlexTrain as my workout, which felt perfect. Today was RWH Legs and tonight will be Insane X.

    Laurie: Glad your DD's rehearsal went well, I bet it will be a very teary moment for you to watch that final one at her performance. Sounds like that JM rotation is perfect then, you can add on or not and still be right in on the rotation. Yes, I forgot to mention I had some DOM's yesterday when I woke up and even throughout the day . . . a lot was in my chest/shoulders so I'm positive it was a combo of all my activities on Sun.
    Yes, it would be exciting to watch Duke go all the way (for my bracket) because I am the only one who has them picked. I hope WI continues to do well, but not beat them. LOL
    DH is STILL not home :( He is still waiting on them to continue finishing things up. I told him to head home and have them deliver it to our doorstep at this point! Very frustrating . . . I think he just wants it done and will reconsider his high recommendation of their business. They have become so busy that nobody is at the top of their list.

    Hi Thelma - Hope you are well and swelling has gone down.

    Have a great afternoon/evening!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did my chair dancing yesterday and paid for it today with the swollen foot. This is so upsetting. I go for X-rays tomorrow then I see the doctor. I imagine I will get the stitches removed. I am bringing a sock for my left foot since I doubt I'll get my foot wrapped again. I called today to find out if I needed to bring a left shoe and was told that I'd still have the boot. I was told this swelling can go on for months. I would think the swelling will be more tolerable if I don't have to wear this air cast boot but who knows.

    Laurie, great workouts! I bet that was a bit strange to have your girls' boyfriends over for dinner.
    It really is frustrating not to be able to workout of be on my feet or even sitting down too long. I am not a big fan of ham either. I can have a little the day we cook it but that's it. It's just the two of us usually so buying a ham is a waste.

    Tami, happy wedding anniversary! WOW! 19 years! So happy for both of you. Sorry your husband isn't back yet. I'm sure he is frustrated about the wait.
    Awesome workouts too! My aunt goes back home on Friday morning and I won't be able to go to the airport because of my foot and also DH is going to go to work as soon as he makes sure my aunt is checked in and goes through security at the airport as her flight is at about 6:30 AM.
    It really is funny how our mindsets change about age as we age. Imagine feeling old at 18. Of course now I'm 51 and I don't think that is old.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Having big problems with the purchasing system, was on the phone with the help desk for a half hour, and still nothing is resolved. :s Yesterday I did JM's Body Rev Workout #4, then it was onto dance class.

    Tami, Love that Flex Train workout. I was surprised that I had DOMS from yesterdays workout this morning. She does a lot of upper back work on this one, and it sure did isolate that area really well. I agree with you on having them deliver the boat to your doorstep. That has to be very frustrating for you DH to have to be told that it still isn't ready.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you might have to endure that swelling for that long. Hope that really doesn't happen. I'm sure that your Aunt had a good visit with both of you, is she still doing the workout also?

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I survived the stitch removal process. I've had near fainting episodes this week which is kind of freaky. Once on Monday morning and this afternoon while I was getting the x-rays done. I think today I freaked out over having to put full weight on my foot while out of the boot! I panicked for the first x-ray which I had to go up 2 stairs for. I started to feel so panicky and nauseous. Then when I was standing on the floor for the second x-ray the room started spinning around and I thought I was going to go down. That is when the tech came back into the room and I told her to help me. She stood behind me and had me walk back to the bed. SCARY!

    The screws in my foot look like two nails that were nailed in from the top of my foot. I have to keep wearing the air cast for another month and I have to deal with the swelling for probably longer than that so keeping the foot elevated is very important.

    My foot is pretty banged up and it is so narrow now! Now my wide shoes will be way wide but I still need the wide shoe for my right foot. Of course now I'm thinking when can we do the other foot? Is this insane or what?
    I still can't do too much workout wise. Maybe I can ride the spinning bike with the boot on but I can't imagine that working since my feet wouldn't be leveled on the pedals. The boot is higher than my shoes. I go back to see the doctor on 4/15 and will also have more x-rays taken.

