Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did RWH Low Impact HiiT Two and Bonus Abs Two last night. I'm going to stick with the premixes for the rest of this rotation, even if I have the time to do the full. I just want to see what the premixes are like. :D At least the shorter premixes. I don't think that I'm up to doing the doubles. ;)

    Laurel, You are really giving your upper body a good workout. Hope that you can do those upward dogs today! :) Will be good for your body to get in a good stretch. And good thing you saved for the push-ups that you might have to do in yoga. How wonderful that you are seeing results from this rotation, it is good to shake things up every once in a while. I have read reviews of the X3 workouts, and people either love them or hate them. But a lot of them describe not liking Tony more than not liking the workouts. Personally I really like Tony's personality, he makes me laugh.

    Tami, WTG on the workouts. The woman that made the previous rotations we tried has a new one on the forum. I took a brief look at it this last weekend, and it includes RWH, LIS, XTrain and the more recent workouts. It is called the 12 week Anti-gravity rotation. It actually looks really good. Might try it out this summer when I have more time to do longer workouts. We are suppose to be getting up into the 40's this weekend, so maybe just thinking about nicer weather will help. You might be getting that end of March storm, we have had the in like a lion type weather.

    Thelma, WTG on the workout. I'm planing on trying the Timesaver and Express workouts from the upper and lower next week. Great job on collecting all the DVD's for upper body, I'm sure that you will be able to get some great work done with those. I have always wanted to try that one body part per day. I read an article that Robert Irvine wrote, and he said that is what he does. Could be an interesting type of rotation.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! No upper body work for me today (thankfully) so I started with Butts and Guts. I used lighter or no weights (definitely no ankle weights), did a couple modifications......but it felt pretty good. It really surprised me how tight my lower body felt afterwards though. It is so easy to lose conditioning at this age. :\ Anyhow, I followed it X2 Yoga, which actually felt really good......even the upward dogs!

    Tami, glad you listened to your body and took a break from your morning workout yesterday. I look forward to the recipes. I was trying to plan meals for next week last night and spent about an hour staring at a blank piece of paper. I need some motivation!

    Thelma, I am so glad to hear you aren't quite as nervous about your surgery. It will all be over soon and you will be on the road to recovery.

    Laurie, great workout! I am going to look for that new rotation. Those two rotations we did really suited me, so I am curious what she came up with. Definitely sounds like a good summer blend. :)

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a tough Spin class last night, so that was perfect after my missed a.m. workout. This a.m. was HardStrikes, which is always fun. No classes tonight, nice having an earlier evening once a week to be honest. Plus, the Biggest Loser started again at the gym and it is jam packed. Not the Insanity class though, just all the others. Everyone is a little afraid of that class I think.

    Thelma: Sounds like you are in a perfect frame of mind for your surgery and not worried. That is great. Always normal to feel the pressure of work stress when you are leaving and prepping for company. Here's hoping the weather continues to stay decent for you guys, you have definitely had enough winter. Nice job getting in that upper body pre-mix!

    Laurie: Nice job with RWH Low Impact and Abs 2 :) Thank you so much for telling me about that new rotation post!!!! I was just thinking yesterday, I need to look again and see if she has posted anything like that. So that is perfect, I will go look for it and probably go right into that after this one. YAY.

    Laurel: Way to go on getting in some lower body work today . . . modifying and all I am sure it was good. That workout gets in there no matter how you slice it! ;) Thanks for the kudos on my zzzz's. Of course I try to fight off feeling the "guilts" so I appreciate that. As I told Laurie, I am excited to see what she posted there on that rotation; like you, I loved those last two so much and now with the new workouts, it should be amazing!
    Sending those recipes/eating to you as soon as I finish here.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I check into the hospital at 1PM tomorrow. I was told the surgery takes about 2 hours. As expected I'm the last patient. They leave the healthy ones for last I guess. For my toe surgery I checked in at 1 and they didn't take me in until 3 I think so we got out of there late.
    I went food shopping and now started with our laundry to make sure what we've used during the week is clean. Then I started on my pedicure. Decided to wait to color my hair till tomorrow. That was a big mistake! At about 7PM I got a call from American Airlines telling me that my aunt's flight from Miami to Boston had been cancelled, that she had been booked on a flight that gets here at 12:45PM tomorrow! WHAAAATTT??? Talk about stress! We had no way of getting in touch with her.
    DH and I were on the phone with American, trying to call the Miami airport and no one would answer. American couldn't call anyone at the airport. I was crying because I know my aunt gets scared and freaks out. She doesn't speak English, she's 65 and is in a strange country. Oh the stresss!!!!! We were calling on 3 phones in hope that someone would answer the phone. Finally some rude woman answered the phone. The only thing the airport could do was page my aunt and tell her to go pick up a phone! Can you believe this? How is she suppose to know what phone to pick up? Anyway it eventually occurred to me that she always hooks up with other passengers coming to Boston from El Salvador and they stay together so they don't get lost. In the mean time Ray wanted me to cancel my surgery because we had to go to Miami to find my aunt. I'm not cancelling I told him. He started to look for flights from Boston to Miami for tomorrow morning so he could go get my aunt and flight back with her.

