Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was CrossFire and no workouts this evening. So my relaxing evening of no rush and eat dinner. :)

    Laurel: I love it, cracks me up when we are on the same wave length!! I'm happy for you that it is truly getting better and you are able to do more already. A very short set back I would say and not even that really! If you can already be getting in some low impact, that is awesome.
    I know, the poor BL peeps in class. I hope they come back, but I have a strong feeling they won't. Katy definitely does NOT do easy. Only when she was injured herself did she let up slightly and even then it was "slight". lol I'm hoping to try another ST workout this weekend. Sat probably. I'll be anxious to report in on that. The Tabata one is calling my name!

    Erika: So good to hear from you and I have seen your posts on the boards with your workouts. Nice job. Are you liking the RWHiiT workouts?!?

    Thelma & Laurie - Hope you are both doing well.
    Healing for you Thelma and getting your workload wrapped up for you Laurie :);)

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a great workout today! I started with P90X Legs and Back and didn't have to modify anything. Then I did LIS Afterburn Bonus Burn premix. It felt great!! And I did everything without any hint of pain! Made me feel very happy. I am going to give myself another week or so of recovery before trying impact, but I definitely feel I have turned a corner.

    Erika, so good to see you!! I have been thinking of you this winter. Glad to hear things are going well. Keep checking in when you get a chance!

    Tami, great workout! Hope you get a chance to enjoy some Shaun T. this weekend. I think you will find the Tabata workout very different from the Cardio Challenge....and in a good way! At least I hope you do!!

    Off to get my hair looking better. Hope you all have a good weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Missed ya yesterday so thought I would check in this afternoon . . . . had a great workout this a.m. with RWH HiiT It Legs followed by HiiT It Back/Bis/Shoulders. Great combo! Hoping to get in that ST workout tomorrow . . . might do a total body workout as well! I also have Vball games so that will be in the afternoon.

    Laurel: I'm so happy to hear you are doing so well! If you did Afterburn no problem I would say you are very close to being good to go. Very nice and great job with your workout. Smart to give yourself a little more time. Thank you for the encouragement on ST ..... hoping tomorrow a.m. I will give it a go. Hope you had a nice hair appt.

    Have a great weekend ~ talk to you ladies on Monday!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm happy to report that I'm doing better and I started doing chair aerobics with my aunt last Friday. We're going to do this workout every day till she goes home on the 27th. I could be doing Cathe workout but I want to see if I can get my aunt hooked on some type of workout. She likes this and she is on top of the time of our workouts. The workout is about 45 minutes and she is lasting about 21 minutes. I am using little 1lb weights throughout the workout so I feel like I'm doing something. I've been burning over 300 calories which is awesome.
    The pain is definitely a lot less and I can't wait for the doctor to unwrap my foot on the 25th.
    Hi Erika! Glad you're doing well
    Laurie, I hope you're OK!
    Laurel, I'm so glad you're doing so much better. By the workouts you're doing you must be pretty close to 100%.
    Tami, awesome workouts! I can't believe Katy scared the Biggest Loser newbies away! Did anyone return?
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm so happy that the previous weeks crap is done. Still have a lot of work to do as follow-up work, but I can do that when I have some time available. I am done with the RWH rotation, and have decided to do some of Jillian's Body Revolution. I don't really have to do any thinking as to what needs to be the next workout. I have done all three of the first three workouts, so 1 & 2 of the weights and the Cardio 1. I think that I will only do the first week as a single, and then move on to 3&4 of the weights.

    Thelma, So glad to hear that you are doing so well after the surgery, but to bad you had to go through all that afterwards. I'm sure that you will heal quickly. Nice that you are getting your Aunt into working out.

    Erika, Nice to see you checking in, and of course having such a busy life. DD just started her last year of her track season on Monday, so we will be attending those meets soon.

    Laurel, I'm so glad to hear that your ankle is doing so much better. Wonderful job on getting your workouts in. I love that you where able to do such great workouts even with an injury.

    Tami, WTG on plugging along with your workouts also. I have a whole pile of catching up to do, even though I was usually at my desk the whole week, I just couldn't stop working on the information needed for the Lean Workout. Now I have a bunch of things to get on order, or I will have a bunch of guys asking me where there parts are. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a pretty busy weekend here. We are having a new bedroom set delivered today!! After 25 yeas and countless is about time! But emptying everything out and getting it to Goodwill took some doing. And, of course, buying everything since we went from queen size to king size. So busy.....but good!

