Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a really tough workout today. I kind of messed up the order of my workouts when I started back into my rotation this week, so I was a day off. And, of course, I thought I would just double up today to get me back on track. Not my smartest moment. So today's workout started with P90X Chest and Back and then I went right into P90X Shoulders and Arms. Brutal. I had to take a break before doing cardio because my upper body was screaming. And, stubborn me, actually stuck with the cardio I had planned which was X10 Fat Burning Circuit right into Insanity Max Tabata Strength. More upper body! I don't think I will repeat this combo.....but it felt good when I was done! :D

    Tami, I was surprised when you said your BC class was great....until I read you had a sub. I bet it was nice to get some new moves! Sounds like a great class. My injury is almost totally healed. I notice some weakness still when I do any one-legged jumping on the left leg, but that is getting better every day. But at least I am back to impact, and it feels good! I think about your sticky note and that LIS LIC workout every time I do it! Even though I have figured it out (after, literally, years of trying), I still don't recommend it. As you say, there are so many other workouts that serve the same purpose that are less complicated.

    Thelma, great job getting your activity in. I hope everything is feeling better with every passing day.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your evening alone. I have an unscheduled one tonight and didn't want to smile when DH told me at 6:15am this morning that he wasn't going to be home. But it is nice to have the TV for a night, isn't it? Bet it felt good to get a workout in too!! Definitely the key to that LIC workout is practice. Kinda ridiculous to have to try so hard to master a step workout, that's for sure.

    Until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did a premix from RWH Circuit Upper Body (no blasts) and I did abs too. I really love this circuit workout. I wish I could've done the blasts though!

    Laurie, glad you had a relaxing evening and got your workout in! The ab workout I did today was a KCM workout I found on cable. I really liked it. Enjoy your hair appointment!

    Laurel, killer workout!! WOW! Awesome job! My foot coloring is returning back to normal but today I woke up with pain on the ball of my foot. I imagine it has to do with the neuroma being removed from around there. I've tried to gently massage the area and I think it may have helped.
    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Later check in but I'm glad I didn't miss out today! Last night's Insane X class was a regular Insanity style workout. 1 minute rounds of 4 exercies and repeat. She had a handful of newbies again so we stick to things that aren't too complex; never easy though. So no workouts today, I will make up for it on Saturday (as my usual make up day) :) Early into work and I had an eye check-up after work. Just my annual "check" and everything looks good he said. No changes! Yahoo. He did mention again that one of these days I will most likely need reading glasses, as most of us do as we age he said. But it's not today!!!! At any rate, DH is gone for a couple days of fishing with clients in Portland so I have the house & remote to myself. LOL

    Laurel: Holy WORKOUT!!!!! You put in some serious time and amazing effort into that routine today, nicely done. I'm exhausted just reading about it all. I'm very glad to hear that your injury is nearly gone. Such a relief and so thankful it was a short time for you. Yes, it was very nice having new moves on the Monday class forsure.

    Laurie: I was laughing reading about your hubby not grabbing the remote. I think nearly all men are the same in that dept. It is shocking to me if DH doesnt grab the remote right when he comes in and flips to Sports Center ...... unless he knows I am absolutely into watching something. It's done nearly unconciously I think. I am glad you had a nice evening and able to get in a workout as well, I bet it felt amazing. Hope you had a nice hair appt tonight.

    Thelma: Amazing job getting in that upper body workout! I bet it did feel really good and I know how much you wish you could have done the blasts. You will be there sooner than you know it and we will all be cheering for you! I am hoping that each day is closer and closer to that foot healing.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening/a.m. and a great Thursday! I will talk to you tomorrow.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout yesterday, it was just one of those nights that my dd's needed a talking to. They got in a little tiff, and it took a time to get it all straightened out. :o I am determined to get in a workout tonight, even though I will need to go to church. I should be able to get in something after I get home from work.