    After I had given up trying to get someone to go talk to her from the airline or the airport the phone rang and it was her! One of the passengers let her use his phone. The airline had put them in hotel for the night. Apparently a crew member didn't show up for work and the cancellation was on the airline. They fed them too she said.
    I was heading down to do my workout when the call came in so over 2 hours later I finally went to the basement and could only ride the bike. I can't believe this. Ray will drop me off at the hospital at noon and then he'll head to the airport to pick up my aunt and will go back to the hospital.
    I'm still not nervous about the surgery which is so weird for me given than I'm such a chicken. It's surreal. It sucks that I'll be at the hospital by myself and probably won't see them before the surgery.
    Now all my plans got screwed up. I'll have to get up extra early to do my hair and exercise. I won't relax till I see my aunt.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Really busy this morning here at work, really ready for the weekend. Last night I did RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders & Triceps Premix #3. Can't believe that Cathe is lifting 35# for those Triceps. That was a great strength premix, it was done before I realized it. :D Glad I had planned on the shorter workouts, because I worked late yesterday. I don't know if I'm going to get in a workout tonight, but if I do it will be some type of Hiit. Don't know if I will be doing the Plyo one or not.

    Laurel, WTG on adapting the workouts to fit for you. That Butts & Guts workout really does work the legs good. Glad I could possibly help with another rotation. :D

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and yes having a Friday free is always fun. DH asked what I wanted to do tonight. I need to get a few things, so I'm guessing shopping! :D I am more than willing to help enable everyone into trying new rotations. From what I saw it looked pretty good.

    Thelma, I'm glad that you where able to get in a workout, but dang what a crazy night you had. You will be in my thoughts and prayers today. Hope your DH and Aunt will have connected, and you don't need to stress.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi ladies on my way to the hospital. RWH Legs today. Love that workout! I'll try posting an update tonight.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a good workout combo. I started with XTRAIN Chest, Back and Shoulders and then also did the Back and Triceps workout for a good, thorough upper body workout. I must say, my upper body was yelling at my lower body to heal because I am killing my upper body right now! :D But it felt good. I also did XTRAIN Core 2. I really felt like some cardio today, and I knew I couldn't chance it, so I opted to do LIS Lower Body Tri-sets. Since I am using little to no weight, I really didn't mind the chance to workout the lower body again. And this one is good for getting the heart rate up a bit, which felt good. I am definitely healing. I even jumped on my husband's Bowflex Max Trainer to see how that felt. I think by Monday I may be able to use that for some cardio since it is no impact. I just have to get him to properly teach me how to use it now.

    Tami, thank you for the eating plan and recipes! You have given me some much needed ideas. Glad to hear the spinning class was a good one! Enjoy your evening!

    Laurie, great workout! I don't think I will ever be comfortable putting 35lb over my head for tricep extensions! I usually go with 25lb (sometimes 30lb) and go as deep as I can (which is a challenge due to my bum shoulder). That's plenty for me, for sure. I looked at that rotation. Like the others, it looks really fun with so much variety. I have it bookmarked to make sure I can find it again!

    Thelma, I am thinking about you!! I am so sorry about your aunt and hope she made it there safely. I am really happy the airline took care of them but......still. What a pain. Anyhow, hope all goes well. Please let us know how you are doing when you are up to it. Until then......take care. Big hugs!!!

    Hope you all have a good weekend!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi ladies. Surgery went well. I have a boot on and I can walk on it. I can't believe I'm able to walk on the boot. I wasn't scared at all which is great.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Thelma, that is great news!! Hope you enjoy a quiet, restful weekend. Thanks for letting us known ow it went.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. Ours was nice....quiet, but nice. Still on the road to recovery, but seeing improvement every day. Saturday was a day off from workouts, but back at it yesterday. I started with X2 VSculpt, and it went much better this week since I wasn't in as much pain. I am glad I gave it a second chance. I followed it with LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps Extreme and Core 1. DH also showed me how to use his Bowflex Max Trainer, but I was only on it for a few minutes.

    Today, however, I started on the Max Trainer and did the HiiT program (about 15 minutes) plus a warm-up and cool down. I got a good sweat on in that time. It felt good. I am still timid on the leg but, hopefully, that will improve with time. I followed that with LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps Extreme and Great Glutes Extreme. I was able to do all of the leg workout with weight, so that made me happy. Of course, my legs are quivering now. :D But it feels good!