    Saturday was my usual day off working out. Yesterday I started with X2 VSculpt. I am really glad I stuck with this one. It felt really good yesterday. I followed it with LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps and did the premix without the finishers. For cardio, I did RWH Low Impact One and 15 minutes on the Max Trainer. Today started with LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Then I did LIHI Legs. I did do the plyo moves, but very gently. The good news is....I was able to do them! I still have some ache and lack of range. But I am happy with what I was able to do. To get a little more cardio, though, I did LIS Cardio Supersets, which felt great.

    Tami, great combo on Saturday! Hope you had success in VB yesterday!

    Thelma, so happy to hear you are improving. I'm think it is fantastic that you are getting your aunt to try a workout......when she is here helping you recover from surgery!! That is terrific. Sounds like a good calorie burn for that workout.

    Laurie, glad you are on to a new week. Sounds like you have a great plan for your new rotation.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ So ended up not getting in my "real" workout yesterday; just Volleyball. Don't get me wrong, this is a workout but not the same for me. DH was up early and in on the computer getting some work done and so I thought, I'll just workout later, later became "not enough time" so off to Volleyball I went and then grocery/food prepping when I got home, just in time for dinner. This league we are in all of our games are somewhere between 2 & 3:30 :( right in the middle of the day. Today's workout is F.A.S.T./BootCamp and fingers crossed Jessica has come up with some "new" moves for the week.

    Laurie: Glad to hear from you and that you survived your very long, hectic week. Sounds like you have a nice rotation in place with JM! I printed off that rotation you suggested and I am going to begin that tomorrow a.m. (since I missed yesterday/this a.m.) Thank you again for pointing that out to me. It has a nice variety of all my recent favs . . . Low Impact Series, XT and RWHiiT. :);) May try subbing in some Insanity Max 30 on the Party Step days . . . . we will see, since I have yet to try those.

    Laurel: Yahoo on some more impact and your ankle being able to handle a little more. That is great news and awesome job (as always) with the workouts. Volleyball was a huge success yesterday, we won all 6 games! Lots of fun.

    Thelma: Great to hear from you and nice job helping your aunt get motivated on some workouts while you re-coop from surgery! That is awesome and sounds like a nice calorie burn to go with it. We will see tomorrow how many of the new peeps Katy scared off. I am sure it will be most of them, but maybe not. Sometimes they give it a 2nd shot and then that's it. We will see.

    Hope you ladies are all having a great day ~ I will talk to you tomorrow.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was JM's Body Rev Cardio 1. That one is surprisingly tough, so got in a good workout. Tonight I will be going to a funeral, so DH is taking the youngest to dance class.

    Laurel, How very nice that you get to sleep in a new bed. Great job on the workouts, you are really getting in some good ones. Have to love the Superset workout, just for the cardio factor in that one. And of course that it is a lot of fun.

    Tami, Glad that I could be a contributor to your new rotation. When I saw that one, I could see it being a hit with this group of ladies. Hope that your bootcamp class had a few new moves. I consider the volleyball type workouts to be recreational cardio. Still getting in a workout, but just different.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I enjoyed a tough workout this morning. Trying more and more things to see how I am doing. So far, so good. Today started with P90X Back and Biceps. I really pushed it on this one today since this is my last week before my break week. My arms still feel rubbery. Then I did Cathe's CTX Leaner Legs. It has been forever since I have done this workout. And now I have rubbery legs too! For cardio, I did X10 Low Impact right into RWH Low Impact HiiT Two Double It premix. I was a little uncertain how I would handle all of the side to side and turning moves in that workout, but it was fine. Felt great today!

    Tami, I think the volleyball counts as a workout. Congrats on the wins! But I can see how the timing of your games would really eat up the day. Keep us posted on the new rotation. I am looking at maybe doing that one this summer.

    Laurie, great workout. I am sorry to hear about the funeral, though. No fun. The new bed is very nice!

    Thelma, hope you are well.

    Talk to you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, great workouts for all of you! Nice going!
    Yesterday wasn't a good day and today my foot hurts when I walk right where the bunion was removed. It's as if the area hits the side of the boot but it didn't happen before till yesterday. I don't get it. Didn't workout yesterday. Wasn't feeling energetic. Today I did the chair aerobics workout.
    Something interesting is happening. We've had two rainy days and my foot has hurt those days. I guess I'll be able to predict the weather with my foot! YIKES!