    Laurel, I am going to wonder how you will be feeling this morning! What a workout, your upper body for sure has to be sore after all that. WTG on getting if done though. DH and I sometimes watch some different shows on TV, so it was very nice to watch something that I enjoy. He doesn't like watching The Good Witch series, so it was nice to watch it without anyone around. :D

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, and you will be blasting away in no time I'm sure. Cool that you where able to do a KCM Ab workout, I really like her ab work. She made a DVD of all her ab work, and I'm thinking of getting it. I have a hard time remembering which DVD of hers has ab work on it.

    Tami, Glad that you had a good tough class. I just wish that once I would have no changes to my glasses. ;) Yep we all have to get those lovely reading glasses at some point. It is nice that they make them really cute now. Funny, I thought it was just my DH that needed the remote all the time. Has to be a guy thing I guess. :D

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a tough but sane workout today. :p I started with Lean Legs and Abs and then moved right into Cathe's Intensity. And then it was YogaX, which felt fantastic today.

    Thelma, great job with the workout!! I am so happy to hear your foot is doing better. No doubt you will feel pain in different places at times. Even with my recent innocuous injury, I still feel twinges in places that surprise me. Coming back from surgery like you had...I would imagine that would be expected for awhile. Hopefully the pain doesn't get too bad though.

    Tami, sounds like a good class. Happy to hear allow as well with the eye check-up. No doubt those reading glasses are inevitable. I really need to get some for when I am wearing my contacts. DH just stares at me when we go out to eat and I ask him to read me the menu. :D Kind of frustrating.

    Laurie, sorry you had to miss a workout but hopefully all is better with your daughters. I definitely felt yesterday's workout this morning. That first move of squats and shoulder presses in Lean Legs and Abs--even with 8lbs--was tough! But my arms seemed to loosen up as I went along, and I think the yoga helped as well. I wasn't sure I would hold up through all those upward facing dogs....but I did. DH and I definitely have different TV viewing tastes at times. We are even further apart when it comes to some movies. Every now and again I like to watch a movie where nobody gets killed violently. DH.....feels differently. Sigh.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Today's workout was Supercuts + Abs! Always a good one. No gym workout today; my evening at home & relaxation. Feeling the "tireds" this week, I think it's due to TOM :(
    We've had some sad news at our office as well, amazingly enough 2 women are both diagnosed with breast cancer. Just weeks apart but they are both going in for masectomy's next Thurs & Mon. One is having a double and one a single. Needless to say we are all supporting them & praying for the best possible outcome. How ironic, right?! Both working in the same office. Several of us went in for our mammograms immediately! I was just a little bit tardy on getting mine this year so I was right on it. I should hear back tomorrow. :)

    Laurel: WOW another killer workout! Im not sure that it was "sane" though!! :o
    Way to go. I bet you were feeling it after yesterday's workout, sounds like you bounced right back :) I'm chuckling about you having DH read the menu for you . . . . my girlfriend was fighting it and fighting it and would not get readers until just recently so every time we went out for lunch I would have to read her the menu.

    Laurie: Sorry you had a missed workout but hopefully your "mom" duty with the girls was a success! Hopefully tonight you will get something in if time allows. You are a very busy lady! You're right on the cute glasses, my girlfriend who finally bought a pair has darling ones.

    Hi Thelma, hope you are doing well.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ I will talk to you tomorrow! :)
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't get home last night until after 9pm, so I wasn't in the mood to workout. After church we had choir practice, and then I had to go to my sisters to drop of a slip for one of my nieces. She needed the skirt for her prom dress. Yes Auntie to the rescue. :D Good thing I had kept the thing all these years, since it is for my wedding dress. ;)

    The girls seem to be doing okay, it has to be one of those sister things. I grew up with three sisters, and we had our moments. :)

    Laurel, Nice workouts, and I'm sure the yoga did feel good even with all those positions that require all the upper body strength. LOL about the movies that have violent kills, yep that is my DH also. I enjoy those movies sometimes, but there are some that just are way to violent.

    Tami, Great job on the workout! Very crazy about those ladies, and hope there outcomes are very positive. I hope that you get some great news on yours, it can be very scary when they call you back in for a follow-up. I have been there.