    Laurie, good job with that Body Revolution program!
    My aunt did have a good time even though she's only left the house twice since she walked in here on 3/6. She does the workouts with me but I doubt she'll do them back home which is sad.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very busy after work, so I was only able to get in Body Rev Cardio 1. Just glad that I was able to get something in. WI is playing tonight, so I will probably be watching that game. I'm hoping that they win.

    Thelma, So sorry to hear about your experience getting your stitches and x-ray yesterday. That would be really scary. My dad just had his knee replaced, and he has been dealing with low sodium and magnesium levels. The sodium was before the surgery, probably from his medication, but the magnesium was a new thing. I know the sodium was making him feel dizzy. That is unfortunate that you Aunt might not do the workout at home, it sure would be good for her.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ I had some errands to run yesterday on my lunch break and wasn't able to check in with you two :(;) So yesterday was Rockin Knockout in the a.m. and Spinning in the p.m. DH finally made it home last night (he ended up there one full day and night longer than he expected) needless to say he was just glad to be home with his new boat and here's hoping all is good there. He did bring home a very beautiful necklace for me as our Anniversary gift . . . he was feeling so bad that he was away on our anniversary. He had also had 19 roses delivered to the office. Sheesh! I feel spoiled, but well . . . he got a brand new boat! LOL

    Today I am planning on workout out after work. I hit the snooze this a.m. I have been feeling the "tired's", i think due to TOM looming, it sometimes makes me randomly tired. Also, after catching up with DH, staying up later too. Of course he was waiting in the garage to take me out back and show me his new toy and all the elements, gadgets, etc... I am happy for him and he seems really happy with the results, despite the LOOOOOng wait to get it finished up.

    Laurie: Great job with your continued commitment with Body Revolution this a.m. That's right Bball will be on, I might have a shorter workout tonight if DH is home .... Hopefully you got everything worked out with your purchasing system at work?!

    Thelma: Sounds like a scary experience at the hospital forsure; yikes. I am glad the nurses were there to help you so you didn't fall. Hopefully the stitches being removed didn't cause you much pain. I think riding a spin bike and the pressure of the push on the pedal would be tough. Did the Doctor say it would be ok to try?!? Nice job getting in your chair dancing workouts! I am sure your aunt has been a tremendous help, I am sure you will miss her.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening! Talk to you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another day that I stayed at work a little longer than normal. The time just flies by, and when I look up it is after my usual check out time. I blame the time change, because I would have realized it sooner if the sun was in a different position. :D I did get in JM's Body Rev Workout #3.

    Tami, Good workouts. Glad to hear that your DH made it home with his new boat. Sounds like he will have fun with all the new details that it has. Very nice on the necklace and flowers, it made for a nice surprise. The game was to close for comfort for me, but they pulled it off in the end.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Believe it or not, but I didn't get one workout this weekend. I did housework and cooking. We had DH's family over yesterday to celebrate birthdays and Easter. Everyone is so busy at this time of the year that we always have it the week before with DH's family. We where the ones hosting this year, and it was also my day at church to bring something for coffee sip. So dang, it was just a really busy weekend for being in the kitchen. We are not going anywhere for Easter, so I'm hoping to just relax.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I missed you all last week. DH and I enjoyed a nice, relaxing time in North Carolina. Despite being armed with workouts, I opted not to do any for the five days we were away. I think my body and mind really needed the break. DH and I did take a couple of very long walks/hikes which made me feel like I was at least doing something. But, honestly, sitting outside and enjoying the beautiful weather and fresh mountain air seemed so much more appealing during our 'down' times than working out. Oh well.

    But we returned home on Thursday, and I felt healed and energized. So I was right back at it on Friday. Friday was Pyramid Upper Body and Tabatacise. Saturday was X10 Low Impact right into Insanity Max 30 Cardio Challenge followed by LIHI Legs. Yesterday was X2 PAP Upper Body followed by RWH Upper Body Circuit and Insanity Max Tabata Power. And today was X2 PAP Lower Body followed by X10 Step and Insanity Max Sweat Intervals. Whew!!