    Good night Ladies
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies - Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Later check in for me, I had a lunch date today & tomorrow too actually. Two of my old co workers. At any rate, busy day but I did get in RWH Upper Body Circuit and tonight was Insane X. One of the ladies came back from last week and brought a friend . . . . we all cheered. She was one I thought would not be back so I was proud of her. Katy made it hard again and we did sprints at the beginning too. Yikes! But it felt good when we were done. LOL

    Laurie - Sorry to hear about you going to a funeral, never a fun moment but hopefully a nice service. Great job with your Body Revolution workouts. Yes, that rotation is right up my alley and I will keep you guys posted forsure! Yes, Vball is more recreational cardio -- that's a good way of putting it.

    Lauel - I would say you are about as close to back to normal as you can get. That was quite a test you put yourself through today. Nice work!! Are you guys headed out on your anniversary trip next week or is that in April? I will definitely keep you posted on the rotation, it looks really good to me right now and so I am excited to have something to keep moving forward with.

    Thelma - Sorry your foot was causing you some pain today ..... probably a normal thing in the process of it all but not comfortable by any means. Funny about the weather and your foot. My sister as a kid had her finger smashed in a wall climbing as a kid accident. At any rate, she has always had a throbbing finger when it is going to rain or snow. lol

    Hope you lae have had a great St. Patty's Day! I will check in at some point tomorrow :)
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I was able to get in the Body Rev Workout 1 before I had to leave. That was good. The funeral was very nice, and I feel for the family that lost their wife and mother. She was a very nice lady, but suffered from severe RA.

    Laurel, WTG on the workouts, and of course the dreaded Meaner Legs workout. :D Those low ends get me every time I do that workouts. Glad that your ankle was able to handle the movement.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that you are able to get in the chair workout again. I'm sure that the pressure from the weather change will affect you. Hope that you experience more good days ahead.

    Tami, I had totally forgotten to say Happy St. Patrick's day yesterday! I had some really good cornbeef at one of our suppliers. It was nice that it didn't have a ton of fat on it. Sounds like Katy gave you all a great workout. I would guess that the lady that came back was encouraged by all of you cheering for her. Can't wait to hear how you enjoy that rotation.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with X2 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and then went right into P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. This is the last time I will do this combo during my rotation, and it was a good combo! My arms are definitely enjoying it. For cardio, I did Low Max. More twisting and turning and power moves, but it was all good. I am still a little tentative, but I am not sure how much longer I will need to be. Felt good to get back on my step for a whole workout!

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about the discomfort. That is the worst thing about healing....sometimes it feels like two steps forward and one back. Just take it easy and let your body heal.

    Tami, sounds like a good class with Katy. I am so happy that one of your newcomers returned...and brought a friend! I hope they keep coming back. Next week is DH's spring break, so it is just a short trip for us up to North Carolina (and some cooler weather!). I am really looking forward to it. Our anniversary trip will be early July when the school year is over for DH.

    Laurie, good workout. Meaner Legs really got to me! I was definitely feeling it this morning when I got up. Such a good, tough workout.

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was JM's Body Rev Workout #2. I'm kind of surprised that I'm enjoying these workouts, maybe it is because they are 30 min.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you where able to do the moves in Low Max without any problems. Sounds like you are on the road to recovery. I will have to remember that leg workout for my next rotation of 30 min. workouts. That one and 4DS Legs are really very good for being shorter.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Greater Glutes. Then I did the Less Impact premix from Cross Fire. That felt fantastic!! I am definitely back to about 95% now! I followed it all with X2 Yoga.

    Laurie, I am happy you are enjoying these workouts! No doubt the timeframe helps during this busy time of yours. For shorter leg workouts, I think LIS Lower Body Tri-sets is my favorite. I think it is 39 minutes, but I always feel a good way! :)

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ As I mentioned, I had another lunch date yesterday so didn't get to check in. Sorry about that. It was good to see my friend. Yesterday was Great Glutes Xtreme and last night was Spinning, my legs were feeling it at the end forsure. Today's workout was Hard Strikes, no workout at the gym tonight though. This is my FREE night. :)

    Today I went to the dentist, just for a routine cleaning. The first time in the history of my life I was able to present them with a Dental Insurance card. It felt so good. Starts out @ 70% but it was only $35 for xrays and cleaning vs my normal $200+. Yet another great feeling with my new job. Oh, and we have hired on another person so I won't be the "new" girl anymore! She will be an assistant in the Escrow Dept.

    Laurie: Great job with the workouts and your new rotation so far! I bet it is nice getting in the shorter style of workouts . . . nicely done! Yes, I think it is helpful to encourage the newbies and at the same time you don't want them feeling more nervous. Hopefully she will continue to come back.

    Laurel: Again, great news to hear you are pretty much back to normal. Sounds like your mind doesn't even need reassuring at this point! Great job with CrossFire today.
    That trip sounds like it will be so nice next week ~ I do remember you mentioning that one a while back and yes, July will be much better weather for your anniversary trip! Yay.