    Have a very Happy Easter Weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Surprisingly, my upper body felt fine this morning. So I started with a workout I do rarely because it is long--Cathe's 4DS Total Body premix. Adding a warm up and core makes it about two hours long. But it felt good! For cardio, I did Insanity Max 30 Friday Fight. Tough, tough stuff there.

    Tami, I love that Supercuts workout. Hope you enjoyed your evening off. I am sorry about the 'tireds'. TOM will do that, that's for sure. I am really sorry to hear about your co-workers. I hope they both have successful surgeries and recovery. But I would imagine that would put every female that works there on alarm! No doubt that added stress may be making you more tired as well. Fingers crossed for the 'all clear' from your mammogram.

    Laurie, I don't blame you for a minute for not working out that time of night. I don't have it in me to ever workout that late. Glad to hear your daughters are doing better. With two sisters myself, I understand the 'sister thing'. We still go through it at times! But we are also best of friends. Sounds like you were there for your sister and niece!

    Happy Easter!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really busy weekend with church, and my throat is a little sore from singing yesterday. But it really was a beautiful day. :) I only managed to get in Cathe's Bootcamp workout on Saturday. This week the youngest is on spring break, so I don't have to run anywhere. Planning on some Cathe workouts this week. Really enjoyed doing the Bootcamp workout. and might try out her April rotation. It has a good mix of different workout, and a lot more kickboxing that what she usual rotations.

    Laurel, Great job on that total body workout, that one is tough and long. Can't believe that you where able to add on an Insanity workout also. How much longer do you have on your current rotation.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a very nice Easter yesterday with my in-laws. My SIL and her husband are visiting, which made it so fun. We also were able to see some of DH's cousins....for the first time in nearly 25 years. It was a good day.

    Saturday was my usual day off from workouts, but I did spend the day in the kitchen cooking and baking for yesterday. That exhausts me! But yesterday I was at it before the sun rose with X2 PAP Lower. For cardio, I did RWH Low Impact HiiT One and Insanity Max 30 Max Out Cardio. This was my first workout of the month 2 workouts for that system. It was good. Today's workout started with X2 Upper followed by the upper body premix from Muscle Max. For cardio, I did Insanity Max Out Power. YOWZA!! It consists of 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest. And the word 'power' in the title is true. I was really regretting my choice of doing two upper body focused workouts prior to this during the numerous sets of plyo push-ups! Crazy. But, in typical Shaun T. fashion, he had me smiling at the end. Don't know how he does that!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your Easter, and I hope your throat feels better with some rest. Great workout on Saturday. That's such a good one for hitting the entire body. I have three weeks left in this rotation (including this week). I am so happy I chose to do it and I stuck with it because the results have been really good. DH and I were grocery shopping on Saturday when he popped out with 'your legs look really good'! Really? That made me smile. :) My legs are my trouble zone without question. But I will also be happy when it is over as I am ready to move to something else now...namely RWH and

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ I read your posts on Friday and was getting to respond and had a phone call. At any rate . . . sorry I missed ya :(;) So the weekend was really good, I did end up going into work on Saturday for just about 5 hours. The Title Dept (which is one that I assist) is really backed up and offered to pay some overtime if we (me & another girl) wanted to come in. I would say they were really wanting us too and I was more than happy to come in. So I got them all caught up with everything they left me and she thanked me today again for doing that. Otherwise Monday is really awful when they are already so busy. Plus my supervisor leaves for a work conference tomorrow and she has been filling in while doing her regular job here at our office. A lot on her plate forsure.

    So no workout Saturday, yesterday in the a.m. was my "make up" workout of XT Bis/Tri's + Abs and I added on the 100 rep challenges for both. Today was RWH Hiit It Chest/Shoulders/Tri's - my Tri's felt that work from yesterday. Yes, KUDOS to me for not hitting "snooze". No workout tonight ..... watching the Championship B-Ball game with DH. I thought I had Kentucky & Duke, well I have Duke & Wisconsin. Duke picked to win (sorry Laurie) but it doesn't matter because I am the only one on the board that has these two so I WON my board! $$$$$$$$$ I was so excited the other night when DH figured that out while we watched Wisconsin beat Kentucky! So in reality I can root for Wisconsin tonight.