    Thelma, I hope you are doing better. I am sorry to hear about your experience getting the stitches removed. Hopefully you are resting and healing! I was thinking about you last week since you are talking about retiring in NC. I don't know what part of the state you are looking at, but I really enjoyed western NC. I could see wanting to retire there!

    Laurie, I am sorry to hear things have been so crazy at work. Great job getting the workouts in. A weekend in the kitchen is a workout too! I am glad you were able to enjoy an early Easter with your family. I am happy that Wisconsin made it to the Final Four. I never watch basketball until this point in the college season. Unfortunately, DH and I were driving through Kentucky three years ago during their surprising Final Four season. We were having dinner in an Applebee's and everybody was so excited and friendly to us 'outsiders'. I sort of became a Kentucky fan that day. ;) But I wouldn't be sorry to see Wisconsin win either.

    Tami, Happy Belated Anniversary! I am sorry you weren't able to spend it with your DH, but what a nice gift he brought home to you. I hope he enjoys the new boat. I am so glad you enjoyed Insanity Max Tabata Power!! Like you dread factor for that one. I was sorry to see Gonzaga lose yesterday. I suppose the bright spot is that means Duke is through and you have a chance to win your competition. But that was a tough game to watch towards the end. You have been doing some fantastic always!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed ya Friday :) For workouts I did AfterBurn on Friday a.m. and no workouts after work, had some Bball to watch instead with DH at home. Saturday was Hard Strikes + Tabatas and then yesterday I did the XT Chest/Shoulders/Back Xtreme premix, Volleyball games and then home in time to watch Gonzaga. You're right Laurel, it was so sad to see them lose but for my bracket it was good. :o I was rooting for them despite my bracket but now that I am in first place it makes it a little easier. We will see, Duke has to get a win and then into championship, but it is exciting to be this far. I have all 4 of the final 4 teams in it! Today's workout will be BootCamp at the gym. Tomorrow a.m. is XT Cardio Leg Blast. This rotation is nice how it does a variety and this week is almost all XT workouts; the strength workouts feel good. I have noticed from all those HiiT workouts & light weights I need to mix in some strength (heavier work) forsure.

    Laurie: Sounds like a very busy weekend! Lots of family time and cooking. I agree with Laurel, time in the kitchen can be a huge workout, it's exhausting! lol Glad you had a nice family celebration for early Easter. Glad to see Wisconsin is in the final 4!!! I thought of you watching that game the other night. No matter what happens, Kentucky is going to be tough to beat . . . but Notre Dame almost pulled it off. It could happen!

    Laurel: Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like you had an amazing trip with your hubby and I would see the well deserved break from workouts would have been nice. Of course, in "Laurel fashion" you made up for those few short days in just a few days. YOWSA! Way to go. Thank you for the anniversary wishes. I cannot believe it is 19 years. I am so glad I loved that Tabata Power workout too. Looking forward to doing it again and others.
    Yes, it is pretty exciting that my Final Four Pics are all in it and I still have a chance to win. I am currently in 1st but as I mentioned, Duke has to win it all. We will see, it would be a thrill for me. I know DH gets me in these so I watch all the games with him. LOL

    Hi Thelma - Hope you are well.

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I tried Rockout Knockout on Friday and I did RWH back, biceps, shoulders today. With my foot I seem to have good and bad days. The swelling is still there but I seem to be recovering toe movement. I just couldn't move my toes at all. They're wanting to move a little now.

    Laurie, great job for keeping up with the workouts despite your busy work load. Hopefully you'll go back to normal work hours soon.

    Laurel, welcome back! I'm so glad you had such a relaxing time in NC. We are thinking western NC for our retirement. It really is a beautiful area. Great job with your workouts!