    Hi Thelma - Hope you are doing well.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, my usual chair dancing. My aunt lasted almost 8 minutes longer today than she has during the days we've done this workout.
    Foot feels good but I've been dealing with swelling and when that happens I can't even stand the boot. Feels like it's strangling my foot. The remedy for this is to elevate the foot higher than I've had it.

    Laurie, good job with the shorter workouts. Glad you're enjoying Body Rev. I was not able to get into that workout but maybe when I'm able to do leg workouts I should try them again. Sorry about the lady with RA who died.

    Laurel, sounds like you're felling much better. So happy for you! Great job with those workouts and congrats with the new bedroom set.

    Tami, awesome workouts! Glad that newbie returned to Katy's killer class! I bet it felt good to be able to present your dental card at the dentist's office!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I took the day off today, so I just finished my workouts. Last night we went out to celebrate youngest dd's 18th b'day, so I didn't do a workout. I did JM's Body Rev Cardio 1 and Yoga Meltdown Level 1 workouts today. Really love that yoga workout.

    Our oldest dd was told today that she has a new job as a processor at the bank. She was told this morning, so is on top of the world happy. I'm super proud of her.

    Laurel, Nice workouts, and glad to hear that you are heading to that 100% mark. I like that lower body workout too. The nice thing is that they are all a tad bit different, but still give you a good workout for how short they are.

    Tami, Sounds like everyone is working those legs really well yesterday. Very nice that you are not the new girl anymore. :D Very glad that you have the dental insurance, don't know what we would do if we didn't have that. My teeth are horrible.

    Thelma, Makes me giggle a little when you say chair dancing, in my mind I reverse that and picture a dancing chair. I know really silly. Give your Aunt high fives from me for increasing her endurance for the workout. That is great! I have started Body Rev a couple of times, and not finished the whole rotation. This time I am in a different frame of mind, and am enjoying the workouts for what they are. Very happy with some of the results I'm seeing also.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I decided to give a more 'normal' workout a shot. So I started with X2 Base and Back which is really alternating pull-ups and plyo moves. I had no problem with the plyo moves at all. So, for cardio, I started with RWH Low Impact One HiiT and then went right into RWH Upper Body Circuit. It felt great! I went slower and lower than Cathe on a couple of moves (like those butt kicks she does) but, all in all, I had no issues. Very happy about that! Today marked the end of the second phase of my X2/P90X rotation. Six weeks down, four to go! But, to be honest, except for that time right after I hurt myself, I have been enjoying it.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your evening off! Great news about the dentist and the new 'new' girl. I am so happy this job is working out for you.

    Thelma, happy to hear you are doing all right, despite the periodic swelling. Hopefully that will stop soon. Great job on the chair dancing by both you and your aunt!

    Laurie, great workouts! Happy Birthday to your DD. And congratulations to your oldest! Wasn't she concerned her supervisor wouldn't support this move? Regardless, I am glad it worked out for her.

    I will most likely not be here all next week. My in-laws are coming over tomorrow with our niece and her family who are visiting from Texas. Then we head out on Sunday for the bulk of next week. I am going to take workout gear with me. I just hope I am inspired to use it! Hope you all have a good week!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies and Happy Friday ~ The week's just fly by for me :) This a.m. was RWH Circuit Lower Body + Abs. Tonight it is 50/50 if I go to Spinning. The Gonzaga Bulldogs play this evening so I may just head home and get dinner going, relax. We will see what DH wants to do.

    Thelma: Great job continuing with your chair dancing workout and encouraging your aunt as well. Sounds like she is already improving there. Sorry about the swelling, probably a normal thing right? I'm sure it is uncomfortable though. It did feel really good to get that card out; I felt like I had a "golden ticket"

    Laurie: Congrats to your daughter on her job promo! Plus your youngest turning the big 18! WOW, I bet it is just amazing as their mom to see them grow up so quickly! Great job with the workouts and getting in some Yoga. I haven't done that Yoga Meltdown in a very long time, it is a good one.

    Laurel: Right back into the action! Nice job and I bet it felt amazing to you. Your rotation is going along fast. Thank you on your encouragement and support as always with my new job. I met the new girl today and I actually worked with her husband years ago (in my 20's) at our local resort. We both worked the front desk there, he was a hoot! She knew that and also remembered me from my old job. She has been in the Title business for a long time. But she is still newer than me here .... lol Have a great weekend with your company and a fabulous trip next week!

    Have a great weekend Thelma & Laurie too!

    Talk to you all on Monday :)