    We had a nice Easter. Met my brother-in-law, his new girlfriend and my in-laws for a late lunch early dinner. It was good food ~ I had blackened salmon on a lemon vinaigrette salad.

    Laurel: WOW! You are truly on fire with your workouts. I have to admit that the Friday Night Fight 30 workout is scaring me. LOL I don't know that I have ever been "nervous" about picking up a workout. :o Max Out Cardio doesn't sound much kinder! ?! You really pushed it today with all the upper body and then that one. You're right though, what is it about ST that keeps you smiling, his personality . . . oh and that bod! LOL Very nice that you are seeing the results (and DH too for that matter) by this rotation. I think you will really like this RWH/XT rotation, coming up in this one too is STS Total Body; I like how she got that in there too since it is one of my favs. Thanks for your understanding/encouragement on the "tireds" last week, luckily I'm feeling back to normal now - thank goodness. I hate that feeling, and it comes out of nowhere. The ladies at the office are also still heavy on my mind. I want to do something for each of them; I thought having a sign up sheet for meals would be good.
    p.s. My mammogram came back NORMAL :) in my celebrating silently inside I felt sad again for them.

    Laurie: Hopefully your throat is feeling better today. Sounds like you had a nice Easer and a good workout Saturday. That is such a fun workout. I will have to check into that April rotation, I always like to copy down the new ones if they look interesting to me for future use. Perfectly content with this one right now, thank you again for letting us know about it.

    Hi Thelma!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Have a great afternoon/evening.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, Sounds like you all had a great Easter!
    Sorry I missed you but I've been nursing my foot. I guess I over did it last week and paid for it for 3 days. I HATE it when the screws hurt. I also made the mistake last week to not use the elevation pillow for my foot because I have to sleep on my back and I can't sleep that way so I kicked the pillow off the bed. Boy were my toes swollen the next day! I am tired of the swelling and worried about going back to work with this still happening.
    Today I felt good and I worked out. I did Rockout Knockout and also a Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis workout which I hadn't done in a long time. This was good cause I was able to get on the floor to do some floor work. I nearly fell when I was getting up cause my hand slipped off the bed. Close call! Hopefully I won't pay for this tomorrow.

    Great jog with your workouts ladies!
    Laurie, I hope you're feeling better. I hope things between your girls are OK now.
    Laurel, you amaze me every day with your killer workouts lady! Awesome job and congrats on your leg improvement!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    The workout on the schedule was MMA Boxing, but I'm not a huge fan of that one so I did Tapout XT Cross Core Combat. Really enjoyed that one, but it will take a while to get used to all the plank work. I'm not as fast as the people in the workout. :)

    Laurel, Sounds like a very nice time with the family for Easter. Wow on the workouts, the Insanity workout really sounds tough. The Tapout workout that I did reminded me of Insanity, it really worked the whole body. I'm feeling it in the upper body from all those planks. Makes me glad that today is a leg workout. Glad that you where able to smile with Shaun at the end of that workout though. :D Only a month left of the workout, and the added advantage that it sounds like it worked you legs really well. What a bonus!

    Tami, Very nice that you where able to help out this weekend, and get some overtime in the process. Now that all the Easter stuff is finished, I need to get in some overtime. The best part is I can do that from home on the weekends. :) Those Wisconsin guys put up a good fight, but it wasn't enough. :( It was a total blast to watch them get to that point though. Congrats on winning the bracket, we owe one guy in our dept lunch. He was the only one that had Duke in the finals. Cathe doesn't usually have such a heavy kickboxing rotation, so I was surprised that it had so much. Just will sub the MMA workouts, since I'm really not wanting to do those ones right now. They have the not fun factor for me.