    Until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. I had a horrible Saturday with projectile vomiting due to the anesthesia and pain meds I was given at the hospital. Started to feel better in the nausea department yesterday but pain was still there. Last night I was able to put weight on my foot again which I hadn't been able to do since Friday night. Today I felt strong enough to take a shower and what a relief! DH helped me to make sure I was safe in the shower. I took the faster shower I've ever taken but was good enough for now. Hopefully in a couple of days I'll be able to start doing a some upper body workouts.
    I have this robocop boot on which is good because I've not needed the foot shield DH made me.

    I'm not sure if these picture will attach to the post but I will try.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Another missed Friday with you all, sorry about that. I ran errands on my lunch break and then crazy busy for me. I love every second of it though :) Weekend was great. I got in the RWH Low Impact HiiT #2 "Double" pre-mix on Saturday and then yesterday was RWH Circuit Upper Body, then off for 9 games of Volleyball. I played with a team prior our games because they really needed a player and then had a break and played with my team. This is the beginning of the Spring league. It was lots of fun; I think we won 3 or 4 out of our 6 games. Today's workout will be Boot Camp and then tomorrow will be back into the rotation . . . my last week (ALREADY) on this rotation. I am going to look into that one Laurie told me about and/or repeat this one again. IT went by WAY too fast!!

    Thelma: I am so glad your surgery went well, thank you so much for checking in. Sorry I missed your check in with us prior but I was thinking about you this weekend and hoping all was well with you. How are you feeling now?!? Sounds like better than you imagined if you are walking in the boot. That is great news! Yay. Your a champ for getting in that "last chance workout" prior to surgery. Nicely done.

    Laurie: Nicely done with the RWH workout on Friday. I always feel like Cathe goes very heavy with tri's when she can. But I agree, that one is like ummmmmm WOWser! I can go as heavy or heavier in most everything Cathe does but tri's for me are not something I like to go too heavy or my form suffers .... elbows flare out. lol Thank you again for letting me know on that other rotation. I am going to look today ~ I need to start preparing for what's next! :) You are the queen of rotations in my book!

    Laurel: Great job with your workouts as always, injury or not you are killing it!! Great job getting on hubby's max trainer . . . that may be the way to go for cardio right now until you are feeling up to it. You are so welcome for the recipes and eating; I still need to send that other one and I will with the stuffed turkey/Quinoa peppers. A recipe worth having in my book! Of course as I go, I will send more but those were a few good "basic staples" I go with each week in some way or another. ;) Like I said, you have the eating down I am sure it is just getting ideas/recipes that are different. Let me know if you try those pancakes .... yum.

    Hope you ladies are having a great Monday ..... I will check in tomorrow.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started on the Max Trainer, and I was much better at it today than yesterday. I only spent 30 minutes on it (which is about as long as I can stay on any piece of equipment before boredom kicks in!), but that included 15 minutes of HiiT. I was dripping at the end! Felt good. Then I went on to P90X Back and Biceps and Cathe's Lean Legs and Abs. The workouts are feeling better every day, that's for sure.

    Thelma, so sorry to hear about your horrible Saturday. I hope you are continuing to do better and the pain isn't too bad. Not the most stylish boot I have ever seen. ;) But I am glad you are somewhat mobile. Take care!!

    Tami, sounds like a great weekend of activity. Nine games of volleyball?!? Wow! Hope you find a rotation soon.....or repeat this one. You saying how you want to repeat it has me anxious to do it! I still have it planned for May. I haven't tried the pancake recipe yet, but I will! I love pancakes, but healthy ones are hard to find. That recipe definitely intrigues me. This couple of weeks of no or little cardio has actually been good for me nutrition-wise because I went straight into cleaner habits when I knew I was limited in activity. I hadn't gotten too far off track but it feels good to be more aware right now. I feel like that laziness I was experiencing may be a thing of the past. I hope so!

    Laurie, hope you are well.

    I will try to check in tomorrow, but they are hopefully going to be fixing my floor. I am ready for this to be done!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Just a short and quick message. We are having another lean event here, so I don't have a ton of time to do much of anything. Just wanted to let you know I'm good, keeping up with my workouts, but unable to get online for any real length of time. Of course after work I'm busy also.

    Have a good one!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Pretty good BootCamp class last night. We did the exact same as last week except 4 rounds of it instead of 3 with bonus at the end. This a.m. was RWH Lift It HiiT It Back/Bis workout and tonight will be Insane X. Our weather has been so amazingly nice it makes me want to just go straight home and take the kids for a walk . . . although they are a little out of shape (realized that the other day when I took them) poor Emma was slowly walking back and Bernie was panting and very tired too. Maybe a quick walk around the block would make them happy tonight after my class. It's 66 degrees here today. A new historical weather record for us. :D

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your Saturday, darn it. I hope every day since has been better and moving forward each day gets a little better. That is quite the boot. Looks like nothing will get past that (ie: good protection) which is great. Keep up the great spirits, I'm glad you have great helpers with you.