    Tami, awesome workouts! I'm so glad your husband finally made it back home with his brand new boat and a gift for you!
    I don't think riding the spinning bike will work because the boot is just too wide for the pedal. Plus it also means going up/down yet another set of stairs. Getting the stitches removed did hurt but not like it did 8 years ago.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another evening bust on the workout. Another late day at work, and then getting dd to dance class. She has a track meet tonight, DH is going to a retirement party, so it will be myself and the oldest (she usually spends most of her time in her room). Will be a Laurie evening. :D I'm hoping to get in two workouts tonight, and then tomorrow I have a hair appt., Thurs & Fri are church. I'm really going to have a busy week ahead. I'm ready for some time off I think. :)

    Laurel, Glad the you are back into the tough workouts. Very glad to hear that your vacation time was so very nice also. I'm going to be a crazy fan during the KY-WI game that is for sure. Hope that it is an exciting game though, it was a bit disappointing to lose to KY last year during the final four.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! Sounds like you are enjoying the rotation so far, will have to see how it works into my schedule. You did a great job on your bracket, mine is shot. I have three of my pics in the final four, so didn't do to badly.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your foot is getting better and better. Awesome job on the workouts. As soon as they hire someone for my bosses job, I hope that the work load goes away. Just depends on the new boss I'm guessing.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a fun workout today. I started with P90X Legs and Back and then went right into X2 Plyocide. I liked that combo. Then, for cardio, I pulled out a workout I never would have imagined I would say was fun--but it was today! I did LIS Low Impact Challenge.....and I remembered all the crazy choreography! I really enjoyed it.

    Tami, great workouts this weekend! I am glad you are enjoying the new rotation! It really looks like a great blend of workouts. Happy you are in the Number One position for your basketball bracket!! Having some vested interest in the outcome sure makes it better when watching the games. Basketball is not my favorite sport so I am surprised I have watched any this year. DH is surprised too. :)

    Thelma, great job getting some activity in!! That is fantastic. I am happy to hear you are getting more movement in your toes. Hopefully you will start having many more good days than bad.

    Laurie, sounds like a very busy week. Hope you enjoy your evening alone!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was a great class last night. We had a substitute instructor in place of Jessica and she did a good job. Her format was some "new" moves for that class & not just the same old things. Lunges, squats were same but she had us move fast from station-to-station and each station was 1 min. I would say we had 10-15 seconds is all between. Then we did a round of squat jumps for 15, 30, 45 and 1 minute time; 10 sec rest. Then repeat all the stations. It was nice to have something different. Today was XT Cardio Legs and tonight is Insane X.

    Thelma: So happy for you that you are getting in some activity and your foot is healing up. That is great news!!! :) Yes, it is nice that DH made it back finally.

    Laurie: I bet you will enjoy your quiet evening alone tonight and hopefully you are able to get in your workouts if you are feeling up to it! I will be rooting for Wisconsin when they play Kentucky! ;)

    Laurel: Great job again today. I would say your injury is GONE! When I see the name of that workout alone I am reminded of my sticky note inside the case next to that one (in the very back of course) that reads "NO" and an arrow pointing to it. Sad but true. So many others, I don't need to have that frustration . . . . Good on ya for getting it out and the fact that you have conquered it over & over again.

    Hope you ladies all have a great afternoon ~ I will talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, today I did workouts. Glad they have lots of chair exercises.

    Laurie, sorry you missed your workout last night. I hope you have fun tonight and that your company hires you a new boss soon.

    Laurel, awesome combo today! Congrats on mastering that LIS Low Impact Challenge workout!

    Tami, excellent workouts! Glad the sub instructor did a good job with your class.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very nice relaxing evening, and even called my mother. :) Was able to get in a workout, and I really wanted to workout with Kelly. I did 30MTF Circuit Burn Workout #1, ton of fun. Tonight is my hair appt., but I'm still hoping that I can get a workout in. We will see how it goes.

    Laurel, Nice workouts, and glad that the LIS workout was fun. I remember that one being one that you didn't totally enjoy. It must be because you are comfortable with the moves. Practice practice practice is probably the key for that workout. :D

    Tami, Sounds like a great bootcamp class. Can't say how happy I was to have the house to myself for an evening. DH came home and didn't even change the channel on the TV. :) That is very unusual for him to not pick up the remote. I don't know what it is about that remote, but he has to fiddle with it all the time.

    Thelma, Great job on getting your workout in.

    Have a great day!