    Thelma, Hope that the swelling becomes less and less. Glad to hear that you didn't fall, that wouldn't have been a good thing. You are doing a good job! I'm sure that it is very frustrating that you are not able to do everything that you want to.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with P90X Legs and Back. Then after a short break, I went into PlyoX followed by Insanity Max 30 Max Out Sweat. Now that last workout is a tough workout! I enjoyed it because I liked most of the moves.....but it is a tough one. Good stuff!

    Tami, congratulations on winning the basketball bracket! That is amazing! I bet your DH was excited for you as well. Glad you were able to help out your co-workers on Saturday. The rotation you are doing really does sound good. I am looking forward to doing it. Don't be afraid of Friday Fight! It IS tough but no tougher than anything you've done in Insanity or Asylum. The Month 2 workouts are different in that he adds a power minute at the end of each cardio section before the break (this is for both Max Out Cardio and Max Out Sweat). I didn't much care for the moves in Max Out Cardio (it reminded me more of Asylum than Insanity), but the other two Month 2 workouts I have tried I have liked. He definitely takes things up a notch but since they are the same length as Month 1, I feel like I can get through them. Definitely worth a try IMO. Glad you are feeling back to normal!

    Thelma, great job on the workouts. Hope you can get the swelling under control. When do you see your doctor again? Hopefully everything is progressing as it should.

    Laurie, I was sorry Wisconsin lost last night. They put up a great fight--and they took out Kentucky. Nothing to hang their heads about, that's for sure. Interesting information on the Tapout workout. My husband bought those workouts a couple of years ago and never did them. I keep them thinking I may try them some day. Are they worth it? I previewed a couple and they looked good. Any and all feedback welcome!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well it was super fun to watch the game last night and have Duke win, but like I said, since I was already the winner I was sad for Wisconsin. As you both said though, nothing to be ashamed of. They did awesome. Today's workout was RWH Legs and tonight will be Insane X. It has turned out to be a lovely day . ..... I forgot to mention it SNOWED yesterday a.m. Huge snow flakes, a white out on the way to work. Was melting by the end of the day but craziness!

    Laurel: Another amazing day for you! Nicely done. Thank you for the addnl info on the Max 30 workouts & again the encouragement! The one you did today sounds tough too. Yes, super amazing and exciting on my big win. One of the guys I used to work with called me today to say congrats. He was super happy for me. You will love the variety in this rotation forsure and be able to add your own Laurel Amazingness to it!

    Laurie: So sorry for your Wisconsin team. They did so good though. I told DH I always feel bad for the losing team when they show them up close and the emotions there . . . .
    Awesome work with Tap Out. A friend of mine has that and told me I could try hers at any time, one of these days I may just do that. I love plank work actually. Thanks for mentioning the April rotation, I went ahead and printed it out.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about the swelling. I hope you can get into the doctor and get some relief there. Amazing job on the workouts and your persistence there. Way to Work!

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ I will talk to you tomorrow.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, today I did a premix from RWH Back, BIceps, Shoulders that had ab work after every muscle group. I loved doing abs that way as opposed to doing the entire ab routine at the end.
    I drove for the first time today. I had to go for a dental cleaning and DH had to go to work. It is literally 5 minutes from my house so it wasn't bad. It was scary to drive with the boot though. Today was a pretty good foot day but yesterday was better. I hope tomorrow is a good day too.

    Laurie, good job with your workouts and sounds like you had a good workout to substitute the MMA one with. I really hope I'm at a point where the swelling will start to be less and less. It really seems that when I stand for too long is when it happens and yesterday and today I haven't been on my feet for long periods of time. I wanted to save my foot for my workouts.

    Laurel, it really sounds like you're doing a killer routine! Great job lady!
    I go back to see the doctor on 4/15. I really think I'm healing well. I will of course need some physical therapy specially for my big toe.