    Laurel: Awesome job today, I am sure the boredom of the Max Trainer is there compared to what you are used to. Way to get in what you can though & awesome upper body workouts! Sounds like you will be good to go in no time. I can imagine without your normal 2+ hrs of cardio you are thinking closely about what you eat. I would be the same way forsure. I'm sure you weren't off track but this is a good excuse to get back on track if you were feeling "off" ;):)

    Laurie: Hope things aren't too hectic for you! Thanks for checking in.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in as I am still waiting for the floor guys to show up. They should have been here already. Oh well. Anyhow, got up early to get a good workout in. I started with X2 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps then went into P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, which is a really good combo. For cardio, I did RWH Low Impact One! It wasn't perfect, but it felt pretty good. Then, before the cool down, I hopped on the Max Trainer and added another 15 minutes of HiiT. Felt excellent!

    Laurie, thanks for checking in! I am sure you will be glad when this week is over. :)

    Tami, glad to here she switched up the BC class, even if only a little bit. New exercises would be better, of course. But it sounds like I was a bit more intense which is always good. :p Glad to hear you are enjoying the weather! We are breaking records too. Feels like summer already.

    Thelma, sending you healing thoughts!

    Must run! See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi ladies! quick check in. I'm upset that I've not been able to workout yet. I have to stay in bed with my foot elevated. Yesterday I was up way too long and my foot swelled up and now I'm paying for it. I also made the mistake of getting my foot out of the boot when I was only supposed to open it up. When I did that the foot swelled up and I felt like the boot was strangling my foot and I felt like the top of my foot had fallen asleep.
    Today I have to keep my foot elevated at head level where as before it was at heart level. This is to bring the swelling down. If I'm not better by tomorrow I have to go to see the doctor.
    On the other hand the pain is pretty good. I've reduced my med dose in half and I'm taking it every 6 hours. I can also put weight on my foot again when I have the boot on.
    Other than the swelling I feel that I've made great progress and I can't say that the the pain that I felt was ever a 10 on a scale of 1-10. Maybe my doctor was right and it was a 6.
    Last night I called the orthopedic doctor on call when I felt numb and I told him how I've had my foot elevated, I got up to walk every 1-2 hours, took my aspiring to thin the blood out. He said I was being the perfect patient! LOL.
    I miss Cathe! LOL
    Ladies as always awesome workouts! Keep up the good work and exercise for me too please!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good Insane X class last night; we did the "traditional" style of rounds at 1 min. each. We had some newbies in the back from Biggest Loser competition . . . Katy thought she was being easy on everyone; ummmmm, I don't think they will be back. It wasn't easy by any means. Poor ladies. This a.m. was XT Low Impact HiiT + Abs and tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurel: Awesome job with the workout and you even got in a little Cathe Cardio! Way to go, must be feeling a little better. I was thinking of the XT LI HiiT this a.m. while I was doing it and wondering if it would be something you might ease into?!? Minus the step action of course but the first part of workout maybe.

    Thelma: Thanks for checking in! Don't worry about the workouts . . . your body needs time to heal which is often tiring and not what we plan going into it. I hope tonight is better with all the elevating and you don't have that happen again. Sounds uncomfortable forsure, but glad your pain scale is not up there. Hang in there! Thinking about ya.

    Hi Laurie

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started with Lift It Hit It Legs and did the strength only premix (thanks to Laurie's recommendation!). I followed with XT Low Impact HiiT, another 15 minutes of the Max Trainer HiiT and core 1. Then I did YogaX! Long, but good workout.

    Tami, great minds think alike! I smiled when I read we did the same workout again. Yep, you were right in thinking it might work!! :D Actually, I was fine with the step part. Where I am feeling it now is when I try to push off on the left leg moving towards the left. So those power side lunges with the weight during the first part were tricky when I was shifting from right to left. But, all in all, it is definitely getting better. Feels good to be getting some cardio in, that's for sure. I also laughed about the poor Biggest Loser people who joined your class last night. Katy doesn't do 'easy'! But hopefully it gave those participants something to work towards.

    Thelma, so glad you checked in! I am sorry to hear about the swelling. Hopefully a day of elevation will take care of that. I am so happy to hear you don't have much pain! Like Tami said, don't worry about the workouts. Just focus on healing!!

    Until tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm still here, just not a whole lot of time to do much more than log foods and workouts lately! We're wrapping up regular season hockey (playoff weekend) and then we move into summer hockey and lacrosse!

    Work is busy as ever, dogs are keeping me on my toes and workouts are keeping me sane!

    Looks like you all have been doing great with the workouts, despite some setbacks for a couple of you! Keep up the great work!!