    Tami, great workouts and congrats on your winning board!
    The only relief for the swelling is to keep the foot elevated. I really think the healing is going well and the swelling is just part of the course.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well it appears that I'm in a rotation funk. :/ For some reason nothing is appealing to me right now, but I'm still getting in a workout. Last night I was only in those moods to try out Jillian's Killer Body and I did the Lower Body workout. I can safely say that this one isn't easy, and I am really feeling it in my lower body this morning. She does a great mix of body weight exercises, and they get in those places that you know you haven't hit in a while. So even though I didn't want to do the Cathe rotation XTrain Cardio Legs, I still got in a good workout.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! From what I understand about the Tapout XT workout is that they are a lot like Insanity, but doing MMA. So you are really working the core a lot. I can actually feel it today even. I really want to try out all the workouts, just can't make up my mind right now what I want to do. :D I think that means I have way to many options.

    Tami, Great workouts for you also. SNOW! I hope that we don't get any of the, it is raining around here right now. I don't mind the rain, since it will bring up all the lovely green grass. I think the Tapout workouts would be fun. I know I actually enjoyed the one I did even though it was moving from the floor to standing up. I liked that you could move at your own pace, it was based all on time. Well except for the last move, which was started at 10 ea, and went all the way down to one. That was a tough one.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout. I love that you are getting workouts in even with your foot. Good thing the dentist is only 5 min. away, I bet it was a bit strange driving that way. Very wise of you to stay off your feet until you need to do your workout! ;)

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had to do my workout in two parts today as I had people in to treat for termites (preventative measures, of course!). So I started my workout with P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps followed by Ab Ripper X. The guys were here longer than I expected, so by the time they were gone, I was low on food and energy. I didn't want to eat and delay my workout even longer, so I opted for a fun workout, thinking that factor would get me through....and it worked! I started with Turbo Fire HiiT 20 then right into Rockout Knockout with the bonus bag section. It was a perfect combo for today. Now I can eat!!

    Tami, great workout. Snow?!? I guess it is still that time of year, but still. Glad it didn't last long. we are in the middle of a heatwave! Crazy stuff.

    Thelma, great workout. I love those premixes where she mixes the core work into the workout. Sounds like you are definitely on the mend, though I would imagine driving with the boot is not good. I am really happy to hear you feel like everything is healing as it should.

    Laurie, I understand the rotation funk. Sometimes it is just better to do what you feel like doing for a little while. And it sounds like you picked a good workout! Thanks for the info on the Tapout workouts. I think I should just put one in and push 'play' and see how it goes. I hate to see them just sitting there unused.....especially if they are good.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry for the quick check in. Ran errands on lunch so thought I would send you a all a quick note. Today's workout is going to be Spinning after work. :)

    Laurie: I understand that workout/rotation funk that we all go through. Like Laurel said, if you just do what feels good to you right now until something sticks; that seems to work the best for me. Nice job keeping at it though! Sounds like the JM workout you chose was perfect.

    Laurel: Another awesome day in the workout room! Way to go. I would have been shaking like a leaf if I waited that long to eat . . . often my Sat. a.m. problem if I don't eat something and do a normal than longer workout. Luckily the snow did melt quickly, today is sunny and 61 degrees and nice forecast for the rest of the week. weird that the snow blew in and out, but it has happened before.

    Thelma: Congrats on the driving and that your healing process is coming along nicely. Way to stay with the workouts, great job.

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did a premix from RWH Low Impact I with abs. I moved my arms a lot and did the best I could. I had a little scare today when I was coming up the stairs. I felt something snap on my bunionectomy incision and it freaked me out. I thought the incision had opened up! I don't know what happened since I still can't quite see the incision because I have some tape on it which I think is there to keep the incision from opening up. I have some scabs there so I have the feeling it had to do with a scab breaking off my skin.
    Thank you all for cheering me on with my little workouts!

    Laurie, good for you for getting a workout in despite the rotation funk. Maybe you should try easier workouts right now that you're so busy with work. Take it easy. Of course the problem sometimes like you said is that we have too many options. LOL!
    It sure was weird to drive knowing that I had that giant boot on.

    Laurel, another awesome combo! You are the queen of combos for sure!
    I really enjoyed that workout with abs between muscle groups. I'd never tried that one and I enjoyed cause abs are not my favorite thing to do and maybe it is because they're always at the end of the workout.

    Tami, enjoy your spinning class!

    Good night ladies!